Execute nginx exe in folder with -s reload args Consul template Windows - nginx

I am using Consul Template V0.19.0 for windows, for rendering nginx loadbalancing config.It is working as expected.
Now I want the consul template, to execute the nginx exe in a folder with args (-s reload) as below:-
Case 1:
template {
source = "Template/template.ctmpl"
destination = "F:\\IDE\\Visual Studio Collection\\Web Servers\\nginx-
command = "F:\\IDE\\Visual Studio Collection\\Web Servers\\nginx-
1.12.0\\nginx-1.12.0\\nginx -s reload"
command_timeout = "60s"
But it throws error like, "failed to execute command "F:\IDE\Visual Studio Collection\Web Servers\nginx-1.12.0\nginx-1.12.0\nginx.exe" from "Template/template.ctmpl" => "F:\IDE\Visual Studio Collection\Web Servers\nginx-1.12.0\nginx-1.12.0\conf\nginx.conf": child: exec: "F:IDEVisual": file does not exist".
Case 2:-
Currently I have achieved this by making the nginx as service (using nssm) and gave the command like,
command = "powershell restart-service nginx"
instead of giving the full path followed by "-s reload".
But for this, have to make the nginx as a service using apps like nssm.
May I know, is there any way to tell the command attribute in the consul template config to, "execute the nginx exe in folder like in the Case 1" ?

Try this
template {
source = "Template/template.ctmpl"
destination = "F:\\IDE\\Visual Studio Collection\\Web Servers\\nginx-
command = "\"F:\\IDE\\Visual Studio Collection\\Web Servers\\nginx-
1.12.0\\nginx-1.12.0\\nginx\" -s reload"
command_timeout = "60s"
If that doesn't work try below options also for command
command = "\"F:/IDE/Visual Studio Collection/Web Servers/nginx-
1.12.0/nginx-1.12.0/nginx\" -s reload"
command = "\"F:\\\\IDE\\\\Visual Studio Collection\\\\Web Servers\\\\nginx-
1.12.0\\\\nginx-1.12.0\\\\nginx\" -s reload"
So based on the discussion, it seems that your nginx config has a relative folder based config. When nginx is started from a folder, then it also needs to be reloaded from the same folder. So you need to changed to the folder and then execute the reload command. Two formats that you should try are
command="cd '<NGINX FOLDER PATH>' && nginx -s reload"
command="cmd /k 'cd \'<NGINX FOLDER PATH>\' && nginx -s reload'"


Docker Windows Container 403 - Forbidden: Access is Denied

I have created an image using the following script in my Dockerfile, but when I browse using the container's IP Address and port(2000), I get a 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. I am using Windows 10.0.14393 Build 14393, Docker Desktop for Windows. The project is an ASP.NET solution containing Nancy, Entity Framework, AngularJS, and SQL Server projects. Do I need to make any configuration changes to my IIS, Docker, Powershell, etc.? My Dockerfile script is:
FROM microsoft/aspnet:windowsservercore
# using powershell commands
SHELL ["powershell"]
# location of the source directory
WORKDIR C:/src/Project
# run project using port 2000
RUN Remove-Website -Name 'Default Web Site'; \
New-Website -Name 'Project' -Port 2000 -PhysicalPath 'C:/src/Project'
Make sure that your files not ignore in .dockerignore
copy this Dockerfile
FROM microsoft/aspnet
WORKDIR /inetpub/wwwroot
COPY . /inetpub/wwwroot
# Give Full Access To Folder
RUN icacls 'c:/inetpub/wwwroot' /grant 'Everyone:(OI)(CI)F'
# Check that the files have been successfully copied
RUN dir
docker build -t test .
docker run -p 8001:80 test
Unfortunately it can be many things...
I had the same issue and the problem was that the /inetpub/wwwroot folder was empty.
I can see that you are adding a new website folder instead, but you can try:
My docker file is
# FROM microsoft/aspnet:4.7.1-windowsservercore-1709
FROM microsoft/aspnet:4.7.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
ARG source
WORKDIR /inetpub/wwwroot
COPY ${source:-obj/Docker/publish} /inetpub/wwwroot
You can also try the solutions proposed in here:
I also had issues when using localhost or Use the public IP address

Docker run results in "host not found in upstream" error

I have a frontend-only web application hosted in Docker. The backend already exists but it has "custom IP" address, so I had to update my local /etc/hosts file to access it. So, from my local machine I am able to access the backend API without problem.
But the problem is that Docker somehow can not resolve this "custom IP", even when the host in written in the container (image?) /etc/hosts file.
When the Docker container starts up I see this error
$ docker run media-saturn:dev
2016/05/11 07:26:46 [emerg] 1#1: host not found in upstream "my-server-address.com" in /etc/nginx/sites/ms.dev.my-company.com:36
nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "my-server-address.com" in /etc/nginx/sites/ms.dev.my-company.com:36
I update the /etc/hosts file via command in Dockerfile, like this
# install wget
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y wget \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# The trick is to add the hostname on the same line as you use it, otherwise the hosts file will get reset, since every RUN command starts a new intermediate container
# it has to be https otherwise authentification is required
RUN echo " my-server-address.com" >> /etc/hosts && wget https://my-server-address.com
When I ssh into the machine to check the current content of /etc/hosts, the line " my-server-address.com" is indeed there.
Can anyone help me out with this? I am Docker newbee.
I have solved this. There are two things at play.
One is how it works locally and the other is how it works in Docker Cloud.
Local workflow
cd into root of project, where Dockerfile is located
build image: docker build -t media-saturn:dev .
run the builded image: docker run -it --add-host="my-server-address.com:" -p 80:80 media-saturn:dev
Docker cloud workflow
Add extra_host directive to your Stackfile, like this
and then click Redeploy in Docker cloud, so that changes take effect
Optimization tip
ignore as many folders as possible to speed up process of sending data to docker deamon
add .dockerignore file
typically you want to add folders like node_modelues, bower_modules and tmp
in my case the tmp contained about 1.3GB of small files, so ignoring it sped up the process significantly

When Jenkins execute another SSH on a symlinked folder, php files are changed but not reflected on the web

I created a symlinked folder like this using SSH on a Ubuntu 14.04 server named webserver.
ln -s /var/virtual/original /var/virtual/symlink
Inside the /var/virtual/original, there is a abc.php that has content in it.
I triggered my Jenkins which will connect remotely to the same server using SSH as well.
It will execute this command on the webserver.
mkdir /var/virtual/new-folder
cd /var/virtual/new-folder && touch abc.php
rm /var/virtual/symlink
ln -s /var/virtual/new-folder /var/virtual/symlink
I notice that if I open a SSH shell and am currently at /var/virtual/symlink and then I trigger the Jenkins, the command while executed, does actually replace the abc.php.
However, when I visit the website via a browser, there is no change detected.
When I am NOT at the /var/virtual/symlink and I trigger Jenkins, the change is properly done.
I am using nginx and php5-fpm and I did set the disable symlinks off; as well as sendfile off;
What could explain this?

What to put in -v using Aspnet_Compiler

I have an in-place website in .NET running on Windows Server 2012. I would like to try pre-compiling it to speed up the first page response. The site is running on a second virtual website in IIS.
Calling the site on the local machine it runs at http://localhost:88/AppVersion/AppSite/
The documentation for aspnet_compile when in place says the -v key is the one I want. I just can't work out what path to use for the -v option when you are on a virtual site. Have tried putting full path; partial path and just get invalid path errors from aspnet_compile.
What I can't work out is the something: in aspnet_compile -v {something}
-v is the virtual path. Put the path to your application from the hosting root. I think that by your example, you'd put in: -v /AppVersion/Appsite/ I haven't tried it with a site NOT on its own domain.
Here's what I use for a site on its own domain:
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_compiler -v / -p C:\Projects\branches\demo3\KenticoCMS -fixednames C:\Projects\branches\demo3precomp
Ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dotnet/netframework-2.0/ms229863(v=vs.80)

How do I set up phpMyAdmin on a Laravel Homestead box?

I installed it by running sudo apt-get install phpymyadmin and then running
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /usr/share/nginx/html and sudo service nginx restart
but it's not working.
Note: I didn't select any of the apache2 or lighttpd options when installing.
Option 1:
This will install the latest version of PhpMyAdmin from a shell script I've written. You are welcome to check it out on Github.
Run the following command from your code/projects directory:
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grrnikos/pma/master/pma.sh | bash
Option 2:
This will install PhpMyAdmin (not the latest version) from Ubuntu's repositories. Assuming that your projects live in /home/vagrant/Code :
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin Do not select apache2 nor lighttpd when prompted. Just hit tab and enter.
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /home/vagrant/code/phpmyadmin
cd ~/Code && serve phpmyadmin.test /home/vagrant/code/phpmyadmin
Note: If you encounter issues creating the symbolic link on step 2, try the first option or see Lyndon Watkins' answer below.
Final steps:
Open the /etc/hosts file on your main machine and add: phpmyadmin.test
Go to http://phpmyadmin.test:8000
Step 1:
Go to the phpMyAdmin website, download the latest version and unzip it into your code directory
Step 2:
Open up homestead.yaml file and add these lines
- map: /Users/{yourName}/Code/phpMyAdmin
to: /home/vagrant/Code/phpMyAdmin
- map: phpmyadmin.test
to: /home/vagrant/Code/phpMyAdmin
Step 3:
Open your hosts file and add this line: phpmyadmin.test
Step 4:
You may need to run vagrant provision to load the new configuration if vagrant is already running.
Thats it
Go to http://phpmyadmin.test:8000. It should work from there. Great thing about this method is that if you ever need to destroy your box, you won't ever have to set up phpMyAdmin again so long as you keep your homestead.yaml file and phpMyAdmin in your code directory.
Important update from DaneSoul:
I tried this instruction on Homestead 5.3 and have met a problem "No input file specified" when trying open http://phpmyadmin.test.
And finnaly I found solution:
You need unpack phpmyadmin to
And write in homestead.yaml
- map: phpmyadmin.test
to: /home/vagrant/Code/phpMyAdmin/public
So almost all the same, but this /public directory in paths makes it working!
Also, in my configuration I use http://phpmyadmin.test, not http://phpmyadmin.test:8000.
Update Note: Follow this article to change your domain extension.
The answer from Nikos Gr worked for me; however I needed to amend steps 2 and 3 as my host system has issues creating the symlink.
I changed:
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /home/vagrant/Code/phpmyadmin
cd ~/Code && serve phpmyadmin.app /home/vagrant/Code/phpmyadmin
cd ~/Code && serve phpmyadmin.app /usr/share/phpmyadmin/
(Couldn't comment on the original solution as my rep isn't high enough!)
A simplified version of Jyeon's Answer. You don't need to share the ~/Code folder in the Homestead.yaml file:
- map: /Users/{yourName}/Code/phpMyAdmin
to: /home/vagrant/Code/phpMyAdmin
Just download the latest version of PhpMyAdmin from PhpMyAdmin and put the unzipped file in the ~/Code/phpMyAdmin folder and just follow the 2 step here:
Step 1:
Open up homestead.yaml file and add these lines
- map: phpmyadmin.app
to: /home/vagrant/Code/phpMyAdmin
Step 3:
Open up your hosts file and add this line: phpmyadmin.app
Now run the vagrant reload --provision command and you're good to go.
Open up the phpmyadmin.app address in your browser and you'll see the phpmyadmin interface.
Install phpMyAdmin
SSH into Homestead vagrant box with vagrant ssh and type the following command:
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
When prompted to select the Web server, select apache2 and press Enter, just to get pass it.
When prompted to config database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common, select Yes and press Enter.
When prompted for Password of the database's administrative user, enter secret and press Enter.
When prompted for MySQL application password for phpmyadmin, enter secret and press Enter.
When prompted for Password confirmation, enter secret again and press Enter.
Then Create and config site for Nginx
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /usr/share/nginx/html/phpmyadmin
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo cp homestead.app phpmyadmin.app
sudo sed -i 's/homestead.app/phpmyadmin.app/g' /etc/nginx/sites-available/phpmyadmin.app
sudo sed -i 's/home\/vagrant\/Code\/Laravel\/public/usr\/share\/nginx\/html\/phpmyadmin/g' /etc/nginx/sites-available/phpmyadmin.app
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/phpmyadmin.app /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/phpmyadmin.app
sudo service nginx restart
sudo service php5-fpm retart
Adding phpMyAdmin.app to your hosts file phpmyadmin.app
Navigate to http://phpmyadmin.app:8000 and you should now see phpMyAdmin login page.
More info available here if you need it
A variation on Nikos Gr's answer that seemed a bit simpler (in that it doesn't require a new symbolic link for each project on your Homestead box) and worked for me.
Inside the Homestead box, run sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin. Don't select any of the options during install.
On your host machine, add the following lines to your Homestead.yaml file:
- map: phpmyadmin.dev
to: /usr/share/phpmyadmin
On your host machine, add the following line to your hosts file: phpmyadmin.dev
...and Homestead's phpMyAdmin will be available at phpmyadmin.dev
You can install phpmyadmin automatically when you vagrant up or provision your homestead by adding the following snippet to your Homestead\scripts\homestead.rb file after # Update Composer On Every Provision
# Install phpMyAdmin on every provision
config.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
s.inline = "curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grrnikos/pma/master/pma.sh | sh"
Your hoomestead.rb file should now look somehow like this
class Homestead
def Homestead.configure(config, settings)
# Configure The Box
config.vm.box = "laravel/homestead"
config.vm.hostname = "homestead"
# Configure A Private Network IP
config.vm.network :private_network, ip: settings["ip"] ||= ""
some other entries are truncated to keep this short
# Update Composer On Every Provision
config.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
s.inline = "/usr/local/bin/composer self-update"
# Install phpMyAdmin on every provision
config.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
s.inline = "curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grrnikos/pma/master/pma.sh | sh"
# Configure Blackfire.io
if settings.has_key?("blackfire")
config.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
s.path = "./scripts/blackfire.sh"
s.args = [settings["blackfire"][0]["id"], settings["blackfire"][0]["token"]]
Save file and run vagrant destroy then vagrant up or just vagrant reload
NB: This uses Nikos Gr script located here https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grrnikos/pma/master/pma.sh
Finally it worked for me, few things I had to fix:
Homestead.yaml file:
- map: phpmyadmin.test
to: /home/vagrant/code/phpmyadmin/
I had to delete /public from the end. I installed phpmyadmin (after vagrant ssh command from Homestead directory) into the 'code' folder where the other projects are. When 'code' is with lowercase, it has to be everywhere so (or other way around): folder name, yaml file or even after installation performing these commands:
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /home/vagrant/code/phpmyadmin
cd ~/code && serve phpmyadmin.test /home/vagrant/code/phpmyadmin
This is the most simple solution. No mapping and all needed.
Download latest phpmyadmin version from here https://www.phpmyadmin.net/downloads
Make a folder named phpmyadmin inside your main root/public folder and unzip phpmyadmin here.
Run yourwebsite.com/phpmyadmin
I am writing here the way I followed to make my local vagrant environment work-friendly.
Step 1 - Start the vagrant and login
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Step 2 - Go to your correct directory. (Depends on your file tree)
cd <VagrantDirectory>
Step 3 - Install phpmyadmin.
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grrnikos/pma/master/pma.sh | bash
Step 4 - Configure the Homestead.yaml
map: phpmyadmin.test
to: /home/vagrant/<VagrantDirectory>/phpmyadmin
Step 5 - Reload the vagrant.
vagrant reload
Step 6 - Configure phpmyadmin
Go to your phpmyadmin directory. Copy config.sample.inc.php to config.inc.php
cp config.sample.inc.php config.inc.php
Step 7 - Edit config.inc.php with your text editor and place your new configuration there.
//Comment out the old configuration that was already here.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; // Also works with the IP address.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'homestead'; // Username of MySQL, Default is homestead.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'secret'; // Password. Default password is secret
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;
$cfg['CheckConfigurationPermissions'] = false; // Since you are on local, Leave this false.
Step 8 - Now browse your fresh PHPMyAdmin on your favorite browser.
For another alternative that I found super simple and that worked right out of the box I set up a new Nginx site from inside the Homestead box using the serve.sh script:
serve adminer.app /home/vagrant/Code/adminer/
And then in there I dropped the one page successor to phpmyadmin, Adminer. I also renamed it to "index.php" to make it just work. Then after adding the adminer.app entry to my hosts file I was good to go.
Had not used a web based MySQL interface in years since I just didn't like maintaining phpMyAdmin but this one is sweet. One file (plus an optional CSS file if you want a nicer theme) and that is all. Easy to maintain and update.
As I couldn't comment on the Jyeon solution as my rep isn't high enough, I contribute with this answer; worked for me in Linux (openSUSE Leap) with Vagrant 1.8.1 and laravel/homestead (virtualbox, 0.4.0):
Step 1:
Go to phpMyAdmin website, download the latest version and unzip it into your project directory.
Step 2:
Add to your Homestead.yaml file the following lines:
- map: ~/Code/phpMyAdmin
to: /home/vagrant/Code/phpMyAdmin
- map: phpmyadmin.app
to: /home/vagrant/Code/phpMyAdmin
Step 3:
Add to your hosts file the following line: phpmyadmin.app
Step 4:
After start your vagrant environment and connects to machine via SSH, set your virtual host to work with phpMyAdmin with the command serve:
cd ~/Code
serve phpmyadmin.app /home/vagrant/Code/phpMyAdmin/
Thats it!
Go to http://phpmyadmin.app it should work, and you can login with your user and password homestead default. The great thing about this method is that you can set up your phpmyadmin so long as you keep it in your Homestead.yaml file and phpMyAdmin in your Code directory.
In my case accepted solution works ok except:
$ cd ~/Code && serve phpmyadmin.app /home/vagrant/Code/phpmyadmin
dos2unix: converting file /vagrant/scripts/serve.sh to Unix format ...
* Restarting nginx nginx [fail]
php5-fpm stop/waiting
php5-fpm start/running, process 4112
For an unknown reason serve command files creating configuration file as seen in:
$ sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
2015/03/18 11:54:16 [emerg] 3671#0: invalid number of arguments in "listen" directive in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/phpmyadmin.app:2
Edit config:
$ editor /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/phpmyadmin.app
and add 80 to Listen directive at line 2. Apply changes with:
$ sudo service nginx reload
adminer index file is located in adminer/adminer so try :
serve adminer.app /home/vagrant/Code/adminer/adminer
I installed phpMyAdmin from here
then put these settings in config.inc.php:
/* Server parameters */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '33060';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;
and opened via Apache (I had a xampp). In my case i placed phpMyAdmin in D:\xampp\htdocs\pma which allowed me to open at localhost/pma url.
Everything worked!
