How to give Httpful a String with double quotes in it? - httpful

The idea is to send terms like bob & \\apples to a server. I get this error:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded
public function index($request, $response)
$uri = '["bob", "\\apples"];
$content = \Httpful\Request::get($uri)->send();
return $content;
As user RWC pointed out, it seems to be the library which causes this error.
The mysterious thing is, that it works with only one term (?key="bob") but with two it doesn't. When I put the URL into my browser, I get back the proper results (JSON response) with one and with two terms. So at the end it works but Httpful does something I don't know of yet.

The question you are asking is very specific for the libary you are using, Httpful, and is not a pure PHP question.
This is a valid URL:\
and so 'http://server/search?key=\' is a valid URL.
If the following command does not work
you have to blame the library (Httpful). You provided a valid URL, so in my opinion if the libary was well written, it should work.
So you have to do something to make it work. What? For that you have to read the documentation of the library.
Good to hear that you find a solution, but is has nothing to do with normal PHP.

ini_set('max_execution_time', 500);
in your script,place this one on the top,its increase the execution time of your code.


admin-ajax.php 400 error when filtering blog posts

This one is driving me crazy, I've tried lots of solutions on stack but can't seem to get one working with the below.
I'm testing out an ajax filter on some blog posts, but I'm just getting a 400 error "POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 400"
If anybody could shed some light I'd be grateful.
Thank you
I can think only of 3 things:
Your add_actions doesn't get hit in time, remember that Wordpress ajax requests are processed by admin-ajax.php, make sure that your add_action gets called before that
Inside your JS code you used ajax.type = post, that's wrong. I guess you wanted to use ajax.method = POST and eventually dataType = json. You can see the docs here
Your action doesn't return any valid data, return some json, some string, something. Its ok to call die() but well, return something maybe ? Since you are expecting something in ajax callback
P.s. = don't post code as image, we cannot copy easily from there
Apart from the suggestion posted by #Diego, ajax_url should be the full URL, like

Sulu: How to get the exact location of template errors in preview?

When I develop templates in Sulu 1.6 and an error occurs, where can I find the full error or exact error location? Is there some kind of special log or do I need to change the default location?
The corresponding /admin/websocket/admin response contains only this (basically the same information):
"message":"Unclosed \"block\".",
Currently I only see messages like this:
It would be also helpful to know, where the catch block for this is, in case it is not jet implemented.
Thx a lot!
So it turned out, that there is no logging enabled, and because the PreviewRendere throws a new Exception, the original information is pretty much lost. It can be added in this way:
Best wishes

Internationalization of error codes with tap-i18n

I'm currently developping a multi languages application using the tap-i18n package. I wonder how I can translate errors.
I can grab the code and then display a custom message that I would have written to the translation file before.
But I saw on this post there is a better way of doing this with another i18n package.
Does anyone know if there is way of doing something like with tap-i18n ?
EDIT : For now I'm doing something like this :'createNewUser', newUser, function (error, ret)
if (!error)
displayError(TAPi18n.__('success'), TAPi18n.__('new_user_success'), TAPi18n.__('ok'), "btn-success btn-lg", "success-popup");
switch (error.error)
case 403:
displayError(TAPi18n.__('danger'), TAPi18n.__('new_user_already_exist'), TAPi18n.__('ok'), "btn-danger btn-lg", "danger-popup");
displayError(TAPi18n.__('danger'), TAPi18n.__('new_user_error'), TAPi18n.__('ok'), "btn-danger btn-lg", "danger-popup");
My answer might be a bit off-topic, but do you mean application errors? If so, you shouldn't really return that to the users, as this could constitute a security flaw, giving them too much information.
Thus, you might want to handle the errors, and give the users exactly what you want them to know.
Just include the error messages in your translation, and proceed as with normal strings to translate.
I hope this is of some help :).
I understand now what you mean. As far as I know, there's no such option, as there is with just-i18n. As a suggestion for unbloating the code a bit, you could use a helper function such as:
function t(keyToTranslate){
return TAPi18n.__(keyToTranslate)
And in the code:
displayError(t('danger'), t('new_user_already_exist'), t('ok'), "btn-danger btn-lg", "danger-popup");
A bit naive suggestion, but there's no functionality to map the errors in this package, as far as I know. The way you're handling it seems correct to me.

Fix serialized data broken due to editing MySQL database in a text editor?

Background: I downloaded a *.sql backup of my WordPress site's database, and replaced all instances of the old database table prefix with a new one (e.g. from the default wp_ to something like asdfghjkl_).
I've just learnt that WordPress uses serialized PHP strings in the database, and what I did will have messed with the integrity of the serialized string lengths.
The thing is, I deleted the backup file just before I learnt about this (as my website was still functioning fine), and installed a number of plugins since. So, there's no way I can revert back, and I therefore would like to know two things:
How can I fix this, if at all possible?
What kind of problems could this cause?
(This article states that, a WordPress blog for instance, could lose its settings and widgets. But this doesn't seem to have happened to me as all the settings for my blog are still intact. But I have no clue as to what could be broken on the inside, or what issues it'd pose in the future. Hence this question.)
Visit this page:
On that page you should see this sample serialized string: a:1:{s:4:"Test";s:17:"unserialize here!";}. Take a piece of it-- s:4:"Test";. That means "string", 4 characters, then the actual string. I am pretty sure that what you did caused the numeric character count to be out of sync with the string. Play with the tool on the site mentioned above and you will see that you get an error if you change "Test" to "Tes", for example.
What you need to do is get those character counts to match your new string. If you haven't corrupted any of the other encoding-- removed a colon or something-- that should fix the problem.
I came to this same problem after trying to change the domain from localhost to the real URL. After some searching I found the answer in Wordpress documentation:
I will quote what is written there:
To avoid that serialization issue, you have three options:
Use the Better Search Replace or Velvet Blues Update URLs plugins if you can > access your Dashboard.
Use WP-CLI's search-replace if your hosting provider (or you) have installed WP-CLI.
Run a search and replace query manually on your database. Note: Only perform a search and replace on the wp_posts table.
I ended up using WP-CLI which is able to replace things in the database without breaking serialization:
I know this is an old question, but better late than never, I suppose. I ran into this problem recently, after inheriting a database that had had a find/replace executed on serialized data. After many hours of researching, I discovered that this was because the string counts were off. Unfortunately, there was so much data with lots of escaping and newlines and I didn't know how to count in some cases and I had so much data that I needed something automated.
Along the way, I stumbled across this question and Benubird's post helped put me on the right path. His example code did not work in production use on complex data, containing numerous special characters and HTML, with very deep levels of nesting, and it did not properly handle certain escaped characters and encoding. So I modified it a bit and spent countless hours working through additional bugs to get my version to "fix" the serialized data.
// do some DB query here
while($res = db_fetch($qry)){
$str = $res->data;
$sCount=1; // don't try to count manually, which can be inaccurate; let serialize do its thing
$newstring = unserialize($str);
if(!$newstring) {
# preg_match_all("/s:([0-9]+):(\"[^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*\")(?=;)/u",$str,$m); // alternate: almost works but leave quotes in $m[2] output
# print_r($m); exit;
foreach($m[1] as $k => $len) {
/*** Possibly specific to my case: Spyropress Builder in WordPress ***/
$m_clean = str_replace('\"','"',$m[2][$k]); // convert escaped double quotes so that HTML will render properly
// if newline is present, it will output directly in the HTML
// nl2br won't work here (must find literally; not with double quotes!)
$m_clean = str_replace('\n', '<br />', $m_clean);
$m_clean = nl2br($m_clean); // but we DO need to convert actual newlines also
$m_new = $m[0][$k].';'; // we must account for the missing semi-colon not captured in regex!
// NOTE: If we don't flush the buffers, things like <img src="http://whatever" can be replaced with <img src="//whatever" and break the serialize count!!!
ob_end_flush(); // not sure why this is necessary but cost me 5 hours!!
$m_ser = serialize($m_clean);
if($m_new != $m_ser) {
print "Replacing: $m_new\n";
print "With: $m_ser\n";
$str = str_replace($m_new, $m_ser, $str);
$m_len = (strlen($m[2][$k]) - substr_count($m[2][$k],'\n'));
if($len != $m_len) {
echo "Replacing: {$m[0][$k]}\n";
echo "With: $newstr\n\n";
$str = str_replace($m_new, $newstr, $str);
print_r($str); // this is your FIXED serialized data!! Yay!
A little geeky explanation on my changes:
I found that trying to count with Benubird's code as a base was too inaccurate for large datasets, so I ended up just using serialize to be sure the count was accurate.
I avoided the try/catch because, in my case, the try would succeed but just returned an empty string. So, I check for empty data instead.
I tried numerous regex's but only a mod on Benubird's would accurately handle all cases. Specifically, I had to modify the part that checked for the ";" because it would match on CSS like "width:100%; height:25px;" and broke the output. So, I used a positive lookahead to only match when the ";" was outside of the set of double quotes.
My case had lots of newlines, HTML, and escaped double quotes, so I had to add a block to clean that up.
There were a couple of weird situations where data would be replaced incorrectly by the regex and then the serialize would count it incorrectly as well. I found NOTHING on any sites to help with this and finally thought it might be related to caching or something like that and tried flushing the output buffer (ob_end_flush()), which worked, thank goodness!
Hope this helps someone... Took me almost 20 hours including the research and dealing with weird issues! :)
This script ( can help to update an sql database with proper URLs everywhere, without encountering serialized data issues, because it will update the "characters count" that could throw your URLs out of sync whenever serialized data occurs.
The steps would be:
if you already have imported a messed up database (widgets not
working, theme options not there, etc), just drop that database
using PhpMyAdmin. That is, remove everything on it. Then export and
have at hand an un-edited dump of the old database.
Now you have to import the (un-edited) old database into the
newly created one. You can do this via an import, or copying over
the db from PhpMyAdmin. Notice that so far, we haven't done any
search and replace yet; we just have an old database content and
structure into a new database with its own user and password. Your site will be probably unaccessible at this point.
Make sure you have your WordPress files freshly uploaded to the
proper folder on the server, and edit your wp-config.php to make it
connect with the new database.
Upload the script into a "secret" folder - just for security
reasons - at the same level than wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes. Do not forget to remove it all once the search and
replace have taken place, because you risk to offer your DB details
open to the whole internet.
Now point your browser to the secret folder, and use the script's fine
interface. It is very self-explanatory. Once used, we proceed to
completely remove it from the server.
This should have your database properly updated, without any serialized data issues around: the new URL will be set everywhere, and serialized data characters counts will be accordingly updated.
Widgets will be passed over, and theme settings as well - two of the typical places that use serialized data in WordPress.
Done and tested solution!
If the error is due to the length of the strings being incorrect (something I have seen frequently), then you should be able to adapt this script to fix it:
foreach($strings as $key => $str)
try {
} catch(exception $e) {
foreach($m[1] as $k => $len) {
if($len != strlen($m[2][$k])) {
echo "len mismatch: {$m[0][$k]}\n";
echo "should be: $newstr\n\n";
$strings[$key] = str_replace($m[0][$k], $newstr, $str);
I personally don't like working in PHP, or placing my DB credentials in an public file. I created a ruby script to fix serializations that you can run locally:
Context Edit:
I approached fixing serialization by first identifying serialization via regex, and then recalculating the byte size of the contained data string.
$content_to_fix.gsub!(/s:([0-9]+):\"((.|\n)*?)\";/) {"s:#{$2.bytesize}:\"#{$2}\";"}
I then update the specified data via an escaped sql update query.
escaped_fix_content = client.escape($fixed_content)
query = client.query("UPDATE #{$table} SET #{$column} = '#{escaped_fix_content}' WHERE #{$column_identifier} LIKE '#{$column_identifier_value}'")

simplehtmldom 500 error

I saw that there are a lot of topics on simplehtmldom, but no one's problem seems to be mine- specifically, that it just 500s, even on the examples provided. I've found that I can include the file without an error, but if I then try to use file_get_html, it 500s. The only thing I found in the manual about installation is a possible problem with allow_fopen_url, which I do.
Something I'm missing?
Seems like too long since you asked this question, but since I came across this trying to solve this problem myself, I thought I'd post what worked for me.
I solved this problem by changing file_get_html to file_get_contents. Since I wanted to use the 'find' feature in simple_html_dom, I had to then convert the string to an object:
$string = file_get_contents(
$object = new simple_html_dom();
$object->load($string); // Load HTML from a string
