I am generating a landscape pattern that evolves over time. The problem with the code is that I have clearly defined a window for the object bringing up the error but the window is not being recognised. I also do not see how any points are falling outside of the window, or how that would make a difference.
# Define the window
win <- owin(c(0, 100), c(0, 100))
# Define the point cluster
cluster1 <- rMatClust(kappa = 0.0005, scale = 0.1, mu = 20,
win = win, center = c(5,5))
# define the spread of the points
spread_rate <- 1
# Plot the initial cluster
plot(win, main = "Initial cluster")
points(cluster1, pch = 20, col = "red")
# Loop for n years
for (i in 1:years) {
# Generate new points that spread from the cluster
newpoints[[1]] <-rnorm(new_nests_per_year, mean = centroid.owin(cluster1)$y, sd = spread_rate)
newpoints[[2]] <-rnorm(new_nests_per_year, mean = centroid.owin(cluster1)$x, sd = spread_rate)
# Convert the list to a data frame
newpoints_df <- data.frame(newpoints)
# Rename the columns of the data frame
colnames(newpoints_df) <- c("x", "y")
# Combine the new points with the existing points
cluster1_df <- data.frame(cluster1)
cluster1<-as.ppp(newtotaldf, x = newtotaldf$x, y = newtotaldf$y,
window = win)
# Plot the updated cluster
plot(win, main = paste("Cluster after year", i))
points(cluster1, pch = 20, col = "red")
However, when I run line:
cluster1<-as.ppp(newtotaldf, x = newtotaldf$x, y = newtotaldf$y,
window = win)
I recieve the error:
Error: x,y coords given but no window specified
Why would this be the case?
In your code, if you use the command W = win it should solve the issue. I also believe you can simplify the command without specifying x and y:
## ...[previous code]...
cluster1 <- as.ppp(newtotaldf, W = win)
points(cluster1, pch = 20, col = "red")
I'm trying to make a multipanel figure with networks in the igraph package. I'd like 2 rows, each with 3 networks. I need to be able to save the figure as a PNG and I'd like to label them each A:F in one of the corners. I've tried to do this in a loop but only one network appears in the figures. I need the V(nw)$x<- y and E(nw)$x<- y code in the loop to make my networks come out properly. My networks are in a list().
I've made a small sample of the code I've tried, I would like to avoid doing it without a loop if I can. Thanks in advance.
srs_1nw <- graph("Zachary")
srs_2nw <- graph("Heawood")
srs_3nw <- graph("Folkman")
srs_1c <- cluster_fast_greedy(srs_1nw)
srs_2c <- cluster_fast_greedy(srs_2nw)
srs_3c <- cluster_fast_greedy(srs_3nw)
listofsrs_nws <- list(srs_1nw,srs_2nw,srs_3nw)
listofsrs_cs <- list(srs_1c,srs_2c,srs_3c)
colours <- c("red","blue","green","yellow")
for (i in length(listofsrs_nws)) {
V(nw)$size <- log(strength(nw))*6 # weighted nodes
E(nw)$arrow.size <- 2 # arrow size
c.colours <- colours[membership(c)]
plot(c, nw, col = c.colours,
mark.col = adjustcolor(colours, alpha.f = 0.4),
mark.border = adjustcolor(colours, alpha.f = 1),
vertex.frame.width = 5, edge.curved = .15)
We can use mapply like below
mapply(function(c, nw) {
V(nw)$size <- log(strength(nw)) * 6 # weighted nodes
E(nw)$arrow.size <- 2 # arrow size
c.colours <- colours[membership(c)]
plot(c, nw,
col = c.colours,
mark.col = adjustcolor(colours, alpha.f = 0.4),
mark.border = adjustcolor(colours, alpha.f = 1),
vertex.frame.width = 5, edge.curved = .15
}, listofsrs_cs, listofsrs_nws)
I created a Sankey diagram using the plotly package.
Please look at below example. I tried to make five streams, 1_6_7, 2_6_7, and so on. But two of five links between 6 and 7 disappeared. As far as I see, plotly allows to make only three or less links between two nodes.
Can I remove this restrictions ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is an example code and the outputs:
d <- expand.grid(1:5, 6, 7)
node_label <- 1:max(d)
node_colour <- scales::alpha(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7, "Set2"), 0.8)
link_source_nodeind <- c(d[,1], d[,2]) - 1
link_target_nodeind <- c(d[,2], d[,3]) - 1
link_value <- rep(100, nrow(d) * 2)
link_label <- rep(paste(d[,1], d[,2], d[,3], sep = "_"), 2)
link_colour <- rep(scales::alpha(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5, "Set2"), 0.2), 2)
p <- plotly::plot_ly(type = "sankey",
domain = c(x = c(0,1), y = c(0,1)),
orientation = "h",
node = list(label = node_label,
color = node_colour),
link = list(source = link_source_nodeind,
target = link_target_nodeind,
value = link_value,
label = link_label,
color = link_colour))
Absolutely cannot figure out why the error is coming even though there are no self edges.
Below is a reproducible code. Any help would be great
nodes = data.frame(id = 1:9, lab = c("A","B","C","E","F","G","H","I","J"),
axis = c(1,1,1,2,3,2,2,2,3), radius = rep(50,9),size = rep(10,9),
color = c("yellow","yellow","yellow", "green","red","green","green","green","red"))
edges = data.frame(id1 = c(1,2,3,4,5,4,1,9,8,6,1),id2 = c(2,3,4,1,9,9,9,8,7,7,6),
weight = rep(1,11),
color = c(rep("green",7), rep("red",4)))
test3 <- ranHiveData(nx = 3)
test3$nodes = nodes
test3$edges = edges
test3$edges$color <- as.character(test3$edges$color)
test3$edges$id1 <- as.integer(test3$edges$id1)
test3$edges$id2 <- as.integer(test3$edges$id2)
test3$nodes$color <- as.character(test3$nodes$color)
test3$nodes$lab <- as.character(test3$nodes$lab)
test3$nodes$axis = as.integer(test3$nodes$axis)
test3$nodes$id = as.integer(test3$nodes$id)
test3$nodes$radius = as.numeric(test3$nodes$radius)
test3$nodes$size = as.numeric(test3$nodes$size)
test3$edges$weight = as.numeric(test3$edges$weight)
test3$desc = "3 axes --9 nodes -- 11 edges"
sumHPD(test3, chk.sm.pt = TRUE)
The code is giving self edges and the the plot is not rendering plotHive(test3) showing
Error in calcCurveGrob(x,x$debug) : end points must not be identical
In your code the position of the nodes of the axis (radius) are all set to 50. Hence there are overlapping points (3 on axis 1, 4 on axes 2 and 2 on axis 3).
A correct definition of radius solves the problem.
# radius has been changed !
nodes = data.frame(id = 1:9, lab = c("A","B","C","E","F","G","H","I","J"),
axis = c(1,1,1,2,3,2,2,2,3), radius = c(1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,2),size = rep(1,9),
color = c("yellow","yellow","yellow", "green","red","green","green","green","red"))
edges = data.frame(id1 = c(1,2,3,4,5,4,1,9,8,6,1),id2 = c(2,3,4,1,9,9,9,8,7,7,6),
weight = rep(1,11),
color = c(rep("green",7), rep("red",4)))
test3 <- ranHiveData(nx = 3)
test3$nodes = nodes
test3$edges = edges
test3$edges$color <- as.character(test3$edges$color)
test3$edges$id1 <- as.integer(test3$edges$id1)
test3$edges$id2 <- as.integer(test3$edges$id2)
test3$nodes$color <- as.character(test3$nodes$color)
test3$nodes$lab <- as.character(test3$nodes$lab)
test3$nodes$axis = as.integer(test3$nodes$axis)
test3$nodes$id = as.integer(test3$nodes$id)
test3$nodes$radius = as.numeric(test3$nodes$radius)
test3$nodes$size = as.numeric(test3$nodes$size)
test3$edges$weight = as.numeric(test3$edges$weight)
test3$desc = "3 axes --9 nodes -- 11 edges"
sumHPD(test3, chk.sm.pt = TRUE)
Assuming I am creating a directed graph as follows
a = sample(state.name, 10)
b = sample(state.name, 10)
c = sample(state.name, 10)
d = data.frame(a,b,c)
d1 = as.matrix(d)
edges1 = rbind(d1[,1:2],d1[,2:3])
g = graph.data.frame(edges1, directed=F)
adj <- as.matrix(get.adjacency(g))
g2 <- new("graphAM", adjMat=adj, edgemode="directed")
plot(g2, attrs = list(graph = list(rankdir="LR"),
node = list(fillcolor = "lightblue")))
I get a very ugly graph with very disproportionate node size and node text. (sorry dont have enough credit to post the image of the graph)
I tried node.size and V(g).size parameters and it didnt work. Any advise ?