R Programming - throwing dice algorithm - r

I'd like to run a program in R that asks the user to pick a number of die, the run a simulation on the dice and determine the probability of rolling the minimum number to the maximum number.
For example, if the user picks 5 die, then the minimum roll would be 5x1=5 and the maximum roll would be 5x6=30. I already have code for a set number of dice and a set total - just need to know how to augment it. 'd' is number of die, 'k' is the total of the roll, and 'nreps' is simulated runs (1,000,000 for example). I'd like to store each probability in a vector and then give a plot (poisson distribution) of prob vs. total of roll (from min to max).
probtotk <- function(d, k, nreps){
count <- 0
#do the experiment nreps times
for (rep in 1:nreps){
total <- sum(sample(1:6, d, replace = TRUE))
if (total == k) count <- count +1

We can use R's vectorization to do this very quickly. As my comments suggest, I will not use k.
For d dice and nreps simulation, we will have d * nreps total die rolls. We simulate these all at once with sample(6, size = d * nreps, replace = T). We put the results in a matrix with nreps columns and d rows, so each column represents a roll of d dice. The column sums give the totals for each roll. The table function counts the occurrence of each total, and the prop.table function turns it into a proportion.
dice_tot_prob = function(d, nreps) {
rolls = matrix(sample(6, size = d * nreps, replace = T), ncol = nreps)
totals = colSums(rolls)
dice_tot_prob(5, 1e5)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0.00015 0.00066 0.00200 0.00446 0.00904 0.01615 0.02655 0.03958 0.05456 0.07013 0.08379 0.09511 0.10065 0.10068 0.09214 0.08391 0.06936 0.05384 0.03891
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
0.02576 0.01664 0.00880 0.00474 0.00180 0.00044 0.00015
The prop.table result is nice because it has a default plotting method:
plot(dice_tot_prob(5, 1e5))

I think what you need is this:
sample(1:6, nreps * d, replace = TRUE) %>%
matrix(nrow = d) %>%
colSums() %>%
table() %>%


for loop to determine the top 10 percent of values in an interval

I essentially have two columns (vectors) with speed and accel in a data.frame as such:
speed acceleration
1 3.2694444 2.6539535522
2 3.3388889 2.5096979141
3 3.3888889 2.2722134590
4 3.4388889 1.9815256596
5 3.5000000 1.6777544022
6 3.5555556 1.3933215141
7 3.6055556 1.1439051628
8 3.6527778 0.9334115982
9 3.6722222 0.7561602592
I need to find for each value speed on the x axis (speed), what is the top 10% max values from the y axis (acceleration). This also needs to be in a specific interval. For example speed 3.2-3.4, 3.4-3.6, and so on. Can you please show me how a for loop would look like in this situation?
As #alistaire already pointed out, you have provided a very limited amount of data. So we first have to simulate I a bit more data based on which we can test our code.
# your data
speed <- c(3.2694444, 3.3388889, 3.3388889, 3.4388889, 3.5,
3.5555556, 3.6055556, 3.6527778, 3.6722222)
acceleration <- c(2.6539535522, 2.5096979141, 2.2722134590,
1.9815256596, 1.6777544022, 1.3933215141,
1.1439051628, 0.9334115982, 0.7561602592)
df <- data.frame(speed, acceleration)
# expand data.frame and add a little bit of noise to all values
# to make them 'unique'
df <- as.data.frame(do.call(
replicate(15L, apply(df, 2, \(x) (x + runif(length(x), -1e-1, 1e-1) )),
simplify = FALSE)
The function create_intervals, as the name suggests, creates user-defined intervals. The rest of the code does the 'heavy lifting' and stores the desired result in out.
If you would like to have intervals of speed with equal widths, simply specify the number of groups (n_groups) you would like to have and leave the rest of the arguments (i.e. lwr, upr, and interval_span) unspecified.
# Cut speed into user-defined intervals
create_intervals <- \(n_groups = NULL, lwr = NULL, upr = NULL, interval_span = NULL) {
if (!is.null(lwr) & !is.null(upr) & !is.null(interval_span) & is.null(n_groups)) {
speed_low <- subset(df, speed < lwr, select = speed)
first_interval <- with(speed_low, c(min(speed), lwr))
middle_intervals <- seq(lwr + interval_span, upr - interval_span, interval_span)
speed_upp <- subset(df, speed > upr, select = speed)
last_interval <- with(speed_upp, c(upr, max(speed)))
intervals <- c(first_interval, middle_intervals, last_interval)
} else {
step <- with(df, c(max(speed) - min(speed))/n_groups)
intervals <- array(0L, dim = n_groups)
for(i in seq_len(n_groups)) {
intervals[i] <- min(df$speed) + i * step
# three intervals with equal width
my_intervals <- create_intervals(n_groups = 3L)
# Compute values of speed when acceleration is greater then
# or equal to the 90th percentile
out <- lapply(1:(length(my_intervals)-1L), \(i) {
x <- subset(df, speed >= my_intervals[i] & speed <= my_intervals[i+1L])
x[x$acceleration >= quantile(x$acceleration, 0.9), ]
# function to round values to two decimal places
r <- \(x) format(round(x, 2), nsmall = 2L)
# assign names to each element of out
for(i in seq_along(out)) {
names(out)[i] <- paste0(r(my_intervals[i]), '-', r(my_intervals[i+1L]))
Output 1
> out
speed acceleration
11 3.394378 2.583636
21 3.383631 2.267659
57 3.434123 2.300234
83 3.394886 2.580924
101 3.395459 2.460971
speed acceleration
6 3.635234 1.447290
41 3.572868 1.618293
51 3.615017 1.420020
95 3.575412 1.763215
We could also compute the desired values of speed based on intervals that make more 'sense' than just equally spaced speed intervals, e.g. [min(speed), 3.3), [3.3, 3.45), [3.45, 3.6), and [3.6, max(speed)).
This can be accomplished by leaving n_groups unspecified and instead specify lwr, upr, and an interval_span that makes sense. For instance, it makes sense to have a interval span of 0.15 when the lower limit is 3.3 and the upper limit is 3.6.
# custom boundaries based on a lower limit and upper limit
my_intervals <- create_intervals(lwr = 3.3, upr = 3.6, interval_span = 0.15)
Output 2
> out
speed acceleration
37 3.238781 2.696456
82 3.258691 2.722076
speed acceleration
11 3.394378 2.583636
19 3.328292 2.711825
73 3.315306 2.644580
83 3.394886 2.580924
speed acceleration
4 3.520530 2.018930
40 3.517329 2.032943
58 3.485247 2.079893
67 3.458031 2.078545
speed acceleration
6 3.635234 1.447290
34 3.688131 1.218969
51 3.615017 1.420020
78 3.628465 1.348873
Note: use function(x) instead of \(x) if you use a version of R <4.1.0

Elbow/knee in a curve in R

I've got this data processing:
##Using perplexity for hold out set
t1 <- Sys.time()
perplex <- c()
for (i in 3:25){
lda_model2 <- LDA$new(n_topics = i)
doc_topic_distr2 <- lda_model2$fit_transform(x = dtm, progressbar = F)
sample.dtm2 <- itoken(rawsample$Abstract,
preprocessor = prep_fun,
tokenizer = tok_fun,
ids = rawsample$id,
progressbar = F) %>%
create_dtm(vectorizer,vtype = "dgTMatrix", progressbar = FALSE)
new_doc_topic_distr2 <- lda_model2$transform(sample.dtm2, n_iter = 1000,
convergence_tol = 0.001, n_check_convergence = 25,
progressbar = FALSE)
perplex[i] <- text2vec::perplexity(sample.dtm2, topic_word_distribution =
doc_topic_distribution = new_doc_topic_distr2)
print(difftime(Sys.time(), t1, units = 'sec'))
I know there are a lot of questions like this, but I haven't been able to exactly find the answer to my situation. Above you see perplexity calculation from 3 to 25 topic number for a Latent Dirichlet Allocation model. I want to get the most sufficient value among those, meaning that I want to find the elbow or knee, for those values that might only be considered as a simple numeric vector which outcome looks like this:
1 NA
2 NA
3 222.6229
4 210.3442
5 200.1335
6 190.3143
7 180.4195
8 174.2634
9 166.2670
10 159.7535
11 153.7785
12 148.1623
13 144.1554
14 141.8250
15 138.8301
16 134.4956
17 131.0745
18 128.8941
19 125.8468
20 123.8477
21 120.5155
22 118.4426
23 116.4619
24 113.2401
25 114.1233
This is how plot looks like
I would say that the elbow would be 13 or 16, but I'm not completely sure and I want the exact number as an outcome. I saw in this paper that f''(x) / (1+f'(x)^2)^1.5 is the knee formula, which I tried like this and says it's 18:
> d1 <- diff(perplex) # first derivative
> d2 <- diff(d1) / diff(perplex[-1]) # second derivative
> knee <- (d2)/((1+(d1)^2)^1.5)
Warning message:
In (d2)/((1 + (d1)^2)^1.5) :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
> which.min(knee)
[1] 18
I can't fully figure this thing out. Would someone like to share how I could get the exact ideal topics number according to perplexity as an outcome?
Found this: "The LDA model with the optimal coherence score, obtained with an elbow method (the point with maximum absolute second derivative) (...)" in this paper, so this coding does the work: d1 <- diff(perplex); k <- which.max(abs(diff(d1) / diff(perplex[-1])))

How to get all possible combination of cell frequency based on row and column total

I have to total count of row and column total of a table. in the example it is 31, 92, 59 and 64. Also each cell can get the value maximum (Ex: max 20 for cell 1 and so on) of that indicated in the example.
Example :
How can I code it in R ? I tried with repeat loop , but no success !!
your table look like this:
a b | sab
c d | scd
sac sbd| S
and you have 4 unknowns with 4 constraints (forget about the maximum constraints on a,b,c and d for a moment):
the 4 constraints are not independent (otherwise you would have only one possible solution!), and a
bit of algebra shows that the matrix of this linear system has rank 3. so you have one degree of
freedom to play with. pick a for example, and then vary a from 0 to its maximum value. For each value
of a then compute b, c and d using the row and column sum constraints, and check that they satisy the
positivity and maximum constraints.
The R code for your example is as follows:
sab <- 59
scd <- 64
sac <- 31
sbd <- sab + scd - sac ### this is always true
amax <- 20
bmax <- 40
cmax <- 12
dmax <- 70
### let us vary a, our only degree of freedom
for (a in 0:amax){
### let us compute b, c and d by satisfying row and column sum constraints
b <- sab - a
c <- sac - a
d <- sbd - b
### let us check inequality constraints
if (b <= bmax && b>= 0 && c <= cmax && c >= 0 && d <= dmax && d >= 0){
print(m <- rbind(c(a,b),c(c,d)))
cat("\nrowSums:", rowSums(m))
cat("\ncolsums:", colSums(m))
if (! identical(rowSums(m), c(sab,scd)))
stop("\nrow sum is not right!\n")
if (! identical(colSums(m), c(sac,sbd)))
stop("\ncolumns sum is not right!\n")

How do i split a number randomly into multiple numbers given the number and n groups?

For instance , if the number is 100 and the number of groups is 4 it should give any random list of 4 numbers that add upto 100:
input number = 100
number of groups = 4
Possible outputs:
25, 25, 25, 25
10, 20, 30, 40
15, 35, 2, 48
The output should only be one list generated. More application oriented example would be how i would split a probability 1 into multiple groups given the number of groups using R?
rmultinom might be handy here:
x <- rmultinom(n = 1, size = 100, prob = rep(1/4, 4))
Here I draw one vector, with a total size of 100, which is splitted into 4 groups.
You can try following
total <- 100
n <- 4
as.vector(table(sample(1:n, size = total, replace = T)))
## [1] 23 27 24 26
as.vector(table(sample(1:n, size = total, replace = T)))
## [1] 25 26 28 21
as.vector(table(sample(1:n, size = total, replace = T)))
## [1] 24 20 28 28
When it comes to probabilities, I think this is a good idea:
generate.probabilities <- function(n){
bordersR <- c(sort(runif(n-1)), 1)
bordersL <- c(0, bordersR[1:(n-1)])
bordersR - bordersL
It gives you n numbers from random distribution which sum up to 1.
Define the parameters for generality
inN <- 100 # input number
nG <- 4 # number of groups
Following storaged's idea that we only need 3 random numbers to split the space into 4 regions, but requiring integers, the inner borders can be found as:
sort(sample(inN,nG-1, replace = TRUE))
The OP wanted the count in each group which we can find by
diff(c(0,sort(sample(inN,nG-1, replace = TRUE)), inN))

Probabilty heatmap in ggplot

I asked this question a year ago and got code for this "probability heatmap":
numbet <- 32
numtri <- 1e5
#Fill a matrix
xcum <- matrix(NA, nrow=numtri, ncol=numbet+1)
for (i in 1:numtri) {
x <- sample(c(0,1), numbet, prob=c(prob, 1-prob), replace = TRUE)
xcum[i, ] <- c(i, cumsum(x)/cumsum(1:numbet))
colnames(xcum) <- c("trial", paste("bet", 1:numbet, sep=""))
mxcum <- reshape(data.frame(xcum), varying=1+1:numbet,
idvar="trial", v.names="outcome", direction="long", timevar="bet")
mxcum2 <- ddply(mxcum, .(bet, outcome), nrow)
mxcum3 <- ddply(mxcum2, .(bet), summarize,
ymin=c(0, head(seq_along(V1)/length(V1), -1)),
p <- ggplot(mxcum3, aes(xmin=bet-0.5, xmax=bet+0.5, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax)) +
geom_rect(aes(fill=fill), colour="grey80") +
scale_fill_gradient("Outcome", formatter="percent", low="red", high="blue") +
scale_y_continuous(formatter="percent") +
(May need to change this code slightly because of this)
This is almost exactly what I want. Except each vertical shaft should have different numbers of bins, ie the first should have 2, second 3, third 4 (N+1). In the graph shaft 6 +7 have the same number of bins (7), where 7 should have 8 (N+1).
If I'm right, the reason the code does this is because it is the observed data and if I ran more trials we would get more bins. I don't want to rely on the number of trials to get the correct number of bins.
How can I adapt this code to give the correct number of bins?
I have used R's dbinom to generate the frequency of heads for n=1:32 trials and plotted the graph now. It will be what you expect. I have read some of your earlier posts here on SO and on math.stackexchange. Still I don't understand why you'd want to simulate the experiment rather than generating from a binomial R.V. If you could explain it, it would be great! I'll try to work on the simulated solution from #Andrie to check out if I can match the output shown below. For now, here's something you might be interested in.
numbet <- 32
numtri <- 1e5
out <- ldply(1:numbet, function(idx) {
outcome <- dbinom(idx:0, size=idx, prob=prob)
bet <- rep(idx, length(outcome))
N <- round(outcome * numtri)
ymin <- c(0, head(seq_along(N)/length(N), -1))
ymax <- seq_along(N)/length(N)
data.frame(bet, fill=outcome, ymin, ymax)
p <- ggplot(out, aes(xmin=bet-0.5, xmax=bet+0.5, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax)) +
geom_rect(aes(fill=fill), colour="grey80") +
scale_fill_gradient("Outcome", low="red", high="blue") +
The plot:
Edit: Explanation of how your old code from Andrie works and why it doesn't give what you intend.
Basically, what Andrie did (or rather one way to look at it) is to use the idea that if you have two binomial distributions, X ~ B(n, p) and Y ~ B(m, p), where n, m = size and p = probability of success, then, their sum, X + Y = B(n + m, p) (1). So, the purpose of xcum is to obtain the outcome for all n = 1:32 tosses, but to explain it better, let me construct the code step by step. Along with the explanation, the code for xcum will also be very obvious and it can be constructed in no time (without any necessity for for-loop and constructing a cumsum everytime.
If you have followed me so far, then, our idea is first to create a numtri * numbet matrix, with each column (length = numtri) having 0's and 1's with probability = 5/6 and 1/6 respectively. That is, if you have numtri = 1000, then, you'll have ~ 834 0's and 166 1's *for each of the numbet columns (=32 here). Let's construct this and test this first.
numtri <- 1e3
numbet <- 32
xcum <- t(replicate(numtri, sample(0:1, numbet, prob=c(5/6,1/6), replace = TRUE)))
# check for count of 1's
> apply(xcum, 2, sum)
[1] 169 158 166 166 160 182 164 181 168 140 154 142 169 168 159 187 176 155 151 151 166
163 164 176 162 160 177 157 163 166 146 170
# So, the count of 1's are "approximately" what we expect (around 166).
Now, each of these columns are samples of binomial distribution with n = 1 and size = numtri. If we were to add the first two columns and replace the second column with this sum, then, from (1), since the probabilities are equal, we'll end up with a binomial distribution with n = 2. Similarly, instead, if you had added the first three columns and replaced th 3rd column by this sum, you would have obtained a binomial distribution with n = 3 and so on...
The concept is that if you cumulatively add each column, then you end up with numbet number of binomial distributions (1 to 32 here). So, let's do that.
xcum <- t(apply(xcum, 1, cumsum))
# you can verify that the second column has similar probabilities by this:
# calculate the frequency of all values in 2nd column.
> table(xcum[,2])
0 1 2
694 285 21
> round(numtri * dbinom(2:0, 2, prob=5/6))
[1] 694 278 28
# more or less identical, good!
If you divide the xcum, we have generated thus far by cumsum(1:numbet) over each row in this manner:
xcum <- xcum/matrix(rep(cumsum(1:numbet), each=numtri), ncol = numbet)
this will be identical to the xcum matrix that comes out of the for-loop (if you generate it with the same seed). However I don't quite understand the reason for this division by Andrie as this is not necessary to generate the graph you require. However, I suppose it has something to do with the frequency values you talked about in an earlier post on math.stackexchange
Now on to why you have difficulties obtaining the graph I had attached (with n+1 bins):
For a binomial distribution with n=1:32 trials, 5/6 as probability of tails (failures) and 1/6 as the probability of heads (successes), the probability of k heads is given by:
nCk * (5/6)^(k-1) * (1/6)^k # where nCk is n choose k
For the test data we've generated, for n=7 and n=8 (trials), the probability of k=0:7 and k=0:8 heads are given by:
# n=7
0 1 2 3 4 5
.278 .394 .233 .077 .016 .002
# n=8
0 1 2 3 4 5
.229 .375 .254 .111 .025 .006
Why are they both having 6 bins and not 8 and 9 bins? Of course this has to do with the value of numtri=1000. Let's see what's the probabilities of each of these 8 and 9 bins by generating probabilities directly from the binomial distribution using dbinom to understand why this happens.
# n = 7
dbinom(7:0, 7, prob=5/6)
# output rounded to 3 decimal places
[1] 0.279 0.391 0.234 0.078 0.016 0.002 0.000 0.000
# n = 8
dbinom(8:0, 8, prob=5/6)
# output rounded to 3 decimal places
[1] 0.233 0.372 0.260 0.104 0.026 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000
You see that the probabilities corresponding to k=6,7 and k=6,7,8 corresponding to n=7 and n=8 are ~ 0. They are very low in values. The minimum value here is 5.8 * 1e-7 actually (n=8, k=8). This means that you have a chance of getting 1 value if you simulated for 1/5.8 * 1e7 times. If you check the same for n=32 and k=32, the value is 1.256493 * 1e-25. So, you'll have to simulate that many values to get at least 1 result where all 32 outcomes are head for n=32.
This is why your results were not having values for certain bins because the probability of having it is very low for the given numtri. And for the same reason, generating the probabilities directly from the binomial distribution overcomes this problem/limitation.
I hope I've managed to write with enough clarity for you to follow. Let me know if you've trouble going through.
Edit 2:
When I simulated the code I've just edited above with numtri=1e6, I get this for n=7 and n=8 and count the number of heads for k=0:7 and k=0:8:
# n = 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
279347 391386 233771 77698 15763 1915 117 3
# n = 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
232835 372466 259856 104116 26041 4271 392 22 1
Note that, there are k=6 and k=7 now for n=7 and n=8. Also, for n=8, you have a value of 1 for k=8. With increasing numtri you'll obtain more of the other missing bins. But it'll require a huge amount of time/memory (if at all).
