What is the syntax to add a column to the Custom Form list that shows where in WF it is used? - workfront-api

Super simple.
When viewing the list of Custom Forms in Setup, I want to add a column that shows where those Custom Forms are in use (or null if used nowhere).
This is similar in principle to viewing the list of fields, which has a list of forms on which those fields are used.
What is the syntax I can use to add the appropriate column(s) to the view?

As far as I know, there is no linkage in the backend that connects categories (custom forms) to their host objects. This is probably because the list could be massive and the query would take quite a while to execute as it would have to traverse every object in Workfront or each form would store every parent object ID.
Unfortunately, you can't even search for objects by associated category IDs, so if you wanted to build this yourself you would need to query each object and search its categories to see if your custom form appeared.


How to provide drop-down list of a specific resource types to choose from with ARM template

I'm trying to create an ARM template which queries the list of resources (i.e. Cosmos DB instances) in the selected resource group so the user can pick from the list. I then want to use the selected resource to get a property and use it elsewhere in the template.
I don't want the user to have to know the resource name and type it in, rather I'd prefer to produce a list to choose from.
I've tried using a parameter type of string or array along with the [list(resourceId('<id>', resourceGroup().name, '<date>')] but it doesn't produce a drop-down list.
Is this even possible?

Use the unique values from a field in one content type as a filter in another content type

I need some help with a Drupal views filter. I'm not a developer but I have been using Drupal for several years.
I have a content type named 'City/Town' that contains several fields including state and county. I'm using this content type as an entity reference field in another content type named 'Project'.
I would like to use a unique value list of States as a filter in a view of Projects.
I've installed the Views Entity Reference Filter (https://www.drupal.org/project/verf) module but I'm only able to access the entity reference title, not any of the fields that are part of the content type.
The project I'm working on is still in design phase so I can change my approach if there is a viable solution.
You need to get the relationship to the reference in views. Then you have access to the fields of the reference for viewing, sorting & filtering.

Drupal 8 Views Question Involving Entity Reference

Trying to figure out views relationships and filters.
I'm trying to make a view that has the title of the page match the entity reference of the same page and make it reactive so I only need one. EX.) Page about animals, which there are nodes referencing the animal page as an entity reference.
Firstly, you have to take one unique field which can identify whether particular node is for animals or etc.
After that, In your views you need to select that field name in contextual filter and select option as you can see in screenshot and then save it.

Marketo REST API - is there a way to get all records of a custom object?

I created a custom object and i want to get all its existing records. Is there a way of doing that via the REST API? Seems like a very basic and simple operation but i couldn't find information about it anywhere.
As you say, it seems like a basic task, but in the reality, it is more complex indeed.
Unfortunately, the Get Custom Object endpoint (which is the only endpoint to fetch Custom Objects) requires the filterType and filterValues parameters to be present as well. Basically this means that you have to have some information about the queried objects beforehand.
Also, a further restriction is that the value of filterType can only be one of the “searchable” fields of the Custom Object, meaning that it has to be either a Link field or a Dedupe field. (These fields are listed under the searchableFields property in the response from the Describe Custom Objects endpoint.)
So as mentioned above, you have to know the values for at least one of the properties of your Custom Objects before you make the query.
With additional queries though, you can grab these required values.
Let's say, you have your Custom Object linked to the Lead Object, and the Link field is called Owner Email (with the REST API name being ownerEmail) which links to the Email Address field of the Lead Object. In this case you could set the filterType to ownerEmail and set the emails of the leads as filterValues.
Then it is up to you how you gather the emails of those Leads who has a Custom Object attached. Luckily the REST API won’t throw an error if you provide a value that has no corresponding Custom Objects.
If your Custom Object is linked to a Lead, it's a bit complex but you can do like this:
Create a smart list and filter with "Has You Custom Object"
Get the smart list with API (GET /rest/asset/v1/smartLists.json)
Based on this list of Leads, get all Custom Objects (see the other answer).

Drupal 7 and Views, contextual filters searching through multiple/combined fields. Is it possible?

I've worked with Drupal 7 and Views for a while now and I'm familiar with what Views allow by default and what is available as modular add-ons. Today I've come across an issue with Contextual filters, which allow you to pass in an argument via the URL and use this to filter the returned data.
Normal filters on the other hand can be exposed as a form and also allow for a field combination module which means we can search field{1,2,3} all at once and display the data depending on this input. (views_combined_fields)
Is it possible to tell Views to show me all rows (WHERE field1="test" OR WHERE field2="test" OR WHERE field3="test") but by default, if I add in multiple contextual filters only one of them is being triggered. In this example the "test" value is obtained from the url /data/test.
My problem is that users have a default group, but they also have the option to be added into other groups which are set in the field{1,2,3} fields. My current view shows all users WHERE group = "test" but I want users who have a secondary or tertiary group of "test" to also be displayed in this list.
As i understood, you are talking about Views Arguments, watch the tutorial video from
MustardSeedMedia.com. And useful video about Views 3 User Interface
