unable to exclude node_modules from the folder_project - rsync

I have 2 folders named as rsync & folder_project one at path D://rsync and other at path D://project/project1/folder_project.
folder_project contains the .ignore file which contains the path for node_modules present in folder_project.
I am syncing my local files to remote machine, so I have created the rsync command in the rsync folder with a config file.The files in rsync are as follows:
rsync --> config.js node_modules ltor.ts
module.exports = {
Inputs: {
source : '../project/project1/folder_project',
ignore: '../project/project1/folder_project/.ignore'
//all imports are done.
function puts(error, stdout, stderr) { console.log(stdout) }
var onChangeFn = function (watch_directory, destination_directory, ignoreFile) {
var command = 'rsync -avzH -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" --progress --delete --exclude-from=' + ignoreFile + ' ' + watch_directory + ' ' + destination_directory;
exec(command, puts);
Question: My rsync command is ignoring node_modules from the present or current directory, I want to exclude the node modules from the folder_project directory.
How can I achieve this?


Failed to compile with 0 errors / inconsistent builds

I'm trying to move from Assetic to Webpack but it seems quite tricky.
I have 6 different JS entries, containing different files.
I'm running "yarn encore dev":
Problem 1: I get "ERROR Failed to compile with 0 errors" - BUT it does seem to compile.
Problem 2: All compiled entries are almost identical (same size) except the first one. All that change is the filename written inside the file.
Maybe it's not really compiling in fact, then how could I fix the "Failed to compile with 0 errors" error?
My webpack.config.js:
let Encore = require('#symfony/webpack-encore');
//-- this one is well-compiled (I think)
.addEntry('app-vendors', './assets/app-vendors.js')
//-- those ones are all identical
.addEntry('app-classes', './assets/app-classes.js')
.addEntry('markable-maps-classes', './assets/markable-maps-classes.js')
.addEntry('markable-maps-vendors', './assets/markable-maps-vendors.js')
.addEntry('calendar-vendors', './assets/calendar-vendors.js')
.addEntry('calendar-classes', './assets/calendar-classes.js')
var config = Encore.getWebpackConfig();
config.node = { fs: 'empty' };
module.exports = config;
let files = [
for (let file of files)
require('../web/js/Business/' + file);
let files = [
for (let file of files)
require('../web/js/Business/' + file);
let files = [
for (let file of files)
require('../web/js/Business/' + file);
Command output:
$ yarn encore dev
yarn run v1.16.0
$ '/Volumes/Macintosh HD Data/Users/theredled/Sites/qualispace/deploy/node_modules/.bin/encore' dev
Running webpack ...
ERROR Failed to compile with 0 errors 17:11:12
Entrypoint app-vendors [big] = app-vendors.css app-vendors.js
Entrypoint app-classes [big] = app-classes.js
Entrypoint markable-maps-classes [big] = markable-maps-classes.js
Entrypoint markable-maps-vendors [big] = markable-maps-vendors.js
Entrypoint calendar-vendors [big] = calendar-vendors.js
Entrypoint calendar-classes [big] = calendar-classes.js
error Command failed with exit code 2.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

Why the QTCreator ignore a $BUILDDIR var to create a personal build directory

I'm using a qtcreator 4.0.3 and I try to create a directory struct to
all builds, like this:
I'm using this .pro file:
:><------- Cutting ------------
# BUILDDIR Where the executable file was create
# All Directory of temporary files
# If the dirs not exists, I'll create it
THis instructions are ignored
Any directory was created.
!exists( $$DESTDIR ) {
message("Creating $$DESTDIR struct")
mkpath( $$DESTDIR )
!exists( $$OBJECTS_DIR ) {
message("Creating $$OBJECTS_DIR")
mkpath( $$OBJECTS_DIR )
!exists( $$MOC_DIR ) {
message("Creating $$MOC_DIR")
mkpath( $$MOC_DIR )
!exists( $$RCC_DIR ) {
message("Creating $$RCC_DIR")
mkpath( $$RCC_DIR )
!exists( $$UI_DIR ) {
message("Creating $$UI_DIR")
mkpath( $$UI_DIR )
:><------- Cutting ------------
But this not work. Always qtcreator use a default directory struct
configured in Tools->Options->Build and Run->Default build Directory.
Simple it's ignore this instructions ...
Am I doing something wrong??
This is an anti-pattern, and it generally won't work because no one using qmake projects expects them to behave that way: Qt Creator doesn't, other people don't, etc.
For any given project, you set the build directory by executing qmake in the build directory. E.g., supposed you have ~/src/myproject/myproject.pro that you wish to build:
mkdir -p ~/build/myproject
cd ~/build/myproject
qmake ~/src/myproject
gmake -j8
To build multiple projects in subfolders, you should have a top-level subdirs project that refers to them. E.g.
+--- myproject
+--- myproject.pro
+--- lib1
| +--- lib1.pro
| ...
+--- lib2
| +--- lib2.pro
| ...
+--- app1
. +--- app1.pro
. ...
The source directory structure will be replicated in the build folder. You generally shouldn't otherwise care what goes where in the build folder, except when referencing to targets built by subprojects, e.g. if app1 depends on lib2 you will need to add the build product as a dependency. This answer shows exactly how to do that.

Grunt run task for another Grunt file

I have 3 separate apps in 3 different folders. e.g. folder1, folder2 and folder3. folder3 is the combination of folder1 and folder2. Right now, I run dist task on both folder1 and folder2, then with bower link I link those dist folders with in folder3. Is there any way I could run a task with in folder3 that will create dist on folder1 and folder2, and link them with folder3? In short I want to run grunt task of folder1 and folder2 from folder3 and link them.
grunt.config.set('exec', {
loginapp: {
command: 'grunt -b C:/project/loginapp dist'
grunt.registerTask('all', [
Folder structure
Hope this helps. I am in webapp > GruntFile where I run dist and that should run dist task on loginapp before its on dist task.
You can use -b flag to specify an alternate base path where there is a Gruntfile.
Then use grunt-exec to create task that run grunt task of your other projects.
E.g :
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.config.set('exec', {
distFolder1: {
command: 'grunt -b relative/path/to/Gruntfile/of/folder1 taskName'
distFolder2: {
command: 'grunt -b relative/path/to/Gruntfile/of/folder2 taskName'
Now you just have create a register task that run these two task and you other task.
E.g :
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('distAndLink', [
// your other task (bower link)
and then run grunt distAndLink from folder 3.

how to dynamically build watch task's targets?

using gurunt syncall, I want to dynamically sync every dir(and new dir created in the futrue) in project root except 'node_modules' dir to another dir.
using grunt watchall, I want to watch those dirs, when there are some changes in a dir, I want to automaticlly run the corresponding sync task.
here is my project root's structure:
├── Gruntfile.js
├── addon1
│   └── a.toc
├── adon3
│   └── 3.toc
├── node_modules
│   ├── grunt
│   ├── grunt-contrib-watch
│   └── grunt-sync
└── package.json
the grunt syncall command is ok, here is the result:
➜ testsync grunt syncall
Running "config" task
Running "sync:addon1" (sync) task
Running "sync:adon3" (sync) task
Done, without errors.
but the grunt watchall not ok. can you tell me why watchall tasks not work and how to fix it?
I start the command, and change and save the file '3.toc' in dir 'adon3', then grunt say:
➜ testsync grunt watchall
Running "config" task
Running "watch" task
>> File "adon3/3.toc" changed.
Running "sync:adon3" (sync) task
Verifying property sync.adon3 exists in config...ERROR
>> Unable to process task.
Warning: Required config property "sync.adon3" missing. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
here is my Gruntfile.js:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var destdir = "/Users/morrxy/project/testdest/";
// dynamic config sync and watch's targets for every dir except for node_modules
grunt.registerTask('config', 'config sync and watch', function() {
grunt.file.expand({filter: 'isDirectory'},
['*', '!node_modules']).forEach(function(dir) {
// config sync's targets
var sync = grunt.config.get('sync') || {};
sync[dir] = {
files: [{
cwd: dir,
src: '**',
dest: destdir + dir
grunt.config.set('sync', sync);
// config watch's target
var watch = grunt.config.get('watch') || {};
watch[dir] = {
files: dir + '/**/*',
// is next line has problem?
// running 'grunt watchall'
// when I change and save the file '3.toc' in dir 'adon3', terminal say:
// >> File "adon3/3.toc" changed.
// Running "sync:adon3" (sync) task
// Verifying property sync.adon3 exists in config...ERROR
// >> Unable to process task.
// Warning: Required config property "sync.adon3" missing.
// but why 'grunt syncall' can work?
tasks: 'sync:' + dir
grunt.config.set('watch', watch);
grunt.registerTask('syncall', ['config', 'sync']);
grunt.registerTask('watchall', ['config', 'watch']);
Finally, I solved this problem. I add a github repo for this question. If you want test, you can clone it run it locally. https://github.com/morrxy/dynasync
The reason watchall can watch files changes but can't run the corresponding sync task is that when watch find files changed, the config for each sync is finnished running, so the config for that sync target is gone, we didn't save the running config any where. So to solve this problem, we could add the config task into the watch task before the sync task, like this tasks: ['config_sync', 'sync:' + dir].
in new Gruntfile.js, I split the config task to two task, one for config watch, one for config sync, in the watch task, using the config sync task. Here is the new Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var destdir = "/media/data/projects/dynasync_dest/";
// dynamic config sync's targets for every dir except for node_modules
grunt.registerTask('config_sync', 'dynamically config sync', function() {
grunt.file.expand({filter: 'isDirectory'},
['*', '!node_modules']).forEach(function(dir) {
// config this dir's sync target
var sync = grunt.config.get('sync') || {};
sync[dir] = {
files: [{
cwd: dir,
src: '**/*',
dest: destdir + dir
grunt.config.set('sync', sync);
// dynamic config watch's targets for every dir except for node_modules
grunt.registerTask('config_watch', 'dynamically config watch', function() {
grunt.file.expand({filter: 'isDirectory'},
['*', '!node_modules']).forEach(function(dir) {
// config this dir's watch target
var watch = grunt.config.get('watch') || {};
watch[dir] = {
files: dir + '/**/*',
// this line solve the problem
// when find file change, first dynamically config sync and then sync the dir
tasks: ['config_sync', 'sync:' + dir]
grunt.config.set('watch', watch);
grunt.registerTask('syncall', ['config_sync', 'sync']);
grunt.registerTask('watchall', ['config_watch', 'watch']);
grunt.registerTask('default', ['watchall']);
This time, when watch find file changes, it can run the corresponding sync task. like this
grunt watchall
Running "config_watch" task
Running "watch" task
>> File "adon3/3.toc" changed.
Running "config_sync" task
Running "sync:adon3" (sync) task
Done, without errors.
Completed in 0.888s at Thu Apr 10 2014 14:01:26 GMT+0800 (CST) - Waiting...

help with unix tar and grep loop

I would like some help in creating a loop that will take one of my files extension .tar.gz
unzip it untar it and search the files inside (with extension .tlg) using grep -a >> output.text.
In the outout.text i will require the matching data as well as the name of the file and parent tar it came from
one this search has been performed i would like the untared files to be deleted and the preocess to continue on the next tar file until all tars have been checked.
I can't untar all at one as i dont have the disk space for this
Can anyone help
To avoid creating temporary files, you can use GNU tar's --to-stdout option.
The code below is careful about spaces and other characters in paths that may confuse the shell:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
sub usage { "Usage: $0 pattern tar-gz-file ..\n" }
sub output_from {
my($cmd,#args) = #_;
my $pid = open my $fh, "-|";
warn("$0: fork: $!"), return unless defined $pid;
if ($pid) {
my #lines = <$fh>;
close $fh or warn "$0: $cmd #args exited " . ($? >> 8);
wantarray ? #lines : join "" => #lines;
else {
exec $cmd, #args or die "$0: exec $cmd #args: $!\n";
die usage unless #ARGV >= 2;
my $pattern = shift;
foreach my $tgz (#ARGV) {
chomp(my #toc = output_from "tar", "-ztf", $tgz);
foreach my $tlg (grep /\.tlg\z/, #toc) {
my $line = 0;
for (output_from "tar", "--to-stdout", "-zxf", $tgz, $tlg) {
print "$tlg:$line: $_" if /$pattern/o;
Sample runs:
$ ./grep-tlgs hello tlgs.tar.gz
tlgs/another.tlg:2: hello
tlgs/file1.tlg:2: hello
tlgs/file1.tlg:3: hello
tlgs/third.tlg:1: hello
$ ./grep-tlgs ^ tlgs.tar.gz
tlgs/another.tlg:1: blah blah
tlgs/another.tlg:2: hello
tlgs/another.tlg:3: howdy
tlgs/file1.tlg:1: whoah
tlgs/file1.tlg:2: hello
tlgs/file1.tlg:3: hello
tlgs/file1.tlg:4: good-bye
tlgs/third.tlg:1: hello
tlgs/third.tlg:2: howdy
$ ./grep-tlgs ^ xtlgs.tar.gz
tar: xtlgs.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
./grep-tlgs: tar -ztf xtlgs.tar.gz exited 2 at ./grep-tlgs line 14.
You could loop over the tars, extract them, then grep them; something like this should work:
mkdir out/
for i in *.tar.gz; do
mkdir out/${i} # create outdir
tar -C out/${i} -xf ${i} # extract to sub-dir with same name as tar;
# this will show up in grep output
cd out
grep -r ${match} ${i} >> ../output.text
cd ..
rm -rf out/${i} # delete untarred files
be careful, as the contents of the $i variable are passed to rm -rf and has the power to delete stuff for good.
