DQL request from = to IN - symfony

I have an issue with the IN instruction for a field...maybe you can see better than me what's happening.
The issue is on the waves parameter.
I got this in my database it's a configuration field...and this field contain a json
This request inside sql return results:
SELECT v.id,v.`vague_code`, v.`date_fin_ultime`,m.*
FROM Vague v
INNER JOIN Enquete e ON e.`vague_id` = v.`id`
INNER JOIN Mission m ON m.id = e.`mission_id`
INNER JOIN Contrat c ON c.id = m.`contrat_id`
INNER JOIN `User` u ON u.`enqueteur_id` = e.`enqueteur_id`
INNER JOIN `PointDeVente` p ON p.id = e.`pdv_id`
WHERE v.`vague_code` IN ('ITM1702A','ITMTEST')
AND type_id IN (10,57)
But when I try to do the same from my symfony controller...I got an empty result
$sql="SELECT v.id,v.codeVague, v.date_fin_ultime,c.distance,p.adresse1,p.code_postal,p.ville,m
FROM McInvestigatorBundle:Vague v
INNER JOIN McInvestigatorBundle:Enquete e WITH e.vague_id = v.id
INNER JOIN McInvestigatorBundle:Mission m WITH m.id = e.mission_id
INNER JOIN McInvestigatorBundle:Contrat c WITH c.id = m.contrat
INNER JOIN McInvestigatorBundle:User u WITH u.enqueteur_id = e.enqueteur_id
INNER JOIN McInvestigatorBundle:PointDeVente p WITH p.id = e.pdv_id
WHERE v.codeVague IN (:waves)
AND e.type_id IN (:type_id)
AND m.enqueteur_id=:enq_id
ORDER BY m.date_rea_prev ASC";
$results= $em->createQuery($sql)->setParameters([
'waves' => $waves,
'type_id' => $type_id,
'enq_id' => $enq_id,
The strange thing is that I got no issue with type_id, it works fine.
But, the waves field it's not the same story....
In fact, it works only if I have only one value in the json
"codeVague":"ITM1702A" is working
"codeVague":"ITM1702A,ITMTEST" is not working.
I already tried those strings in $waves.
"ITM1702A,ITMTEST" and "'ITM1702A','ITMTEST'" and "'ITM1702A,ITMTEST'"
Thanks you for your help !
EDIT: Problem solved, thanks Veve.


sqlite query to get instances were no items returned on join

I am querying the static backend db for a game I play (trying to keep up on my coding), and I am having an issue getting the full results that I want.
So the query that I have so far is:
select ms.security, mc.constellationName, mr.regionName, ms.solarSystemName, count(it.typename) as NumberOfBelts
from mapSolarSystems as ms
join mapConstellations as mc on ms.constellationID == mc.constellationID
join mapRegions as mr on ms.regionID == mr.regionID
join invItems as ii on ii.locationID = ms.solarSystemID
join invTypes as it on it.typeID == ii.typeID
where it.groupID = 9
group by solarSystemName
the problem comes when there are no rows where it.groupID == 9. What I need is for the count to return 0 and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get this to work.
I tried doing left outer join on the final join statement, but no joy.
Change the last join to a left join and set the condition in the on clause istead of the where clause:
select ms.security, mc.constellationName, mr.regionName, ms.solarSystemName, count(it.typename) as NumberOfBelts
from mapSolarSystems as ms
join mapConstellations as mc on ms.constellationID = mc.constellationID
join mapRegions as mr on ms.regionID = mr.regionID
join invItems as ii on ii.locationID = ms.solarSystemID
left join invTypes as it on it.typeID = ii.typeID and it.groupID = 9
group by solarSystemName

QueryBuilder - Use Select in an innerJoin

can someone help me.
I need to change my sql query to a querybuilder. I don't know how to use select inside a innerJoin.
Here my sql query:
INNER JOIN user_youtube ON user_youtube.id = user.id
INNER JOIN analytic ON analytic.id = user_youtube.analytic_id
INNER JOIN analytic_youtube_demographic ON analytic_youtube_demographic.analytic_id = analytic.id
SELECT analytic_youtube_demographic.id as id, MAX(analytic_youtube_demographic.percentage) max
from user
INNER JOIN user_youtube ON user_youtube.id = user.id
INNER JOIN analytic ON analytic.id = user_youtube.analytic_id
INNER JOIN analytic_youtube_demographic ON analytic_youtube_demographic.analytic_id = analytic.id
GROUP BY user.id
) AS T ON analytic_youtube_demographic.percentage = T.max
WHERE analytic_youtube_demographic.age_group IN ('18-24')
Thanks a lot for your help.

Limit the subquery results in DQL

I want to use LIMIT 1 clausule on the subquery in SELECT in DQL query...How can I do that?
"SELECT partial p.{productId, productName, count, price, utwTs},
SELECT pp.fileName
FROM AdminBundle:ProductPhoto pp
WHERE pp.productId = p.productId
// LIMIT 1 <--- here
) AS photo_name,
FROM AdminBundle\Entity\Product p
LEFT JOIN AdminBundle\Entity\Users u WITH u.id = p.userId
LEFT JOIN AdminBundle\Entity\Shop sh WITH sh.userId = u.id
LEFT JOIN AdminBundle\Entity\Stand s WITH p.standId = s.standId
WHERE p.active = 1 and p.productId > 0";
How can I do this? I can't use native sql, becuase pagination (knpbundle) won't work.
That's not possible for security reasons ...
see this -> http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DDC-885
eventually you can still make you subquery into a query and limit results with ->setMaxResults( XX ) , et use it into your main query.

Drupal db_select(), how can I use two db field in condition?

I have a problem with a drupal db_select.
Here is my code :
$query = db_select('node', 'n');
$query->addField('n', 'nid', 'nid');
$query->addField('cfs', 'entity_id', 'feature_support_id');
$query->addField('fpffs', 'entity_id', 'parent_feature_support_id');
$query->addField('cfsfc', 'feature_support_compared_target_id', 'feature_support_compared');
$query->addField('fpffsfc', 'feature_support_compared_target_id', 'parent_feature_support_compared');
//Get feature_support of the feature
$query->join('field_data_feature_support_feature', 'cfs', 'n.nid = cfs.feature_support_feature_target_id');
$query->join('field_data_feature_support_compared', 'cfsfc', 'cfs.entity_id = cfsfc.entity_id');
//Get parent feature_support through feature
$query->join('field_data_feature_parent_feature', 'fp', 'n.nid = fp.entity_id');
$query->join('field_data_feature_support_feature', 'fpffs', 'fp.feature_parent_feature_target_id = fpffs.feature_support_feature_target_id');
$query->join('field_data_feature_support_compared', 'fpffsfc', 'fpffs.entity_id = fpffsfc.entity_id');
$query->condition('n.nid', $node_revision->nid, '=');
$query->condition('cfsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id', 'fpffsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id', '=');
$result = $query->execute();
In DB my request should be
SELECT n.nid AS nid, cfs.entity_id AS feature_support_id, fpffs.entity_id AS parent_feature_support_id, cfsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id AS feature_support_compared, fpffsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id AS parent_feature_support_compared
FROM node n
INNER JOIN field_data_feature_support_feature cfs ON n.nid = cfs.feature_support_feature_target_id
INNER JOIN field_data_feature_support_compared cfsfc ON cfs.entity_id = cfsfc.entity_id
INNER JOIN field_data_feature_parent_feature fp ON n.nid = fp.entity_id
INNER JOIN field_data_feature_support_feature fpffs ON fp.feature_parent_feature_target_id = fpffs.feature_support_feature_target_id
INNER JOIN field_data_feature_support_compared fpffsfc ON fpffs.entity_id = fpffsfc.entity_id
WHERE (n.nid = '9') AND (cfsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id = fpffsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id)
This request work when I try it in phpmyadmin, but instead in mysql log I have
SELECT n.nid AS nid, cfs.entity_id AS feature_support_id, fpffs.entity_id AS parent_feature_support_id, cfsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id AS feature_support_compared, fpffsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id AS parent_feature_support_compared
FROM node n
INNER JOIN field_data_feature_support_feature cfs ON n.nid = cfs.feature_support_feature_target_id
INNER JOIN field_data_feature_support_compared cfsfc ON cfs.entity_id = cfsfc.entity_id
INNER JOIN field_data_feature_parent_feature fp ON n.nid = fp.entity_id
INNER JOIN field_data_feature_support_feature fpffs ON fp.feature_parent_feature_target_id = fpffs.feature_support_feature_target_id
INNER JOIN field_data_feature_support_compared fpffsfc ON fpffs.entity_id = fpffsfc.entity_id
WHERE (n.nid = '9') AND (cfsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id = 'fpffsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id')
See at the end, in the WHERE, there is single quote around 'fpffsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id' which should not be there.
It's obviously because the second argument of ->condition seems only accept variable. Anyone know how I can make a condition with two db fields with db_select?
Thanks for any help you can bring me.
Use $query->where($snippet, $args = array());
$query->where('cfsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id = fpffsfc.feature_support_compared_target_id');

SQL Query Conversion to LINQ Left Outer Join (VB.NET)

I've looked all around and spent way to long trying to convert this SQL statement into a Linq statement in VB. I'm sure it would be a good example for others out there - the statement is trying to pull products that have a many-to-many relationship with product categories, and the categories have a hierarchy of parents/children.
Here is the query I am trying to convert:
SELECT P.ProductID, P.ProductName, P.ProductSlug, P.PartNumber
FROM Products AS P
INNER JOIN Products_Categories AS PC ON PC.ProductID = P.ProductID
INNER JOIN Categories AS C ON PC.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Categories AS P_Cats ON P_Cats.CategoryID = C.Parent
WHERE (C.CategoryID = 9) OR (C.Parent = 9) OR (P_Cats.Parent = 9)
I can get up to the point where I am trying to say "WHERE ... (P_Cats.Parent = 9)" but can't figure that part out.
Figured it out right after posting the question, but here is the answer in case anyone else finds it helpful:
Dim query = (From products In db.Products _
Join PC In db.Products_Categories On PC.ProductID Equals products.ProductID _
Join C In db.Categories On PC.CategoryID Equals C.CategoryID _
Group Join cat In db.Categories On cat.CategoryID Equals C.Parent Into C_Parents = Group _
From cParents In C_Parents.DefaultIfEmpty() _
Where (C.CategoryID = categoryID Or C.Parent = categoryID Or cParents.CategoryID = categoryID) _
And products.IsDeleted = False)
It was the line "From cParents In C_Parents.DefaultIfEmpty()" that I was leaving out.
