how to print dynamic port in nginx reverse proxy - nginx

I want to print the dynamic port created by Nginx in reverse proxy mode, so as to capture the specific packet.
I have go through the nginx docs, but not find something useful. by the way, any other alternatives are welcome


Reverse proxy with http inbound, https outbound, and parent proxy

I have an application that needs to use a proxy (call it proxy1) to access some https endpoints outside of its network. The application doesn't support proxy settings, so I'd like to provide it a reverse proxy url, and I would prefer not to provide tls certs for proxy1, so I would use http for application -> proxy1.
I don't have access to the application host or forward proxy mentioned below, so I cannot configure networking there.
The endpoints the application needs are https, so proxy1 must make its outbound connections via https.
Finally, this whole setup is within a corporate network that requires a forward proxy (call it proxy2) for outbound internet, so my proxy1 needs to chain to proxy2 / use it as a parent.
I tried squid and it worked well for http only, but I couldn't get it to accept http inbound while using https outbound. Squid easily supported the parent proxy2.
I tried haproxy, but had the same result as with squid.
I tried nginx and it did what I wanted with http -> proxy -> https, but doesn't support a parent proxy. I considered setting up socat as in this answer, or using proxy_pass and proxy_set_header as in this answer, but I can't shake the feeling there's a cleaner way to achieve the requirements.
This doesn't seem like an outlandish setup, is it? Or is there a preferred approach for it? Ideally one using squid or nginx.
You can achive this without the complexity by using a port forwarder like socat. Just install it on a host to do the forwarding (or locally on the app server if you wish to) and create a listener that forwards connections through the proxy server. Then on your application host use a local name resolution overide to map the FQDN to the forwarder.
So, the final config should be the app server using a URI that points to the forwarding server (using its address if no name resolution excists), which has a socat listener that points to the the corporate proxy. No reverse proxy required.
socat TCP4-LISTEN:443,reuseaddr,fork \
Just update with your parameters.

Running Minecraft server through NGINX - Only ports 80 and 443 available

I've been looking at possible ways to run a Minecraft server behind a reverse proxy on NGINX with a IP/location/to/server (e.g. connection, but the only information that I've found is to either use a SRV DNS record, or to use a stream proxy (but no further information is included about this possibility, or it does not provide a NGINX location config).
I need to use a NGINX reverse proxy as ports 80 and 443 will be the only ports that will be open externally via our provider (HTTP/S servers only allowed, they can't be used for anything else and the connection will be managed by administrators), and I don't have a domain. I can get one and a SSL certificate if that's all that's needed in order to be able to do this.
I know Minecraft runs on a TCP or UDP connection, and that's part of the reason why this is not an easy task, but since this is the only way I can possibly have future external access to my Minecraft Server (self hosted), I need a way to run the connection through an HTTP reverse proxy.
Is there any way to do this through NGINX or NGINX+other software?
Thank you in advance.

Kubernetes Ingress/Reverse and Forward Proxy with ssl interception

I have a requirement that incoming as well as outgoing SSL traffic to a POD in a Namespace has to terminate at a proxy (the same), this proxy should look at a special part in the header of the packet and decide if the packet is allowed for out or in, if not the proxy has to send an 403.
I already took look at Istio and Envoy, but I couldn't find a solution for my problem.
Now I decided to start a separate NGINX-POD in my namespace and always route the traffic through it. So I'll be able to create a custom python module that does the Checks for me.
But I would rather work with native methods, if possible. Now I wanted to ask you, if you have an idea, what to use for this scenario.
Client -> nginx ingress (ssl pathrough) -> nginx (reverse/forward) proxy -> app
app -> nginx (reverse/forward) proxy -> Client
EDIT: or should I take a look at squid or something like that? :O

putting Nginx in front of Logstash?

When I search for nginx logstash , most talks about hadling nginx log with logstash.
I'm not doing that.
I'm thinking of putting Nginx in front of logstash.
Is it ok or beneficial to let logstash handle the http requests directly? (Because I couldn't find docs which puts Nginx in front of logstash, I think the term for this pattern is reverse proxy.. although I don't get why it's called reverse nor proxy)

Nginx Ingress Selective Reverse Proxy Location Rewrite

I have an Nginx Ingress that I'm trying to use to replace my HTTPD reverse proxy.
One of my servers behind the proxy returns a redirect containing this url https://proxy/endpoint. Originally with my HTTPD reverse proxy, I was able to modify outgoing http/https traffic headers (specifically location) and regex the proxy to the proper external dns name. How can I achieve this with Nginx Ingress. I see
Essentially I would like to modify the outgoing traffic to change the location from https://proxy to whatever I need it to be.
It was indeed those two fields I had to add as annotations to my Ingress.yaml. Once those were in place, things got routed correctly.
