Microsoft SharePoint is not supported with version 4.0.30319.225 -

I'm using SharePoint 2010, Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Edition with SP1. In my Console Project, I targeted .net framework 4.0, same with all the other 10 projects in the solution.
I did this to make the NSAPConnector work. NSAPConnector is the .net connector we used in consuming SAP BAPI functions.
Is there a work around for this setup to work? Or I would have to retarget all projects to .net framework 3.5? If I do that then the NSAPConnector will not work any more.

The requirements for SharePoint 2010 ( ) list Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1 as a hard requirement. SharePoint 2010 isn't supported (and as you can see) doesn't work any other version of .Net.
You aren't clear on what integrations you are doing with SharePoint. If you doing have to tie in directly to server side SharePoint hooks, you can remotely integrate with SharePoint via SOAP APIs, SharePoint's Client Side Object Model and its REST APIs. This would free you up to use a client .Net Framework that is compatible with your SAP library.
If you need to tie into SharePoint server side, then you will need to host your SAP connecting code out of process (say for example as a Windows service or behind a web service interface and have your SharePoint Server code interact with your service/web service end point.


Migrate VS2010 to VS2013 - what would be the major changes we would be facing?

I have one web application in C# which is developed using Visual Studio 2010 and I want to convert or Migrate that web application in Visual Studio 2013 (C#).
Note:- Below listed things I used in my current Web Application using VS2010 (C#)
Asp.Net Server Controls.
ClassLibrary (.dll).
Web services.
Above Listed things I used in my current Web application which is in VS2010.
Now, My Question Is- What would be the major changes I would be facing if I am using all above listed Microsoft Technologies using C# and Migrate it to VS2013.
The biggest change for us was that Visual Studio Setup Project was depreciated in VS 2012, so we had to build new installers.
Also, which version of .NET is you application? Keep in mind framework targeting for Visual Studios (basically if your application is .NET 3.5 SP 1 or newer you should be fine):
The Web Services should also be okay, if you intend to keep creating web services instead of switching to WCF, you may want to look at this:
Create a asmx web service in C# using visual studio 2013
The thing we first noticed is VS2013 uses IIS Express 8.0, at the time our production web server was IIS 6 - we encountered, on numerous occasions a web.config setting working fine locally but forgot to add the IIS 6 equivalent.
For our web apps we kept targeting the same .Net framework and I can't recall any issues. For your reference our stack was Asp.Net MVC 4, EF 5 WebApi plus numerous NuGet packages. So we didn't have any server controls.
You may also want to ensure all your VS2010 plugins have a 2013 equivalent.
You shouldn't have any problem at all with the types of proyects you are using.
You could even open the solution with VS2013 and then open it back with VS2010 SP1 without any problem (as long as you don't switch the .NET framework to 4.5).
Starting from VS2012, Microsoft made changes to allow developers open a solution with older versions of VS (VS2010 SP1 being the oldest version that supports this). There ARE some proyect types that won't be compatible, but from the things you listed, you won't have any problems.
When you open the Solution with newest VS, it WILL make some changes, but you still will be able to open it with VS2010 SP1 (again, with some exceptions).
Anyway, my suggestion is, install VS2013 in a test machine and try it out. You can even create an Azure VM with VS2013 PreInstalled in minutes to try it out.
There is already available VS2015 preview, why not wait until it is released? (or use the preview)
as other said, it should not brake much

Enterprice portal application in .Net other than Sharpoint

My client need an enterprise web portal app where a set of applications will be shown in the portlets and he can work on those portlets or navigate to the particular web application by clicking the relevant portlet. I would like to know about the available software that I can use to develop the Portal in .Net since the client is a .Net company.
I know SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics is there by I need to know other alternatives available in .net language stack .
You can install AX addons to Visual Studio that will allow you to access AOT objects in a .net application. You can find an example in my response here:
How to use microsoft's Dynamics AX classes?

what is the key different between ASP.NET 2008 with Web developer express 2008?

// question has been modified
I start to learn ASP.NET and the book uses Web developer express 2008 as the development platform.
I would like to know what the key difference between using the professional VS 2008 and this free express version.
Thank you
ASP.Net is the platform. Web Developer Express is an IDE that allows you to write code for the platform...
There are several Visual Studio versions, all of which can be used to write code in any of the .Net languages (C#, VB, etc) as well as targeting WinForms or web applications ( 3.0 or 4.0? new Project

We are starting developing new web-based application in weeks times.
Which version of would you guys recommend. ASP.NET 3.0 or ASP.NET 4.0 (visual studio 2008 or Visual studio 2010)?
Previously we have worked on ASP.NET 2.0 using visual studio 2005
Same with sql server should we keep using sql server 2005 or migrate it to sql server 2008
If you are starting a new project and you don't intend to use third party libraries that are not compatible with .NET 4.0 then go for ASP.NET 4.0 (Choose Visual Studio 2010 as 2008 cannot target .NET 4.0). As far as SQL Server is concerned, because this is a migration you might need to first analyze what would be the possible impacts on your current infrastructure.
If you have the tools available, and you host the site yourself (not paying a 3rd party hoster) than there is no reason to not use VS2010 and .net 4. If you do have a 3rd party host the site, they may not yet support .net 4.
At the very least, you should use VS2010 and target .net 3.5. That way when you are ready to go to .net 4, it will be an easier switch.
Agreed. If you have the tools, definitely go with 4.0.
VS 2010 is great.
If you start a new project with moderately out-dated tools, you'll soon find that you are maintaining a project with very out-dated tools. Start with the latest stable tools and you push out your upgrade costs a little further.
I would say generally that the same goes for SQL Server. Assuming you have no licensing problems or existing infrastructure, go with the latest version. SQL Server 2008 was not nearly as big an upgrade as VS 2010. You won't have any trouble with a transition to the new tools, etc.

Connectivity of Winform Applications/ASP.NET application with SAP databases

How can I fetch data in a Winforms application or ASP.NET form from a SAP database? The .NET framework used is 2.0. , language is C# and SAP version is 7.10.
Not sure if this will work for you, but there's a C library, which can probably be used from your C# application and which provides a quite easy API for calling BAPIs in SAP. (Accessing the underlying database directly via SQL is not to be recommended... Better use BAPIs or a custom-tailored RFC-enabled function module.)
You may also be able to use the "SAP connector for Microsoft .NET" (from the same link above), but it was developed with .NET 1.1 and may have compatibility problems with .NET 2.0?!
Update (2011): Since Dec. 2010 there is a new version of the "SAP connector for Microsoft .NET" available, which works with .NET Frameworks 2.0, 3.5 and 4.0. This would now be the perfect solution for your question! See ---> SAP connector for Microsoft .NET
Apologies for the plug.... I work for ERP-Link, and we have a product, iNet.BPS, which is a VS2005 plug-in that helps you create proxy objects that can be used by your .NET code to call BAPI's on an SAP system. iNet.BPS lets you customize the BAPI method calls, for instance it lets you elide optional parameters your application is not using, thus simplifying your code by not having to pass over a dozen parameters to the BAPI. This product is not dependent on SAP AG's SAP Connector for .NET.
Here's a link to the marketing page,
