What are proper status codes for CORS preflight requests? - http

What status code should a well-written HTTP server return when it gets a CORS preflight (OPTIONS) request?
200, 204 or something else?
Should the status code be different in case origin is allowed (and corresponding headers will be set) or not allowed (and CORS headers will not be set or will not match the origin)?

The gist of it is, just use 200.
A little more generally: You should just send back the same status code for the CORS preflight OPTIONS request that you’d send back for any other OPTIONS request. The relevant specs don’t require or recommend anything more than that.
What the specs say: The Fetch spec at https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/ is where requirements for the CORS protocol are defined, and it says the status can be anything in the range 200-299.
That’s from the CORS-preflight fetch algorithm, in a step saying it can be any “ok status":
If a CORS check for request and response returns success and response’s status is an ok status, run these substeps: …
And as far as what an “ok status” is, the spec says this:
An ok status is any status in the range 200 to 299, inclusive.
Beyond that though, the Fetch spec doesn’t recommend any particular status within 200-299.
The other relevant spec here is the HTTP 1.1 spec, which has a section defining semantics of all HTTP response status codes, and within that, a section that defines Successful 2xx codes.
And within that section there’s a specific section for 200 OK, which says this:
The 200 (OK) status code indicates that the request has succeeded.
The payload sent in a 200 response depends on the request method.
For the methods defined by this specification, the intended meaning
of the payload can be summarized as:
OPTIONS a representation of the communications options;
So a response to a CORS preflight OPTIONS just needs to be:
an indication that the request has succeeded
a representation of the communication options (which in this case includes the Access-Control-Allow-Methods and Access-Control-Allow-Headers response headers)
That’s what 200 OK is defined by the HTTP spec to be, so you can stop right there.
But if you read through the rest of the 2xx codes in that section, you can confirm the semantics of none of them make sense for an OPTIONS response—except for 204 No Content.
Now as far as 204 No Content goes, there’s nothing wrong with using it for OPTIONS responses—but there’s also not really any point. That’s because:
unlike for some other methods, the HTTP spec defines no use for an OPTIONS payload
therefore in practice, clients don’t expect any payload (content) to come back for an OPTIONS (and wouldn’t do anything with any payload that did come back)
…so there’s no practical purpose in using a specific 204 status code in an OPTIONS response to explicitly tell clients there’s no payload.
Should the status code be different in case origin is allowed (and corresponding headers will be set) or not allowed (and CORS headers will not be set or will not match the origin)?
No. There’s no standard-defined code other than 200 or 204 you could use anyway—but regardless of that, the specs don’t require it to be any different and don’t define any different use if it is. And think about it: What is any existing client code going to do any differently due to any difference in the status codes for those two cases?
If the answer to that is, “Nothing”, then there’s no point in making it different.
Given all the above, the bottom line is: just send 200 OK for CORS preflight OPTIONS responses. Sending any code other than just 200 OK isn’t necessary or useful.

I used 204. Now it's not working cross-browser anymore. Use 200. Firefox started rejecting CORS requests if 204 is received in the preflight. It wasted me almost 2 hours debugging it.
Lesson to learn: When in doubt about web standards don't choose what makes sense spec wise(i.e. 204 for no content)...choose what most people do(the easy/stupid choice)

I am using basic auth passed through headers from an AJAX call and both Firefox and Chrome are using 204 for (preflight/options).


Are multiple status code headers allowed in a single HTTP response?

I have a web app which sends HTTP status codes. In some instances, a 404 code is sent as a header, but then a 200 error is sent as well, in the same response.
HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
HTTP/1.0 200 Ok
I can't change the execution order to prevent the first status code from being sent, so the second code is attempting to override it.
Chrome ignores the first code and assumes the status to be Ok. Does this conform to the HTTP standard, and should I rely on it?
No, it does not conform to the standard, and you should not rely on it. See https://www.greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/rfc7230.html#rfc.section.5.6:
More than one response message per request only occurs when one or more informational responses (1xx, see Section 6.2 of [RFC7231]) precede a final answer to the same request.
The rfc for http 1.1 is given here: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7230
Section 2.1 states:
A server responds to a client's request by sending one or more HTTP
response messages, each beginning with a status line ...
The standard states that you can send more than one response, if you wish, but that each response must have it's own status line. Further, the first line of the header must contain the status-line/code.
So, according to the standard interpreted literally, in theory you can send more than one response, but I've no idea what browsers would do with that, and definitely wouldn't rely on it.
What you've got at the moment is conforming to the rfc; the rfc doesn't say you can't have more than status line, only that the status line on the first line of each response is the one that matters - which chrome doesn't interpret correctly according to the rfc.
It might work, but I wouldn't rely on it.

Determine whether a Basic Authentication login was successful

How does an HTTP client definitively determine whether a login was successful when using Basic Authentication? I've always thought that it was simple - look at the response code:
200 = Successful
401 = Unsuccessful
This is not correct. If you read RFC 2617 it says:
If the origin server does not wish to accept the credentials sent with
a request, it SHOULD return a 401 (Unauthorized) response. The
response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing at
least one (possibly new) challenge applicable to the requested
The word SHOULD is tricky, and in fact I've seen devices that do not return a 401 on login failure. This would suggest:
WWW-Authenticate does not exist = Successful
WWW-Authenticate exists = Unsuccessful
This is also incorrect. I'm playing with a TP-LINK router that provides the following headers:
- Server : Router Webserver
- Connection : close
- Content-Type : text/html
- WWW-Authenticate : Basic realm="TP-LINK Wireless N Router WR841N"
The response code is 200.
Here we have a 200 with a WWW-Authenticate!!!!!
Given all of this, what is the DEFINITIVE way to determine whether a BA login was successful?
RFC 7235 obsoletes RFC 2617 and one of the corrections it brings is to point out that, SHOULD is to be interpreted as per RFC 2119. (This was perhaps omitted because it is pointed out in RFC 2616, which goes hand-in-hand with 2617):
SHOULD This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there
may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a
particular item, but the full implications must be understood and
carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
So, it's not just a matter of "well, you should do that, but we understand if you don't" as should means colloquially, but rather "you must do this, unless you have an extremely good reason that you can clearly state".
If a server has a very good reason for not sending a 401, it's most likely because it is sending some other error code (e.g. 404 to pretend the resource doesn't exist unless you've successfully authenticated). The wisdom of sending anything other than 401 is perhaps questionable, but the only reason to send 200 is because you want to indicate that the response is successful. Really, while the should does allow something other than 401, it really doesn't allow 200.
Including WWW-Authenticate on the other hand, definitely doesn't mean the authentication wasn't successful. It's allowed at any time, and with other schemes apart from Basic can be necessary on successful requests (to allow a nonce-count to increment, for example).
In short you've got three possible states: Success, Authentication Error, Some Other Error. The should allows for the last of those. If you get a 200 then you were successful (or well, the server is behaving wrong, but that always applies anyway).
The 200 status is what counts. That the server keeps including WWW-Authenticate simply is a bug.
And yes, I tested this, I happen to have the same router over here.

HTTP Status Code Priority and Processing

Let's say a web application gets the following request:
POST /some/endpoint HTTP/1.1
Host: <something>
Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: pt
Content-Type: application/json
If-Match: "blabla"
Some body
If the server doesn't support HTTP 1.1 and the endpoint /some/endpoint does not exist, the former problem should likely be checked first, and a 505 rather than 404 should be returned.
If it just so happens that none of the endpoints of the server accept POST and the endpoint /some/endpoint doesn't exist, the latter should get priority, and 404 should be returned rather than 405.
If the Accept can't be provided and the body can't be appropriately decoded/validated, probably 406 should take precedence over 400.
These are cases where intuition might suffice. But there are a myriad other ones where it is not clear which of two non-2XX status codes should be preferred/checked first. For example, should Content-Type (resulting in 415) or Accept-Language (406) be returned if both would fail? 415 or 412? And on it goes...
Much of the time errors are pairwise independent: if the aspect that is relevant to one error being thrown (such as a particular header value) is fixed, the success/error status of another will not be affected. In those cases, the wrong error "priority" is perhaps only a nuisance. But sometimes it may be the case that these errors are not independent: I might have a resources as HTML in Portuguese, but in JSON only in English (humour me), so that if a client expects me to prioritise Accept-Language over Accept, and I do the opposite, the result will be quite bad.
The question should be evident now: are there any standards about which errors should be prioritised?
I haven't come across any relevant RFCs, or even much serious and general discussion. I know of the webmachine diagram, which sort of helps, but primarily just seems to describe a particular (well thought out) implementation rather than any standard.
Obviously, you can’t expect this question to be answered “no,” even though that’s probably the correct answer.
So let me address a particular point of yours instead:
I might have a resources as HTML in Portuguese, but in JSON only in English (humour me), so that if a client expects me to prioritise Accept-Language over Accept, and I do the opposite, the result will be quite bad.
In your example, you tell the server that Portuguese JSON is good, but all other combinations are equally bad. If that’s not the case, you can elaborate your preferences like this:
Accept: text/json
Accept-Language: pt, en;q=0.1
The server can then multiply your weights, getting 1×0.1=0.1 for English JSON and 0×1=0 for Portuguese HTML, and choosing the former.
(Sidenote 1: there is no text/json media type in the registry. You probably want application/json.)
(Sidenote 2: 415 Unsupported Media Type is not a correct response code for the scenarios you mention. It concerns the request body. If you cannot honor the Accept header, you can respond with 406 Not Acceptable, just as with Accept-Language.)
TL;DR: The specifications give the server ultimate authority in how it honors the request, even allowing the server to ignore the acceptable formats the client requests. However, the specifications instruct the server to make a best effort and to respond in a way that best helps the client recover from errors.
The specifications provide guidance, even if they don't (or can't) prioritize all possible error modes.
RFC 2616 § 10.4.7 says:
HTTP/1.1 servers are allowed to return responses which are
not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the
request. In some cases, this may even be preferable to sending a
406 response. User agents are encouraged to inspect the headers of
an incoming response to determine if it is acceptable.
RFC 7231 § 3 says:
An origin server might be provided with, or be capable of generating,
multiple representations that are each intended to reflect the
current state of a target resource. In such cases, some algorithm is
used by the origin server to select one of those representations as
most applicable to a given request, usually based on content
RFC 7231 § 3.4 says:
Note that, in all cases, HTTP is not aware of the resource semantics.
The consistency with which an origin server responds to requests ... is determined entirely by whatever entity or algorithm selects
or generates those responses. HTTP pays no attention to the man
behind the curtain.
RFC 7231 § 3.3 says:
Response messages with an error status code
usually contain a payload that represents the error condition, such
that it describes the error state and what next steps are suggested
for resolving it.
RFC 2616 § 14.46 says:
The Warning general-header field is used to carry additional information about the status or transformation of a message which might not be reflected in the message. This information is typically used to warn about a possible lack of semantic transparency from caching operations or transformations applied to the entity body of the message.
(Emphases all mine.)
Section 3 of RFC 7231 gives the origin server ultimate authority to decide the appropriate response, even if that response is repugnant. Simultaneously, section 3 encourages the origin server to satisfy the request, or provide notice that it satisfied some of the request (Vary), or provide selectable options ("Passive negotiation").
Even though the server has ultimate authority, the specification makes clear to me that the responses should help the user resolve the problem. In my mind, the best error code is the one that helps the user best fix the problem!
Considering your pair-wise examples:
"If the server doesn't support HTTP 1.1 and the endpoint /some/endpoint does not exist, the former problem should likely be checked first, and a 505 rather than 404 should be returned."
No. Per the spec, an HTTP 1.1 client can GET from 1.0 server by protocol downgrade, so this kind of version negotiation is handled by the specification. Send a 404 (or a 301 if that's known) so the user can correct it.
"If it just so happens that none of the endpoints of the server accept POST and the endpoint /some/endpoint doesn't exist, the latter should get priority, and 404 should be returned rather than 405."
Yes, 404. If you're not getting to a resource, the method hardly matters.
"If the Accept can't be provided and the body can't be appropriately decoded/validated, probably 406 should take precedence over 400."
Never send 400 when you know 406 applies. You're giving the client less information, which is less helpful. However, the origin server is free to ignore the Accept header per RFC 7231 § 5.3.2:
If the [Accept] header field is
present in a request and none of the available representations for
the response have a media type that is listed as acceptable, the
origin server can either honor the header field by sending a 406 (Not
Acceptable) response or disregard the header field by treating the
response as if it is not subject to content negotiation.
"I might have a resources as HTML in Portuguese, but in JSON only in English (humour me), so that if a client expects me to prioritise Accept-Language over Accept, and I do the opposite, the result will be quite bad."
I disagree that the result will be bad. See RFC 7231 § 5.3.5:
the origin server can either disregard the [Accept-Language] header field by treating the response as if it is not subject to content negotiation or honor the header field by sending a 406 (Not Acceptable) response. However, the latter is not encouraged, as doing so can prevent users from accessing content that they might be able to use (with translation software, for example).
This pattern of specification language occurs more than once. "The server may disregard [whatever the client requested] by treating the response as if it's not subject to [this part of the specification], or the server may honor [the client request] and send [an applicable error code]. But, it's better to [send something intelligible] than only send [an inscrutable error code]."
At the end of the day, it's your API. HTTP provides only a window into your semantics. Document what you accept, how you respond, and with what. Send intelligible responses (HATEOAS is good) and, when applicable, the most specific error codes available.

What HTTP status code use when the required header is not specified?

If the user sends request to the server and the link requires specific custom headers to be set in order to work. In this case the error code should be 400, 403 or 422 ?
The HTTP specification requires any client to treat the response as 400 by default if it does not understand the specific meaning of the final two digits. So you must always design with the assumption that some clients will treat the response as 400.
If you can find a 4xx status code whose special extra handling works better for your application, then use it. When the client understands enough to do that extra handling you are slightly better off than if you had sent the default status.
The currently registered status codes which seem to match your servers meaning are:
403 Forbidden - this is about server refusing the request until it is somehow changed. Preferrably with the reason stated in the response body.
406 Not Acceptible - this is more specifically about values in the request headers not being right. Most commonly used for the Accept: header values.
412 Precondition Failed - this is about the problems with headers involved with negotiating which response body would be sent. Most commonly used for the If-* header values.
The 403 seems to be most accurate for when a server refused to deliver anything unless the custom headers is sent.

Matching HTTP responses with their corresponding HTTP pipelined requests

I'm trying to write a program to match HTTP requests with their corresponding responses. Seems that everything is working well for most of the scenarios (when the transfer is perfectly ordered and even when its not, by using TCP sequence numbers).
The only problem I found is for when I have pipelined requests. After that, I get several responses but I don't know which packets are the answer to a specific request and which are not. I read in another post that the responses will come sequentially and combining this property with information on the Content-Length field seems to be a solution. The problem is that Content-length is not a mandatory field, so I'm not sure if I can always rely on that.
Does anyone know how the web-browsers that support this feature (btw, not most of them do) actually do it?
The information about the bodies length has to be present in the headers. It's just not always in 'content-length'. In order to work it all out you will have to study the relevant RFC 2616. Most notably section 4.4 deals with the different headers
Some more relevant rules from the RFC 2616:
When pipelining:
A server MUST send its responses to those requests in the same order that the requests were received.
From 9.2
If no response body is included, the response MUST include a Content-Length field with a field-value of "0".
From 10.2.7 206 Partial Content
The response MUST include .... Either a Content-Range header field ... or a multipart/byteranges
Content-Type including Content-Range fields for each part.
From 14.13 Content-Length
Applications SHOULD use this field to indicate the transfer-length of the message-body, unless this is prohibited by the rules in section 4.4.
Current responses are a bit old. Need a refresh.
The new HTTP 1.1 RFC is RFC 7230. And contains more precise information on parsing the messages size.
Message Body Length
Associating a response to a request
Security Considerations
Detecting the size of a message is quite complex. You can have a Content-length, or Transfer-Encoding: chunked, or both, or none. And some sepcial codes like 100 Continue which may alter all this.
The first link contains 7 entries that should be checked in the right order to guess the right size.
And as stated in the last link, failing to detect the right message length may lead to HTTP Smuggling (splitting, cache poisoning) issues.
Pipelining support is the source of most smuggling issues. You should really take care of the whole RFC7230 document if you want to implement it.
