mrt:accounts-stripe - meteor stripe login - meteor

I'm using mrt/accounts-stripe package to connect users' Stripe account to create transfers (payouts) to their account.
Basically what I've done so far, is to let the users login or create the account in my platform (even if it's not a Stripe one) and allow them to login via stripe to connect the account and let them receiving money from my service.
The problem is that once called the Meteor.loginWithStripe function of the package, it performs a logout and a login with the Stripe email and I don't want this kind of situation as it must keep the user's informations and connect the account instead of create a new one.
I'm using also these packages
client side
stripe_landing: 'login',
scope : "read_write"
}, function (err) {
if (err){
console.log('stripe error : ' + err);
} else {
console.log('NO ERROR ON LOGIN');
startup and settings
ServiceConfiguration.configurations.upsert({ service: 'stripe' },{
$set: {
service: 'stripe',
appId: stripeAppId ,
secret: stripeSecret,
scope: 'read_write',
stripe_landing : "login"
How to keep the logged user and connect the Stripe account instead of logout and login with the Stripe account user infos?

The solution was just to add the accounts-meld package to the meteor project


Testing Meteor application with Chimp/Mocha - automatic login to test authenticated routes

I'm testing some forms in a Meteor application using Mocha. The routes in the application are authenticated, so only logged in users or users who have a role of 'administrator' can view them.
When the test opens the browser to view the url and fill the form in, it gets redirected to the login page as expected.
Is there a way to automatically log the user in before doing the test so I don't have to remove the route authentication?
Here's the test code so far
describe( 'Create a Client', function() {
it( 'should create a new client #watch', function() {
use this:
function login(user) {
browser.executeAsync(function(user, done) {
Meteor.loginWithPassword(user.username, user.password, done)
}, user)
// now you can do this:
username: 'someone',
password: 'aSecret'
Note that you need to make sure the user exists first, and for that you can use fixtures.
See here for more info:

How to ban a user temporarily in Meteor

I'm developing a simple application using Meteor to learn the framework. I'm using the accounts-password package which incorporates the accounts-base package.
User's will create an account and their email address will serve as their username for login in. This all works perfectly fine as intended. Now I want to take this to the next level.
I want to have the ability to temporarily ban a user for a temporary set period of time - let's say a week.
Is this functionality possible using the accounts-password package or is there another package that exists which will accomplish this functionality? Otherwise how can I implement this functionality on my own?
How about using something like isBanned flag in the users collection against each user? That way, you check for this flag before logging the user in. You could further extend this by having a date field when the ban was applied and later have a way to calculate the elapsed time to see if the ban can be auto-lifted.
"username" : "superadmin",
"profile" : {
"isActive" : true,
"createdBy" : "system",
// is this user banned?
"isBanned" : false,
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2016-10-07T17:33:42.773Z"),
"loginTime" : ISODate("2016-10-07T17:25:44.068Z"),
"logoutTime" : ISODate("2016-10-07T17:33:42.660Z")
"roles" : [
Your login form events could be like:{
'submit #login-form': function(event,template){
// Check for isBanned flag
if(Meteor.users.find({username: template.find("#userName").value,isBanned: false}) {
function(error) {
if (error) {
// Display the login error to the user however you want
console.log("Error logging in. Error is: " + error);
Session.set('loginErrorMessage', error.message);

Meteor.. accounts- password-- Create account on client without login

I'm using accounts-password package - Meteor.
I code interface for admin.
Admin will create accounts for other user.
email: "",
password : "abc123",
profile: { name: register_name }
But after this code executed, my application automatic login with account, wich i don't want it
How to create accounts without automatic login?
I read accounts-password source but i dont know how to remove automatic login
I also tried to use Meteor.users.insert function but Accounts.setPassword didn't work..
This is a normal behavior using accounts package, to avoid messing with the source code use a Meteor.method/
This is a simple example,also you can use the default username filed and not a profile:{name:register_name}.
}else if(Meteor.isClient){{
'click #createAccount':function(){'createUserFromAdmin',email,password,username,function(err,result){
console.log("a new user just got created")
console.log("something goes wrong with the following error message " +err.reason )
With this you can create multiple accounts on the admin template, and keep the autologin behavior on the sign-up template (if you have one)

Meteor Accounts - Users Logged Out on Refresh

I am using the 'accounts-base' and 'accounts-password' packages and the Accounts.createUser method to create users from a login form (i.e. I am not using the accounts-ui package).
the documentation explains that the user thus created includes a 'services' object
"containing data used by particular login services. For example, its
reset field contains tokens used by forgot password links, and its
resume field contains tokens used to keep you logged in between
This is true and accounts created using my login form all have loginTokens. However, when I refresh the browser, these tokens are deleted and the user is logged-out.
The documentation appears to suggest that resume tokens are handled automatically by the accounts-base / accounts-password packages. What have I missed?
username: username,
email: username,
password: password
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
Router.go('/member/' + Meteor.userId() +'/edit')
"resume" :
{ "loginTokens" :
"when" : ISODate("2014-04-17T22:13:50.832Z"),
"hashedToken" : "KstqsW9aHqlw6pjfyQcO6jbGCiCiW3LGAXJaVS9fQ+o="
...but on refresh:
"resume" : { "loginTokens" : [ ] } },
After an exhaustive audit of my code I found that I was (idiotically) invoking the Accounts.logout method outside the confines of the log-out button event. It had somehow become 'orphaned' during an earlier re-factoring of the code
So all my fault.

How can I create users server side in Meteor?

In the new Meteor auth branch how can I create users server side?
I see how to create them client side with the call to
[Client] Meteor.createUser(options, extra, callback)
But suppose I want to create a Meteor user collection record on startup?
For example, the Administrator account during startup/bootstrapping for an application?
On newer versions of meteor use
username: username,
email : email,
password : password,
profile : {
//publicly visible fields like firstname goes here
note: the password hash is generated automatically
On older versions of meteor use:
mrt add accounts-base
mrt add accounts-password
On some versions of meteor you cannot call SRP password salt generator as Steeve suggested, so try this:
2 - do Meteor.users.insert( )
var newUserId =
emails: [''],
profile : { fullname : 'peter' }
note: a user must have EITHER a username or an email address. I used email in this example.
3 - Finally set the password for the newly created account.
Accounts.setPassword(newUserId, 'newPassword');
Probably it's a well known fact now, but for the sake of completing this - there's a new server API for doing this on the auth branch. From the docs on auth:
" [Server] Meteor.createUser(options, extra) - Creates a user and
sends that user an email with a link to choose their initial password
and complete their account enrollment
options a hash containing: email (mandatory), username (optional)
extra: extra fields for the user object (eg name, etc). "
Please note the API is subject to change as it's not on the master branch yet.
For now this has been suggested in the meteor-core google group.
Meteor.users.insert({username: 'foo', emails: [''], name: 'baz', services: {password: {srp: Meteor._srp.generateVerifier('password')}}});
It works. I tested it in during startup/boot strap.
I would not consider this the permanent or long term answer because I believe the auth branch is still in a great degree of change and I imagine the team behind Meteor will provide some kind of functionality for it.
So, do not depend on this as a long term answer.
At the moment, I believe you cannot. Running'createUser', {username: "foo", password: "bar"});
comes close, but the implementation of createUser in passwords_server.js calls this.setUserId on success, and setUserId cannot be called on the server unless we're in a client-initiated method invocation (search for "Can't call setUserId on a server initiated method call" in livedata_server.js.
This does seem like something worth supporting. Perhaps the last three lines of createUser, which log the user in, should be controlled by a new boolean login option to the method? Then you could use'createUser', {username: "foo", password: "bar", login: false});
in server bootstrap code.
I've confirmed that the following code in my server/seeds.js file works with the most recent version of Meteor (Release
if (Meteor.users.find().count() === 0) {
seedUserId = Accounts.createUser({
email: '',
password: '123456'
Directory (or folder) of server means I'm running the code on the server. The filename seeds.js is completely arbitrary.
The official documentation now describes both the behavior for Accounts.createUser() when run on the client and when run on the server.
Working coffeescript example for Meteor version (server side):
userId = Accounts.createUser
username: 'user'
email: ''
password: 'password'
name: 'user name'
user = Meteor.users.findOne userId
I struggled for some time with this API getting 'User already exists' exception in working code before adding to the options and exception disappeared.
reference: Accounts.createUser(options,[callback])
Create user from server side
// Server method
register: function(data) {
try {
console.log("Register User");
user = Accounts.createUser({
password: data.password,
profile: {
createdOn: new Date(),
IsInternal: 0
return {
"userId": user
} catch (e) {
throw e;
// Client call method'register',{email: "",password: "123456"}, function(error, result){
