unable to deploy post deploy hooks on dokku - dokku

I have deployed an application using Dokku. This application runs a python script.
As a dependency for this python script, I want to install a python module once the application is deployed. To achieve that, I have installed a post-deployment hooks plugin.
I have installed this dokku plugin to do this
My post-deploy plugin (script) contains only this command:
pip3 install lark-parser
However it's throwing access denied error on deployment.
Any idea what i am missing here?
Output of the git push dokku master:
-----> Running post-deploy
-----> Attempting to run scripts.dokku.postdeploy from app.json (if defined)
-----> Running post-deploy hooks
-----> /app/post-deploy
remote: setuidgid: fatal: unable to run /app/post-deploy: access denied


Deploy a SSR Nuxt 2 application on firebase

I have some troubles deploying a Nuxt 2.4 application on Firebase.
I tried these 2 tutorials but they seem outdated:
With the first tutorial, I could make my app working on local (after few hours and with a lot of modifications for babel integration) but I never could serve or deploy it. I thought the tutorial was old and manipulations can't be exactly done like the guy did.
With the second tutorial, I cloned the repository to try to deploy the example. I had to change 2 things : install Node 8 instead of Node 10 and upgrading firebase-admin to the last version in prod/server dir. Here is what I got:
npm run setup is ok
npm run dev is ok and the project works fine
npm run build is ok
npm run serve fails.
First I got this error :
The Cloud Functions emulator requires the module "firebase-admin" to be version >7.0.0 so your version is too old. You can probably fix this by running "npm install firebase-admin#latest" in your functions directory.
Indeed, the version configured in package.json is the 5.13. I did the update from the prod/server dir, and I get the 8.0.0.
And then I got a different error about gRPC :
Error: Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system
Expected directory: node-v57-darwin-x64-unknown
Found: [node-v64-darwin-x64-unknown]
This problem can often be fixed by running "npm rebuild" on the current system
I tried npm rebuild as mentionned, without success.
npm run deploy fails.
I get this trace:
i deploying functions, hosting
i functions: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled...
✔ functions: all necessary APIs are enabled
i functions: preparing prod/server directory for uploading...
Error: Error parsing triggers: Cannot find module 'acorn'
Try running "npm install" in your functions directory before deploying.
Of course, I tried the npm install from prod/server dir, but nothing changed.
Is there somewhere i can find a tutorial that can help me deploy my SSR app to firebase ? Thanks in avdance !
EDIT 1 :
After a few modifications on my package.json
upgrading firebase-functions and express to the latest versions
downgrading firebase-admin to the 7.0.0 version
adding acorn
I can serve and deploy but I get a "504 gateway time-out" webpage when I call the URL....
Have you tried to run npm install grpc inside functions folder?

Cordova plugin whitelist error causes meteor (and then mup) to fail

When running a meteor.js app via meteor run --verbose android I get this error:
Failed to install 'cordova-plugin-whitelist':Cannot find plugin.xml
for plugin "cordova-plugin-whitelist". Please try adding it again.
I've tried the fix suggested here (installed cordova plugin via add cordova-plugin-whitelist in the folder .meteor/local/cordova-build) and this got the emulator started but then this error appeared:
Execution failed for task ':processDebugResources'.
com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: Failed to execute aapt
I found some information about this one on the issues gitHub site for meteor, but I'm at a loss now for what to do.
These errors (not surprisingly) also cause meteor-up deployment to fail. I
tried adding buildOptions: { "serverOnly": true } to the mup.json file per the mup docs but this failed to stop meteor from building the cordova architecture. Is there is a build setting or flag for mup deploy or meteor build so that it doesn't try to build the web.cordova architecture at all?

Can't complete mup setup on Dreamhost aka Meteor Up

I'm stuck at the mup setup. Trying to set it up on my Dreamhost server.
Here is what I started with after running mup setup:
Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments
Started TaskList: Setup (linux)
[mydomain.com] - Installing Node.js
[mydomain.com] ✘ Installing Node.js: FAILED
tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
Then I installed node manually on my server, and set the mup file to "setupNode": false. Tried again and got that:
Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments
Started TaskList: Setup (linux)
[mydomain.com] - Installing PhantomJS
[mydomain.com] ✘ Installing PhantomJS: FAILED
tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
Finally, I also deactivated the PhantomJS install, tried again to run mup setup and got that:
Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments
Started TaskList: Setup (linux)
[mydomain.com] - Setting up Environment
[mydomain.com] ✔ Setting up Environment: SUCCESS
[mudomain.com] - Copying MongoDB configuration
[mydomain.com] ✘ Copying MongoDB configuration: FAILED
Warning: Permanently added 'mydomain.com,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
scp: /etc/mongodb.conf: Permission denied
Killed by signal 1.
Completed TaskList: Setup (linux)
I am not sure what to do or try next. Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.
Its seems like its a Permission problem.
Try with sudo mup setup or whatever name process are you running, initialize with the sudo keyword
From dream Host forums (admin or tutor post).
node.js — which is used by Meteor — causes some weird issues on our shared hosting servers that can trigger this behavior. We're aware of
the issue, but, for various reasons, it's been difficult to fix.
That being said, Meteor won't work on a shared hosting account anyway,
as it runs as a persistent server process, which isn't permitted.
You'd need a DreamHost VPS or dedicated server to run Meteor.
So if you don't have a dreamHost VPS or dedicated server, and you only want to deploy the app give a try to Modulus.io, it works pretty fine with meteor, or use the meteor deploy servers, doc here
This happens because Sudo isn't installed on the target machine.
On my Debian target machine I did apt-get install sudo to resolve this.
For a RedHat flavor (Centos etc) target machine you might do yum install sudo etc.
However mup is supported for Ubuntu only so it's very likely to run into issues with other flavors. You might want to stick with Ubuntu target machines to avoid headaches like these.

Deploying Meteor app from OS X to Linux causes bcrypt issues

I have just deployed my first production Meteor app, but ran into a pretty significant issue. When I tried to run my app, I get the following error:
Error: /home/hiapp/bundle/programs/server/npm/npm-bcrypt/node_modules/bcrypt/build/Release/bcrypt_lib.node: invalid ELF header
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Module.require (module.js:364:17)
at require (module.js:380:17)
at bindings (/home/hiapp/bundle/programs/server/npm/npm-bcrypt/node_modules/bcrypt/node_modules/bindings/bindings.js:74:15)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/hiapp/bundle/programs/server/npm/npm-bcrypt/node_modules/bcrypt/bcrypt.js:1:97)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
Through some research, it seems that the issue is that bcrypt is platform-specific, and because my development is on OS X 10.10, but my production server is on Ubuntu 14.04, there-in lies the problem. My work around was to run npm install bcrypt from the programs/server folder, then copy that from programs/server/node_modules/bcrypt to programs/server/npm. This seems like a lot of manual steps.
I am just about to re-deploy my app with some fixes, and I am worried that I am going to have to again perform the same steps. Is there a better way to deploy a Meteor app where you do not run into this issue? My procedure currently is:
Run meteor build
scp resulting tarball to my server (Digital Ocean)
explode the tarball in my app users home directory
ADDED STEPS: recompile bcrypt and copy the directory over as stated above
I am guessing the auto-refresh will be broken as the first time the server tries to load the new libraries it will explode in fiery glory. Would it be better to simply clone the GIT repo on the server and do the build straight from there, or can I use mup or any other tools to help smoothen the deployment process?
There are two ways of getting around this time-consuming problem which are totally dependant on how you deploy.
Manual deploy
If you are manually deploying your app then make sure that you are using node v0.10.361 and only that. Meteor does not work well with node v0.12.x. More specifically, the fibers module causes a lot of problems, it chokes on various errors2.
The following is the procedure that fixed it for me3, 4:
Remove the bcrypt module from the npm directory:
$ cd path_to_your_app/bundle/programs/server
$ rm -rf npm/npm-bcrypt/node_modules/bcrypt/
Install the bcrypt module into the node_modules directory first. This builds bcrypt against the server's OS:
$ npm install bcrypt
Move the newly created bcrypt module into the npm directory:
$ cp -r node_modules/bcrypt npm/npm-bcrypt/node_modules/bcrypt
Finally, restart the app, mogodb and any web server processes such as nginx6, through upstart if you have it configured. Under the heading sanity steps below you can perform if the steps outlined above have not fixed it for you.
Using Meteor Up (mup)
If you are using mup then the process is much easier as other answers on this thread point out. However, there are cases where errors still arise including the invalid ELF header error. Make sure you have the most recent version of mup npm update mup -g.
The first step is to remove any pre-existing app and nodejs package. Mup installs the app into /opt/ and within there you can find your_app and nodejs. Remove them.
Verify that you have the correct node version, 0.10.36 only1 and the following settings, in the mup.json file:
"setupMongo": true,
"setupNode": true,
"nodeVersion" : "0.10.36",
"setupPhantom": true,
"enableUploadProgressBar": true,
// Application name (No spaces)
"appName": "your_app",
// Location of app (local directory)
"app": ".",
$ mup setup
$ mup deploy
Navigate to the server folder on your server and rebuild modules:
$ cd /opt/your_app/app/programs/server
$ npm rebuild
$ npm install
Optional: $ sudo npm update node-gyp -g
Finally, restart the app, mogodb and any web server processes such as nginx6. After the above steps, you may want to look at sanity steps below for more debugging options.
Sanity steps
There are a few other steps you can perform:
Note that apache may also bind itself to the same port that nginx is running on. Look at your app's error logs and your web server's error logs to see if there are any issues. Stop apache via sudo service apache2 stop or brute force close (not recommended) any running processes on port 80.
Then remove or move the apache2 conf file to prevent it from starting up again. All conf files are located in /etc/init or /etc/init.d.
Use $ mup logs -f to view mup logs. To view errors from your app, the end of the file, /var/log/upstart/your_app.log is useful (assuming you have upstart configured).
If using nginx make sure your directories are symlinked.
$ ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/your_server_config /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/your_server_config
Moreover, make sure that you have specified a default_server5 in your_server_config.
Check that mongodb can run.
Meteor version (released near the end of March 2015) requires that node version 0.10.36 be installed. I recommend using the node version manager, n, to control what version of node is running on your server at any one time. Link.
The dreaded [XXX.XX.XXX.XX] Error: '/opt/your_app/programs/server/node_modules/fibers/bin/linux-x64-v8-3.28/fibers.node' is missing. Try reinstalling 'node-fibers'? error. Link.
The procedure is modified from here: Link.
For your information, I used DigitalOcean's very helpful guide on deploying a meteor app to a server. Link.
Specifying a default_server. Link.
Common processes to restart are: sudo service mongod/nginx/yourapp restart.
I had the exact same issue - I switched to using Meteor Up (MUP) instead and the problem went away. Not to mention its a lot more straightforward!
I followed this tutorial on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLGdXtZMmiI which covers deploying using MUP to Digital Ocean.
MUP's github page specifically mentions that it handles binary NPM modules - https://github.com/arunoda/meteor-up#binary-npm-module-support
Hope that's some help!
Running npm rebuild at bundle/programs/server/npm/ should take care of rebuilding the modules for the server platform, regardless of the original app being bundled at Linux or MacOS.
I had the same issue and did the following to fix it:
Uninstall nodejs
sudo apt-get remove nodejs
Remove any remaining files
rm -rf ~/.nvm ~/.npm
sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/node /opt/nodejs /usr/lib/node_modules /usr/local/lib/node_modules
Upgrade node version from the default setting in mup.json
"nodeVersion": "0.10.33",
Run mup setup and deploy
mup setup
mup deploy

publish-for-arch issues in meteor

I've created package and published it, It is just a simple wrapper of "phantom"
I deployed it using
sudo meteor publih --create
then added it to my app
$> meteor show sasi513:phantom#1.0.0
Version 1.0.0 : phantom node Package wrapper
Architectures: os.linux.x86_32+web.browser+web.cordova
Maintained by sasi513.
Then when I try to deploy it meteor deploy xxx.meteor.com
Errors prevented deploying:
While building the application:
error: Unable to download package builds for this architecture.
and I tried to publish-for-arch
sudo meteor publish-for-arch sasi513:phantom#1.0.0
sasi513:phantom: updating npm dependencies -- phantom...
Bundling build...
Creating package build...
Uploading build...
Publishing package build...
Error from package server
: Cannot override existing build [403]
What is wrong here?Anyone has idea about this
The documentation says:
You need to run publish-for-arch from a different architecture to
upload a different build.
Are you running the command on a different architecture? Or the same machine? Because running the command on the same machine wont work.[1] Based on your description, it sounds like you didn't try it from the other architecture you want to support.
[1] http://docs.meteor.com/#meteorpublishforarch
