Good day,
I've been looking around for a solution to my problem, but could not find it documented anywhere. Feel free to link to another thread if useful.
I'm building a form on Wordpress using Caldera Forms. In this form, I have a multiselect dropdown for which each selection should show dynamically an extra field. Unfortunately, I cannot load more than one conditional field when selecting multiple values. It will only load the first field populated by the condition of my first selection.
Try it out:
On the "Role" field, select "Software Engineer"
This should populate a "Top Skills" field
On the "Top Skills" field, if you autocomplete ANY of the options, the first condition is met and you will see the right field for it
Selecting more options from the "Top Skills" field should be populating other fields, but instead, it flicks in the view and then only shows the first met conditional field.
Anyone has had this issue? Was there anything special to do on the Conditions tab to make it work as intended?
You may Import this form by importing this JSON:
{"_last_updated":"Sun, 19 Jan 2020 23:23:23 +0000","ID":"CF5e213a11b5adc","cf_version":"1.8.9","name":"Career Matrix","scroll_top":0,"success":"Form has been successfully submitted. Thank you.\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t","db_support":1,"pinned":0,"hide_form":1,"check_honey":1,"avatar_field":"","form_ajax":1,"custom_callback":"","layout_grid":{"fields":{"fld_97450":"1:1","fld_5750655":"1:1","fld_4465116":"1:1","fld_2852708":"1:1"},"structure":"12"},"fields":{"fld_97450":{"ID":"fld_97450","type":"filtered_select2","label":"Top Skills","slug":"your_top_skills_software_engineer","conditions":{"type":"con_9081220263929126"},"required":1,"caption":"Select your top skills.","config":{"custom_class":"","placeholder":"","multi":1,"color":"#5b9dd9","border":"#4b8dc9","default_option":"","auto_type":"","taxonomy":"category","post_type":"post","value_field":"name","orderby_tax":"name","orderby_post":"name","order":"ASC","default":"","show_values":1,"option":{"opt2039319":{"calc_value":"x","value":"x","label":"x"},"opt2036344":{"calc_value":"y","value":"y","label":"y"},"opt2092176":{"calc_value":"z","value":"z","label":"z"}},"email_identifier":0,"personally_identifying":0}},"fld_4465116":{"ID":"fld_4465116","type":"star_rating","label":"z Proficiency","slug":"z_proficiency","conditions":{"type":"con_4202235771498248"},"caption":"Rate your z proficiency","config":{"custom_class":"","default":"","number":5,"type":"star","size":13,"space":3,"color":"#FFAA00","track_color":"#AFAFAF","email_identifier":0,"personally_identifying":0}},"fld_2852708":{"ID":"fld_2852708","type":"star_rating","label":"y Proficiency","slug":"y_proficiency","conditions":{"type":"con_6383484066940033"},"caption":"Rate your y proficiency","config":{"custom_class":"","default":"","number":5,"type":"star","size":13,"space":3,"color":"#FFAA00","track_color":"#AFAFAF","email_identifier":0,"personally_identifying":0}},"fld_5750655":{"ID":"fld_5750655","type":"star_rating","label":"x Proficiency","slug":"x_proficiency","conditions":{"type":"con_5108268722503233"},"caption":"Rate your x proficiency","config":{"custom_class":"","default":"","number":5,"type":"star","size":13,"space":3,"color":"#FFAA00","track_color":"#AFAFAF","email_identifier":0,"personally_identifying":0}}},"page_names":["Page 1"],"mailer":{"on_insert":1,"sender_name":"Caldera Forms Notification","sender_email":"","reply_to":"","email_type":"html","recipients":"","bcc_to":"","email_subject":"Career Matrix","email_message":"{summary}"},"conditional_groups":{"conditions":{"con_5108268722503233":{"id":"con_5108268722503233","name":"SE x Skill","type":"show","fields":{"cl6611176254177354":"fld_97450"},"group":{"rw1073423041345211":{"cl6611176254177354":{"parent":"rw1073423041345211","field":"fld_97450","compare":"is","value":"opt2039319"}}}},"con_6383484066940033":{"id":"con_6383484066940033","name":"SE y Skill","type":"show","fields":{"cl4932869345780543":"fld_97450"},"group":{"rw2445485636298987":{"cl4932869345780543":{"parent":"rw2445485636298987","field":"fld_97450","compare":"is","value":"opt2036344"}}}},"con_4202235771498248":{"id":"con_4202235771498248","name":"SE z Skill","type":"show","group":{"rw3854064841859657":{"cl7317560418250427":{"parent":"rw3854064841859657","field":"fld_97450","compare":"is","value":"opt2092176"}}},"fields":{"cl7317560418250427":"fld_97450"}}}},"settings":{"responsive":{"break_point":"sm"}},"privacy_exporter_enabled":false,"version":"1.8.9","db_id":"19","type":"primary"}
Thank you very much!
I am looking for the best way to store information that is entered within an Oracle ApEx app that is sectioned off like a wizard.
Basically there are a number of fields on the screen, i.e. text box, text area, select list, checkboxes as well as radiogroup buttons but are not attached to any particular database tables.
What I would like to do is basically have the user enter required answers say on one pane, which might have 5 items in total, i.e., 2 textfields, 1 radiogroup, 1 selectlist and 1 checkbox and when they press the "Next>" button before going to the next pane, store these answers into a ApEx Collection against a particular Id and perform the same process on the following pane of answers entered.
I am using Oracle ApEx 4.1.2. Basically want to store away values on the fly and reuse at a later stage.
As I mentioned in my last comment above, Plouf came through with the goods. I didn't require an ApEx Collection after all - regular items did the trick.
Ive been tasked with creating a user input form that has a set of defined fields and the ability for the user to add their own fields on the fly. e.g textbox, select box with options etc etc. Has anyone got any ideas on how i could implement this. What do i need to consider?
Also How would i store the data as i wont know the amount of fields. Generally in past projects a field in the input form has mapped to a column in the database.
Any ideas
Thanks in advance
It will need to be stored in a denormalised fashion:
So you'll probably need a Questions table which defines the question and maybe the type of input and any contraints.
You'll then have an answers table which is linked to whatever your entity is. The answers table will have an question and an answer field.
Do your users log into your site? If so you could use a SQL table to store each users controls e.g. :
UserName ControlID ControlType
JohnSmith 1 TextBox
JohnSmith 2 CheckBox
JoeBlogs 3 TextBox
You can then have another table with each controls value within it:
ControlID Value
1 My Text Value
2 False
3 Hi I’m Joe
You can then just do a simple join to get all the users controls and there values. You can also store information such as location/index of the control on screen. Doing it this way you can add more than one value per control, meaning things like list box's will have multipul rows.
If your not using a log in system you could do the same sort of thing but using Cookies.
I have a form in which I am attaching a workflow to. The form has a number that will be auto-generated. For example the first number will be 1, the next time the form is opened the number should be 2, so on and so forth. The issue I am having is: in the Default Value under the Text Box Properties I have the Value as: count(mynumber QuoteNumber) +1. When the form is generated the first and only number is 2 the number begins at 2 and never increases. Can someone help me with this or explain what I may be doing wrong? Thank You. I'm not using visual studio.
Rachel: I have fought with this problem since InfoPath 2007. Here is how I do it.
Since you say you are attaching a workflow, I assume you are using the from in SharePoint.
1 - create your form library in SharePoint
2 - use InfoPath to design the form. When you publish the form to SP, make sure you promote AT LEAST the ID field you want to auto-inc. (I usually promote every field in my forms, 'cause I like to use them like SP lists.)
3 - In SP, create one new form and manually set the ID field to the starting number for your form series.
4 - return to InfoPath designer and re-open your form template.
5 - create a new data source to receive data from your SP form library and specify your form library as the source, and the ID field as a data element. Name the data source something like “ID Lookup”.
6 - open the properties of the field you want to auto-inc on your form and, in the default value box, select function, then choose the MAX function.
And add “+1” after the function to increment by 1.
Now, double-click in the field are of the Max function. You will see a dialog showing your form fields. Notice the drop-down at the top of the dialog – here you can choose the data source (notice I named mine “sales Contracts” in this example). If you select the data source you created in step 5, you will see a dialog showing you a couple of data branches.
Expand the ‘dataFields’ branch until you see the field you want to auto-inc. Click on this.
Your formula dialog will look something like:
max(ID_X0020) + 1
With your field name instead of the 'ID' in the Max function – the function will now return the Maximum value of the field IN THE FORM LIBRARY, plus 1.
Save the form in InfoPath and try previewing it. You will probably get a security warning – your InfoPath form is grabbing data from your SharePoint library on the fly. You may even get asked to re-enter your password (I usually do). When the new, blank form is displayed in InfoPath preview, you should see you ID field filled in with a value one greater that the number in that field of your SP library.
There is one huge Gothca with this method - if users re-open a completed form to edit it, the formula will probably try to replace the ID number. If your users don't edit the forms after they are submitted, the this will work for you.
Hope this makes sense.
You aren't doing anything wrong - you just have to change how you think about "forms" a bit. Remember a form is just like a word document template. Suppose you save a word document on your hard drive with a blank spot to fill in your name. Later you open the template, type your name, and save a copy as V1.doc. When you go back and open the template again - your name is not there because it was saved in V1.doc. Everytime you open the template you start again from scratch.
Infopath forms that you design and that the user fills out are templates (.xsn files). When the user fills it out and saves it they are really saving a copy which is only data (.xml files). The .xsn template doesn't change when users interact with it.
So to answer your question - there is no way directly in InfoPath to cleanly keep track of an auto incrementing ID. You will need to tap into some code (webservice, sharepoint, etc) to do that. You could also consider making the ID a GUID (which infopath does support) but it won't be auto incrementing and it won't look "clean" if it has to be displayed/used by real people.
I have an ASP.NET WebForm with a number of DropDownLists, multiple select enabled ListBoxes, CheckBoxes and TextBoxes.
What I would like to be able to do is allow the user to save all the selected options and call it a name as a saved report. This would then allow them to click to retrieve the selections they made when they come back to the page at a later date.
What would be the best way of saving the options in a database that will allow me to easily populate the report that the user has saved?
If you need more clarification of what I am trying to do then leave me a comment and I will try to give you what you ask for. At the minute this is as much as I have myself to go on.
Maybe assign a uniqueidentifier to the Report in a table called Reports, and store the options from the DropDownLists in columns in this table.
For the multiple-select items, if you know what options they can choose, store each of those options as boolean in columns in this first table.
If you do not know what options they can choose, you may need to store the options selected in a separate table, associated to the ReportID.
So, the first option may look like this:
ReportID ReportName Option1 Option2 MultiSelectOption1 MultiSelectOption2 etc.
And the second option could look like this:
Table Reports
ReportID ReportName Option1 Option2
Table ReportOptions
ReportID OptionID