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How to disable layout and view renderer in ZF2?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
How to disable layout in Zend Framework 3?
Trying to get response from an Ajax call, it needs layout to be disabled.
Here it is
public function indexAction(){
$view = new \Zend\View\Model\ViewModel();
return $view;
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am very new to this, it's my first GUI project. I want to create a GUI in Qt that has multiple windows in which I have buttons that take me from a window to another. Also, across these windows, I will be passing data.
I am using Qt Designer, and I was wondering what would be the best way to do this. Do I create multiple Main Windows for example? Or should they be as Widgets? Or some other way?
Any help would be appreciated.
The main window is one by definition. If you need to create multiple windows however the simplest thing to do is to create a new widget without any parent and show it with show().
QWidget *fstWin = new QWidget(nullptr);
QWidget *scdWin = new QWidget(nullptr);
Your question is very basic. Seems you started to learn GUI from the beginning and probably the programming at all.
Anyway, you dont need more than one Main Window. This is where your program starts.
All other windows must be created from the designer. They are Dialogs. To add a new Dialog, you need to click on your project (right pane), and select Add New...
From the dialog, just select QT and then Qt Designer Form Class. Follow the Wizard and set the type and name of the dialog.
Finishing the Wizard, will add you three items in the project with the name you selected: Header File, Source file (.cpp) and Form file (.ui).
To show a the newly created form, you need to #include your .h file in the mainwindow.h then you need to create a member variable of type "your newly created class" in MainWindow class.
To show the new dialog, just use the function .show() from the member variable. To show the dialog in modal state, use the .exec() function of the member variable.
To pass data between windows, you need to make corresponding methods in your newly created class.
But, just before doing all this stuff, I advise you to take some lessons about Object Oriented Programming. You have to know, what is Class, Object, Member and Field/Variable
Or it will be very hard for you learn more.
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What is data- attribute used for in HTML? And, What are the common combinations with data attribute? [duplicate]
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
What are these types of attributes called?
Those specific attributes are coming out of Phonegap but I've seen these in other web frameworks. Are these custom or part of CSS3?
From the Mozilla Developer Network:
HTML5 is designed with extensibility for data that should be in the HTML, but not visible. data-* attributes allow us to store extra information on standard, semantic HTML elements without polluting the class name.
The syntax is easy. Say you have an article and you want to store some extra information that doesn’t have any visual representation. Just use data attributes for that:
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Closed 11 years ago.
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Image tagging like facebook in
I am developing a website. I want to add a functionality like tagging photos like we have in facebook and orkut.
please suggest how can i do that?
Is there any open source gallery(or paid) which i can directly plug in.
Any solution is welcomed as soon as possible.
Yes. already provides an API for this functionality.
Take a look at this website for information on a C# Wrapper.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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Custom Preloader in Flex 4?
I am working with a flex web application and i want to implement custom loading page on application startup like the above and i am using Flex3.5 sdk.
How can i achieve that. Any code and link would be appreciated.
There are lots of examples out there, but the best ive come accross are the following - had these saved in my gmail account for ages:)
This is the best one ive seen
Adding an image to the background of the preloader
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Practical Application of MVC || When to use, or not use MVC
(5 answers)
Closed 7 months ago.
I've recently walked through the entire NerdDinner pdf and sample with the final ASP.NEt MVC build and am thoroughly impressed. Before I start touting it's awesomeness through within our dev group, I'd like to also know what some of the pitfalls or misuses of this new stack. Can I possibly get an outline or explanation of when not to use this?
Using controls built for ASP.Net webforms with MVC can be either very tricky or even impossible, depending on the control.