How to write a multiline default value in giter8? - sbt

All parameters and their default values are fined in the file.
How can you have a parameter with a value that spans over multiple lines?
Example that works:
hello = world
Example that doesn't work
hello = one

Parameters can be written in the standard Java configuration style. So in the example above:
hello = one\


Read embedded data that starts with numbers?

I have embedded data that I have imported into Qualtrics use a web service block. The data comes from a .json file and reads something like 0.male, 1.male, 2.male, etc.
I have been trying to read this into my survey using the Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData method but without luck.
I'm trying to do something that takes the form.
let n = 2
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData(n + ".male")
but this has been returning a NULL result. Is it possible to read embedded data that starts with a number?
Also see:
The issue isn't the number, it is the dot. getEmbeddedData() doesn't work when the name contains a dot. See for possible alternatives.

How to add a line in the pdf generated pdf by `exams` using the `exams2nops`?

We are generating a pdf through exams2nops using the items in blocks of choice, we would like to delimitate the blocks in the PDF adding a horizontal line after the last exercise of each block. Having that in mind we added a ***, ---, <hr/> however the behavior was always the same:
I would like a single line without adding the exercise number that's next in the exam:
It is not so easy to solve this by putting the horizontal line into the exercise file. The reason is that the line is needed after the answerlist but the answerlist is not formatted in the exercise but by exams2nops.
A workaround is to tweak the definition of the {question} environment in the LaTeX template used by exams2nops. By default this is simply:
Where \item is executed at the beginning of the {question} and nothing at the end of it. Changing this by
would insert a horizontal line after every question. If you just want it after selected questions you need to insert if/else statements for certain enumerated items. For example, for inserting the horizontal rule after the second item only, you can redefine:
\renewenvironment{question}{\item}{\ifnum\value{enumi}=2 {\hrulefill} \else {} \fi}
Thus, you get the enumi counter from the {enumerate} environment that you use and compare it with 2. If true, you insert the horizontal line, and otherwise you do nothing.
Adding escapes for the backslashes you can pass this re-definition to exams2nops through the header argument:
exams2nops(c("swisscapital", "switzerland", "tstat2", "deriv2"),
header = "\\renewenvironment{question}{\\item}{\\ifnum\\value{enumi}=2 {\\hrulefill} \\else {} \\fi}")
The resulting output is:

Create new emphasis command R Markdown

In R Markdown, to make a text bold, we just need to do:
The the word code shows in bold.
I was wondering if there is a way to create a new command, let's say:
That would make the text highlighted?
It is not easily possible to create new markup, but one can change the way existing markup commands are rendered. Text enclosed by three stars is interpreted as emphasized strong emphasis. So one has to change that interpretation and change it to something else. One way to do so is via pandoc Lua filters. We just have to match on pandoc's internal representation of emphasized strong text and convert it to whatever we want:
function Strong (strong)
-- if this contains only one element, and if that element
-- is emphasized text, convert it to highlighted text.
local element = #strong.content == 1 and strong.content[1]
if element and element.t == 'Emph' then
table.insert(element.content, 1, pandoc.RawInline('html', '<mark>'))
table.insert(element.content, pandoc.RawInline('html', '</mark>'))
return element.content
The above works for HTML output. One would have to define what "highlighted text" means for each targeted format.
See this and this question for other approaches to the problem, and for details of how to use the filter with R Markdown.

Line continuation in rdoc

I have inherited a bunch of Ruby code with rdoc comments, but many of the options and attributes are multi-line, such as:
# +param+:: Here is a parameter with a really long description
# that won't fit in one line
The end result is really hard to read docs using rdoc, sdoc, or yard. Each displays the second line in a different way. Am I missing something? Is there some way to retain line wraps, but make the generated documentation come out correct?
In YARD it's possible to continue the line by simply adding another comment line without any special annotation, just indent of at least two characters.
You can find it documented here:
For example this code below:
# class description
class Test
# #param [String] one this parameter has an astonishingly
# long description
def method(one)
renders as

AvalonEdit reordering of document lines

We have currently started to evaluate AvalonEdit. We want to use it for a custom language. One of our requirements is to reorder and also to sort document lines by a certain criteria. How can this be accomplished?
Thanks in advance!
AvalonEdit provides the ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document.DocumentLine class but this class just provides meta data on the line's length, starting and ending offset and so on.
In my opinion, there are 2 ways to accomplish your problem
Loop through all lines using TextEditor.LineCount and save the Line into a DocumentLine using TextEditor.Document.GetLineByNumber(int number). Furthermore you can use TextEditor.Document.GetText(DocumentLine.Offset, DocumentLine.Length to get the line's text
Use TextEditor.Text.Split('\n') to get all lines as a string array.
I'd recommend you using the DocumentLine method. Even if you have to use the GetText method in order to get the line's text the meta data on the lines is very nice.
To get all DocumentLines you can use a loop
List<DocumentLine> DocumentLines = new List<DocumentLine>(TextEditor.LineCount - 1);
for (int i = 1; i < TextEditor.LineCount; i++)
