concat/forkJoin to ensure one observable completes before another - redux

I want to subscribe to two different streams, A and B.
However, though both events might be buffered, all of A must complete before any async tasks with B are processed.
input stream
desired output
I initially attempted
outputStream = Observable.concat(A,B)
I noticed that B would not fire. Is this a use case for forkJoin?
Stream A doesn't complete in the Rx sense since we want to stay subscribed to the same set of events (in this case redux actions)
What I'm really trying to specify around Stream A is that its "completion" event looks to fulfill two conditions:
Are all buffered async tasks from A complete?
Is the buffer empty?
This is extremely imperative because I'm refactoring our codebase from sagas.
If I could say this in "Rx-speak"
StreamA = actionStream.concatMap(action => longAsyncTask())
StreamB = actionStream.switchMap(action => shortAsyncTask())
MasterStream = Observable.forkJoin(StreamA, StreamB)
I would expect MasterStream to have both streams subscribed to their requisite actionTypes, have StreamA tasks emit values first, and only emit a val from StreamB once StreamA is no longer emitting values


Streaming multiple events of different types using Axon

I am working on building streaming APIs for client/server communication using Axon and ServerSentEvents and not sure if it is possible to stream and identify multiple different events using Axon query update emitter and subscription query.
I am using Axon QueryUpdateEmitter.emit to emit the events from a projection based on different events. Emitter is emitting in projection whereas subscription query is taking place in the REST API that is supposed to stream the server sent events to client.
For example,
I want to emit 3 different events for a use case which creates, updates and deletes an entity.
I am wondering if we can emit different types of data from different events but still combine in one stream, i.e. send actual object upon entity create and update in the emitter but, since I don’t have any entity/data to emit in case of delete, I thinking whether to send a simple message for delete?
I also want a way to specify the type of event while emitting so when ServerSentEvent is build from subscription query, I can specify the type/action (for ex, differentiate between create or update event) along with data.
Main idea is to emit different events and add them in one stream despite knowing all events may not return exactly same data (create, update vs. delete) as part of one subscription query and to be able to accurately identify the event and specify in the stream of ServerSentEvents with appropriate event type.
Any ideas on how I can achieve this?
Here's how I am emitting an event upon creation using QueryUpdateEmitter:
public void on(LibraryCreatedEvent event, #Timestamp Instant timestamp) {
final LibrarySummaryEntity librarySummary = mapper.createdEventToLibrarySummaryEntity(event, timestamp);;
log.debug("On {}: Saved the first summary of the library named {}", event.getClass().getSimpleName(), event.getName());
query -> true,
log.debug("emitted library summary: {}", librarySummary.getId());
Since I need to distinguish between create and update so I tried using GenericSubscriptionQueryUpdateMessage.asUpdateMessage upon update event and added some metadata along with it but not sure if that is in the right direction as I am not sure how to retrieve that information during subscription query.
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap();
map.put(“Book Updated”, event.getLibraryId());
queryUpdateEmitter.emit(AllLibrarySummariesQuery.class,query → true,GenericSubscriptionQueryUpdateMessage.asUpdateMessage(librarySummary).withMetaData(map));
Here's how I am creating subscription query:
SubscriptionQueryResult<List<LibrarySummaryEntity>, LibrarySummaryEntity> result = queryGateway.subscriptionQuery(new AllLibrarySummariesQuery(),ResponseTypes.multipleInstancesOf(LibrarySummaryEntity.class),ResponseTypes.instanceOf(LibrarySummaryEntity.class));
And the part where I am building server sent event:
(.event is where I want to specify the type of event - create/update/delete and send the applicable data accordingly)
Flux<ServerSentEvent<LibrarySummaryResponseDto>> sseStream = result.initialResult()
.flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable).map(value -> mapper.libraryEntityToResponseDto(value))
.concatWith((streamingTimeout == -1)? result.updates().map(value -> mapper.libraryEntityToResponseDto(value)): result.updates().take(Duration.ofMinutes(streamingTimeout)).map(value -> mapper.libraryEntityToResponseDto(value)))
.map(created -> ServerSentEvent.<LibrarySummaryResponseDto>builder()
.event("library creation")
.doOnComplete(() -> {"streaming completed");})
.doFinally(signal -> result.close());
As long as the object you return matches the expected type when making the subscription query, you should be good!
Note that this means you will have to make a response object that can fit your scenarios. Whether response is something you'd emit as the update (through the QueryUpdateEmitter) or a map operation from where you return the subscription query, is a different question, though.
Ideally, you'd decouple your internal messages from what you send outward, like with SSE. To move to a more specific solution, you could benefit from having a Flux response type. You can simply attach any mapping operations to adjust the responses emitted by the QueryUpdateEmitter to your desired SSE format.
Concluding, the short answer is "yes you can," as long as the emitted response object matches the expected update type when dispatching the subscription query on the QueryGateway.

F# Async: equivalent of Boost asio's strands

Boost's asio library allows the serialisation of asynchronous code in the following way. Handlers to asynchronous functions such as those which read from a stream, may be associated to a strand. A strand is associated with an "IO context". An IO context owns a thread pool. However many threads in the pool, it is guaranteed that no two handlers associated with the same strand are run concurrently. This makes it possible, for instance, to implement a state machine as if it were single-threaded, where all handlers for that machine serialise over a private strand.
I have been trying to figure out how this might be done with F#'s Async. I could not find any way to make sure that chosen sets of Async processes never run concurrently. Can anyone suggest how to do this?
It would be useful to know what is the use case that you are trying to implement. I don't think F# async has anything that would directly map to strands and you would likely use different techniques for implementing different things that might all be implemented using strands.
For example, if you are concerend with reading data from a stream, F# async block lets you write code that is asynchronous but sequential. The following runs a single logical process (which might be moved between threads of a thread pool when you wait using let!):
let readTest () = async {
let fs = File.OpenRead(#"C:\Temp\test.fs")
let buffer = Array.zeroCreate 10
let mutable read = 1
while read <> 0 do
let! r = fs.AsyncRead(buffer, 0, 10)
printfn "Read: %A" buffer.[0 .. r-1]
read <- r }
readTest() |> Async.Start
If you wanted to deal with events that occur without any control (i.e. push based rather than pull based), for example, when you cannot ask the system to read next buffer of data, you could serialize the events using a MailboxProcessor. The following sends two messages to the agent almost at the same time, but they are processed sequentially, with 1 second delay:
let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> async {
while true do
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
printfn "Got: %s" msg
do! Async.Sleep(1000)

Why does flutter firestore plugin not worry about closing its sinks (snapshot streams)?

In the flutter firestore codebase you can find a comment about the stream it creates when you run snapshots() on a query.
// It's fine to let the StreamController be garbage collected once all the
// subscribers have cancelled; this analyzer warning is safe to ignore.
StreamController<QuerySnapshotPlatform> controller; // ignore: close_sinks
I want to wrap my resulting snapshot streams with a BehaviorSubject so I can keep track of the latest entry. This is useful when I have one stream that is at the top of a page that I want to be consumed through different widgets farther down in my tree without reloading the stream each time. Without keeping track in a BehaviorSubject or elsewhere if a new widget starts listening to that stream it does not get the most recent information from Firestore as it missed that event.
Can I also not worry about closing the behavior subject I am going to create as it will be garbage collected when there are no more listeners? Or is there another way to achieve what I am wanting?
I'm picturing code like this:
final snapshotStream = _firestore.collection('users').snapshots();
final behaviorSubjectStream = BehaviorSubject();
return behaviorSubjectStream;
This will get a complaint that I don't close the behaviorSubjectStream. Is it ok to ignore?
That depends on how you listen to the subject.
From what you describe, it sounds safe to ignore the hint. When the subscriptions that listen to the subject are cancelled, the subject will be cancelled as well (when the garbage collector finds it).
There are situations where you have a subscription that is still listening, but you want the subject to stop emitting. In that case you will need to close() the subject.
You can test that the subject is correctly cancelled by adding
behaviorSubjectStream.onCancel = () {
Then you can test it by playing around with your app.

Any other examples of multi-state Agent programming in FSharp?

I'm investigating F# agents that have multiple states, i.e., using the "let rec/and" keyword combination (per Expert F# 3.0's "Message Processing and State Machines") to provide multiple async blocks. The only example I've been able to find so far is the "throttling agent" discussed here (also Are there any other resources for learning this pattern?
edit: My specific application is an agent that has two states,
| StartFeed rateMultiplier replychannel ->
- replychannel out data values at a delay (provided with each value)
multiplied by rateMultiplier
- loop by using
thisAgent.Post(StartFeed rateMultiplier replychannel)
| Pause ->
I would like to provide some way to pass in a feed rate multiplier value that increases/decreases the delay by the passed-in multiplier in the "feed" async state, without interrupting the feed of values. I guess the question boils down to "how do you keep an async state block actively looping while still being aware of new messages?" Almost like skipping the inbox.Receive asynchronous wait, unless a message actually comes in? Inbox.scan?
edit 2: Given the message queue aspect of MailboxProcessor, I can see that an external message (with a different rateMultiplier value) that is received by the agent and placed in the queue will successfully change the rate without interrupting the flow of data values out. Any advice on the "Pause" would be still be appreciated.
I have found Tomas Petricek's entry , which gives an agent, with the standard mailboxprocessor queue, a way to choose what async block it will employ to process the next incoming message (ie, let the agent 'change its state'):
inbox.Receive() is used for the 'standard state' - the agent's message 'inbox' queue is neither full nor empty (State #1)
inbox.Scan() is used for the 'edge' or limiting cases of empty (State #2) and full (State #3) message 'inbox' queue
the actions the agent (in whichever of the three states) can take in response to received messages are written as **distinct async blocks that are given their own 'and' async block in the agent's 'let rec' loop; I had thought that 'let rec...and...' async blocks were restricted to having a message receipt function (.Receive, .Scan, etc), which is incorrect, they may be any async block that maintains the desired control flow, as seen in the next feature of the 'let rec...and...' agent body:
once the agent, in whichever of the 3 states, responds to a new message by routing to the appropriate action, the action is itself finished with a call to another 'and' async block of the agent body 'let rec' loop, a 'chooseState()', an if/then block that determines which state will handle a new message and calls that 'and' async block from among the 3 available.
This example seems essential in demonstrating idiomatic use of the multi-state agent body construction, specifically how to combine the three functions of message receipt, response, and looping control as mutually recursive elements of a single 'let rec...and...and..." construction.
Of course other message-passing frameworks exist, but this is a general logic/routing design for a more complex agent, whatever the framework, so:
thanks, Tomas.

Lua producer-consumer pattern with consumers waiting for different data

The problem
One data source generating data in format {key, value}
Multiple receivers each waiting for different key
Getting data is run in loop. Sometimes I will want to get next value labelled with key by using
Value = MyClass:GetNextValue(Key)
I want my code to stop there until the value is ready (making some sort of future(?) value). I've tried using simple coroutines, but they work only when waiting for any data.
So the question I want to ask is something like How to implement async values in lua using coroutines or similar concept (without threads)?
Side notes
The main processing function will, apart from returning values to waiting consumers, process some of incoming data (say, labeled with special key) itself.
The full usage context should look something like:
-- in loop
-- Called outside the loop:
V = RequestDataWithGivenKey(Key)
How to implement async values
You start by not implementing async values. You implement async functions: you don't get the value back until has been retrieved.
First, your code must be in a Lua coroutine. I'll assume you understand the care and feeding of coroutines. I'll focus on how to implement RequestDataWithGivenKey:
function RequestDataWithGivenKey(key)
local request = FunctionThatStartsAsyncGetting(key)
if(not request:IsComplete()) then
--Request is complete. Return the value.
return request:GetReturnedValue()
FunctionThatStartsAsyncGetting returns a request back to the function. The request is an object that stores all of the data needs to process the specific request. It represents asking for the value. This should be a C-function that starts the actual async getting.
The request will be either a userdata or an encapsulated Lua table that stores enough information to communicate with the C-code that's doing the async fetching. IsComplete uses the internal request data to see if that request has completed. GetReturnedValue can only be called when IsComplete returns true; it puts the value on the Lua stack, so that this function can return it.
Your external code simply needs to handle the async stuff internally. Between resumes of these Lua coroutines, you'll need to pump whatever async stuff is doing the fetching, if there are outstanding requests.
