I want to put some part of object into double quote like the example given below:
Required Output
"Group 1" = 3, "Group 2" = 3
Test <- structure("Group 1 = 3, Group 2 = 3", class = "noquote")
[1] Group 1 = 3, Group 2 = 3
[1] "Group 1 = 3, Group 2 = 3"
Actually I have a long character string (here Labs)
Labs <- c("Group 1", "Group 2")
Test <- noquote(paste(Labs, "= 3", collapse = ", "))
[1] Group 1 = 3, Group 2 = 3
However, I want to have output like this
"Group 1" = 3, "Group 2" = 3
You can use single quotes to let R know where the string begins and ends. That will let you have double quotes inside of it:
Test <- c('"Group 1" = 3', '"Group 2" = 3')
If you print it, then by default it's going to show you the escape characters. However, you can just cat it, or use some fancier options, depending on your needs.
"Group 1" = 3 "Group 2" = 3
I am trying to make a descriptive statistics table in R and my code functions properly (producing a table) but despite the fact that I have no missing values in my dataset, the table outputs all of my values as missing. I am still a novice in R, so I do not have a broad enough knowledge base to troubleshoot.
My code:
data <- read_excel("Data.xlsx")
data$stage <-
factor(data$stage, levels=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7),
labels =c("Stage 0", "Stage 1", "Stage 2", "Stage 3", "Unsure", "Unsure (Early Stage)", "Unsure (Late Stage"))
data$primary_language <-factor(data$primary_language, levels=c(1,2), labels = c("Spanish", "English"))
data$status_zipcode <- factor(data$status_zipcode, levels = (1:3), labels = c("Minority", "Majority", "Diverse"))
data$status_censusblock <- factor(data$status_censusblock, levels = c(0:2), labels = c("Minority", "Majority", "Diverse"))
data$self_identity <- factor(data$self_identity, levels = c(0:1), labels = c("Hispanic/Latina","White/Caucasian"))
data$subjective_identity <- factor(data$subjective_identity, levels = c(0,1,2,4), labels = c("Hispanic/Latina", "White/Caucasian", "Multiracial", "Asian"))
label (data$stage)<- "Stage at Diagnosis"
label(data$age) <- "Age"
label(data$primary_language) <- "Primary language"
label(data$status_zipcode)<- "Demographic Status in Zipcode Area"
label(data$status_censusblock)<- "Demographic Status in Census Block Group"
label(data$self_identity) <- "Self-Identified Racial/Ethnic Group"
label(data$subjective_identity)<- "Racial/Ethnic Group as Identified by Others"
table1(~ stage +age + primary_language + status_zipcode + status_censusblock + self_identity + subjective_identity| primary_language, data=data)
Table output:
enter image description here
Data set:
enter image description here
When I run the data set the values are there. It actually worked for me when I re-did the spacing:
data$stage <- factor(data$stage,
levels = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7),
labels = c("Stage 0", "Stage 1", "Stage 2", "Stage 3", "Unsure", "Unsure (Early Stage)", "Unsure (Late Stage"))
When I did it exactly as you typed it came up with NA's, too. Try the first and see if it works for you that way. Then check the spacing for the others. That may be all it is.
I do end up with one NA on the stage column because 0 is not defined in your levels.
Edit: Ran the rest so here are some other points.
You end up with an NA in stage because one of your values is 0 but it's not defined with a label
You end up with NA's in language because you have a 0 and a 1 but you define it as 1, 2. So you'd need to change to the values. You end up with NA's in other portions because of the :
Change your code to this and you should have the values you need except that initial 0 in "stage":
data$stage <- factor(data$stage,
labels =c("Stage 0", "Stage 1", "Stage 2", "Stage 3", "Unsure", "Unsure (Early Stage)", "Unsure (Late Stage"))
data$primary_language <-factor(data$primary_language,
labels = c("Spanish", "English"))
data$status_zipcode <- factor(data$status_zipcode,
levels = c(0,1,2),
labels = c("Minority", "Majority", "Diverse"))
data$status_censusblock <- factor(data$status_censusblock,
levels = c(0,1,2),
labels = c("Minority", "Majority", "Diverse"))
data$self_identity <- factor(data$self_identity,
levels = c(0,1),
labels = c("Hispanic/Latina","White/Caucasian"))
data$subjective_identity <- factor(data$subjective_identity,
levels = c(0,1,2,4),
labels = c("Hispanic/Latina", "White/Caucasian", "Multiracial", "Asian"))
enter image description here
I have some data that shows Twitter connections between people (i.e. people that tag other users in their tweets) and would like to map out the connections between people. In some cases the relationship is reciprocal, as in both people have tagged the other while some people have been tagged but have not tweeted.
In the example below, Person A has tagged Person B and Person C, while Person C has only tagged Person B. The arrows are unidirectional from Person A -> Person C and from Person C -> Person B, but bidirectional between Person A <-> Person B. Is it possible to makes these arrows different colours?
df <- data.frame (from = c("Person A", "Person A", "Person B", "Person C"),
to = c ("Person B", "Person C", "Person A", "Person B"),
weight = c (1, 3, 4, 5)
g_1 <- graph.data.frame(df,
directed = TRUE)
plot (g_1,
edge.width = E(g_1)$weight)
It is possible to choose edge color specifing color argument of E and it is possible to find reciprocical edge thanks to is.mutual() function :
E(g_1)$color <- "grey50"
E(g_1)$color[is.mutual(g_1)] = "red"
plot(g_1, edge.width = E(g_1)$weight)
You can use the duplicated() function to colourize bidirectional edges (taken from R reciprocal edges in igraph in R and modified for colouring instead of curving):
E(g_1)[duplicated(E) | duplicated(E,fromLast =TRUE)]$color <- "red"
Complete example:
df <- data.frame (from = c("Person A", "Person A", "Person B", "Person C"),
to = c ("Person B", "Person C", "Person A", "Person B"),
weight = c (1, 3, 4, 5)
g_1 <- graph.data.frame(df,
directed = TRUE)
E <- t(apply(get.edgelist(g_1),1,sort))
E(g_1)$color <- "grey50"
E(g_1)[duplicated(E) | duplicated(E,fromLast =TRUE)]$color <- "red"
plot (g_1, edge.width = E(g_1)$weight)
When I try to run the following code I get an error:
value <- as.matrix(wsu.wide[, c(4, 3, 2)])
Error in [.data.frame(wsu.wide, , c(4, 3, 2)) : undefined columns
How do I get this line of work? It's part of dcasting my data.
This is full the code:
Store_and_Regional_Sales_Database <- read_excel("~/Downloads/Data_Files/Store and Regional Sales Database.xlsx", skip = 2)
store <- Store_and_Regional_Sales_Database
freq <- table(store$`Sales Region`)
rel.freq <- freq / nrow(store)
rel.freq.scaled <- rel.freq * 100
labs <- paste(names(rel.freq.scaled), "\n", "(", rel.freq.scaled, "%", ")", sep = "")
pie(rel.freq.scaled, labels = labs, main = "Pie Chart of Sales Region")
monitor <- store[which(store$`Item Description` == '24" Monitor'),]
wsu <- as.data.frame(monitor[c("Week Ending", "Store No.", "Units Sold")])
wsu.wide <- dcast(wsu, "Store No." ~ "Week Ending", value.var = "Units Sold")
value <- as.matrix(wsu.wide[, c(4, 3, 2)])
This is my table called "monitor":
When I then make this wsu <- as.data.frame(monitor[c("Week Ending", "Store No.", "Units Sold")]) I create another vector with only variables "Week Ending", "Store No." and "Units Sold".
However, as I write the wsu.wide code the ouput I get is only this:
Why do I only get this small table when I'm asking to dcast my data?
After this I don't get what is wrong.
The problem is at the line:
wsu.wide <- dcast(wsu, "Store No." ~ "Week Ending", value.var="Units Sold")
Instead of the double quotation mark " you should use the grave accent - ` in the formula:
wsu.wide <- dcast(wsu, `Store No.` ~ `Week Ending`, value.var = "Units Sold")
To avoid this kind of problem it is better not to use spaces in the R object names it is better to substitute Sales Region variable name to sales_region using underscore. See e.g. Google's R Style Guide.
Please see the code below, I used simulation of your data as extract it from the picture is quite cumbersome:
n <- 4
Store_and_Regional_Sales_Database <- data.frame(
a = seq_along(LETTERS[1:n]),
sr = LETTERS[1:n],
sr2 = '24" Monitor',
sr3 = 1:4,
sr4 = 2:5,
sr5 = 3:6)
names(Store_and_Regional_Sales_Database)[2:6] <- c(
"Sales Region", "Item Description",
"Week Ending", "Store No.", "Units Sold")
# algorithm
store <- Store_and_Regional_Sales_Database
freq <- table(store$`Sales Region`)
rel.freq <- freq/nrow(store)
rel.freq.scaled <- rel.freq * 100
labs <- paste(names(rel.freq.scaled), "\n", "(", rel.freq.scaled, "%", ")", sep = "")
pie(rel.freq.scaled, labels = labs, main = "Pie Chart of Sales Region")
monitor <- store[which(store$`Item Description` == '24" Monitor'),]
wsu <- as.data.frame(monitor[c("Week Ending", "Store No.", "Units Sold")])
wsu.wide <- dcast(wsu, `Store No.` ~ `Week Ending`, value.var = "Units Sold")
value <- as.matrix(wsu.wide[ ,c(4,3,2)])
3 2 1
[1,] NA NA 3
[2,] NA 4 NA
[3,] 5 NA NA
[4,] NA NA NA
Utilizing the grouping feature in the excellent R timevis package is well documented and examples are provided in the help page of timevis::timevis().
The documentation also says that it is possible to define subgroups, which
"Groups all items within a group per subgroup, and positions them on the same height instead of stacking them on top of each other."
I am having trouble understanding how to use this feature. For example, in the example below, I would expect that "event 1" and "event 2" are defined as their own subgroups and hence they would be positioned on the same height. However, this is not the case.
timedata <- data.frame(
id = 1:6,
start = Sys.Date() + c(1, - 10, 4, 20, -10, 10),
end = c(rep(as.Date(NA), 4), Sys.Date(), Sys.Date() + 20),
group = c(1,1,1,2,2,2),
content = c("event 1", "event 2", "event 2", "event 1", "range 1", "range 1"),
subgroup = c("1.1", "1.2", "1.2", "2.1", "2.2", "2.2")
groups <- data.frame(id = c(1,2), content = c("g1", "g2"))
timevis::timevis(data =timedata, groups = groups)
The result of the example code. The definition of subgroups is unsuccesful
How to correctly utilize the subgroups feature?
I'm working through the subgroup and subgroupOrder functions myself, and wanted to share a couple of tips. The code below should achieve overlaying the events on top of each other, as opposed to stacking them. Note the addition of stack = FALSE in the options list().
The other place to look is at the JS documentation: http://visjs.org/docs/timeline/
timedata <- data.frame(
id = 1:6,
start = Sys.Date() + c(1, - 10, 4, 20, -10, 10),
end = c(rep(as.Date(NA), 4), Sys.Date(), Sys.Date() + 20),
group = c(1,1,1,2,2,2),
content = c("event 1", "event 2", "event 2", "event 1", "range 1", "range 1"),
subgroup = c("1.1", "1.2", "1.2", "2.1", "2.2", "2.2")
groups <- data.frame(id = c(1,2), content = c("g1", "g2"))
timevis::timevis(data =timedata, groups = groups, options = list(stack = FALSE))
Produces this output,
Not sure if that's exactly what you're trying to achieve, but just a response. Hope you've made some progress otherwise!
I created a completely empty matrix. I would like to split a observation in 2 indices (like in Excel).
Indices <- matrix(NA, 8, 2)
rownames(Indices) <- rownames(Indices, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "Plot") # brauche ich das?
rownames(Indices) <- c("Plot 1", "Plot 2", "Plot 3", "Plot 8", "Plot 9", "Plot 10",
"Plot 12", "Plot 13")
colnames(Indices) <- c("Density", "Trees per ha")
I would like to split Densityone time in Density only Oaks and Density total. I have no idea how to call this, and is this even possible in R?