Relationships across multiple Realms? - realm

We have the following scenario: There are several stores with employees and customers, several employees that could work at more than one store, and several customers that may shop at several stores. This could be represented with these classes
class Store {
dynamic var id = ""
dynamic var address = ""
let workers = List<Employee>()
let customers = List<Customer>()
class Customer {
dynamic var id = ""
dynamic var name = ""
let stores = LinkingObjects(fromType: Store.self, property: "customers")
// ... many more fields about this customer
class Employee {
var id
var name
let work = LinkingObjects(fromType: Store.self, property: "workers")
The catch here is that we must protect customer information, so none of the customer info can be present in a shared realm and needs to be secure. Neither the store nor Employee data is a security matter. Our current approach is to give each customer their own realm, however, the major drawbacks to this is that requires massive duplication since each customer realm must copy the data of the store. The other drawback is that we would be copying customer data into a shared realm which is a security risk. What would be the best way to architect this scenario that allows for relationships across different Realms?

Realm doesn't currently support "direct" object links across Realms analogous to object properties within the same Realm.
Instead, what I suggest you do is to give your objects primary keys (you can probably just declare your existing id fields as such, or create a new internalId field if your existing id field can't be used for this purpose).
Primary keys are mandatory, must be unique, and can't be changed after they are set, which makes them great for uniquely identifying objects. Our documentation discusses them in greater detail.
Then, instead of directly storing customer info/a customer object in a shared Realm, you can just store the primary keys for the relevant customers, for example in a list. (Right now you'll have to make a wrapper CustomerKey object for example to store the customer's primary key, but we plan to support collections directly containing strings or other primitive types very soon.)
You can enhance this further by adding helper methods on your objects that can be passed in a customer Realm and return the user object (or whatever object's primary key is being stored), looking it up in the Realm automatically. You can use Realm's object(ofType:forPrimaryKey) method to look up an object based on its primary key.
The main limitation is that you won't get the automatic updating of links you would get with object, list, and LinkingObjects properties. You'll have to manually perform the bookkeeping yourself.
If you have ideas for functionality you want to see in Realm that would go beyond what I've posted here, feel free to share your thoughts at our GitHub issue tracker. We welcome feature requests.


Is it possible to query an element in Firestore by key without knowing which collection it belongs to?

Using AngularFire2, Angular, Firebase Firestore, and one of my records models the relationship between a user and different types of objects.
Represents a reaction that a user has towards some object in the system.
export interface Reaction{
// The id of the user making that reaction
userId? : string;
// The id of the object that is being reacted to. Place, Org, List, Offer
objectId? : string;
As you can see the only thing being stored is the key of an object and not its type or which collection it belongs to. I'm wondering how it would be possible at a later time, to query the reactions and then from there get the objects purely based on their key?
You must know the name of the collection (and possibly subcollection) of a document in order to obtain it. There's no concept of a query that can get a document without knowledge of a collection.

Can i add new custom tables inside my aspnet database inside MVC-5 project

I have the following:-
Visual Studio 2013.
i created a new MVC-5 web project.
the project is using identity 2.2.
for the authentication method i chose "Individual user accounts"
this process created a new database named aspnet-OurProjectNanme-number
inside the automatically generated database, i have a table named AspNetUSers which store the user info.
now i am working on building an ERP system. and inside the ERP system i want to add the following:-
a table named "Asset" to store the asset info.
the "Asset" table will have 2 columns named "CreatedBy" + "ModifiedBy" which should store the userId who created and modified the asset item.
now i am not sure how i need to achieve this? as i need to add a foreign key between my custom table "Asset" and the "AspNetUsers" table which have been created automatically.. so can i add my custom table "Asset" inside the automatically generated database, and build the foreign key between the Asset.CreatedBy and AspNetUsers.Id ??
if the answer is Yes then can this relation break in the future if we want to upgrade our aspnet identity version ? as upgrading the identity might result in creating new tables or renaming existing ones etc.. which might break the relation between the Asset table and the AspNetUsers table?
If the answer is No (i should not add custom tables inside the automatically generated database ) then how i can build the foreign key ?? and where i need to add the Asset table in this case??
The most common approach to what you want to do is simply to add your additional model as a DbSet in your ApplicationDbContext.
public class Asset
public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
public string UserId { get; set; }
public ApplicationUser User { get; set; }
public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
public IList<Asset> Assets { get; set; }
public class ApplicationDbCotext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
public DbSet<Asset> Assets { get; set; }
As I mentioned this is the most common approach as updating the Identity packages should have no impacting affects on your schema. That said you should always test updates before pushing to production.
Note that when you're working with One to Many relationship's you will see in our Asset model a property for the User Id foreign key as well as the User object. Because of the relationship we are then able to create a List<Asset> in our User to complete the One to Many relationship. This will then allow us to directly query Assets belonging to a User.
As for Code First vs Database First the difference really comes down to how you define the mapping between Entity Framework and the Database.
As I mentioned below there is no one size fits all answer to should you separate the Identity context from your business context, or should you separate them into separate databases. The reality is that only you can answer that question for your needs. It is far more common to have all of the data in a single database. That said, there is something to be said for the security of having identifying information about a user such as their name, email and password hash separated from information like their address or payment information. The trade off is that you can find yourself trying to maintain objects that are supposed to be tied together but are only loosely related because they reside in different databases. Also you would then need to make sure you're using different users/passwords to connect to the different databases, and it's better to have the databases on different servers because if the server gets compromised you went through the entire exercise for nothing. The trade off to get the theoretical security ends up being so impractical with there consistently being another thing you have to do, that you end up seeing everything in one database where you can focus all of your hardening efforts.
Both the ApplicationDbContext and ApplicationUser objects should typically be created for you when you File -> New a project with Individual Authentication. You can add as many properties and relationships to your User as you require.
-- Update --
The answer is growing and growing and so is the discussion. I think I've shown all kinds of variations, which may not have helped to make it understandable. So here is a summary. For explanation, read the full answer and discussion.
Out of the box you have two contexts, identity and business. These are decoupled, so you can change your security without interfering with your business. This way, upgrading security won't break your application or other models. Since the contexts are seperate, changes to either one of them won't affect the other.
As a sidenote: you are not intended to directly access the AspNet identity tables. Implement the UserManager and use the avaiable methods of the manager to perform actions.
Now it comes to logic, where should information be stored? As a simple rule just ask yourself the question: is it part of security or business?
In both contexts you have users. For your requirement this is a logical 1:1 relation. But they are actually seperate. You can create people without supplying a login or delete a login, without deleting a user (people), e.g. for historical reasons.
All you want is to find all information for the current user. So all you need is the People.Id.
Without having to change the IdentityUser you can create the 1:1 relation by just overriding the AspNetUser.Id.
var appUser = new IdentityUser
UserName = model.Email,
Email = model.Email,
Id = Convert.ToString(People.Id)
var identityResult = await userManager.CreateAsync(appUser, model.Password);
You do not need the identity context for your business. All you need is People.Id. The identity context is only used when tokens are issued and users are created / modified.
To obtain the id use something like this:
var peopleId = int.Parse(Request.User.Identity.GetUserId());
Now you can query your business model using the Id.
When registering, extend the View and ViewModel with the People information you want to store. This will allow you to add both People and AspNetUser at the same time. Though this is not one transaction. But I think it is highly unlikely that creating either one would fail if you perform checks first.
You can validate the username and password (use the methods in the UserManager) and check the ModelState of the viewmodel before creating the user. Use attributes to force Required fields to be filled.
-- Original answer --
In order not to repeat myself, read my answer here.
In short, keep identity and business seperated.
Just in case the identity logic is removed from the same database, like when implementing IdentityServer.
It seems you have business information in AspNetUser. If so, create a Person table and move the information to that table. Relate to that table in your model. In table Person you can add a reference to AspNetUser.
-- update --
I think you understand correctly, but I will just add the details to this answer.
In most cases all tables are defined in one database. But that doesn't mean they are all part of the same model. There can be multiple contexts. In this case one for Identity and one (or more) for Business.
Now why seperate those two? The most important difference between the Business model and Identity model is that Identity tables are not to be called directly. We use the Owin context to call the UserManager / RoleManager.
That is why we cannot add these tables to the business model. Things can be altered in a way that is not secure. Also we do not want the business to have any knowledge about authorization. It shouldn't matter how this is done, as long as a user is identified and authorized.
Also you may want to implement OpenId and claim based authorization. In that case information doesn't have to be available in the database.
The idea is to create a 1:1 relation of the identity table AspNetUsers and business table People. There can be some redundancy, like email or (user)name. But that isn't a problem. The People table should contain all information you want to use in your business model. And the business tables should only relate to People, not AspNetUsers.
Now about the link between AspNetUsers and People. There are four options:
Set People.Id = AspNetUser.Id. Please note that AspNetUser.Id doesn't have to be a GUID. You can add your own value as key.
Set AspNetUser.Id = People.Id.
Add column AspNetUserId to People. No modifications to Identity are needed. You can add People to the Identity Model as well, but I don't think you can create both records in one transaction. You can use User.Identity.GetId() to get AspNetUser.Id. You may however ask yourself if the business should have knowledge about this information.
Add column PeopleId to AspNetUsers. You'll need to extend the IdentityUser to add PeopleId. An advantage is that you don't need the AspNetUser Id, but you can use the actual Id of People. When using OpenId or claims you can get People.Id from claims and you won't have to add AspNetUser.Id to the business. Optionally you can add People to the Model and as navigation property of the extended IdentityUser. When creating the user, you can do this in one transaction.
In case you are creating the user in seperate contexts, you'll need to handle the rollback yourself. But before adding a record to People, you can already test if an AspNetUser can be added: has a valid name/email and password.
Since your business model relates to the People table, you can query all assets and join with the People table for additional information. Or you can get all assets for the current user.
o yes, there are two contexts. The identity model, which contains the AspNet... tables + optionally People. And the business model, which contains all ERP tables + Asset + People.
You may consider to use code first for identity framework 2 and database first for the business model.
I hope that this helps. If not, let's continue in chat.
-- update --
The answer focused on seperation of domains: identity and business. That is why I didn't discuss one possible alternative concerning the AspNetUsers table.
The two models are representations of the database, which means that the database doesn't have to be an exact match. You are free to map tables and fields as you like, as long as they don't break database logic.
Since AspNetusers and People has a 1:1 relation and when both tables are present in the same database, you may as well merge the two into the AspNetUsers table. You can also add relations to the AspNetUsers table, though you may want to add an extra Id (int) column instead of using the current Id (string).
This does not mean the People class can be discarded, except that we have to change the table mapping: AspNetUsers.
public class People
public string Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
As you can see, the sensitive fields are not mapped. We need however the Id field. You can now read and update the mapped fields.
You don't have to extend IdentityUser. You can add an AspNetUser and then update the fields using People in the other context. But if you want to add a user in one single transaction it may be easier to extend the IdentityUser (make sure you'll define the new fields in both People and ApplicationUser):
public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
There are multiple advantages:
There is only one transaction to add the user.
You cannot expose the sensitive fields since they are not mapped in People.
You cannot add People to the database, since some required fields are not mapped in People.
Please note that this may not work for all types of models (code first/database first + migrations).

Firebase query for bi-directional link

I'm designing a chat app much like Facebook Messenger. My two current root nodes are chats and users. A user has an associated list of chats users/user/chats, and the chats are added by autoID in the chats node chats/a151jl1j6. That node stores information such as a list of the messages, time of the last message, if someone is typing, etc.
What I'm struggling with is where to make the definition of which two users are in the chat. Originally, I put a reference to the other user as the value of the chatId key in the users/user/chats node, but I thought that was a bad idea incase I ever wanted group chats.
What seems more logical is to have a chats/chat/members node in which I define userId: true, user2id: true. My issue with this is how to efficiently query it. For example, if the user is going to create a new chat with a user, we want to check if a chat already exists between them. I'm not sure how to do the query of "Find chat where members contains currentUserId and friendUserId" or if this is an efficient denormalized way of doing things.
Any hints?
Although the idea of having ids in the format id1---||---id2 definitely gets the job done, it may not scale if you expect to have large groups and you have to account for id2---||---id1 comparisons which also gets more complicated when you have more people in a conversation. You should go with that if you don't need to worry about large groups.
I'd actually go with using the autoId chats/a151jl1j6 since you get it for free. The recommended way to structure the data is to make the autoId the key in the other nodes with related child objects. So chats/a151jl1j6 would contain the conversation metadata, members/a151jl1j6 would contain the members in that conversation, messages/a151jl1j6 would contain the messages and so on.
"user1": true,
"user2": true
The part where this gets is little "inefficient" is the querying for conversations that include both user1 and user2. The recommended way is to create an index of conversations for each user and then query the members data.
This is a trade-off when it comes to querying relationships with a flattened data structure. The queries are fast since you are only dealing with a subset of the data, but you end up with a lot of duplicate data that need to be accounted for when you are modifying/deleting i.e. when the user leaves the chat conversation, you have to update multiple structures.
I remember I had similar issue some time ago. The way how I solved it:
user 1 has an unique ID id1
user 2 has an unique ID id2
Instead of adding a new chat by autoId chats/a151jl1j6 the ID of the chat was id1---||---id2 (superoriginal human-readable delimeter)
(which is exactly what you've originally suggested)
Originally, I put a reference to the other user as the value of the chatId key in the users/user/chats node, but I thought that was a bad idea in case I ever wanted group chats.
There is a saying:
There might a limitation of how many userIDs can live in the path - you can always hash the value...

How to entirely skip validation in simple schema and allow incomplete documents to be stored?

I'm creating an order form and a schema defined for an Order (certain required fields such as address, customer info, items selected and their quantities, etc).
a. User visits site.
b. A unique ID is generated for their session as well as a timestamp.
var userSession = {
_id: createId(),
timestamp: new Date(),
var sessionId = userSession._id;
c. The userSession is placed in local storage.
storeInLocalStorage('blahblah', sessionObject);
d. An Order object is created with the sessionId as the only field so far.
var newOrder = {
sessionId: sessionId;
e. Obviously at this point the Order object won't validate according to the schema so I can't store it in Mongo. BUT I still want to store it in Mongo so I can later retrieve incomplete orders, or orders in progress, using the sessionID generated on the user's initial visit.
This won't work because it fails validation:
f. When a user revisits the site I want to be able to get the incomplete order from Mongo and resume:
var sessionId = getLocalStorage('blahblah')._id;
var incompleteOrder = Orders.findOne({'sessionId', sessionId});
So I'm not sure how to go about doing this while accomplishing these points.
I want full simpleschema validation on the Orders collection when the user is entering in items on the forms and when the user is intending to submit a full, complete order.
I want to disable simpleschema validation on the Orders collection and still allow storing into the DB so that partial orders can be stored for resumption at a later time.
I can make a field conditionally required using this here but that would mean 50+ fields would be conditionally required just for this scenario and that seems super cumbersome.
It sounds like you want to have your cake, and eat it too!
I think the best approach here would be keep your schema and validation on the Orders collection, but store incomplete orders elsewhere.
You could store them in another collection (with a more relaxed schema) if you want them on the server (possibly for enabling resume on another device for the logged in user) , or more simply in Local Storage, and still enable the resume previous order behaviour you are wanting.
Only write to the Orders collection when the order is complete (and passes validation).
Here's a variation on #JeremyK's answer: add an inProgress key to your order of type [Object]. This object would have no deeper validation. Keep your in progress order data in there until the order is final then copy/move all the relevant data into the permanent keys and remove the inProgress key. This would require that you make all the real keys optional of course. The advantage is that the object would maintain its primary key throughout the life cycle.
I think this particular case has been solved; but just in case, you can skip Simple Schemma validations by accessing MongoDB native API via Collection#rawCollection():
While this question is very old in the meantime there is a better solution. You probably use simple schema together with collection2. Collection2 has the ability to set multiple schemas based on a selector and then validate against the correct schema based on it.
e.g. you could have a selector {state: 'finished'} and only apply the full schema to these documents while having another selctor, e.g. {state: 'in-progress'} for unfinished orders with a schema with optional fields.

How to handle duplicates in disconnected object graph?

I'm having a problem updating a disconnected POCO model in an ASP.NET application.
Lets say we have the following model:
A user can be responsible for 0 or more districts, an order belongs to a district and a user can be the owner of an order.
When the user logs in the user and the related districts are loaded. Later the user loads an order, and sets himself as the owner of the order. The user(and related districts) and order(and related district) are loaded in two different calls with two different dbcontexts. When I save the order after the user has assigned himself to it. I get an exception that saying that acceptchanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict with another object.
Which is not strange, since the same district can appear both in the list of districts the user is responsible and on the order.
I've searched high and low for a solution to this problem, but the answers I have found seems to be either:
Don't load the related entities of one of the objects in my case that would be the districts of the user.
Don't assign the user to the order by using the objects, just set the foreign key id on the order object.
Use nHibernate since it apparently handles it.
I tried 1 and that works, but I feel this is wrong because I then either have to load the user without it's districts before relating it to the order, or do a shallow clone. This is fine for this simple case here, but the problem is that in my case district might appear several more times in the graph. Also it seems pointless since I have the objects so why not let me connected them and update the graph. The reason I need the entire graph for the order, is that I need to display all the information to the user. So since I got all the objects why should I need to either reload or shallow clone it to get this to work?
I tried using STE but I ran in to the same problem, since I cannot attach an object to a graph loaded by another context. So I am back at square 1.
I would assume that this is a common problem in anything but tutorial code. Yet, I cannot seem to find any good solution to this. Which makes me think that either I do not under any circumstance understand using POCOs/EF or I suck at using google to find an answer to this problem.
I've bought both of the "Programming Entity Framework" books from O'Reilly by Julia Lerman but cannot seem to find anything to solve my problem in those books either.
Is there anyone out there who can shed some light on how to handle graphs where some objects might be repeated and not necessarily loaded from the same context.
The reason why EF does not allow to have two entities with the same key being attached to a context is that EF cannot know which one is "valid". For example: You could have two District objects in your object graph, both with a key Id = 1, but the two have different Name property values. Which one represents the data that have to be saved to the database?
Now, you could say that it doesn't matter if both objects haven't changed, you just want to attach them to a context in state Unchanged, maybe to establish a relationship to another entity. It is true in this special case that duplicates might not be a problem. But I think, it is simply too complex to deal with all situations and different states the objects could have to decide if duplicate objects are causing ambiguities or not.
Anyway, EF implements a strict identity mapping between object reference identity and key property values and just doesn't allow to have more than one entity with a given key attached to a context.
I don't think there is a general solution for this kind of problem. I can only add a few more ideas in addition to the solutions in your question:
Attach the User to the context you are loading the order in:
context.Users.Attach(user); // attaches user AND user.Districts
var order = context.Orders.Include("Districts")
.Single(o => o.Id == someOrderId);
// because the user's Districts are attached, no District with the same key
// will be loaded again, EF will use the already attached Districts to
// populate the order.Districts collection, thus avoiding duplicate Districts
order.Owner = user;
// it should work without exception
Attach only the entities to the context you need in order to perform a special update:
using (var context = new MyContext())
var order = new Order { Id = order.Id };
var user = new User { Id = user.Id };
order.Owner = user;
This would be enough to update the Owner relationship. You would not need the whole object graph for this procedure, you only need the correct primary key values of the entities the relationship has to be created for. It doesn't work that easy of course if you have more changes to save or don't know what exactly could have been changed.
Don't attach the object graph to the context at all. Instead load new entities from the database that represent the object graph currently stored in the database. Then update the loaded graph with your detached object graph and save the changes applied to the loaded (=attached) graph. An example of this procedure is shown here. It is safe and a very general pattern (but not generic) but it can be very complex for complex object graphs.
Traverse the object graph and replace the duplicate objects by a unique one, for example just the first one with type and key you have found. You could build a dictionary of unique objects that you lookup to replace the duplicates. An example is here.
