Can anyone tell why Riak website is not working this time from a few days.
this link of riak is not working.
Shahzad, Basho as a company doesn't really exist any more ( so it might be related to that. If you are relying on resources provided by Basho you might want to make copies of those resources before they vanish forever.
Update: Looks like the resources have been acquired and everything will get open sourced soon. See:
We (my company) have hosted a mirror of the docs generated out of the basho_doc project. Feel free to use:
Riak documentation is still accessible via the basho_doc GitHub repository.
And particularly the document you are looking for It's not as nice as a Web page, but still readable.
I'm really keen to use the 2sxc environment on my website for a number of applications.
I'm currently looking at the Mobius forms.
What I'm wanting to do is create a ticket in ConnectWise rather than send an email, using the ConnectWise REST API.
Some of these questions might have obvious answers to someone who has been taught in these technologies, but I'm self-taught. When I went to school I learnt COBOL!
There is c# code in the application, but I can't see how you build and incorporate into the application. I forked the code and it seems to just code with no build.
There are live and staging folders with the same cshtml files. However, it seems a bit random when the live or staging is actually used. For example, I did a quick fix to the _Contact Form.cshtml so to fix the type that meant it always displayed the ReCaptcha warning, and I changed the live version, which didn't do anything, so I had to change the staging version.
I need to update the settings so that configure the ConnectWise API settings, I haven't been able to find where I can do this? I am still looking though.
I also need to store a private key in the settings. Is there a secure way I can do this?
PS. When I get my head around all this I'm happy to be a contributor
welcome to StackOverflow.
I'll try to give you some guidance to help you figure it out
Live and staging are folders meant to let you make changes while the users see the unmodified output. So a host-user sees the files from staging, others see what's in live. When you're done and all is tested, you copy from staging to live. This we call Polymorphism.
Polymorphism applies to both the cshtml as well as the api. So as a host-user, you'll be using staging/api/FormController to save/send.
There is no build process, everything is hot-compiled. That's one of the things that makes 2sxc so amazing. No Visual Studio, DLL or restarting the application ;) You'll love it.
Secure keys: there is no special secure key storage. We usually put it in the App-Settings, just like the MailChimp key you'll see there. We split it into two fields for very technical reasons, because we publish our code on github and that causes trouble when our code has API keys. But you can just use one field, assuming you don't plan on publishing the code on github.
I want to develop Document Manager application based on Alfresco. I am going to change there many things: user interface, language, may be some functions... But I don't know how to start, where I can get Alfresco source code, how can I rewrite codes with netBeans and how can I test my changes. This is my first serious project so I need any help. Where I can get Started ?!
A very popular way to get started is to work through my tutorials.
You don't need the source code, although it is available and helpful when you are troubleshooting or learning how something works. Instead of forking Alfresco you will write extensions that customize the platform. If you find yourself needing to compile Alfresco's source code, most likely you are doing something wrong.
I am new and I am not sure if this is a place to ask this question.
I developed a web site alone using wordpress framework.
Now, I got a guy who I don't know much to join me to develop the site. We live in different countries and we decide to use Bitbucket for code management.
I do not have any experiences in team working, Bitbucket.
My concerns are:
1. Do I need to upload both source code and database to Bitbucket?
Do you think he will just take all the source code and database and make his own website and become my competitor?
What should I be careful when working in a team? I mean sharing code.
I know maybe I am quite small-minded. I am worried about security problems.
But definitely, I need to have someone to work with me to develop the site.
Please advice and write any sources that are useful for this problem.
Thank you.
I'm not an expert in Wordpress, but the concept still applies:
Source code: yes. Database: no, only the database schema/ SQL scripts to recreate it.
Depends on his ethics. You should reach an agreement with him that guarantees that he won't do so, by writing a contract for example.
Take the following into consideration: coding standards, conventions are followed in naming variables, pages, urls, etc, repository privacy is set correctly, repository privileges are distributed to enable the contributors to do only what they're supposed to do.
I'll leave the rest to you and other fellows on this website to figure out depending on your experience :)
I would like to develop a website for a company with a lot of different functions. I decided to use the Symfony 2.0 framework for the first time and started reading the documentation and also a video tutorial.
After a week reading the documentation I still have some general questions unanswered. It would be great if you could help me with them:
Which client OS do you recommend to work with Symfony2? Windows doesn't seam appropriate.
Can I develop the whole website on a local Apache server and than upload the files to a regular webhosting server and use it?
I bought a regular web hosting ( is this recommended? I can't use any console on it.
I'm really confused and I'm sure I'm asking quite some stupid questions. It would be great if you can help me understand better how Symfony2 works.
Thanks in advance!
Windows is OK, as long as you have PHP and MySQL. There are several package that can do the job.
You can. In fact you should. Common workflow is develop on localhost and test on test server, and then move to production server. You should use a SCM like git.
Theoretically you can. But you won't have access to many console features that are really useful, like updating the database schema, flushing cache, download dependecies automatically, etc. I know some people doing this (copying everything with vendors), that's heavy and insecure.
When it takes half a day to update the app, you don't hurry when you have to apply security patch. Unlike Wordpress or Drupal, Symfony has no other 'easy way' to update vendors and third party modules than command line interface. So it is really not a good idea. You can find a lot of VPS with full ssh access, that cost less than 10$ months.
I work on windows just fine. For wamp server, use Easyphp. Everything is easy to configure and most important; cli and apache users use same php.ini
Yes, but it is bad. You should use either svn or git. I find svn easier to use and both of them have UI variants: TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGIT.
No. You need console access and php5.3 minimum.
How can I completely remove a revision from the SVN on google code's project hosting website? I would like to delete the revision from the website so nobody can view or access it.
Unless things have changed since this answer was posted, it doesn't seem like it's really possible to do in SVN other than creating a new repository.
As far as Google Code goes, I don't believe they would let you remove anything, since afaik once something is open source, it cannot be made closed source (future versions can, but anything released remains open source).
Do a rollback of the change.