How to save Jupyter notebooks from GitHub - jupyter-notebook

When I download an ipynb file using the RAW button in GitHub it displays the text (json) in the browser.
Should I just copy this text into a file and name it xxx.ipynb? What's the best way to do it?

First click on Raw
Then, press ctrl+s to save it as .ipynb (Note that you'll have to manually type '.ipynb' after the file name to make this work, as files from GitHub are saved as text files as default.)
Open jupyter notebook
Go to location where you saved .ipynb file
Open file, you will see the code
Hope this helps

Here is the Lifesaver Extension developed by me for both
The project is open-sourced here.
The extension not only opens github hosted notebooks in Colab but also in nbviewer!
And you can open the github repo from Colab and nbviewer
And go to nbviewer from Colab and github
Works all 3 ways!!
A new feature of opening new notebooks in one-click is already developed in the master branch, just need to push it to the extension platforms :)
Firefox extension
Chrome extension

The following steps worked for me:
Click on Raw in git repository.
Save the file. The file was saved as *.ipynb.txt format for me.
Then, in the jupyter directory tree (not in local directory), I selected, removed the .txt at the end and renamed the file as *.ipynb.
Finally I was able to run the file as jupyter notebook.
Note that, when I tried to rename the *.txt file in local directory to *.ipynb, it did not work. This had to be renamed in directory in jupyter itself.

True to 2020:
Click Download
Wait for JSON to finish loding in your browser
Ctrl S (save as .txt file)
remove .txt extension
Run locally

I saved the file following the instructions from this post. My destination however was a folder on google drive. I opened google drive on my browser and located the file. From there, I renamed the name of my file by just removing the txt extension, leaving the ipynb extension. That worked for me.


How can I ask jupyter to automatically revert when file has changed on disk

Hello I am using jupyter-lab with the jupytext extension.
This extension allows you to --sync different format so that you can edit say a Rmd file that will automatically be converted to ipynb
This ipynb file is loaded in jupyter
To update the file opened in jupyter I have to click on "save", I then get the following message
I then have to click on revert to update from disk.
Is there a way so that the file on disk is automatically "reloaded" each time it changed or say every second and that It s "reverted" automatically ?

How to restore a deleted Jupyter notebook file

I accidentally deleted a jupyter notebook file on my Google Cloud instance. I wonder if there's anyway to restore/recover the file?
Thanks to this link, I found the solution. Files deleted in the browser should probably be in a Trash folder. In my case and on my Google Cloud instance, the deleted files were in the following path.
cd ~/.local/share/Trash/files/
By using ls, list the files and see if your file is in this folder. If yes, then simply using the mv command you can move your deleted file to the path you want.

I've downloaded a file via git clone to my notebook on google colab, how do I determine that file's path now?

To be clear this file was NOT imported from Google Drive, instead it was downloaded directly.
Use %pwd to show the current directory, %cd to switch directories, and !ls to list directories. (Or, use the file browser GUI on the left hand side.)
Here's an example:

R set working directory to current folder

I am currently working on a joint project, with all the files stored in a Dropbox. To avoid changing the working directory every time we change something, we use the following code:
this.dir = dirname(parent.frame(2)$ofile)
This is working fine when sourcing the code in Rstudio, but we are looking for a solution that is working outside RStudio.
The team is working on Mac and Windows.
For Windows, locate the file "". In there, there will be set the following command setwd("PATH_TO_WD")
The same goes for Mac, the file is usually located at /etc/R/ path.
Just change the setwd in that file and everytime you launch R, the working directory will be set to the directory you want.
EDIT: In my Windows computer, the file is located at "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.3\etc

Working directory error

I am working with PyCharm 4.04. Since I installed it, every time I open it, as default directory I get this:
Which gives me an error when trying to use the console:
Error:Cannot start process, the path specified for working directory
is not a directory
But even if I change the directory, the message does not disappear.
The terminal, though, it does work and I can run projects, but I would like to use the console.
Another solution is to close the project, run rm -rf .idea and re-open it. Apparently Pycharm gets confused by some direct folder manipulation and doesn't reflect it properly in his .idea/*.xml files
I also got this error, and it got resolved by setting the default working directory. Follow the below path, and set the Working Directory to the folder where your code resides.
File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Console > Python Console > Working Directory ...
I finally solved the problem.
I think it all started because the first project that I opened with pycharm was in my "download" folder, so the working directory was automatically set to a temporal folder by default and allthough I moved the project to another folder and I manually changed the working directory from the terminal, it was not working.
The solution was creating a new project and giving a correct path to the new project. It seems very easy but it was not that obvious.
In the upper right corner click on small ▼ next to your main to run (look to the left from green right-pointing triangle)
Select Edit configurations.
In ▼ Python select the proper configuration name.
Look at the Configuration panel.
Fix items Script and Working directory.
I had this same problem and just had to reinstall pycharm. It's a quickfix and I can't ensure it won't happen again.
I solved this by replacing all instances of the old filename and old directory with the new one in .idea/workspace.xml
It can be done with PyCharm running.
#user1068430 has the answer in the comments to the question:
When you open a project open the directory not a specific python file.
Instead of ~/Documents/myProject/ open ~/Documents/myProject
If you "open" the .py file then you'll have to set the working directory (File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Console > Python Console > Working Directory) every time. If you "open" the directory containing the .py file, then PyCharm will open and all of your .py files will be available in the left window. Select one of them and you're good to go.
i had the same issue, the error comes up when i want to upgrade my packages and when i run my project "this FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Users\youruser\AppData\Local\Temp\gen_py\3.7\'" i found that the Temp file in C:\Users\youruser\AppData\Local was corrupt and it was fixed by deleting the "Temp" file, once deleted it will automatically create a new one with "gen_py" in it
To anyone with similar issues: Python interpreter virtual environment is where your python.exe sits. The working directory is where your script sits. To make everything easier, open a new project, scroll to location where you script is stored, and select. Click the interpreter option, click existing (if old one worked) or choose the python.exe. When asked, open the project in a new window, close old one to avoid confusion.
source = banging my head against the console for past few hours.
if the above mentioned solutions are not working, you can restart a new project.
file > New project...
create a new project.
