Deleting data from Drive Tables and automatically re-importing new data - google-app-maker

I need help with trying to understand how to delete all data from a table and then try to automatically import a new sheet with data into the newly cleared down table.
I'm currently trying the unload() method client side but that doesn't seem to cleardown my tables
function ClearDown(){
console.log('Finish Delete');
I've also tried to create a server side function, which also doesn't appear to work
function ClearTable(){
var records = app.models.P11d.newQuery();
console.log('Server Function Ran');
This is ran from a client side function:
function Delete(){{
console.log('Function Ran');
Again this is all to no avail
With the import side I've tried to do the below:-
Client Side:
function ImportData(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('SHEET ID');
var values = ss.getSheetByName('P11d').getDataRange().getValues();
var ssData = [];
// app.datasources.P11d.unload(function(){});
for (var i = 0; i<values.length; i++){
var newRecord = app.models.P11d.newRecord();
// add all fields to the new record
newRecord.Reg_Number = values[i][0];
newRecord.Reg_Date = values[i][1];
newRecord.Model_Description = values[i][2];
newRecord.P11d_Value = values[i][3];
newRecord.EngineSize = values[i][4];
newRecord.Fuel = values[i][5];
newRecord.CO2 = values[i][6];
newRecord.SIPP = values[i][7];
newRecord.GTA_Code = values[i][8];
newRecord.Type = values[i][9];
// console.log(newRecord.MODEL_FIELD);
// return the array of the model.newRecord objects that would be consumed by the Model query.
Please can someone help with this, at the moment the way the data is sent over to me adding new stuff into the Drive Table is causing many duplicates.
Thanks in advance,

You can delete all records, import, and read from a spreadsheet using the AMU Library
Copy and paste the server and client scripts into your app.
I'm sure that will make it much easier!
To delete all the data in a model using this:
Button onClick:'ModelName');
The correct way to delete records on the server is:
datasource.unload() simply unloads the widget on the client. It does not affect the database records.
A better way to write your records query on the server is:
var query = app.models.MODEL_NAME.newQuery();
var records =;
Note that you cannot return a single record or an array of records from anything but a calculated model function without using a function posted here. (You can return a single field of a record using stringify for any json data.)
I am currently working on a solution to create datasource independent tables needed in App Maker.

For the delete function on the server try to change your code just a little bit, this function at least used to work for me, however I have not needed to use it in some time.
function ClearTable(){
var records = app.models.P11d.newQuery().run();
console.log('Server Function Ran');


Sync google Form via Spreadsheet to Firebase

I have a survey in a google form which gets stored in a google sheet. From the google sheet data get synchronized with firebase.
I have my trigger "when changes occur" made in the google sheet since my answers are automatically stored in there.
The Problem is, that the trigger does not get called, when a user is submitting the answers.
But if I write directly in the google sheet, my script gets called and data are stored in firebase.
But when I perform my script manually it also gets stored in firebase.
So it basically seems that the google sheet trigger does not get triggered when data are getting passed by the form itself.
Do I have to write a script for the form as well?
This is my script for the sheet:
function writeDataToFirebase() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("SpreadsheetID");
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var dataToImport = {};
for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
var timeStamp = data[i][0];
var uuid = data[i][62];
dataToImport[timeStamp] = {
var firebaseUrl = "URL" ;
var secret = "Secret
var base = FirebaseApp.getDatabaseByUrl(firebaseUrl, secret);
base.setData("", dataToImport);
Maybe someone can help me how I can fully automate this procedure
When using Apps Script triggers it is important to keep the following in mind:
Script executions and API requests do not cause triggers to run. For example, calling Range.setValue() to edit a cell does not cause the spreadsheet's onEdit trigger to run.
The same scenario applies to your situation when using the trigger you chose.
Since you want this function to run when you receive an answer in your form, the best approach in this situation is to use an onFormSubmit trigger.
Apps Script Triggers.

Best way for displaying total Pages for a datasource in Appmaker

I have a Google drive table data source which stores list of open positions. Now in the data source I've set "Query per size" field to 10 so that I can get 10 records per page. I've added a Pager as well to show pagination.
My query is I want to display like "Page 1 of X" to my end users and this X will vary based on certain search filters. What will the best way to achieve this in Appmaker?
I've tried counting total records in a data source as per below code but every time updating that with the search criteria and recounting it is not a proper solution.
//Server side
var newQuery = app.models.Company.newQuery();
var records =;
var totalCount =0;
for(var i=0;i<records.length;i++)
return totalCount;
In case you don't have any filters in your table your server code can be as simple as
// Server script
function getPagesCount(pageSize) {
var recordsCount = app.models.MyModel.newQuery().run().length;
var pagesCount = Math.ceil(recordsCount / pageSize);
return pagesCount;
As an alternative you can consider creating Calculated Model with a single field PagesCount.
In case you have some filters associated with the table then you'll need to run the query for the pages number with exact same filters.
Most likely the entire setup will not work effectively with Drive Tables since there is no way to query records number without querying records themselves. With Cloud SQL data backend one can create Calculated SQL Model with lightweight native SQL query (here :PageSize is query parameter which should be equal to the query.limit of the actual datasource):
Ceil(COUNT(1) / :PageSize) AS RecordsNumber
I've achieved this using Calculated Model as suggested by Pavel.
Steps :
Create a calculated data source with one field count.
In that data source add one parameter searchQuery. This will contain users filter going forward. Currently I have only one search query in which user can search many things. So I've added one parameter only.
In this data source add following server script.
// Server script
function getTotalRecords(query) {
var receivedQuery = query.parameters.searchQuery;
// console.log('Received query:' + query.parameters.searchQuery);
var records = app.models.Company.newQuery();
records.parameters.SearchText = query.parameters.searchQuery;
if(receivedQuery !== null) {
records.where = '(Name contains? :SearchText or InternalId contains? ' +
':SearchText or LocationList contains? :SearchText )';
var recordsCount =;
var calculatedModelRecords = [];
var draftRecord = app.models.RecordCount.newRecord();
draftRecord.count = ''+recordsCount;
return calculatedModelRecords;
On the Appmaker page bind a label with this data source.
On search query/your filter applied event add following code which Reload this data source and assign value to Parameter.
// Client script
function updateRecordCount(newValue) {
var ds = app.datasources.RecordCount;
ds.query.parameters.searchQuery = newValue;

Google App Maker how to create Data Source from Google Contacts

Using GoogleAppMaker how to create a data source from google contacts. There is an employee HR example app but I want to similarly manage contacts (add, modify, delete) and use select criteria.
At this time this task is not trivial in App Maker and it is pretty much generic. We can change question wording to CRUD operations with 3rd party datasources. Let's break it into smaller parts and address them separately.
Read/list contacts
This task is relatively easy. You need to use Calculated Model to proxy Apps Scripts Contacts API response. Once you create model with subset of fields from the Contact response you can create datasource for the model and bind it to List or Table widget. You can also try to find some inspiration in Calculated Model Sample.
// Server side script
function getContacts_() {
var contacts = ContactsApp.getContacts();
var records = {
var record = app.models.Contact.newRecord();
record.FirstName = contact.getGivenName();
record.LastName = contact.getFamilyName();
var companies = contact.getCompanies();
if (companies.length > 0) {
var company = companies[0];
record.Organization = company.getCompanyName();
record.Title = company.getJobTitle();
var emails = contact.getEmails();
if (emails.length > 0) {
record.Email = emails[0].getAddress();
var phones = contact.getPhones();
if (phones.length > 0) {
record.Phone = phones[0].getPhoneNumber();
return record;
return records;
Since Calculated Models have some limitations, we need to turn on our imagination to create, update and delete records from their datasources. The basic strategy will be calling server side scripts for CUD operations in response to user actions on client side. To get user's input from UI we will need to utilize page's Custom Properties, one property for each Contact field:
Here are some snippets that should explain the idea
// Client script
function onSubmitContactClick(submitButton) {
var props =;
var contact = {
FirstName: props.FirstName,
LastName: props.LastName,
Organization: props.Organization,
.withSuccessHandler(function() {
// Most likely we'll need to navigate user back to the
// page with contacts list and reload its datasource
// to reflect recent changes, because our `CUD` operations
// are fully detached from the list datasource
.withFailureHandler(function() {
// TODO: Handle error
// Server script
function createContact(contactDraft) {
var contact = ContactsApp.createContact(contactDraft.FirsName,
contact.addCompany(contactDraft.Organization, contactDraft.Title);
contact.addPhone(ContactsApp.Field.WORK_PHONE, contactDraft.Phone);
Idea to update contact records will be very similar to the new contact creation flow, so I skip it for now.
Assuming that delete button is located inside contacts table row.
// Client script
function onDeleteContactClick(deleteButton) {
var email = deleteButton.datasource.item.Email;
.withSuccessHandler(function() {
// To update contacts list we can either reload the entire
// datasource or explicitly remove deleted item on the client.
// Second option will work way faster.
var contactIndex = deleteButton.parent.childIndex;
app.datasources.Contacts.items.splice(contactIndex, 1);
.withFailureHandler(function() {
// TODO: Handle error
// Server script
function deleteContact(email) {
var contact = ContactsApp.getContact(email);

Rendering data returned from Sqlite with React and Phonegap

I'm working on a PhoneGap app using React and SQLite locally and Parse in the cloud.
The problem I'm running into is rendering the results of the local DB query on the screen.
The root cause seems to be the fact that it is not possible to set the React component's state or locally declared variable from within the DB Success Callback.
Is there a different way to achieve this?
Here's the code, which is a part of my component's "success:" event. The problem is that sortedContacts set in the callback doesn't update the variable, and it stays with it's original value. Tried to set state - same result.
this.setState({contactsStatus: "",
renderedContacts: sortedContacts.sort()});
function getContactsFromDB(){
function selectRecords(tx)
tx.executeSql('SELECT Name FROM CONTACTS WHERE UserName = ?', [userName], successResults);
function successResults(tx,results){
var len = results.rows.length;
for (var i=0; i<len; i++){
I'm guessing, by the fact that you're using callbacks, that these methods are asynchronous. In that case, setState gets called before sortedContacts has been updated.
You'd need to do something like this:
var _this = this; // preserve reference to context
function getContactsFromDB() {
function successResults(tx,results){
renderedContacts: function(i) {
return i.Name
(Note: I left out some unrelated parts of your code, for brevity, and I switched the for loop to a map, because it's nicer :) )

Trouble reading sqlite3 database columns of type blob with sql.js

So i am using the sql.js library i.e. the port of sqlite in javascript which can be found here
This is my code to open and read the database that comes from a flat file store locally.
First the file a local file is selected via this HTML
<input type="file" id="input" onchange="handleFiles(this.files)">
The js code behind the scenes is as follows,
function handleFiles(files) {
var file = files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
function openDbOnFileLoad(reader){
setTimeout(function () {
if(reader.readyState == reader.DONE) {
db =;
execute("SELECT * FROM table");
} else {
//console.log("Waiting for loading...");
}, 500);
function execute(commands) {
commands = commands.replace(/\n/g, '; ');
try {
var data = db.exec(commands);
} catch(e) {
function bin2Array(bin) {
'use strict';
var i, size = bin.length, ary = [];
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ary.push(bin.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF);
return ary;
Now this works and i can access all the columns and values in the database, however there is one column which is of type blob and that just shows up as empty. Any ideas of how i can access the contents of this blob?
The correct answer!
So what I was trying to ask in this question is simply how to read the contents of a column of type blob using sql.js. The correct answer is to specify the column names in the question and for the column that contains data of type blob, get its contents using the hex function i.e. select column1,hex(column2) from table. It was by no means a question about the most efficient way of doing this. I have also written a blog post about this.
Here is a slightly modified copy of the function responsible for initializing my sqlite database:
sqlite.prototype._initQueryDb = function(file, callback) {
self = this;
var reader = new FileReader();
// Fires when the file blob is done loading to memory.
reader.onload = function(event) {
var arrayBuffer =,
eightBitArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer),
database =;
self._queryDb = database;
// Trigger the callback to the calling function
// Start reading the file blob.
In this case, file is a local sqlite database handle that I get from an HTML input element. I specify a function to call when a change event happens to that input and get the blob from the resulting[0] object.
For the sake of brevity on my part I left some things out but I can throw together a smaller and more simplified example if you are still struggling.
The answer is: with kripken's sql.js, that you mentioned above you can't. At least as of today (may 2014). The original author doesn't maintain sql.js anymore.
However, I'm the author of a fork of sql.js, that is available here: .
This fork brings several improvements, including support for prepared statements, in which, contrarily to the original version, values are handled in their natural javascript type, and not only as strings.
With this version, you can handle BLOBs (both for reading and writing), they appear as Uint8Arrays (that you can for instance convert to object URL to display contents to your users).
Here is an example of how to read blob data from a database:
var db = new SQL.Database(eightBitArray); // eightBitArray can be an Uint8Array
var stmt = db.prepare("SELECT blob_column FROM your_table");
while (stmt.step()) { // Executed once for every row of result
var my_blob = stmt.get()[0]; // Get the first column of result
//my_blob is now an Uint8Array, do whatever you want with it
db.close(); // Free the memory used by the database
You can see the full documentation here:
