Meteor error - promise.js - meteor

I have a reoccuring problem with my meteor applications that has caused me to delete and redo all my projects. The problem is that whenever I go to start up my app with meteor run or meteor it shows this error:
I had this problem with another one of my app and it required me to uninstall meteor and reinstall it for it to work..I was wondering if there was any other way to fix this problem. Many people have said delete you .meteor folder or .meteor/local folder and start it up again but that has not worked for me. Another solution that has worked for many people except me is the command that you run inside your application rm -rf ./.meteor but I have no luck with that. I don't know what to do at this point in terms of fixing my problem. and I do not have a problem with my code, as it was working about 2 days ago and I haven't touched it since.
I have:
Windows 10 Pro.
64 bit operating system(I don't know if that matters).
Meteor v1.5

Deleting the .meteor folder isn't a good idea, because it contains the list of packages, and your project won't work at all then.
You can delete .meteor/local, because that is basically its temporary build area. Another thing you can do it delete the node_modules folder, or type npm rebuild which tells npm to rebuild the node_modules directory in case there is some corruption in there.
meteor reset will clear out your database in case that is the problem.
You can delete~/.meteor, where ~ is your home directory. Meteor will rebuild it.
As for the screen shot, it's better if you can paste the actual text here, because I can't tell what that character is it's complaining about. Remember to click the button with the braces to format it correctly.
Hopefully one of the above will help you. Otherwise perhaps you could share the project?


RStudio hangs for a specific project. What file needs to be changed?

I have a project that I've been working on for several months without a problem. Yesterday I tried to profile a bit of code using the raster package that was taking a very long time to run. I left it running overnight and found RStudio unresponsive in the morning. Now when I open that project, I can't do anything except to force quit RStudio. Other projects appear to work fine.
I suspect something bad is stored in the file(s) that remembers where I was. Is there one or more that I can delete and regain control of the project. Candidates in the project folder would seem to be one or more items in the .Rproj.user directory.
I found a tip on the RStudio website. In a terminal, navigate to the project directory and rename .Rproj.user to something different. I used this command - mv .Rproj.user .Rproj.user_old. This keeps the user-specific information around in case you want to go back to it.

iOS Xcode 10 How to fix broken "New build system" - build.db: database is locked Possibly there are two concurrent builds

I'm having problem with the infamous:
database is locked Possibly there are two concurrent builds running in
the same filesystem location
How do I fix broken "modern" build system getting stuck with a locked database?
I tried:
Cleaning the project
Deleting derived data
Updating cocoapods (sudo gem...) and pod install
Full nuking of Xcode folder with a fresh reinstall from App Store
Now I'm with a fresh Xcode installation, the project worked for a dozen builds(real device and simulator) and the problem comes back, making me unable to work on a project. How I can reset the locks on build.db or delete it?
I see this question asked multiple times, and the answers do not solve my problem. I'm not using build scripts, all I have is a couple cocoapods. Please do not close this question, as I'm asking specifically about lack of:
The only thing that lets me continue working is turning to the legacy build system:
How can I use the legacy build system with Xcode 10's `xcodebuild`?
Xcode 10: unable to attach DB error
I encountered this when tinkering with cli, swift run democli. The error I got was:
unable to attach DB: error: accessing build database "/Users/xman/Desktop/democli/.build/x86_64-apple-macosx/build.db": database is locked Possibly there are two concurrent builds running in the same filesystem location.
I just remove the build.db, and the DB error is gone.
So far the only way to fix this is to turn the "Legacy Build system" on in File > Workspace settings. After certain number of computer restarts (or time elapsed?) the setting can be changed to the "new" build system again and it will build.
I managed to compile my project by adding to the xcodebuild command line:
Thanks to this post:
I encountered the same issue while using Fastlane and the New Build System.
After switching from xcodebuild( ) to build_app( ), the issue was resolved.
The legacy build solution is too temporary. You can only use that from within XCode. You can't use it within VSCode, so you lose the Hot Reload sweetness.

How to run angular 2 application?

I have downloaded angular 2 application from this link:
How to run this application?
Which angular cli version install to run angular 2 application?
I tried from some questions stackoverflow but not working properly.guys this question is not duplicate..Please understand.
Anyone can give clear details?
I need step by step procedure.
If you cloned the repo and did nothing else, there are a few things you need to do before you can run the app. Since I don't know how much web development you have done, I'm going to include things some people will think unnecessary.
Install node.js, if you haven't yet. Grab the LTS release from Do not use the "Current" version, because that may not be compatible with Angular just yet. If you have and older version of Node, upgrade. If you already have the LTS version, skip this step.
Now open a new command prompt or terminal and change to the directory where you cloned the repo. To be sure you're in the right place, make sure you can see a file named package.json.
In this command prompt/terminal window, execute this command: npm install. This will download and install all the dependencies (which could rather disturbingly add up to a few hundred Megabytes). You may experience timeout errors if you're behind a corporate proxy server. That's not something you can fix as of 2018. Just connect using something else and try again.
Once everything is installed, you should be able to run the Angular app. Everything I mentioned already only need to be done before you run it the first time. To ensure you are in the right folder, navigate to where your index.html is located and run this command: ng serve. If ng cannot be found, you may need to install it. To do so, execute npm install --save-dev #angular/cli. Now it should work. If not, close your command prompt/terminal window, open a new one and try ng serve again.
Once ng serve is finished compiling, you should be able to view your app by opening http://localhost:4200 in your favourite browser.
And that's it!
Here's a bonus tip: Take the time to work through the official Angular Quick Start. It really is a fantastic guide and will get you skilled up much quicker than just hacking it ever will.
Good luck.

Heroku isn't updating my CSS and JS

First thing I should mention is that I'm NOT using Rails. I don't have a rake assets:precompile task (tried it anyway, didn't work). I don't have a public/assets folder either (tried git rm -r public/assets anyway, also didn't work).
For a long time, I was using Dropbox to deploy to Heroku (I'm quite the newbie to code) - I was planning on moving to git in about a month or so. But given this issue, I made the move today and tried pushing through git - also didn't work. i.e. I did a git pull, settled all the conflicts and then did git push. Still nothing.
Basically, Heroku isn't loading any of my new CSS and JS. It detects the files just fine. Running git push now says everything is up-to-date, running git status says there is nothing to commit. But using Chrome's inspect tool, the JS and CSS files don't have the new code I wrote.
I also tried adding the gem rack-flash-session to my Gemfile and requiring 'rack/flash/test' in my application_controller - this actually crashed the whole app and I removed it.
I also tried installing the heroku-repo plugin and running heroku repo:purge_cache --app my-app-name but that also didn't work
Running the code locally, everything works fine. It's just the online version that's failing.
I updated the Heroku CLI just before trying any of this and (you guessed it!), also didn't work.
I don't know what other info you'd need, so let me know in the comments and I'll be happy to provide them :)
Any help is appreciated!
Refresh the page with control + shift + r. This will clear the client-side assets cache and get the newly updated ones. You could also look for a gem that does cache-busting "asset fingerprinting" - this is a unique string that's appended to the asset files which prevents browsers from using a stale copy. I searched a little but I can't definitively point you to something that works with sinatra. Maybe you'll be able to find a gem that works though.

XCode 4 hangs at "Loading Project"

I don't have much to go on... XCode 4 is hanging at startup with "Loading Project". My build fails but I can't access the errors. This is happening with a project that worked in a previous version of XCode. It also happens for new projects.
I had a simliar issue. I deleted project.xcworkspace and xcuserdata inside the .xcodeproj directory and I was able to open the project file.
Having the same issue at the moment, it was after pressing Continue a bunch of times on some internal logic errors. I think the .xcodeproj file is corrupted. Are you sure it won't even work on new projects?
My solution would be to delete it and create a new one, re-add all of the dependencies, build settings and existing source/resources, and then restart Xcode and try opening the project again. It should work this time. It has for me anyway.
Another issue could be if you're creating a new project on network storage and then it's somehow not loading all of the associated files because of a network error. Try moving the files to local storage if this is the case.
I had a similar issue which ended up being caused by a folder named "~" in my application resources directory. Deleting this directory resolved the hang.
I had the same issue, Xcode 4, after trying to add a framework and Xcode added everything under It did not hang with the processing gear forever probably because my computer uses an SSD drive. After many minutes of the spinning gear, it was loaded and I removed the 'Reference' (right mouse click).
