Spring project template menu not show with springsource-tool-suite e4.6.3 - sts-springsourcetoolsuite

I use eclipse neon and download springsource-tool-suite-3.9.0.RELEASE-e4.6.3-updatesite.zip, after I installed it successfully no spring project menu show in new menu. How can I do with it?

There are a number of wizards to create new Spring projects included in STS 3.9.0, especially those to create new Spring Boot projects. Go to New -> Spring Boot -> Spring Starter Project and use that to create a new Spring Boot project (the preferred way nowadays).
In addition to that you can also use the Import Spring Getting Started Content to import projects from http://spring.io/guides directly into your workspace.
If you switch to the Spring perspective, you will get those wizards as shortcuts in the package explorer context menu, too.
The old and outdated "New Spring Project Template" wizard is gone for quite a while now.


How to use Spring 5.0 in NetBeans 8.2?

When I create a Java Web project in NetBeans and select a Framework, in this case Spring Web MVC, only two options appear:
Version 4.0.1
Version 3.2.7
You can do this in Netbeans:
Download the Spring Framework you need from here
Extract the contents of the archive and copy the contents of the lib directory to your netbeans location e.g /home/stanley/netbeans-8.2/java/modules/ext/spring-(version) e.g 5.1.4
On your netbeans go to Tools > Libraries > New Library
Name your Library as Spring Framework (version) e.g 5.1.4 and add all the jars from the location in 2 above.
Restart your netbeans application.
You should have the new Framework as shown in the diagram below:
The easiest way to create a new spring project is using Spring Initializr. All you need to do is fill in the form, download the project, unzip it and open in NetBeans.
Regardless of a language and IDE, it is usually good idea to create a new project based on a standard build-tool for the language's ecosystem and avoid creating an IDE-specific project. That makes it easier to share the project with people who use a different IDE and switch your IDE in the middle of the project.
There are several build-tools for Java ecosystem but I'd suggest to pay attention to two of them: Maven and Gradle. Those are most widespread and supported by IDEs.
NetBeans supports Maven out of box. It supports Gradle too but in 8.2 you are supposed to install a support plugin for Gradle (from Tools -> Plugins menu).
You can generate a new Maven or Gradle project using NetBeans. Select corresponding menu item when selecting the type of the project.
Then you will have to add the dependencies of the project to its descriptor (pom.xml for Maven or build.gradle for Gradle). See the documentation for the build-tool of your choice to understand how exactly to do that.
Spring provides Spring Initializr service to generate a new project based on spring's libraries. It is the easiest way for a quick start.
Since you are using Netbeans and it supports Maven out of the box, you can get an existing Maven archetype to setup a basic Spring application for you to start from.
Although there isn't any official archetype, there are a lot of really nice 3rd party ones like https://github.com/kolorobot/spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype
The steps to start a new project are quite fast and straight forward (Netbeans 11)
File -> New Project -> Java with Maven -> Project from archetype
In the search filter enter spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype, enter your project details and click Finish

Thymeleaf and AngularJS2

I created a sample app using latest Angular2 as my client-side MVC framework and Thymeleaf for the server-side templating engine. I used Eclipse IDE to build dynamic WebApp with Spring and Thymeleaf. I built an Angular project separately using Angular CLI tool and generated deployment Javascript files which were added to the eclipse project under js folder as shown here,
But this is not the way to go with a real complex project as we need simultaneous development of Angular2 and Spring/Thymeleaf and cannot really on deployment Javascript files.
What is the ideal way to develop Spring/thymeleaf and Angular2 project in Eclipse IDE? What are the tools available ? Has anyone encountered this sort of problem ?

Spring 4 MVC Project without Maven

Does anyone have working project template with the following:
Spring 4.x MVC
Spring Security 4.x
Spring Data JPA 1.8.x
Hibernate 4.3.x
Unfortunately, I cannot use Maven currently and it is a pain to track down all of the dependencies.
I was eventually able to get maven finally working. I had to delete the entire repository several times before it finally started working

Unable to see new features after installing ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2

After installing ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 I am unable to see any new features (e.g. new MVC4 SPA templates).
Initially, I installed via Web Platform Installer and after it didn't work, I uninstalled everything.
I then tried installing 2 MSI individual packages mentioned in Release Notes > Installation Notes. After successful installation I am still unable to see any new features.
My platform is :
Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012
Version 11.0.60115.01 Update 2 CTP
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.50709
Any ideas?
I am expecting new templates to show under
New Project -> Visual C# -> Web -> ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application (click ok) -> (shows only original 8 templates)
The ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Update contains only one SPA template.
If you want to have the other SPA templates (like HotTowel) you need to separately install them: Know a library other than Knockout?
From Announcing release of ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Update: here are some links for the templates:
If you don’t want to use the new Knockout template there are 4 new
community-created templates. These templates were built using the
improved Custom MVC Template support:
BreezeJS template that uses BreezeJS and Knockout for data binding and templating
Ember template uses the latest version of Ember and Handlebars
DurandalJS template is built using the new MVVM library DurandalJS as well as Knockout
Hot Towel uses BreezeJS, DurandalJS, Knockout, require.js and Bootstrap
These MVC templates have been deprecated and don't work at all in VS 2013 (or after VS 2012.2 for that matter). Please don't use them.
Sadly, they will not be updated because the VSIX approach behind them has fallen out of favor ... mostly because it is far to difficult to write and maintain.
We suggest that you get started by following samples and videos. You can learn a lot from John Papa's two courses "Building Apps with Angular and Breeze - Part 1" and "...Part 2"

Asp.net MVC Membership starter kit

I have downloaded and installed membership starter kit from codeplex. Now when I create new project I don't see MVC mebership starter kit in list of templates. How do I create new project based on this starter kit ?
That doesn't look like it's been updated since preview 5...
The default ASP.NET MVC project that is created when you install the release version of ASP.NET MVC includes integration with the membership system.
Grab the new release that works with MVC 1.0
You can make a copy of that Starter Kits code base into a new trunk/src directory. Then open the solution and hack away! That is the normal process any ways.
