Google Analytics V4 API - Right Syntax for dynamicSegment and metricFilter - google-analytics

Trying (using Python) to create dynamic segment to get all sessions who completed a specific goal.
Current syntax I'm using for the metricFIlter:
I've also tried other options like ['0'], 0, '0' but with no success.
Here is the response error I'm getting:
"Invalid value at 'report_requests[0].segments[0].dynamic_segment.session_segment.segment_filters[0].simple_segment.or_filters_for_segment.segment_filter_clauses[0].metric_filter.operator' (TYPE_ENUM), "NUMERIC_GREATER_THAN""
Any suggestions how to fix it ?

The operator NUMERIC_GREATER_THAN is only valid for filtering dimensions, not metrics.
"metricFilterClauses" : [
"filters" : [
"metricName" : "ga:goal3Completions",
"comparisonValue": "0"
You can find a list of operators in the API docs.


How can I filter a subscription using a custom resolver

I am working on a messaging app using AWS AppSync.
I have the following message type...
type Message
rules: [
{ allow: groups, groups: ["externalUser"], operations: [] }
) {
id: ID!
channelId: ID!
senderId: ID!
channel: Channel #connection(fields: ["channelId"])
createdAt: AWSDateTime!
text: String
And I have a subscription onCreatemessage. I need to filter the results to only channels that the user is in. So I get a list of channels from a permissions table and add the following to my response mapping template.
"filterGroup": [
"filters" : [
"fieldName" : "channelId",
"operator" : "in",
"value" : $context.result.channelIds
And it works great. But if a user is in more than 5 channels, I get the following error.
"message": "Connection failed: {"errors":[{"message":"subscription exceeds maximum value limit 5 for operator `in`.","errorCode":400}]}"
I am new to vtl. So my question is, how can I break up that filter in to multiple or'd filters?
According to Creating enhanced subscription filters, "multiple rules in a filter are evaluated using AND logic, while multiple filters in a filter group are evaluated using OR logic".
Therefore, as I understand it, you just need to split $context.result.channelIds into groups of 5 and add an object to the filters array for each group.
Here is a VTL template that will do this for you:
#set($filters = [])
#foreach($channelId in $context.result.channelIds)
#set($group = $foreach.index / 5)
#if($filters.size() < $group + 1)
"fieldName" : "channelId",
"operator" : "in",
"value" : []
"filterGroup": [
"filters" : $filters
You can see this template running here:
(Note: The Mapping Tool errors on line 15 are a result of the $filters array being dynamically populated. You can safely ignore them.)
Do you want to add server-side filter for GraphQL Subscriptions?
If so, Now, Amplify is supported for server-side filter for Subscriptions.
After you checking below blog, you may sense it.

AWS Step Functions: Filter an array using JsonPath

I need to filter an array in my AWS Step Functions state. This seems like something I should easily be able to achieve with JsonPath but I am struggling for some reason.
The state I want to process looks like this:
"items": [
"id": "A"
"id": "B"
"id": "C"
I want to filter this array by removing entries for which id is not in a specified whitelist.
To do this, I define a Pass state in the following way:
"ApplyFilter": {
"Type": "Pass",
"ResultPath": "$.items",
"InputPath": "$.items.[?( in ['A'])]",
"Next": "MapDeployments"
This makes use of the JsonPath in operator.
Unfortunately when I execute the state machine I receive an error:
"error": "States.Runtime",
"cause": "An error occurred while executing the state 'ApplyFilter' (entered at the event id #8). Invalid path '$.items.[?( in ['A'])]' : com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException: com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException: Space not allowed in path"
However, I don't understand what is incorrect with the syntax. When I test here everything works correctly.
What is wrong with what I have done? Is there another way of achieving this sort of filter using JsonPath?
According to the official AWS docs for Step Functions,
The following in paths are not supported # .. , : ? *

on conflict mutation gives unexpected result

on_conflict returns unknown argument
new to hasura, tried looking at multiple how to on_conflict, ran mutation from api explorer and from frontend, tried upsert_users (suggest me to change it to insert)
mutation upsert_users {
objects: [{
auth0_id: "iexistindb",
name: "somename"}
on_conflict: {
constraint: users_pkey,
update_columns: [last_seen, name]
) {
expected to update the user table if auth0 already exist
so i just encountered this now. i had the on_conflict / update_columns but hadn't given update permissions to the role, only insert

Artifactory quick search not filtering by repo

I am using Artifactory 4.8.0 (OSS)
I have deployed artifacts to 2 repos: libs-devel and libs-release-candidates.
When I execute
$ curl -u denham:password -X GET https://artifactory.server/artifactory/api/search/artifact?name=MyPackage&repos=libs-devel
The response I receive is:
"results" : [ {
"uri" : "https://artifactory.server/artifactory/api/storage/libs-devel/com/acme/MyPackage/17.10.1-SNAPSHOT/MyPackage-17.10.1-20170908.092803-1.pom"
}, {
"uri" : "https://artifactory.server/artifactory/api/storage/libs-devel/com/acme/MyPackage/17.10.1-SNAPSHOT/MyPackage-17.10.1-20170908.092803-1.war"
}, {
"uri" : "https://artifactory.server/artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-candidates/com/acme/MyPackage/17.10.1-24/MyPackage-17.10.1-24.pom"
}, {
"uri" : "https://artifactory.server/artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-candidates/com/acme/MyPackage/17.10.1-24/MyPackage-17.10.1-24.war"
}, {
"uri" : "https://artifactory.server/artifactory/api/storage/libs-devel/com/acme/MyPackage/17.9.3-SNAPSHOT/MyPackage-17.9.3-20170907.105908-1.pom"
}, {
"uri" : "https://artifactory.server/artifactory/api/storage/libs-devel/com/acme/MyPackage/17.9.3-SNAPSHOT/MyPackage-17.9.3-20170907.105908-1.war"
} ]
I would expect that the results would be limited to the the libs-devel repo, as specified in the url.
Have I done something wrong? Is this a bug?
Here's the API reference (for version 4) that I followed:
Thanks in advance.
Yes. This is correct.
You will be able to limit the search query to specific repositories by adding the 'repos' parameter on this rest call.
We (JFrog) are not familiar with a bug on this subject and it is working on our side (Artifactory OSS - same version: 4.8.0).
We will be interested to know if the same is working for you using the UI quick search.
If using curl, the full URL needs to be encapsulated in quotes. Otherwise the & is left off the request.
I tried using Postman and it works as expected.
Bested by quote marks. :-(

Drupal 7 Rules - on cron, check date field and if past set field [Status] from “active” to “ended”

OK... let me start by saying I know there is a similar post here (How to create a Drupal rule to check (on cron) a date field and if passed set field "status" to "ended"?) but the answer on that post does not work. Step 4 (In the component add the condition 'Data comparison' and select node:type) does not work or even exists as an option.
What I need to do is this:
On Cron > If content type is event and the end date has passed the current date then change the status field from Active to Ended. (select list)
I was able to do this by using the Event: Content is viewed but I really need to to work when cron is ran.
Side note: with the current version I have (Content is viewed) it does change Active to Ended but it also for some reason deletes the title of the node which is strange becuase the title filed is required by Drupal... any idea wht that is happening?
Not sure if it helps but here is an export of what I have done myself:
{ "rules_event_status" : {
"LABEL" : "Event Status",
"PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
"ACTIVE" : false,
"REQUIRES" : [ "rules", "php" ],
"ON" : [ "node_view" ],
"IF" : [
{ "node_is_of_type" : { "node" : [ "node" ], "type" : { "value" : { "event" : "event" } } } },
{ "AND" : [] },
{ "php_eval" : { "code" : "\/\/dpm(strtotime($node-\u003Efield_event_date_time[LANGUAGE_NONE][0][\u0027value2\u0027]));\r\nif (time() \u003E strtotime($node-\u003Efield_event_date_time[LANGUAGE_NONE][0][\u0027value2\u0027]))\r\n{\r\n return true;\r\n}" } }
"DO" : [
{ "data_set" : { "data" : [ "node:field-event-status" ], "value" : "Ended" } }
Any help is very much appreciated.
to use any custom fields or fields created by other modules than node, you have to add condition "entity has field" to your rules which will make that field "visible" and accesible for later work
side note: I think you can do the date comparison without php_eval, just add another entity has field condition and create "data comparison" condition. There should be tokens available to your needs
Not sure I fully understand the question: rules can be triggered by cron.
You should be able to get it to run when cron executes by picking the "React on event" attribute of the rule to "System > Cron maintenance tasks are executed".
Am I missing something?
