How to implement early stopping as an extension - chainer

As this thread, we can stop iteration loop by setting function (f:trainer -> bool) as Trainer's stop_triger.
But in this way, I think we can't use other extension such as LogReport which use stop_trigger=((args.epoch, '10')).
So, my question is how to implement early stopping as the Extension and how to send a signal to stop trainer's iteration from Extension.

I implemented the example code on gist,
and updated the answer on the original thread.
I noticed that stop_trigger originally uses tuple notation like (args.epoch, '10'), instead we need to change to pass a callable object (EarlyStoppingTrigger in above example).


how to start one flux after completion of another?

how can i start Flux after completion of Flux? Flux doesn't depend on result of Flux.
I thought operation then() should do the work, but it just return mono. So what is the correct operator?
Flux.thenMany is the operator that you need
abstract Flux<Integer> flux1();
abstract Flux<String> flux2();
public Flux<String> flux2AfterFlux1(){
return flux1().thenMany(flux2());
My reply is late, so you have probably either figured this out, or moved on. I need to do the same thing, so I seem to have achieved this by using Flux.usingWhen(). I need to obtain IDs from my database that exhibit a certain property. After retrieving these IDs, then I need to get some information about these IDs. Normally, a join would work, but I am using MongoDB, and joins are horrible, so it is better to do separate, sequential queries. So let's say I have a Mongo reactive repository with a method called Flux<String> findInterestingIds(). I have another method in the same repository called Flux<String> findInterestingInformation(String[] interestingIds) that I need to feed the IDs found in the call to the previous method. So this is how I handle it:
Mono<List<String>> interestingIdsMono = myRepo.findInterestingIds()
interestingIds -> myRepo.findInterestingInformation(interestingIds),
interestingIds -> Flux.empty().doOnComplete(() -> log.debug("Complete"));
The cleanup function (third parameter) was something that I don't quite yet understand how to use in a good way, so I just logged completion and I do not need to emit anything extra when the flux completes.
ProjectReactor used to have a compose function that is now called transformDeferred, and I had some hopes for that, but I do not quite see how it would apply in this type of situation. At any rate, this is my attempt at it, so feel free to show me a better way!

Creating a JavaFX proxy causes a UnsupportedOperationException

I'm trying to write a JavaFX app in Clojure. As a simple test, I wanted to try to just launch a Hello World. To extend Application, I decided to try using proxy instead of :gen-class. I wanted to be able to create a bare-bones function that creates an Application, instead of requiring me to write the boilerplate every time.
The simple example I came up with was:
(let [^Application app
(proxy [Application] []
(start [self stage] (println "Hello World")))]
(Application/launch ^Class (.getClass app)
(into-array String [])))
The problem is, this causes an UnsupportedOperationException:
UnsupportedOperationException start chat.graphics_tests.javafx_wrapper.proxy$javafx.application.Application$ff19274a.start (:-1)
It seems like it can't find the start method that I implemented. My first thought was that the arguments to start were wrong. They seem correct though. The first argument it receives is "this", then the primary stage. I tried different numbers of arguments though, and I still get the same error. According to the docs:
If a method fn is not provided for an interface method, an
UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown should it be
Which further my this suspicion.
The errors quite vague. Does anyone see what the problem is?
When writing proxy class definitions in Clojure you do not need the explicit self parameter in the method signature. The current instance will be implicitly bound to this which you will be able to use inside the methods.
Therefore your proxy call should look like this:
(proxy [Application] []
(start [stage] (println "Hello World")))
This appears to be because Application/launch requires a named class, which proxy doesn't create. (see the comment at the bottom of the answer. I'm trusting #Sam here).
I ended up caving and using :gen-class, and got it working after some fiddling.

Access python function from javascript in QWebView

I am writing a Python/PyQt4 application that generates and displays a page in a QWebView widget. The page includes javascript code that I would like to be able to call functions returning data from the python application.
So far I can call functions that do not return data (using the pyqtSlot decorator), and call functions that do take parameters by exposing them as properties (using the pyqtProperty decorator). What I haven't worked out how to do is to call a python function with parameters, that returns data.
The question 9615194 explains how to do this from C++, but I cannot see how to transfer this to PyQt4.
I suspect you're not using the result= keyword to specify the return value in your pyqtSlot decorator?
#pyqtSlot(str, result=str)
def echo(self, phrase):
return self.parent().echo(phrase)
I ran afoul of this myself recently. No errors are generated if you omit result=, the method just silently returns nothing. Pretty maddening 'til I figured it out. See my answer to this question for a worked example.

How can I tell the Closure Compiler not to rename an inner function using SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS?

How can I tell the Closure Compiler not to rename an inner function? E.g., given this code:
function aMeaninglessName() {
function someMeaningfulName() {
return someMeaningfulName;
...I'm fine with Closure renaming the outer function (I actively want it to, to save space), but I want the function name someMeaningfulName left alone (so that the name shown in call stacks for it is "someMeaningfulName", not "a" or whatever). This despite the fact that the code calling it will be doing so via the reference returned by the factory function, not by the name in the code. E.g., this is purely for debugging support.
Note that I want the function to have that actual name, not be anonymous and assigned to some property using that name, so for instance this is not a duplicate of this other question.
This somewhat obscure use case doesn't seem to be covered by either the externs or exports functionality. (I was kind of hoping there'd be some annotation I could throw at it.) But I'm no Closure Compiler guru, I'm hoping some of you are. Naturally, if there's just no way to do that, that's an acceptable answer.
(The use case is a library that creates functions in response to calls into it. I want to provide a version of the library that's been pre-compressed by Closure with SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS, but if someone is using that copy of the library with their own uncompressed code and single-stepping into the function in a debugger [or other similar operations], I want them to see the meaningful name. I could get around it with eval, or manually edit the compressed result [in fact, the context is sufficiently unique I could throw a sed script at it], but that's awkward and frankly takes us into "not worth bothering" territory, hence looking for a simple, low-maintenance way.)
There is no simple way to do this. You would have to create a custom subclass of the CodingConvention class to indicate that your methods are "local" externs (support for this was added to handle the Prototype library). It is possible that InlineVariables, InlineFunctions, or RemoveUsedVariables will still try to remove the name and would also need to be fixed up.
Another approach is to use the source maps to remap the stack traces to the original source.
read the following section
Two options basically, use object['functionName'] = obj.functionName or the better way
use exportSymbol and exportProperty both on the goog object, here is the docs link for that
-- edit
ah, i see now, my first answer is not so great for you. The compiler has some interesting flags, the one which might interest you is DEBUG, which you can pass variables into the compiler which will allow you to drop some debugging annotations in via logging or just a string which does nothing since you are using simple mode.
so if you are using closure you can debug against a development version which is just a page built with dependiencies resolved. we also the drop the following in our code

Calling Webservices in a loop won't execute the custom OnSuccess function

I have a problem.
I am coding using VS2008.
I am calling webservices from my JavaScript Page.
An example
after execution, it goes to the function OnSuccessMoviesByRegion.
But if I put the Services in a loop (a simple for loop)
OnSucessMoviesByRegion function won't execute (but the service call executes n times successfully
But I must have the function cos I am returning value through it.
What am I missing?
Is that the typical behaviour?
Any alternatives?
Naveen, I'm answering your follow-up question here. I can think of two options:
Try to make a single call packaging your data (sending the whole blah array and handle it on the server).
Use a counter variable which you decrement in the "OnSucces" client handler each time and stop if this counter variable reaches 0.
I guess there is some kind of concurrency problem. Probably you fire the next request before the last one finished.
I think you'll have to rewrite the loop. Try to move that code, calling only the first request and then using the "OnSuccess" function to call the next one each time.
