Removing infrequent rows in a data frame - r

Let's say I have a following very simple data frame:
a <- rep(5,30)
b <- rep(4,80)
d <- rep(7,55)
df <- data.frame(Column = c(a,b,d))
What would be the most generic way for removing all rows with the value that appear less then 60 times?
I know you could say "in this case it's just a", but in my real data there are many more frequencies, so I wouldn't want to specify them one by one.
I was thinking of writing a loop such that if length() of an 'i' is smaller than 60, these rows will be deleted, but perhaps you have other ideas. Thanks in advance.

A solution using dplyr.
df2 <- df %>%
group_by(Column) %>%
filter(n() >= 60)
Or a solution from base R
uniqueID <- unique(df$Column)
targetID <- sapply(split(df, df$Column), function(x) nrow(x) >= 60)
df2 <- df[df$Column %in% uniqueID[targetID], , drop = FALSE]

We create a frequency table and then subset the rows based on the 'count' of values in 'Column'
tbl <- table(df$Column) >=60
subset(df, Column %in% names(tbl)[tbl])
Or with ave from base R
df[with(df, ave(Column, Column, FUN = length)>=60),]
Or we use data.table
setDT(df)[, .SD[.N >= 60], Column]
Or another option with data.table is .I
setDT(df)[df[, .I[.N >=60], Column]$V1]
If there are more than one column to group, place it in a list (or compactly .()
setDT(df)[df[, .I[.N >=60], by = .(Column1, Column2)]$V1]
If there are many columns, we can also pass as a character string or object
colnms <- paste0("Column", 1:5)
setDT(df)[df[, .I[.N >=60], by = c(colnms)]$V1]

Using data.table
df[Column %in% df[, .N, by = Column][N >= 60, Column]]

There is also a variant to Eric Watt's answer which uses a join instead of %in%:
df[df[, .N, by = Column][N >= 60, .(Column)], on = "Column"]


How do I convert all numeric columns to character type in my dataframe?

I would like to do something more efficient than
dataframe$col <- as.character(dataframe$col)
since I have many numeric columns.
In base R, we may either use one of the following i.e. loop over all the columns, create an if/else conditon to change it
dataframe[] <- lapply(dataframe, function(x) if(is.numeric(x))
as.character(x) else x)
Or create an index for numeric columns and loop only on those columns and assign
i1 <- sapply(dataframe, is.numeric)
dataframe[i1] <- lapply(dataframe[i1], as.character)
It may be more flexible in dplyr
dataframe <- dataframe %>%
mutate(across(where(is.numeric), as.character))
All said by master akrun! Here is a data.table alternative. Note it converts all columns to character class:
df[, (colnames(df)) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = colnames(df)]

Subset data frame by factor cardinality?

I suspect that this will be a duplicate, but my efforts to find an answer have failed. Suppose that I have a data frame with columns made entirely of either integers or factors. Some of these columns have factors with many levels and some do not. Suppose that I want to select parts of or otherwise subset the data such that I only get the columns with factors that have less than 10 levels. How can I do this? My first thought was to make a particularly nasty sapply command, but I'm hoping for a better way.
We can use select_if
df1 %>%
select_if(~ is.factor(.) && nlevels(.) < 10)
With a reproducible example using iris
iris %>%
select_if(~ is.factor(.) && nlevels(.) < 10)
Or using sapply
i1 <- sapply(df1, function(x) is.factor(x) && nlevels(x) < 10)
With data.table you can do:
df[,.SD, .SDcols = sapply(df, function(x) length(levels(x))<10)]
df <- data.table(x = factor(1:3, levels = 1:5), y = factor(1:3, levels = 1:10))
df[,.SD, .SDcols = sapply(df, function(x) length(levels(x))>5)]
1: 1
2: 2
3: 3

In R: How to subset a large dataframe by top 5 longest runs of frequent values in 1 column?

I have a dataframe with 1 column. The values in this column can ONLY be "good" or "bad". I would like to find the top 5 largest runs of "bad".
I am able to use the rle(df) function to get the running length of all the "good" and "bad".
How do i find the 5 largest runs that attribute to ONLY "bad"?
How do i get the starting and ending indices of the top 5 largest runs for ONLY "bad"?
Your assistance is much appreciated!
One option would be rleid. Convert the 'data.frame' to 'data.table' (setDT(df1)), creating grouping column with rleid (generates a unique id based on adjacent non-matching elements, create the number of elements per group (n) as a column, and row number also as another column ('rn'), subset the rows where 'goodbad' is "bad", order 'n' in decreasing order, grouped by 'grp', summarise the 'first' and 'last' row numbe, as well as the entry for goodbad
setDT(df1)[, grp := rleid(goodbad)][, n := .N, grp][ ,
rn := .I][goodbad == 'bad'][order(-n), .(goodbad = first(goodbad),
n = n, start = rn[1], last = rn[.N]), .(grp)
][n %in% head(unique(n), 5)][, grp := NULL][]
Or we can use rle and other base R methods
rl <- rle(df1$goodbad)
grp <- with(rl, rep(seq_along(values), lengths))
df2 <- transform(df1, grp = grp, n = rep(rl$lengths, rl$lengths),
rn = seq_len(nrow(df1)))
df3 <- subset(df2, goodbad == 'bad'), aggregate(rn ~ grp, subset(df3[order(-df3$n),],
n %in% head(unique(n), 5)), range))
df1 <- data.frame(goodbad = sample(c("good", "bad"), 100,
replace = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
The sort(...) function arranges things by increasing or decreasing order. The default is increasing, but you can set "decreasing = TRUE". Use ?sort for more info.
The which(...) function returns the INDEX of values that meet a logical criteria. The code below sorts the times columns of rows where the goodbad value == GOOD.
sort(your.df$times[which(your.df$goodbad == GOOD)])
If you wanted to get the top 5 you could do this:
top5_good <- sort(your.df$times[which(your.df$goodbad == GOOD)])[1:5]
top5_bad <- sort(your.df$times[which(your.df$goodbad == BAD)])[1:5]

Subset by group with data.table compared to aggregate a data.table

This is a follow up question to Subset by group with data.table using the same data.table:
bdt <-
# Aggregating and loosing information on other columns
dt1 <- bdt[ , .(max_g = max(g)), by = id]
# Aggregating and keeping information on other columns
dt2 <- bdt[bdt[, .I[g == max(g)], by = id]$V1]
Why do dt1 and dt2 differ in number of rows?
Isn't dt2 supposed to have the same result just without loosing the respective information in the other columns?
As #Frank pointed out:
bdt[ , .(max_g = max(g)), by = id] provides you with the maximum value, while
bdt[bdt[ , .I[g == max(g)], by = id]$V1] identifies all rows that have this maximum.
See What is the difference between arg max and max? for a mathematical explanation and try this slim version in R:
bdt <-
dt <- bdt[id == "woodge01"][order(-g)]
dt[ , .(max = max(g)), by = id]
dt[ dt[ , .I[g == max(g)], by = id]$V1 ]

Changing multiple Columns in data.table r

I am looking for a way to manipulate multiple columns in a data.table in R. As I have to address the columns dynamically as well as a second input, I wasn't able to find an answer.
The idea is to index two or more series on a certain date by dividing all values by the value of the date eg:
# simulate some data
dt <- data.table(date = seq(from = as.Date("2000-01-01"), by = "days", length.out = 10),
X1 = cumsum(rnorm(10)),
X2 = cumsum(rnorm(10)))
# set a date for the index
indexDate <- as.Date("2000-01-05")
# get the column names to be able to select the columns dynamically
cols <- colnames(dt)
cols <- cols[substr(cols, 1, 1) == "X"]
Part 1: The Easy data.frame/apply approach
df <-
# get the right rownumber for the indexDate
rownum <- max((1:nrow(df))*(df$date==indexDate))
# use apply to iterate over all columns
df[, cols] <- apply(df[, cols],
function(x, i){x / x[i]}, i = rownum)
Part 2: The (fast) data.table approach
So far my data.table approach looks like this:
for(nam in cols) {
div <- as.numeric(dt[rownum, nam, with = FALSE])
dt[ ,
nam := dt[,nam, with = FALSE] / div,
especially all the with = FALSE look not very data.table-like.
Do you know any faster/more elegant way to perform this operation?
Any idea is greatly appreciated!
One option would be to use set as this involves multiple columns. The advantage of using set is that it will avoid the overhead of [.data.table and makes it faster.
for(j in cols){
set(dt, i=NULL, j=j, value= dt[[j]]/dt[[j]][rownum])
Or a slightly slower option would be
dt[, (cols) :=lapply(.SD, function(x) x/x[rownum]), .SDcols=cols]
Following up on your code and the answer given by akrun, I would recommend you to use .SDcols to extract the numeric columns and lapply to loop through them. Here's how I would do it:
index <-as.Date("2000-01-05")
dt[, lapply(.SD, function (i) i/i[rownum]), .SDcols = is.numeric]
Using .SDcols could be specially useful if you have a large number of numeric columns and you'd like to apply this division on all of them.
