Is it possible to trigger a Cloud Function when the user uninstalls the app, so that we can clean up the anonymous user realtime database entry?
You can detect app uninstall for Android as an automatically collected Analytics event called app_remove. Then you could trigger a Cloud Function to run when that event occurs. You would also need to use the Firebase Admin SDK to access the database. Check out some of the Cloud Functions for Firebase GitHub samples to see examples of using Analytics triggers and using the Admin SDK. The function could work something like this:
exports.appUninstall ='app_remove').onLog(event => {
const user = event.user; // structure of event was changed
const uid = user.userId; // The user ID set via the setUserId API.
// add code for removing data
I am trying to add Custom roles to my user in my Flutter app. I saw some tutorials which uses Cloud functions to assign roles to user using Node js language(not dart) script because one should not assign customRoles from the frontEnd side of app.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.addAdminRole = function.https.onCall((data,context) => {
return admin.auth.getUserByEmail( => {
return admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(user.uid,{
admin: true
But as I am okay with the risks and I can't use this js code so I want to know that is there any way to setCustomRoles in dart(flutter) language ?
The ability to set custom claims for a user is only available in our SDKs for trusted environments, such as the Admin SDK for Node.js that used in the code in your question.
This functionality is not available in the client-side SDK by design, as it'd be a huge security risk to allow this. While you may think this is acceptable, the client-side SDKs will not help you going down this path.
The only way to do this from a Flutter app, is to create a Cloud Function like the one you have, and call that from your Flutter code. This also then gives you a chance to secure the operation in Cloud Functions by checking if the user is authorized to add the claim to their account.
I want to run a listener in Firebase Admin SDK that runs whenever a new account is created. It is possible to do this in cloud functions as shown here: Can the same be done in Firebase Admin SDK?
Nope. There is no onCreate listener in the Auth SDKs.
Since creating a user from the authentication SDK happens completely under control of your code, you're expect to handle any downstream actions in your own code once the user creation completes.
For example, in the documentation on creating a user with the Admin SDK for Node.js, you can put any code that needs to run after the user has been created in the then() callback.
I had in mind to create a cloud function that let a user read some of the user infos of another user under certaine conditions.
For example:
const user1 = ??? // user1 is the current user
const user1Data = await firestore().collection('Users').doc('user1.uid').get()
const user2 = ??? // user2 is the user whith user2.uid == user1Data.partnerUid
const user2Data = await firestore().collection('Users').doc('user2.uid').get()
if (user1Data.partnerEmail == && user1Data.partnerEmail == {
// ...
// the endpoint deliver some of the user2 data to user1.
// ...
I have seen the documentation of Cloud functions:
I have seen that with the admin API we can call getUser:
The difference between functions.auth() and admin.auth() is not clear for me. Can we call admin within cloud functions ?
The difference between functions.auth() and admin.auth() is not clear for me.
When you import functions from firebase-functions, all that gets you is an SDK used for building the definition of functions for deployment. It doesn't do anything else. You can't access user data using functions.
When you import admin from firebase-admin, that gives you access to the Firebase Admin SDK that can actually manage user data in Firebase Authentication. You will want to use this to look up and modify users as needed, and it works just fine when running code in Cloud Functions.
The difference between functions.auth() and admin.auth() is not clear for me. Can we call admin within cloud functions ?
Basically functions.auth(), will let you trigger Cloud Functions in response to the creation and deletion of Firebase user accounts. For example, you could send a welcome email to a user who has just created an account in your app:
exports.sendWelcomeEmail = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
// ...
functions.auth() is from the cloud function package:
// The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to create Cloud Functions and setup triggers.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
Using the above package you can preform firestore, database or auth triggers that will run in response to creating data in the database or creating a new user...
// The Firebase Admin SDK to access Cloud Firestore.
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
The firebase admin sdk is used to access the database from privileged environments example inside cloud functions.
Check the following links:
I am working on flutter app and using cloud firestore to save all users list after signup. So if any user uninstall the app, i want to write delete cloud function to delete that user details automatically from firestore to avoid push notification or any other updates.
I am using firebase analytics also, so when it fire app_remove event, i need automatically trigger delete cloud function.
Please help me on backend code for this as i am not aware of backend code.
You can leverage auth trigger functions
For example, you can create `authUserDeleted´ function and handle all such actions there.
exports.authUserDeleted = functions
.auth.user().onDelete(async (user) => {
console.log('deleted user: ' + JSON.stringify(user));
// handle necessary actions for the deleted user
return true;
I'm trying to integrate Stripe with Firebase as a backend.
I need to create stripe customer when new user signs up to my app.
for that I wrote 1 cloud function which will execute when new user created by Firebase Auth.
but in that function I'm getting Firebase auth's user.
from that I need to update my collection's document which is created for that user. (I'm storing Auth user's uid in my collection's document).
but somehow Firebase cloud function is not updating it.
Here is my Cloud function for same.
// When a user is created, register them with Stripe
exports.createStripeCustomer = functions.auth.user().onCreate(async (user) => {
const customer = await stripe.customers.create({email:});
return admin.firestore().collection('fl_users').doc(user.uid).set({customer_id:});
I don't know what need to update how. Can you please help me to solve my problem?