I am getting an unordered stream of numbers. Is there a data structure that I can hold in order to know if a number already exist in the stream without holding a collection of the numbers that I got from the stream ( it is infinite stream) ?
Create a bit stream, when you see a number goto that bit and flip it. In this way you can remember numbers using less space.
So if numbers to be remembered are 32 bit long. Total space required to store bit stream would be 2^32 bits or 536.870912 megabytes and a constant time to access the bit stream.
If the numbers are large, you can hash them again to 32 bits.
No, it is not possible to avoid holding all the previously seen numbers.
For this purpose, a hash table is probably the most appropriate.
It could be that (marginal) savings are possible by compression or by taking advantage of some property of the data, but you haven't told us much about it.
I'm working on large scale component that generates unique/opaque tokens representing business entities. Over time there will be many billions of these records, but for the first year we're not expecting growth to exceed more than 2 billion individual items (probably less than 500 million).
The system itself is horizontally scaled but needs token generation to be idempotent; data integrity is maintained by using a contained but reasonably complex combination of transactional writes with embedded condition expressions AND standalone condition check write items.
The tokens themselves are UUIDs, and 'being efficient' are persisted as Binary attribute values (16 bytes) rather than the string representation (36 bytes), however the downside is that the data doesn't visualise nicely in query consoles making support hard if we encounter any bugs and/or broken data. Note there is no extra code complexity since we implement attributevalue.Marshaler interface to bind UUID (language) types to DynamoDB Binary attributes, and similarly do the same for any composite attributes.
My question relates to (mostly) data size/saving. Since the tokens are the partition keys, and some mapping columns are [token] -> [other token composite attributes], for example two UUIDs concatenated together into 32 bytes.
I wanted to keep really tight control over storage costs knowing that, over time, we will be spending ~$0.25/GB per month for this. My question is really three parts:
Are the PK/SK index size 'reserved' (i.e. padded) so it would make no difference at all to storage cost if we compress the overall field sizes down to the minimum possible size? (... I read somewhere that 100 bytes is typically reserved.
If they ARE padded, the cost savings for the data would be reasonably high, because each (tree) index node will be nearly as big as the data being mapped. (I assume a tree index is used once hashed PK has routed the query to the right server node/disk etc.)
Is there any observable query time performance benefit to compacting 36 bytes into 16 (beyond saving a few bytes across the network)? i.e. if Dynamo has to read fewer pages it'll work faster, but in practice are we talking microseconds at best?
This is a secondary concern, but is worth considering if there is a lot of concurrent access to the data. UUIDs will distribute partitions but inevitably sometimes we will have some more active partitions than others.
Are there any tools that can parse bytes back into human-readable UUIDs (or that we customise to inject behaviour to do this)?
This is concern, because making things small and efficient is ok, but supporting and resolving data issues will be difficult without significant tooling investment, and (unsurprisingly) the DynamoDB console, DynamoDB IntelliJ plugin and AWS NoSQL Workbench all garble the binary into unreadable characters.
No, the PK/SK types are not padded. There's 100 bytes of overhead per item stored.
Sending less data certainly won't hurt your performance. Don't expect a noticeable improvement though. If shorter values can keep your items at 1,024 bytes instead of 1,025 bytes then you save yourself a Write Unit during the save.
For the "garbled" binary values I assume you're looking at the base64 encoded values, which is a standard binary encoding standard which can be reversed by lots of tooling (now that you know the name of it).
I'm playing around with system design and have been reading up on url shortener. I realize there are many questions around this topic, but have some specific questions with respect to hashing and the order in which I hash + encode.
Input: https://example.com/owjpojwepofjwpoejfpwjepfojpwejfp/wefoijhwioejfiowef/weoifhwoiehjfiowef
Output: https://example.com/abr4fna
If I run this input through md5 I get the following 9e91e9c2a7ce0f0d11b475d2abfb8593. Clearly, this exceeds the length that I want, so I could truncate the substring from (0,7]. The problem is, to some degree, I can still have a collision since the prefix of the md5 is not guaranteed to be unique as the amount of urls generated increases within the service.
I do not want to have to check the database if I've already used this ID before as that would increase the amount of reads I'm doing proportional to the number of writes I'm doing. In addition, there could be concurrency issues as I grow the number of application servers doing the hash generation and storage.
I see people mentioning the use of base64 encoding the output hash, but what value does this add after the hash? Is it because I grow the amount of unique combinations by 64^n where n is the length of my hash versus md5 being only 36^n?
Thanks. Just interested in having this discussion.
As I understand, we purely doing the encoding piece to ensure we do not have transmission failures if the receiving system has issues interpreting binary data from the output hash - so it's used for the pure sake of display.
By definition, you cannot hash a large domain and expect to get a smaller domain without collisions. A hash is useful because it is one-way and would require a computationally infeasible amount of tries to find those collisions. However, with a 7 character output and a large input domain, it will be exceptionally easy to generate collisions even by chance.
You're currently using 7 hexadecimal digits. Each hexadecimal digit represents 4 bits. So you have 28 bits or 2^28 possible values. That's around 256 million possible values. So if you guess long enough you'll get a collision soon enough. With base64 you'd have 6 bits per character instead (2^6 = 64, hence the name). That means that you increase the bit size with 7 * 2 = 14 bits, or around 16 thousand times as much, but you'd still be pretty far from collision free.
Actually, for any cryptographic reassurance when taking in the birthday bound, the 16 byte output of MD5 is about the absolute minimum size of hash you want to avoid collisions. Of course, MD5 hashn't been deprecated for nothing, you'd really want to use SHA-256.
My program has 3 kinds that are closely related and I want to be able to store and manipulate their long id's interchangeably, e.g. I might have an array of long id's that can be for any of the 3 Kind's.
Using the allocateIds API I can allocate the ID's for the 3 kinds in the same namespace, but I also sometimes need to be able to tell which Kind one of these id's referred to (e.g. in order to do a datastore operation on the right Kind).
I understand that the 'normal' way to this is to store the whole Key type, rather then just the long id, but there will be a huge number of these - it will be more efficient if I can just use 'long' values rather then Key values.
So, I'd like to be able to segment the ID ranges, so I can call a simple function with an ID and it will tell me which of the 3 Kind's the ID is for.
(I'm using Java, but I don't think that matters.)
Allocate my own ID's
I guess the most straight-forward way to do this is to simply allocate my own ID's. I believe that, in order to allocate sequential ID's, I would need to do an extra datastore write for every allocation (to track the allocations), or get into some complicated system of pre-allocating ranges of ID's to each live instance. This sounds like a bad idea.
So I could generate random 54 bit ID's - reserving 2 bits to use as flags to indicate the type. But it is my understand that random or hash allocation dramatically reduces the number of allocations that can be made safely. The Internet tells me that the chance of a collision is approximately k^2 / 2N, where k is number of allocations and N is the size of the allocation space. So, if I'm willing to accept 0.1% chance of collision then k=sqrt(2*2^54/1000) = ~1.9 million. Since I really have no idea how many entities I will need to store, this is unacceptable.
Reserve some bits in the Long ID to indicate the Kind
Another solution would be to use 2 bits of the long value as flags to indicate the type. The easiest way to do this would be to take advantage of the fact that the allocator now only uses the low 56 bits of a long. So I could use the high bits as flags to indicate the Kind. The problem with that solution is that I lose the ability to manipulate these numbers in javascript - the reason for the 56 bit limit in the first place.
An alternative to this - to maintain the option of manipulating these numbers in js - is to use allocateIdRange and pre-allocate (and throw away) the ID ranges corresponding to bits 54 and 55. Actually, I could use any bits, but specifying the ID ranges is much easier if I use the high bits.
But I know little of how the datastore and how the allocator actually work, so I don't know if this 'pre-allocate and discard' technique is a good idea.
I am a bit confused on choosing the right hash size. Say for example if I want to hash 2^32 values, is it okay to use hash size of 32 bits? Would it cause more collisions? I read somewhere about the rule of square roots..Does it mean ideally I should choose a 64bit hash size? But then doesn't it imply that the space required for storing hashtable will be for ~ storing 2^64 values.
This is the part that confuses me. Hashing by definition is reducing the key space, but if I am storing 2^32 values in the bloated 2^64 values space...that doesn't sound right. I am increasing the keyspace. I guess I am misunderstanding something...any help to clarify this would be much appreciated.
Wikipedia says it best:
A hash function is any algorithm or subroutine that maps large data sets of variable length, called keys, to smaller data sets of a fixed length.
It does not sound like this is what you are trying to do. It sounds like you are trying to map a 32-bit keys to 32-bit values. There are many possible uses for a hash function. What you are describing doesn't seem like an ideal use case for a hash function.
Would it be possible to transfer large files using only a system of checksums, and then reconstruct the original file by calculations?
Say that you transfer the MD5 checksum of a file and the size of the file. By making a "virtual file" and calculating it's checksum, trying every single bit combination, you should eventually "reach" the original file. But on the way you would also get a lot of "collisions" where the checksum also match.
So we change the first byte of the original file to some specified value, calculate the checksum again, and send this too. If we make the same substitution in the virtual file we can test each "collision" to see if it still matches. This should narrow it down a bit, and we can do this several times.
Of course, the computing power to do this would be enormous. But is it theoretically possible, and how many checksums would you need to transfer something (say 1mb)? Or would perhaps the amount of data needed to transfer the checksums almost as large as the file, making it pointless?
The amount of data you need to transfer would most certainly be the same size as the file. Consider: If you could communicate a n byte file with n-1 bytes of data, that means you've got 256^(n-1) possible patterns of data you may have sent, but are selecting from a space of size 256^n. This means that one out of every 256 files won't be expressible using this method - this is often referred to as the pidegonhole principle.
Now, even if that wasn't a problem, there's no guarentee that you won't have a collision after any given amount of checksumming. Checksum algorithms are designed to avoid collisions, but for most checksum/hash algorithms there's no strong proof that after X hashes you can guarantee no collisions in a N-byte space.
Finally, hash algorithms, at least, are designed to be hard to reverse, so even if it were possible it would take an impossible huge amount of CPU power to do so.
That said, for a similar approach, you might be interested in reading about Forward Error Correction codes - they're not at all hash algorithms, but I think you may find them interesting.
What you have here is a problem of information. A checksum is not necessarily unique to a particular set of data, in fact to be so it would effectively need to have a many bits of information as the source. What it can indicate is that the data received is not the exact data that the checksum was generated from but in most cases it can't prove it.
In short "no".
To take a hypothetical example, consider a 24 bpp photo with 6 pixels -- there are 2^(24 * 6) (2^144) possible combinations of intensities for each colour channel on those six pixels, so you can gaurantee that if you were to evaluate every possibility, you are guaranteed an MD5 collision (as MD5 is a 128 bit number).
Short answer: Not in any meaningfull form.
Long answer:
Let us assume an arbitrary file file.bin with a 1000-byte size. There are 2^(8*1000) different combinations that could be its actual contents. By sending e.g. a 1000-bit checksum,
you still have about 2^(7*1000) colliding alternatives.
By sending a single additional bit, you might be able cut those down by half... and you still have 2^6999 collisions. By the time you eliminate the colisions, you will have sent at least 8000 bits i.e. an amount equal or greater to the file size.
The only way for this to be theoretically possible (Note: I did not say "feasible", let alone "practical") would be if the file did not really contain random data and you could use that knowledge to prune alternatives. In that case you'd be better off using compression, ayway. Content-aware compression algorithms (e.g. FLAC for audio) use a-priori knowledge on the properties of the input data to improve the compression ratio.
I think what you are thinking of is in fact an interesting topic, but you haven't hit upon the right method. If I can try and rephrase your question, you are asking if there is a way to apply a function to some data, transmit the result of the function, and then reconstruct the original data from the terser function result. For a single MD5 checksum the answer is no, but with other functions, provided you are willingly to send several function results, it is possible. In general this area of research is called compressed sensing. Sometimes exact reconstruction is possible, but more often it is used as a lossy compression scheme for images and other visual or sound data.