Google Search Analytics is not working since 1 week ago - google-analytics

The last stats i have receipt in Search Analytics is for 13 august and google does not report click stats for my website
Also google does not index my new pages or new submitted sitemaps urls

According to John Mueller from Google: The Search Console has some serious issues with the Search Analytics Data at the moment. They say it should work normaly in a couple of days.

I found myself some reports from google:


Google Analyics 4 Click Data

I have just started using the new Google Analytics 4 and find so many features from the previous versions of Google Analytics are missing. One of the main features that I can see in GA4 that looks promising is the automatically included event tracking.
The issue I am having though is when I then try to drill down into the 'click' data to view the link URLs that have been clicked there is only the 'events in the last 30 minutes' and no way of viewing the data from the last week for example.
Am I just completely missing something? Does the data have to be accessed in a different way (data studio perhaps)? or is it only possible to view the previous 30 minutes of data before its gone forever?
You have to use the new reports (not only the real time):
Check here for some details about new reporting and navigation in Google Analytics 4:

Google analytics not show today data

I´m on homepage of Google Analytics, and when i click to show today data, its not load (and not show) today data.
I tried to delete the cache, im not using AdBlock and nothing else which could cause this problem.
If you are using the free version of Google Analytics, you typically need to wait at least 24 hours before data will start populating in GA. See this question: How long does it take for Google Analytics Goals to start show some data?
Most of the times it will show you the live data in reports(may be few mins delay)
Click on the Date Selecton on the top right corner of screen, then in "Date Range" select "today". It will show the latest data.
But the official time suggest by Google Analytics is 24 hours for free GA users and 4 hours for premium GA 360 users

Not all pageviews not appearing in google analytics

I have a website with around 100 page views / minute (as seen in my real time data overview. However, when I generate a report it says I've only had 15 page views. How do i get the pageviews/minute metric in a report so that the numbers are right?
Did you checked the pageviews report right after opening the real-time report?
Don't forget that to Free Google Analytics accounts it takes 24-48 hours for processing the data, to Premium GA accounts it takes 4 hours.
After that time go to Behavior > Site Content > All pages report and check if the data is right.
Vítor Capretz

Universal Google Analytics - grab some statistics to your own site

I am looking for a way, how can I grab some statistics from Google Universal Analytics to my site? Is there any way to display users statistics on site, grabbing from Analytics like below?
Users today: 10
Week: 70
Total: 1500
I found a couple of information from Google, but was not suitable to this topic. All finding results were about old Google Analytics( without upgrading to Universal) and were displaying all statistic results, including Charts.
You can us the Google analytics API to get the stats you are looking for. You will probably end up doing 3 different requests, because of the fact that the request is made by dates. You will have a problem getting the correct count for Today and yesterday, because the Google Analytics data hasn't finished processing yet it normally takes 24 - 48 hours for the numbers to be correct.
Becouse of the fact that you are only looking to see your own data I recommend you look into using service account for authentication.

Doeas analytics have 3 months limitation to search engine optimization screen

Doeas anybody know that Google Analytics would have changed search engine optimization reports?
I remember that I have seen there long time reports, but after this summer it semmes like it only shows us past 3 months of data. It changes from day to day, older data disapers after day. and only 3 months shows up there.
Any ideas why?
The Search Engine Optimization reports in Google Analytics are populated with data from Google Webmaster Tools (GWT). You can only view 90 days (3 months) of historical data in GWT, which explains this behavior. More info here:
