Wordpress post text area missing issue - wordpress

I have an issue that is in wordpress when i click on add new post button the post form appears it is showing everything on that form except the main content text area it's simply not there. I just updated my wordpress and this happens.
Now I have also downgraded my wordpress to previous version but still same issue.
Can anyone help me please.

Make sure all your plugins and theme are up to date, compatible with 4.8.1
Flushing any caching plugins you might be running, as well as server and/or browser caches. Not just your browser, but any op cache or content network cache as well such as CloudFlare.
If that does not resolve the issue, try deactivating ALL plugins temporarily to see if this resolves the problem (plugin functions can interfere). If this works, re-activate them individually (one-by-one) to find the problematic plugin(s).
Edit manually wp-config.php file.
Find the line
define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);
(it is probably true by default installation)
and change in
define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', false);
That might solve your issue. Hope this will helpful for you.


Private or Draft status posts in Wordpress are still visible to public?

I have set my posts page to both private and draft statuses, but whatever I do I can still access it when not logged in! I have tried all browsers/clearing cache/deactivating all caching plugins etc. I am also just using the standard WordPress query & loop ... Does anyone know why else this might happen?
Someone helped me to solve this issue. She spotted 2 issues. According to her "The issue was with the mu-plugins installed in the file manager and also the .htaccess"
The .htaccess was renamed as .htaccess_old (I figured out it was created by nitropack plugin). She reset the .htaccess file to its default values but didn't delete the old .htaccess file she just renamed it .htaccess_old. If ever needed in future.
It's a helpful article on how you can reset .htaccess or create a new one.
Secondly, she manually deactivated and reactivated the plugins from the Wordpress dashboard. And just after that, everything is working perfectly. (Another plugin she pointed out that was causing the problem in my case was elementor-safe-mode.php)
Please thumbs up, if it helps you :)

My Wordpress is showing a blank page in the editor, how can I fix this?

I manage a Wordpress site for a client, after trying to resolve some updates I cannot seem to edit anything inside the editor anymore. Everything is blank (see image). The site itself is still up and working fine. Has anyone ever encountered this?
There are tons of reasons, why this could be happened. Like #jiali sent you a very helpful link, I would say to try and open the debugger: inside wp-config.php file search for define('WP_DEBUG', false); and change the value to true. Then, you propably would see what causing the error and where (either plugin or custom code, or maybe plugins conflict)
Okay so in this case the problem was (when I checked the error log) that the update was not properly installed. Deactivated the plugins inside PHP MyAdmin and then reinstalled Wordpress manually onto site.

Wordpress plugin is not working after migration to a new server

I have moved my wordpress site to a new server, and login.php is working right.
But in there many plugins is not working well, for example the login page is not linked to any other page after I submitted my username and password.
Here is the login page link:
I have entered the invalid username and password, it will also show the blank page, but not error page.
When I add this code in wp-config.php
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
it showed this text. " Notice: Constant WYZ_THEME_DIR already defined in /home/.....".
And I have fixed that, but the same problem.
Now there is no any error debug, but the login page is also not working.
I changed the php version of my site in cpanel, but the same.
Anyone has your idea to solve this issue?
It is possible (I'd even say likely) that on your old server it was using PHP 5.6 (or at least a different version of PHP than your new server) and now you're on 7.0, 7.2 or even 7.3. It would seem that if that's the case, some of your plugins are incompatible.
You should edit your wp-config.php and add
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
so that you can see the errors on your screen, at least until you figure out which plugins are causing the problems.
If it is a matter of PHP version, check with your host to see if they can roll you back, or you'll have to either contact the plugin author and have them update the plugins, or you need to fix the code yourself, based on whatever the error messages you see are.
Edit: if this doesn't solve your problem, first try a default WordPress theme like twenty-nineteen or whatever. If that doesn't solve it, then disable each plugin one at a time until you find the culprit.
I have turned off all my plugins and turn back it one by one.
I have found one of my plugins is caused this problem, it is PM Pro Settings.
So I deactivated it and there is no any problem now.
I am using other plugins on behalf of that one.

wordpress wp-login.php?redirect_to wrong path

This is a weird one. I googled for hours but seems to me not a single person has this same issue.
I moved my website from http://www.domain1.com/wpfolder to http://www.domain2.com . Everything works fine except I cannot get the "wp-login.php?redirect_to" path to point to the correct url.
WordPress keeps setting it to:
It should be setting it to:
The "wpfolder" doesn't exist anymore..
I followed the instructions exactly on how to move a WordPress website, but the darn URL won't change...
Some forum mentioned changing the "site_url" and "home" from "http://www.domain2.com" to "http://domain2.com". Now I can finally get to the admin panel, but I don't get why it needs to be that way?
I cleaned my browser cookies and checked the wp-content folder for cache already. Nada..
Also the rest of the site is functional.
I would appreciate if anyone can help.
I moved the WordPress website from GoDaddy to Bluehost by copying the files and the database and the problem went away. I am not sure why this fixed it, but assuming it has something do with the cache.
If anybody has more information, I would love to read about it.
I was facing the same issue, with same redirection to one of the sub-directory in which wordpress was installed.
Resolved this issue, by clearing the cache, if some cache plugin is active.
Or by deleting the cache plugin if any present and is currently not yet active.
As some entries made by cache plugin inside wp-config.php file creates the above mentioned problem.
After removing the cache plugin, it resolves the WP-admin URL issues.

after wordpress site hacked only displaying white page

Recently a clients site got hacked on Rackspace and since then I have been trying to recover certain items on the site.
I have cleaned everything up and did a framework upgrade.
Now when I am trying to install something new, make changes, or simply post an update it renders a white page after success...
I have disabled all my plugins and still the same issue.
Have any of you experienced this before and what are some of the steps you could give to recover this...
Thanks in advanced.
Ok, so I have managed to find some good tips that has helped.
Ultimately disabled all plugins, reinstalled wordpress, there were some issues in the following files.
wp-config.php, pluggable.php and class.wp-scripts.php - all these missed a closing ?>
And make sure that your themes functions.php file doesn't have any whitespace.
