illustrator tracing sharp edges - vector-graphics

I am new to Illustrator. I watched some videos about image tracing to make vectors and it worked for me so far until today. If i try to make simple colours and shapes into vectors it is brilliant. Today though i have an image that uses 3 colours and a pattern. The colours i use are black, orange and dark grey. I have a pattern of thick grey lines covering 50% of the image. I played with the tracing settings for hours but it just refuses to keep the lines straight. It makes the lines rounded. Check out the first image versus the second one.

Image Trace is a great tool, but it's not perfect. Adjusting the settings may improve it but it won't be perfect. If possible depending on the design, especially one as simple as the example images you've included here you should use another method. To recreate the lines there maybe:
create a line at the angle you want (Pen or Line tool),
duplicate that line and move it above the first,
align the two,
use the blend tool to add as many copies between the two as needed,
expand them,
make a background to fill the negative space and move behind the lines,
create a rectangle shape with no fill and position above the others,
shape build the excess areas away


Cut and move a part of an image in inkscape

I've an image like the one in the following link
I want to cut and move one half of the image close to the other (one building close to the other in the example image share above). In real case, I have a similar image with white space in between. To cut one part of an image I do Object-> Clip -> Set on the selection. This crops the selection alone. But I am not sure how to select and move the selection.
Could someone please help?
Duplicate the image, then clip both images to the two parts that you need. Then use snapping to move them both together exactly.
Or (better), use a raster graphics editing tool of your choice and do the same. While the above-described workflow works, Inkscape, being a vector graphics editor, is not the appropriate tool for this kind of thing.

drawing instruction lines in 3d model in sketchup

I am converting one of my apps from using plain instruction images to using the new apple Augmented Reality (AR). For this I am drawing a sketchup model for each instructional image. Everything is working nicely, I have created components (table, balls...) that I can reuse easily.
However, what is the best way to draw the below instruction lines in sketchup?
Additionally, as you can see the app is about snooker, how can I easily make sure that each instructional line is positioned at the height of the center of the balls?
I would use the protractor tool.
Note the angle I can specify. Draw two of these help-lines from each corner, then use the pen tool to fill in the triangle.
For the additional part. You can select the line you want to edit. Right click and select divide, moving closer to either endpoint of the line would create larger or smaller dividents.
Then, just change color of the line.

Using Paint Bucket In Photoshop

So i'm trying to use the paint bucket in Photoshop CS6 to design a logo for a client of mine. ( What I currently have)
I want to colour the pale bits left with a different shade of green, when I use the paint bucket it covers the whole image, how do I colour in the remaining bits with the colour I want?
when picking the paint bucket you can change the tolerance in the top bar so that it only changes the colours you want. At the moment its most likely at 100 but if you change it to 20 or so it should work for you.
Another possibility could be that you are using the paint bucket on the wrong layer. Make sure you have the layer of piece of the image you want to change selected.
EDIT: Also, you are better off asking this question here. That community can help you better with that type of question.

RGB image components misaligned

I am using aplypy to create an RGB image of the Eagle nebula from three FITS files, representing the red, green and blue components of the image. The FITS files are available here, 673nm being the red, 656nm the green and 502nm the blue.
import aplpy
aplpy.make_rgb_cube(['673nmos.fits','656nmos.fits','502nmos.fits'], 'nmod_cube.fits')
f = aplpy.FITSFigure('../data/nmod_cube_2d.fits')
The image should look something like this, but comes out looking like the image below. The blue component is clearly misaligned with the red and green.
make_rgb_cube is supposed to realign the three images in to the same projection based on the WCS information in each FITS header, according to the docs, but it doesn't seem to be working in this case.
Do I need to employ a star matching library to get the alignment accuracy?
There is an error in the WCS coordinates in the header of the Blue FITS file. I have contacted to alert them.
Another example from the site, of M17, is created correctly using the aplpy script shown in the question. Blinking through each filter using DS9, as suggested in the comments, confirms the correct alignment.
Use the STScI software TweakReg to align the images and get a good alignment before combining. More information and worked examples can be found on the DrizzlePac website.
Combining images using astrodrizzle requires that the WCS information in the headers of each input image align to within sub-pixel accuracy. The tweakreg task allows the user to align sets of images to each other and/or to and external astrometric reference frame or image.
It is optimized for use with HST instruments, but can be adapted for other observatories/instruments.

CSS: Howto Create Tab Foot?

With most modern browsers is easy to create rounded corners in CSS, so I was wondering if its posible to create a rounded corner that bend outwards or if I still need to fire up PhotoShop for creating such an effect.
The bottom foot in "See tab" from the picture below demonstrates what I am trying to do with CSS:
note: I am unsure if foot is the correct word for this (which have made googling it hard) so if anyone knows the real (or better) term then please let me know and I will update the question accordingly.
Chop that problem up into segments so that the illustration would have a blue shape with one rounded corner on top of a white background, next to the "See" tab, and so on. By picking the colors carefully, and using shapes that you know you can generate, you can establish a pattern that will work with the tools available.
Notice that you do not have to round all corners on a rectangle. You can specify, for example, bottom right.
