DynamoDB: Keys and what they mean - amazon-dynamodb

I'm confused as to how to use DynamoDB table keys. The documentation mentions HASH (which seem to also be referred to as Partition) keys and RANGE (or SORT?) keys. I'm trying to roughly align these with my previous understanding of database indexing theories.
My current, mostly guess-based understanding is that a HASH key is essentially a primary key - it must be unique and is automatically indexed for fast-reading - and a RANGE key is basically something you should apply to any other field you plan on querying on (either in a WHERE-like or sorting context).
This is then somewhat confused by the introductions of Local and Global Secondary Indexes. How do they play into things?
If anyone could nudge me in the right direction, bearing in mind my current, probably flawed understanding has come from the docs, I'd be super grateful.

Basically, the DynamoDB table is partitioned based on partition key (otherwise called hash key).
1) If the table has only partition key, then it has to be unique. The DynamoDB table performance based pretty much on the partition key. The good partition key should be a well scattered value (should not have a sequence number as partition key like RDBMS primary key in legacy systems).
2) If the table has both partition key and sort key (otherwise called RANGE key), then the combination of them needs to be unique. It is a kind of concatenation key in RDBMS terms.
However, the usage differs in DynamoDB table. DynamoDB doesn't have a sorting functionality (i.e. ORDER BY clause) across the partition keys. For example, if you have 10 items with same partition key value and different sort key values, then you can sort the result based on the sort key attribute. You can't apply sorting on any other attributes including partition key.
All sort key values of a partition key will be maintained in the same partition for better performance (i.e. physically co-located).
LSI - There can be only one LSI for the table. It should be defined when you create the table. This is kind of alternate sort key for the table
GSI - In order to understand GSI, you need to understand the difference between SCAN and QUERY API in DynamoDB.
SCAN - is used when you don't know the partition key (i.e. full table scan to get the item)
QUERY - is used when you know the partition key (i.e. sort key is optional)
As DynamoDB costing is based on read/write capacity units and for better performance, scan is not the best option for most of the use cases. So, there is an option to create the GSI with alternate partition keys based on the Query Access Pattern (QAP).
GSI Example


Primary key scheme

I'm just getting started with DynamoDB and am not sure how to generate the primary key. Based on my research I see two good schemes.
Timestamp combined with a random number
Are these good options? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two options?
In DynamoDB, primary keys are called Partition Key. Those two options are good, but it really depends on your case specifically. Here are two good posts on DynamoDB Partition keys: https://aws.amazon.com/pt/blogs/database/choosing-the-right-dynamodb-partition-key/ and https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/GuidelinesForTables.html
Both the options mentioned above are subjected to your use-case. The optimal usage of a dynamoDB's table provisioned throughput depends mainly on two factors:
The primary key selection
The workload patterns on individual items
Primary keys can be simple (a partition key) or a composite key (primary key & a sort key). Imagine it as blocks are created in database as per partition key and elements are arranged in those blocks as per sort key.
Now as per dynamoDB official guide, structure the primary key elements to avoid one "hot" (heavily requested) partition key value to avoid slow overall performance. If your application has many users, then USER_ID can be a good partition key which will distribute loads and optimize performance
Consider a table with composite primary key, with date as the partition key. The number of records created on that particular day, say 2018-01-12, will be written in same partition, with sort key as item identifier.

What's the recommended index schema for dynamo for a typical crud application?

I've been reading some DynamoDB index docs and they've left me more confused than anything. Let's clear the air with a concrete example.
I have a simple calendar application, where I have an events table. Here are the columns I have:
id: guid,
name: string,
startTimestamp: integer,
calendarId: guid (foreign key in a traditional RDBMS model)
ownerId: guid (foreign key in a traditional RDBMS model)
I'd like to perform queries such as:
Get an event by ID
Get all events where calendarId = x and ownerId = y
Get all events where startTimestamp is between x and y and calendarId = z
DynamoDB docs seem to heavily suggest avoiding using the event's ID as a partition/sort key here, so what's the recommended schema?
This is a problem that everyone wrestles with when they start with (and indeed when they are experienced with) DynamoDB.
Pricing and throughput
Let's start with how DynamoDB is priced (its related - honestly). Ignoring the free tier for a moment, you pay $0.25 per GB per month for data at rest. You also pay $0.47 per Write Capacity Unit (WCU) per month and $0.09 per Read Capacity Unit (RCU) per month. Throughput is the number of WCUs and RCUs on your table. You have to specify throughput up front on your table - the volume of writes and reads you can perform on your table is limited by your throughput provision. Pay more money and you can do more reads and writes per second. The exact details of how DynamoDB partitions tables can be found in this answer.
Now we need to consider table partitioning. Tables must have a primary key. A primary key must have a hash key (aka a partition key) and may optionally have a sort key (aka a range key). DynamoDB creates partitions based on your hash key values. Within a partition key value the data is sorted by range key, if you have specified one.
Data Access
If you have the exact primary key (hash key and range key if there is one), you can instantly access an item using GetItem. If you have multiple items to get, you can use BatchGetItem.
DynamoDB can only 'search' data in two ways. A Query can only take data from one partition in one call, because it uses the partition key (and optionally a sort key) it is quick. A Scan always evaluates every item in table, so its typically slow and doesn't scale well on large tables.
Throughput distribution
This is where is gets interesting. DynamoDB takes all the throughput you have purchased and evenly spreads it over all of you table partitions. Imagine you have 10 WCUs and 10 RCUs on your table, and 5 partitions, that means you have 2 WCUs and 2 RCUs per partition. That's fine if you access each partition evenly, you get to use all of your purchased throughput. But imagine you only ever access one partition. Now you've purchased 10 WCUs and RCUs but you are only using 2. Your table is going to be much slower than you thought. One option is to just buy more throughput, that will work, but its probably not very satisfactory to most engineers.
Uniform Access v Natural Access
Based on the above we know we want to design a table where each partition gets accessed evenly. However, in my experience people get too hung up about this, which is not surprising if you read the article I just linked (which you also linked).
Remember that partition keys is what we use in a Query to get our data fast, and avoid regular Scans. Some people get too focussed making their partition access perfectly uniform, and end up with a table they can't query quickly.
The answer
I like to refer to Best Practices for Tables guide. And particularly the table where it says User ID is a good partition key so long many user access your application regularly. (It actually says where you have many users - which is not correct, the size of the table is irrelevant).
Its a balance between uniform access and being able to use intuitive, natural queries for your application, but what I am saying is, if you are new to DyanmoDB, the right answer probably is to design your table based on intuitive access. After you've done that successfully, have a think about uniform access and hot partitions, but just remember access doesn't have to be perfectly uniform. There are various design patterns to achieve both intuitive and uniform access, but these can be complicated for those starting out and in many cases can probably discourage people using DynamoDB if they get too focussed on the uniform access idea.
Most applications will have users. For most queries, in most applications, the most common query you will do is get data for a user. So the first option for most application's primary partition key will often be a user id. That's fine, as long as you don't have a few very high hitting users and many users that never log in.
Another tip. If your table is called vegetables, your primary partition key will probably be vegetable id. If your table is called shoes, your primary partition key will probably be shoe id.
Most applications will have many items for each user (or vegetable or shoe). The primary key has to be unique. A good option often is to add a date range (sort) key - perhaps the datetime the item was created. This then orders the items within the user partition by creation date, and also gives each item a unique composite primary key (i.e. hash key + range key). It's also fine to use a generated UUID as a range key, you wont use the ordering it gives you, but you can then have many items per user and still use the Query function.
Indexes are not a solution
Aha! But I can just make my partition key totally random, then apply an index with a partition key of the attribute I really want to query on. That way I get uniform access AND fast intutive queries.
Sadly not. Indexes have their own throughput and partitioning, separate to the table the index is built on. Just imagine indexes as a whole new table - that's basically what they are. Indexes are not a work around to uneven partition access.
Finally - your schema
Primary Key
Hash Key: Event ID
Range Key: None
Global Secondary index
Hash Key: Calendar ID
Range Key: startTimestamp
Assuming Event ID is uniformly accessed, it would be a great hash key. You would really need to describe how your data is distributed to discuss this much more. Other things that come in to play are how fast you want queries to work and how much you are willing to pay (e.g. secondary indexes are expensive).
And your queries:
Get an event by ID
GetItem using Event ID
Get all events where calendarId = x and ownerId = y
Query by GSI parition key, add a condition on ownerId
Get all events where startTimestamp is between x and y and calendarId = z
Query by GSI parition key, add a condition on range key
I just want to add something to the accepted anwser:
Get all events where calendarId = x and ownerId = y
Query by GSI parition key, add a condition on ownerId
This method is not reliable. I guess that when you say "add a condition on ownerId", you mean "add a Filter expression on ownerId" (Definition by Alex DeBrie)
But the 1MB read limit by DynamoDB makes it unreliable.
It is better explained in the link above, but here is the sumup:
If you calendar has a lot of events, that represent data with size over 1MB, the results on which you apply the condition ownerId==X will be truncated to the first 1MB, excluding the rest of the data.

Does a sort key in dynamo sort even with different partition keys?

Getting acclimated to DynamoDB : )
If I have a table with a unique partition key, like a unique id, and I use a time stamp as a sort key, how will Dynamo sort my data?
Will I have the most recent things in one partition, and the older things in other partitions?
I ask because I want to know how to assign throughput, and I'm certain my recently created and edited items will be most likely to be accessed, and the old stuff can pretty much be archived.
Dynamodb keeps all the items of a particular partition key in one partition. For eg, if there are 10 items available for a specific partition key with different timestamps, all the 10 items will be present on single partition. So that when the data is retrieved for a partition key, all the items can be retrieved from single partition. This makes the retrieval process faster.
Reg the sorting, Dynamodb sorts the data for the particular partition key. You can use the ScanIndexForward parameter to sort the data by ascending or descending order.

Are Dynamodb UUID hashkeys better than sequentially generated ones

I think I understand the concept of not having hot hashKeys so that you use all the partitions in provisioning throughput. But do UUID hashKeys do a better job of distributing across the partitions than numerically sequenced ones? In both cases is a hashcode generated from the key and that value used to assign to a partition? If so, how do the hashcodes from two strings like: "100444" and "100445" differ? Are they close?
"100444" and "100445" are not any more likely to be in the same partition than a completely different number, like "12345" for example. Think of a DynamoDB table as a big hash table, where the hash key of the table is the key into the hash table. The underlying hash table is organized by the hash of the key, not by the key itself. You'll find that numbers and strings (UUIDs) both distribute fine in DynamoDB in terms of their distribution across partitions.
UUIDs are useful in DynamoDB because sequential numbers are difficult to generate in a scalable way for primary keys. Random numbers work well for primary keys, but sequential values are hard to generate without gaps and in a way that scales to the level of throughput that you can provision in a DynamoDB table. When you insert new items into a DynamoDB table, you can use conditional writes to ensure an item doesn't already exist with that primary key value.
(Note: this question is also cross-posted in this AWS Forums post and discussed there as well).

Query a range of primary keys in dynamodb

I want to make sure I get this right,
Based on what I've read so far, you can NOT query a range of primary keys in dynamodb,
like if you have a primary key which is number like the phone number of your customers, you can not get items with primary keys larger than 3010000000 or between 3010000000 and 3020000000
to make it clear, I am not talking about the range key, my questions is about the primary key itself,
so if this is true, there are lots of use cases, like items between dates, users registered after some point, and... , that requiers either table scans,
is this correct?
EDIT: OK, one solution that comes to mind, would be to use only one dummy hash_key for primary key and insert the real key (like phone numbers above) as range keys, does this work?
Yes, you can not get a range of hash_key with DynamoDb. But this does not mean you are stuck with your use case.
Let's take the 'dates' use case and say your are building a logging application. You are likely to get lots of records each day.
If you use the day as the hash_key, you can put the full timestamp as the range_key. This way, you can split your query into chunks and get what you want.
Of course, to get the optimal results, you will need to know well the kind of queries. For example, what is the typical range ? With DynamoDb, as well as other key:value store, you most of the time model your data with query in mind, unlike SQL when you model with only data in mind.
Of course, if your items spans on larger/shorter range, just adapt this system.
Concerning the "all under the same dummy hash_key" sounds like a terrible idea. Sorry. I am not a hundred percent sure how it really works but I know DynamoDB does some sharding across so called partitions. I believe 1 hash_key <=> 1 partitions. Moreover, If read closely the documentation, you'll notice that the provisionned throughput is splited evenly between the partitions so that each partitions is only allocated a fraction of what you pay for.
Without modifying the keys of your primary DynamoDB table, you can add a GSI with a constant partition key and your primary table's partition key as its sort key.
This will enable you to query on the index's sort key and use the resulting partition keys to get the data you're looking for.
