Purpose of *,& symbol behide datatype? - pointers

I am learning to implement graph using c++. I came across to see the follow code. Could anyone explain what is the function of symbols * and & behide the data type "vertex" and "string"?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct vertex {
typedef pair<int, vertex*> ve;
vector <ve> adj; //cost of edge, distination to vertex
string name;
vertex (string s) : name(s) {}
class gragh
typedef map<string, vertex *> vmap;
vmap work;
void addvertex (const string&);
void addedge (const string& from, const string&, double cost);
void gragh::addvertex (const string &name)
vmap::iterator itr = work.find(name);
if (itr == work.end())
vertex *v;
v = new vertex(name);
work[name] = v;
cout << "Vertex alreay exist";
int main()
return 0;

'*' means to de-reference something i.e. go to the address of some variable whose address lies in the pointer.
int x=*p;
This means x will have the value of memory address to whom p is pointing.
This means x will have the address of that memory location where p resides.


How to define and execute an array of functions on Sycl+openCL+DPCPP

In my program, I defined an array of functions
#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <tbb/tbb.h>
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <tbb/global_control.h>
#include <chrono>
using namespace tbb;
template<class Tin, class Tout, class Function>
class Map {
Function fun;
Map() {}
Map(Function f):fun(f) {}
std::vector<Tout> operator()(bool use_tbb, std::vector<Tin>& v) {
std::vector<Tout> r(v.size());
// Start measuring time
auto begin = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<Tin>(0, v.size()),
[&](tbb::blocked_range<Tin> t) {
for (int index = t.begin(); index < t.end(); ++index){
r[index] = fun(v[index]);
// Stop measuring time and calculate the elapsed time
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end - begin);
printf("Time measured: %.3f seconds.\n", elapsed.count() * 1e-9);
return r;
} else {
sycl::queue gpuQueue{sycl::gpu_selector()};
sycl::range<1> n_item{v.size()};
sycl::buffer<Tin, 1> in_buffer(&v[0], n_item);
sycl::buffer<Tout, 1> out_buffer(&r[0], n_item);
gpuQueue.submit([&](sycl::handler& h){
//local copy of fun
auto f = fun;
sycl::accessor in_accessor(in_buffer, h, sycl::read_only);
sycl::accessor out_accessor(out_buffer, h, sycl::write_only);
h.parallel_for(n_item, [=](sycl::id<1> index) {
out_accessor[index] = f(in_accessor[index]);
return r;
template<class Tin, class Tout, class Function>
Map<Tin, Tout, Function> make_map(Function f) { return Map<Tin, Tout, Function>(f);}
typedef int(*func)(int x);
//define different functions
auto function = [](int x){ return x; };
auto functionTimesTwo = [](int x){ return (x*2); };
auto functionDivideByTwo = [](int x){ return (x/2); };
auto lambdaFunction = [](int x){return (++x);};
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::vector<int> v = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
//auto f = [](int x){return (++x);};
//Array of functions
func functions[] =
for(int i = 0; i< sizeof(functions); i++){
auto m1 = make_map<int, int>(functions[i]);
//auto m1 = make_map<int, int>(f);
std::vector<int> r = m1(true, v);
//print the result
for(auto &e:r) {
std::cout << e << " ";
return 0;
instead of each time defining a function, I am interested in defining an array of functions and then execute it in my program. But in the part of SYCL for executing on GPU, I have an error and I do not know how to fix it.
SYCL kernel cannot call through a function pointer
In particular, SYCL device code, as defined by this specification, does not support virtual function calls, function pointers in general, exceptions, runtime type information or the full set of C++ libraries that may depend on these features or on features of a particular host compiler. Nevertheless, these basic restrictions can be relieved by some specific Khronos or vendor extensions.
As per the sycl 2020 specification, No function pointers are allowed to be called in a SYCL kernel or any functions called by the kernel.
Please refer https://www.khronos.org/registry/SYCL/specs/sycl-2020/html/sycl-2020.html#introduction

QtConcurrent mapped with index

I wondered if there is an option to also hand over the current processed index with QtConcurrent::mapped(someVector, &someFunction)) (also filter, filtered, map,...)
What I want: I want to do something with the elements in someVector based on the current index in it. but since the function someFunction is only taking the type T which is also used for the QVector<T> vector.
What I did: Because I needed this, I created a QVector<std::pair<int, T>> and manually created the index for the elements.
Since this requires more space and is not a nice solution, I thought maybe there could be another solution.
Docs: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtconcurrent-index.html
If your input is a QVector, you can make use of the fact that QVector stores all the elements contiguously. This means that given a reference to an element e in a QVector v, then the index of e can be obtained by:
std::ptrdiff_t idx = &e - &v.at(0);
Below is a complete example using QtConcurrent::mapped:
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtConcurrent>
// lambda functions are not directly usable in QtConcurrent::mapped, the
// following is a necessary workaround
// see https://stackoverflow.com/a/49821973
template <class T> struct function_traits :
function_traits<decltype(&T::operator())> {};
template <typename ClassType, typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const> {
// specialization for pointers to member function
using functor_type = ClassType;
using result_type = ReturnType;
using arg_tuple = std::tuple<Args...>;
static constexpr auto arity = sizeof...(Args);
template <class Callable, class... Args>
struct CallableWrapper : Callable, function_traits<Callable> {
CallableWrapper(const Callable &f) : Callable(f) {}
CallableWrapper(Callable &&f) : Callable(std::move(f)) {}
template <class F, std::size_t ... Is, class T>
auto wrap_impl(F &&f, std::index_sequence<Is...>, T) {
return CallableWrapper<F, typename T::result_type,
std::tuple_element_t<Is, typename T::arg_tuple>...>(std::forward<F>(f));
template <class F> auto wrap(F &&f) {
using traits = function_traits<F>;
return wrap_impl(std::forward<F>(f),
std::make_index_sequence<traits::arity>{}, traits{});
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// a vector of numbers from 0 to 500
QVector<int> seq(500, 0);
std::iota(seq.begin(), seq.end(), 0);
qDebug() << "input: " << seq;
QFuture<int> mapped = QtConcurrent::mapped(seq, wrap([&seq](const int& x) {
// the index of the element in a QVector is the difference between
// the address of the first element in the vector and the address of
// the current element
std::ptrdiff_t idx = std::distance(&seq.at(0), &x);
// we can then use x and idx however we want
return x * idx;
qDebug() << "output: " << mapped.results();
QTimer::singleShot(100, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit);
return app.exec();
See this question for a related discussion. Note that the linked question has a cleaner answer that involves the usage of zip and counting iterators from boost (or possibly their C++20 ranges counterparts), but I don't think that this would play well with QtConcurrent::map when map slices the sequence into blocks, and distributes these blocks to multiple threads.

How does one use qsort to sort a char containing pathnames/files based on their bytes?

I basically wrote a code in which I take two command line arguments one being the type of file that I want to search in my directory and they other being the amount I want(which is not implemented yet, but I can fix that)
The code is like so:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define sizeFileName 500
#define filesMax 5000
int cmpfunc( const void *a, const void *b) {
return *(char*)a + *(char*)b;
int main( int argc, char ** argv) {
FILE * fp = popen( "find . -type f", "r");
char * type = argv[1];
char * extension = ".";
char* tExtension;
tExtension = malloc(strlen(type)+1+4);
strcpy(tExtension, extension);
strcat(tExtension, type);
// printf("%s\n",tExtension);
int amount = atoi(argv[2]);
char buff[sizeFileName];
int nFiles = 0;
char * files[filesMax];
while(fgets(buff,sizeFileName,fp)) {
int leng = strlen(buff) - 1;
if (strncmp(buff + leng - 4, tExtension, 4) == 0){
files[nFiles] = strndup(buff,leng);
//printf("\t%s\n", files[nFiles]);
nFiles ++;
printf("Found %d files\n", nFiles);
long long totalBytes = 0;
struct stat st;
// sorting based on byte size from greatest to least
qsort(files, (size_t) strlen(files), (size_t) sizeof(char), cmpfunc);
for(int i = 0;i< nFiles; i ++) {
if(0!= stat(files[i],&st)){
perror("stat failed:");
totalBytes += st.st_size;
printf("%s : %ld\n",files[i],st.st_size);
printf("Total size: %lld\n", totalBytes);
// clean up
for(int i = 0; i < nFiles ; i ++ ) {
return 0;
So far I have every section set up properly, upon running the code say $./find ini 5, it would print out all the ini files followed by their byte size(it's currently ignore the 5). However, for the qsort(), I'm not exactly sure how I would sort the contents of char * files as while it holds the pathnames, I had to use stat to get the byte sizes, how would I print out a sorted version of my print statements featuring the first statement being the most bytes and finishes at the least bytes?
If we suppose your input is valid, your question could be simplified with:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define filesMax 5000
int cmpfunc(const void const *a, const void *b) { return *(char *)a + *(char *)b; }
int main(void) {
int nFiles = 4;
char *files[filesMax] = {"amazing", "hello", "this is a file", "I'm a bad file"};
qsort(files, strlen(files), sizeof(char), cmpfunc);
for (int i = 0; i < nFiles;; i++) {
printf("%s\n", files[i]);
If you compile with warning that give you:
source_file.c:11:23: warning: incompatible pointer types passing 'char *[5000]' to parameter of type 'const char *' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
qsort(files, strlen(files), sizeof(char), cmpfunc);
qsort() expect the size of your array (or in your case a subsize) and it's also expect the size of one element of your array. In both you wrongly give it to it. Also, your compare function doesn't compare anything, you are currently adding the first bytes of both pointer of char, that doesn't make a lot of sense.
To fix your code you must write:
qsort(files, nFiles, sizeof *files, &cmpfunc);
and also fix your compare function:
int cmpfunc_aux(char * const *a, char * const *b) { return strcmp(*a, *b); }
int cmpfunc(void const *a, void const *b) { return cmpfunc_aux(a, b); }
also size should be of type size_t:
size_t nFiles = 0;
Don't forget that all informations about how to use a function are write in their doc.
how would I print out a sorted version of my print statements featuring the first statement being the most bytes and finishes at the least bytes?
Your code don't show any clue that your are trying to do that, you are currently storing name file and only that. How do you expect sort your file with an information you didn't acquired ?
However, that simple create a struct that contain both file name and size, acquire information needed to sort it and sort it:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
struct file {
off_t size;
char *name;
int cmpfunc_aux(struct file const *a, struct file const *b) {
if (a->size > b->size) {
return -1;
} else if (a->size < b->size) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int cmpfunc(void const *a, void const *b) { return cmpfunc_aux(a, b); }
#define filesMax 5000
int main(void) {
size_t nFiles = 4;
struct file files[filesMax] = {{42, "amazing"},
{21, "hello"},
{168, "this is a file"},
{84, "I'm a bad file"}};
qsort(files, nFiles, sizeof *files, &cmpfunc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nFiles; i++) {
printf("%s, %" PRId64 "\n", files[i].name, (intmax_t)files[i].size);
The function cmpfunc() provided adds the first character of each string, and that's not a proper comparison function (it should give a opposite sign value when you switch the parameters, e.g. if "a" and "b" are the strings to compare, it adds the first two characters of both strings, giving 97+98 == 195, which is positive on unsigned chars, then calling with "b" and "a" should give a negative number (and it again gives you 98 + 97 == 195), more on, it always gives the same result ---even with signed chars--- so it cannot be used as a sorting comparator)
As you are comparing strings, why not to use the standard library function strcmp(3) which is a valid comparison function? It gives a negative number if first string is less lexicographically than the second, 0 if both are equal, and positive if first is greater lexicographically than the second.
if your function has to check (and sort) by the lenght of the filenames, then you can define it as:
int cmpfunc(char *a, char *b) /* yes, you can define parameters as char * */
return strlen(a) - strlen(b);
or, first based on file length, then lexicographically:
int cmpfunc(char *a, char *b)
int la = strlen(a), lb = strlen(b);
if (la != lb) return la - lb;
/* la == lb, so we must check lexicographycally */
return strcmp(a, b);
Now, to continue helping you, I need to know why do you need to sort anything, as you say that you want to search a directory for a file, where does the sorting take place in the problem?

Shortest path between two nodes in a graph based on a different condition

I was trying to solve this problem on Hackerrank. Initially, I was thinking that this would be a straight forward Dijkstra's implementation but this was not to be.
The code I have written is
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
typedef struct edge { unsigned int to, length; } edge;
int dijkstra(const vector< vector<edge> > &graph, int source, int target) {
vector< int > min_distance(graph.size(), INT_MAX);
min_distance[ source ] = 0;
std::vector< bool > visited(graph.size(), false);
set< pair<int,int> > active_vertices;
active_vertices.insert( {0,source} );
while (!active_vertices.empty()) {
int where = active_vertices.begin()->second;
int where_distance = active_vertices.begin()->first;
visited[where] = true;
active_vertices.erase( active_vertices.begin());
for (auto edge : graph[where])
int cost = where_distance | edge.length;
min_distance[edge.to] = min(cost, min_distance[edge.to]);
active_vertices.insert({cost, edge.to});
return min_distance[target];
int main( int argc, char const *argv[])
unsigned int n, m, source, target;
std::vector< std::vector<edge> > graph(n, std::vector<edge>());
unsigned int from, to, dist;
graph[from-1].push_back({ to-1, dist});
graph[to-1].push_back({from-1, dist});
cout<<dijkstra(graph, source-1, target-1)<<endl;
return 0;
The approach that I have is pretty simple. At each vertex I consume it's outgoing edge and update the active_vertices with it's updated cost provided that vertex is not yet visited. Also, a min_distance vector keeps track of the minimum distance so far.
But this fails for half the test cases. I am not able to find out why from the input as the input file has a large number of edges and recreating it is quite difficult.
It would be nice if you can help me with what's wrong with my current approach and I'm also a bit confused if it's running time is exponential.
What would be the running time of this code?
You missed this: multiple edges are allowed. As such, you have to choose which edge that you want to use (Not necessarily the one with smallest C).

gcc: /home/jamie/aws/btree_int.c|28|error: request for member ‘btree_start’ in something not a structure or union|

This code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int j_btree_create (int fn_initial_nodes);
typedef struct {
int depth;
int value;
void *item;
void *left_pointer;
void *right_pointer;
} j_btree_node_int;
typedef struct {
int nodes;
int available_nodes;
int btree_extension;
} j_btree_descriptor_int;
int j_btree_create (int fn_initial_nodes) {
int *free_btree_node;
int loop_counter;
j_btree_descriptor_int *btree_start;
btree_start = (j_btree_descriptor_int *) malloc (((sizeof(j_btree_node_int) + sizeof(free_btree_node)) * fn_initial_nodes) + sizeof(j_btree_descriptor_int));
printf ("btree_start: " . btree_start);
/* *btree_start.nodes = fn_initial_nodes;
*btree_start.available_nodes = fn_initial_nodes;
*btree_start.extension = NULL; */
for (loop_counter = 0; loop_counter < fn_initial_nodes; loop_counter++) {
printf ("loop_test:" . loop_counter);
Produces this error:
/home/jamie/aws/btree_int.c||In function ‘j_btree_create’:|
/home/jamie/aws/btree_int.c|28|error: request for member ‘btree_start’ in something not a structure or union|
/home/jamie/aws/btree_int.c|33|error: request for member ‘loop_counter’ in something not a structure or union|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 0 warnings ===|
When compiled with CodeBlocks. I have not managed to find an exact answer to my problem (I have looked), does anyone know roughly what I am doing wrong? Probably more than one thing given I am fairly new to C.
printf ("btree_start: " . btree_start);
This is not how the things are done in c. There's no . concatenation operator and you do not concatenate strings (pointers to characters) and pointers to structures. If you want to print out the pointer, it's
printf("btree_start: %p\n",btree_start);
For the loop counter it's
printf("loop_test: %d",loop_counter);
