Misplaced grid lines with xlog=TRUE - Forestplot - R - r

Please, I need some help about using the xlog=TRUE option.
It is requested to provide the mean, lower, upper, zero, grid and clip already as exponentials, but I find the package is drawing the grid lines at the exponential of the numbers I am already providing as exponentials. As a consequence, the grid lines are in the wrong place.
metaan <-
mean = c(NA, NA, NA, 0.27, 0.47, 0.33, 0.69, 0.86, 0.37, 0.08, 0.44, 0.54, 0.41, NA),
lower = c(NA, NA, NA, 0.13, 0.12, 0.19, 0.12, 0.54, 0.17, 0.03, 0.16, 0.06, 0.29, NA),
upper = c(NA, NA, NA, 0.58, 1.81, 0.60, 3.97, 1.36, 0.81, 0.21, 1.25, 4.50, 0.58, NA)),
.Names = c("mean", "lower", "upper"),
row.names = c(NA, -27L),
class = "data.frame")
c("", "AB class", "", " Aminoglycosides", " B-lactams", " Cephalosporins", " Fenicoles", " Fluoroquinolones", " Multiresistance", " Sulphamides", " Tetracyclines", " Tri/Sulpha", " Subtotal", ""),
c("", "OR", "", "0.27", "0.47", "0.33", "0.69", "0.86", "0.37", "0.08", "0.44", "0.54", "0.41", ""),
c("", "n", "", "4", "3", "2", "3", "4", "2", "3", "4", "3", "5", ""))
xticks <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3)
graph.pos = 3,
txt_gp = fpTxtGp(label = gpar(fontsize=10)),
hrzl_lines = list("3" = gpar(lty=1)),
zero = 1,
line.margin = .05,
mean = cbind(metaan[,"mean"]),
lower = cbind(metaan[,"lower"]),
upper = cbind(metaan[,"upper"]),
is.summary=c(FALSE, TRUE, rep(FALSE, 9)),
col=fpColors(box=c("blue"), summary=c("blue")),
grid = structure(0.41,
gp = gpar(lty = 2, col = "#CCCCFF")),
clip=c(0.1, 3),
xlab="Odds ratio")
The grid line is at the exponential of OR=0.41, instead of at OR=0.41
When provided the log to get the grid lines at the correct place (e.g. -0.38, or log(0.41)), I get the error message that I should provide all parameters already as exponential.
graph.pos = 3,
txt_gp = fpTxtGp(label = gpar(fontsize=10)),
hrzl_lines = list("3" = gpar(lty=1)),
zero = 1,
line.margin = .05,
mean = cbind(metaan[,"mean"]),
lower = cbind(metaan[,"lower"]),
upper = cbind(metaan[,"upper"]),
is.summary=c(FALSE, TRUE, rep(FALSE, 9)),
col=fpColors(box=c("blue"), summary=c("blue")),
grid = structure(-0.39,
gp = gpar(lty = 2, col = "#CCCCFF")),
clip=c(0.1, 3),
xlab="Odds ratio")
Error in forestplot.default(tabletext, graph.pos = 3, txt_gp = fpTxtGp(label = gpar(fontsize = 10)), :
All argument values (mean, lower, upper, zero, grid and clip) should be provided as exponentials when using the log scale. This is an intentional break with the original forestplot function in order to simplify other arguments such as ticks, clips, and more.
I have tried including the grid numbers as lists, but I always encounter the same error message either if I provide the numbers as exponentials (grid misplaced) or as log (error message).
I am wondering what I am doing wrong and if there is any other way to get the grid lines in the correct place.
Thanks in advance,

Solved. Updated to 1.8 package version from GitHub and got the correct figure. :)


Change font of specific rows to bold in forestplot

I wrote a script using the "forestplot" package. I want to group the variables in certain categories, which I would like to show in bold, in order to accentuate those categories. How can i adjust my script, so that only certain rows, i.e Risk factor OR (95% CI), patient characteristics, medication history, comorbidities, surgical history and other are shown in bold? I have two colums and 18 rows. Can someone help me? I would be much grateful!!
My script is as below:
tabletext <- cbind(
c("Risk factor" ,"Patient characteristics","Sex, male*", "Bmi (5 points)",
"Alcohol (5 units)", "Smoking*","Medication history",
"Steroid use", "Anticoagulant use*","Comorbidities",
"COPD GOLD 1/2", "COPD GOLD 3/4", "Other pulmonary disease",
"Surgical history",
"Previous colorectal surgery*",
"Previous abdominal surgery (other)","Other", "HIPEC*"),
c("OR (95% CI)",NA, "1.78 (1.20-2.68)", "1.15 (0.95-1.38)", "1.04 (0.94-1.14)",
"1.78 (1.11-2.80)", NA," 1.40 (0.68-2.67)", "1.55 (1.02-2.32)",NA,
"1.40 (0.70-2.61)", "1.56 (0.42-4.67)", "1.78 (0.63-4.28)",NA,
"1.61 (1.03-2.49)", "0.80 (0.47-1.32)",NA, "4.14 (2.14-7.73)"))
txt_gp = fpTxtGp(label = list(gpar(fontfamily = "Times",
gpar(fontfamily = "",
col = "black"))),
df_c,new_page = TRUE,
boxsize = 0.2,
is.summary = c(rep(FALSE,32)),
clip = c(0,17),
xlab = 'Odds ratio with 95% confidence interval
* indicates significance',
xlog = FALSE,
zero = 1,
plotwidth=unit(12, "cm"),
colgap=unit(2, "mm"),
col = fpColors(box = "royalblue",
line = "darkblue",
summary = "royalblue"))
Its not clear what df_c is so I just created it based on your tabletext matrix:
df_c <- data.frame(mean = c(NA, NA, 1.78, 1.15, 1.04, 1.78, NA, 1.4, 1.55,
NA, 1.4, 1.56, 1.78, NA, 1.61, 0.8, NA, 4.14),
lower = c(NA, NA, 1.2, 0.95, 0.94, 1.11, NA, 0.68, 1.02, NA, 0.7,
0.42, 0.63, NA, 1.03, 0.47, NA, 2.14),
upper = c(NA, NA, 2.68, 1.38,1.14, 2.8, NA, 2.67,2.32, NA,
2.61, 4.67, 4.28, NA, 2.49, 1.32, NA, 7.73))
From there, its just a matter of adjusting the values passed to is.summary:
txt_gp = fpTxtGp(label = list(gpar(fontfamily = "Times"),
gpar(fontfamily = "",
col = "black"))),
df_c,new_page = TRUE,
boxsize = 0.2,
is.summary = c(TRUE, TRUE, rep(FALSE, 4),
rep(FALSE,3), TRUE, rep(FALSE,4)),
clip = c(0,17),
xlab = 'Odds ratio with 95% confidence interval
* indicates significance',
xlog = FALSE,
zero = 1,
plotwidth=unit(12, "cm"),
colgap=unit(2, "mm"),
col = fpColors(box = "royalblue",
line = "darkblue",
summary = "royalblue"))
Which generates the following figure:

R package "forestplot": Error message re: identifying the upper/lower boundaries from the input matrix

I'd be grateful for your help. I'm using the forestplot R package to create a forest plot. It was going well.
test_data <- data.frame(
coef = c(1.53, 1.56, 1.11, 1.35, 1.00, 0.94, 1.03),
low = c(1.43, 1.38, 1.08, 1.05, 0.91, 0.87, 0.95),
high = c(1.64, 1.76, 1.15, 1.75, 1.10, 1.01, 1.11),
boxsize = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
row_names <- cbind(
c("Variable", "BMI", "WHR", "Diabetes", "Insulin resistance", "LDL", "HDL", "ApoB"),
c("SNPs", "807", "368", "386", "53", "213", "510", "241"),
c("OR (95% CI)", "1·53 (1·43−1·64)", "1·56 (1·38−1·76)", "1·11 (1·08−1·15)", "1·35 (1·05−1·75)", "1·00 (0·91−1·10)", "0·94 (0·87−1·01)", "1·03 (0·95−1·11)"),
c("p-value", "6·72E−35", "2·90E−12", "6·61E−10", "0·02", "0·97", "0·083", "0·53")
test_data <- rbind(rep(NA, 3), test_data)
labeltext = row_names,
xlab = "Odds ratio",
test_data[, c("coef", "low", "high")],
is.summary = FALSE,
boxsize = test_data$boxsize,
zero = 1,
cex = 0.1,
align = TRUE,
xlog = FALSE,
graphwidth = unit(1.5, "snpc"),
col = fpColors(lines = "royalblue", box = "darkblue")
I've been adding one variable at a time and plotting my graph after the addition of each to make sure there were no errors introduced at each step. It was all going well until I added my eighth variable, "Triglycerides", and its associated numbers:
test_data <- data.frame(
coef = c(1.53, 1.56, 1.11, 1.35, 1.00, 0.94, 1.03, 1.15),
low = c(1.43, 1.38, 1.08, 1.05, 0.91, 0.87, 0.95, 1.07),
high = c(1.64, 1.76, 1.15, 1.75, 1.10, 1.01, 1.11, 1.11),
boxsize = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
row_names <- cbind(
c("Variable", "BMI", "WHR", "Diabetes", "Insulin resistance", "LDL", "HDL", "ApoB", "Triglycerides"),
c("SNPs", "807", "368", "386", "53", "213", "510", "241", "427"),
c("OR (95% CI)", "1·53 (1·43−1·64)", "1·56 (1·38−1·76)", "1·11 (1·08−1·15)", "1·35 (1·05−1·75)", "1·00 (0·91−1·10)", "0·94 (0·87−1·01)", "1·03 (0·95−1·11)", "1·15 (1·07−1·11)"),
c("p-value", "6·72E−35", "2·90E−12", "6·61E−10", "0·02", "0·97", "0·083", "0·53", "2·14E−4")
test_data <- rbind(rep(NA, 3), test_data)
labeltext = row_names,
xlab = "Odds ratio",
test_data[, c("coef", "low", "high")],
is.summary = FALSE,
boxsize = test_data$boxsize,
zero = 1,
cex = 0.1,
align = TRUE,
xlog = FALSE,
graphwidth = unit(1.5, "snpc"),
col = fpColors(lines = "royalblue", box = "darkblue")
On adding this eighth variable, I now receive the following error message:
Error in prFpConvertMultidimArray(mean) :
Sorry did not manage to correctly identify the upper/lower boundaries from the input matrix.
I can't spot a syntax error here, and I'm really at a loss as to why this has only just happened. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Forestplot in R. How to add arrows, x axis breaks and extend the x axis?

I have created a forestplot using the forestplot package and code below.
There are three things I would like to add:
Add arrows and text under the x axis (ie. an arrow in either direction explain the association).
I have reviewed these posts using a different package.
How to add arrows to forest plot in survminer (ggforest)
How to add arrows to a forest plot?
I would also like to put a break the x axis as I have one variable with a very wide CI.
I would also like to extend the negative side of the x-axis to -5, to balance the figure (even though most datapoints are on the right).
I am using the forest plot package. Any ideas how to do it with this package?
table2OR_ex <- structure(list(X = c("Aeroplanes", "Sex (F)", "1", "2", "Cars", "Sex (F)", "1", "2"),
mean = c(NA, 1.35, 7.81, 6.14, NA, 1.17, 0.15, 0.4),
lower = c(NA, 1.13, 5.69, 4.36, NA, 0.74, 0.05, 0.16),
upper = c(NA, 1.61, 11.01, 8.83, NA, 1.88, 0.35, 0.89),
p.value = c("", "< 0.001", "< 0.001", "< 0.001", "", "0.509", "< 0.001", "0.034")),
.Names = c("Transport", "mean", "lower", "upper", "p value"),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L))
tabletext <- cbind(c("Transport","\n",table2OR_ex$Transport),
c("Odds ratio","\n",table2OR_ex$mean),
c("Confidence Interval","\n",
ifelse(is.na(table2OR_ex$lower), "", paste(table2OR_ex$lower, table2OR_ex$upper,
sep= " - "))))
mat <- rbind(rbind(rep(NA, 3), rbind(rep(NA, 3), as.matrix(table2OR_ex[, 2:4]))))
fn <- local({
i = 0
no_lines <- sum(!is.na(mat[,"mean"]))
b_clrs = colorRampPalette(colors=c("pink", "blue"))(no_lines)
l_clrs = colorRampPalette(colors=c("blue", "pink"))(no_lines)
function(..., clr.line, clr.marker){
i <<- i + 1
fpDrawDiamondCI(..., clr.line = l_clrs[i], clr.marker = b_clrs[i])
graphwidth=unit (70, "mm"),
fn.ci_norm = fn,
clip =c(-.125, max(table2OR_ex$upper, na.rm = TRUE)),
is.summary=c(TRUE, TRUE, rep(FALSE, 8)),
txt_gp=fpTxtGp(label=gpar(fontsize=12, cex=1),
ticks=gpar(fontsize=12, cex=1.4),
xlab=gpar(fontsize=12,cex = 1),
title=gpar(fontsize=12,cex = 1.2)),
This doesn't have everything you wanted, but it's a start. Maybe someone else can improve on this answer.
I've added labels to the left and the right of the null value using grid.text, but it doesn't have arrows. You may need to adjust the grid.text y values so that the labels don't overlap with the x-axis ticks.
I don't know how to put a break in the x-axis, but odds ratios should be plotted on a log scale (see https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.4780070807), and I think that solves the problem.
It doesn't make sense to have a negative value on the x-axis when you're plotting ORs, but with a log scale you can make the x-axis symmetric by setting the lower bound to the reciprocal of the upper bound, which is what I've done.
table2OR_ex <- structure(list(X = c("Aeroplanes", "Sex (F)", "1", "2", "Cars", "Sex (F)", "1", "2"),
mean = c(NA, 1.35, 7.81, 6.14, NA, 1.17, 0.15, 0.4),
lower = c(NA, 1.13, 5.69, 4.36, NA, 0.74, 0.05, 0.16),
upper = c(NA, 1.61, 11.01, 8.83, NA, 1.88, 0.35, 0.89),
p.value = c("", "< 0.001", "< 0.001", "< 0.001", "", "0.509", "< 0.001", "0.034")),
.Names = c("Transport", "mean", "lower", "upper", "p value"),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L))
tabletext <- cbind(c("Transport","\n",table2OR_ex$Transport),
c("Odds ratio","\n",table2OR_ex$mean),
c("Confidence Interval","\n",
ifelse(is.na(table2OR_ex$lower), "", paste(table2OR_ex$lower, table2OR_ex$upper,
sep= " - "))))
mat <- rbind(rbind(rep(NA, 3), rbind(rep(NA, 3), as.matrix(table2OR_ex[, 2:4]))))
fn <- local({
i = 0
no_lines <- sum(!is.na(mat[,"mean"]))
b_clrs = colorRampPalette(colors=c("pink", "blue"))(no_lines)
l_clrs = colorRampPalette(colors=c("blue", "pink"))(no_lines)
function(..., clr.line, clr.marker){
i <<- i + 1
fpDrawDiamondCI(..., clr.line = l_clrs[i], clr.marker = b_clrs[i])
ticks <- c(0.04, 0.2, 1, 5, 25) # ADDITION
attr(ticks, "labels") <- as.character(ticks) # ADDITION
#attr(ticks, "labels") <- c("1/25", "1/5", "1", "5", "25") # ADDITION
graphwidth=unit (70, "mm"),
fn.ci_norm = fn,
mar = unit(rep(10, times = 4), "mm"), # ADDITION
xticks=ticks, # ADDITION
clip =c(0.04, 25), # CHANGE
is.summary=c(TRUE, TRUE, rep(FALSE, 8)),
txt_gp=fpTxtGp(label=gpar(fontsize=12, cex=1),
ticks=gpar(fontsize=12, cex=1.4),
xlab=gpar(fontsize=12,cex = 1),
title=gpar(fontsize=12,cex = 1.2)),
grid.text("Favors X", x=0.46, y=-0.25, just=c("right", "center"))
grid.text("Favors Y", x=0.54, y=-0.25, just=c("left", "center"))

How do I get a forestplot function to work in r?

I am using the foresplot package. I want to create a forest plot with two groups (aeroplanes, cars) and three variables for each. I have tried to create a function for the box plots and lines. However, the forest plot table text works but the function does not.
example data
structure(list(X = c("Aeroplanes", "Sex (F)", "1", "2", "Cars",
"Sex (F)", "1", "2"), OR = c(NA, 1.35, 7.81, 6.14, NA, 1.17,
0.15, 0.4), Cl.low = c(NA, 1.13, 5.69, 4.36, NA, 0.74, 0.05,
0.16), CI.high = c(NA, 1.61, 11.01, 8.83, NA, 1.88, 0.35, 0.89
), p.value = c("", "< 0.001", "< 0.001", "< 0.001", "", "0.509",
"< 0.001", "0.034")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
CI <- table2OR_ed
CI <- within (CI, rm(X,OR, p.value))
CI$CI <-apply(CI,1,function(x){
paste0("(",paste(x, collapse=", "),")")
CI$CI[which(CI$CI=="(NA, NA)")] <- NA
tabletext <- cbind(c("Transport","\n",table2OR_ex$X),
c("Odds ratio","\n",table2OR_ex$OR),
c("Confidence Interval","\n",CI$CI))
fn <- local({
i = 0
no_lines <- sum(!is.na(table2OR_ex$OR))
b_clrs = colorRampPalette(colors=c("pink", "blue"))(no_lines)
l_clrs = colorRampPalette(colors=c("blue", "pink"))(no_lines)
function(..., clr.line, clr.marker){
i <<- i + 1
fpDrawDiamondCI(..., clr.line = l_clrs[i], clr.marker = b_clrs[i])
forestplot(labeltext=tabletext, graphwidth=unit (70, "mm"), graph.pos=3,
lower=c(NA,NA,table2OR_ex$CI.low), upper=c(NA,NA,table2OR_ex$CI.high),
fn.ci_norm = fn, #use function
txt_gp=fpTxtGp(label=gpar(fontsize=12, cex=1),
ticks=gpar(fontsize=12, cex=1.4),
xlab=gpar(fontsize=12,cex = 1),
title=gpar(fontsize=12,cex = 1.2)),
I get this error
Warning message:
In min(lower, na.rm = TRUE) :
no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
I checked the class and the CI.low is null, even though it is numeric when I import the csv. So perhaps this is a source of the error?
Try this:
#> Loading required package: grid
#> Loading required package: magrittr
#> Loading required package: checkmate
table2OR_ex <- structure(list(X = c("Aeroplanes", "Sex (F)", "1", "2", "Cars", "Sex (F)", "1", "2"),
mean = c(NA, 1.35, 7.81, 6.14, NA, 1.17, 0.15, 0.4),
lower = c(NA, 1.13, 5.69, 4.36, NA, 0.74, 0.05, 0.16),
upper = c(NA, 1.61, 11.01, 8.83, NA, 1.88, 0.35, 0.89),
p.value = c("", "< 0.001", "< 0.001", "< 0.001", "", "0.509", "< 0.001", "0.034")),
.Names = c("Transport", "mean", "lower", "upper", "p value"),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L))
tabletext <- cbind(c("Transport","\n",table2OR_ex$Transport),
c("Odds ratio","\n",table2OR_ex$mean),
c("Confidence Interval","\n",
ifelse(is.na(table2OR_ex$lower), "", paste(table2OR_ex$lower, table2OR_ex$upper, sep= " - "))))
mat <- rbind(rbind(rep(NA, 3), rbind(rep(NA, 3), as.matrix(table2OR_ex[, 2:4]))))
fn <- local({
i = 0
no_lines <- sum(!is.na(mat[,"mean"]))
b_clrs = colorRampPalette(colors=c("pink", "blue"))(no_lines)
l_clrs = colorRampPalette(colors=c("blue", "pink"))(no_lines)
function(..., clr.line, clr.marker){
i <<- i + 1
fpDrawDiamondCI(..., clr.line = l_clrs[i], clr.marker = b_clrs[i])
graphwidth=unit (70, "mm"),
fn.ci_norm = fn,
clip =c(-.125, max(table2OR_ex$upper, na.rm = TRUE)),
is.summary=c(TRUE, TRUE, rep(FALSE, 8)),
txt_gp=fpTxtGp(label=gpar(fontsize=12, cex=1),
ticks=gpar(fontsize=12, cex=1.4),
xlab=gpar(fontsize=12,cex = 1),
title=gpar(fontsize=12,cex = 1.2)),
Created on 2020-05-02 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

How to squeeze rows together in forestplot using forestplot package in R

I'm making a forest plot using the forestplot package in R. I have a lot of white space between the rows in my plot. How can I remove the space, or squeeze the rows together, to make a neater smaller graph? Many thanks.
main5 <-
mean = c(NA, NA, 0.80, 0.90, 0.7, 1.2),
lower = c(NA, NA, 0.70, 0.50, 0.59, 1.11),
upper = c(NA, NA, 1.02, 1.25, 1.04, 1.94)),
.Names = c("mean", "lower", "upper"),
row.names = c(NA, -6L),
class = "data.frame")
c("", "Analysis", "Outcome: X", Outcome: Y", "Outcome: Z", "Outcome: xx"),
c("", "A
time", "115987.8", "117604.4", "118518.6","115493.2"),
c("", "A
Outcomes", "813", "51", "715", "2114"),
c("", "B
time", "114516.2", "118728.5", "117896.2","119096.3"),
c("", "B
Outcomes", "1199", "71", "911","1109"),
c("", "HR", "0.8", "0.9", "0.7", "1.2"),
c("", "99% CI", "0.70, 1.02", "0.50, 1.25", "0.59, 1.04", "1.11, 1.94"))
main5,new_page = TRUE,
hrzl_lines=list("3" = gpar(lwd=1, col="#444444")),
is.summary=c(TRUE, TRUE, rep(FALSE, 5)),
txt_gp = fpTxtGp(label=gpar(cex=0.7)
graphwidth = unit(9, "cm"),
graphheight = unit(6, "cm"),
clip= c(0.5, 3.0),
xticks=c(0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5),
xlab=" B worse A worse ",
col=fpColors(box="#7570B3",line="#7570B3")) ##have picked the blue colour from the "dark2 palette
lineheight property in the forestplot() does the job
forestplot(your_table, lineheight='lines')
If You want to set a custom height, use lineheight=unit(1,'cm'), where the the expected value is float.
