Separating Login and User Management from Application - wordpress

I'm looking to completely decouple user management, login, permissions, and user data from my application. The main reason for this, is the application will consist of a WordPress site, native app, and a custom PHP API that all need to allow a user to login.
I don't want to use WP as the user login as I don't want to tie all our user data to WP in case we want to migrate to something else in the future. I've looked at things like Auth0, but it seems like it fairly heavy and costly.
What I'd like to do instead is build a separate service that can be used to store user fields, meta data, permissions, and act as a login service.
Based on those credentials, I can give access to certain sections of WP, unlock content on the Native App, and authenticate for certain access level for our API. Has anyone had any experience with decoupling their user management with a similar scenario?

if you really want to decouple the user-management from your app, you can use specifications like oAuth2.0 or OpenID - they are two different specs, and you should have a look and see what fits you the best.
If you write your code in Java, you can use (for free) Spring Security together with authentication-flows - that will cover all security issues as well as all user management flows like registration, forgot password, change password etc.

although I didn't gone to such length as implementing an Auth0, I created a separate user management (wp users) by leveraging on wordpress rest api and its native js client(backbone js). It's by no means completed, but the functionality is there.
Below is the screenshot:


Integrate social logins like Facebook to a LDAP directory

For multiple applications, I want to build a centralized account solution. The core consists of some ASP.NET Core web applications. But I also want to include third-party applications like WordPress, GitLab, or a XAMPP/HipChat server. My goal: The user creates ONE account, which can be used in all of those applications. So an LDAP server seems the best way for this since many applications have support for this protocol. This also gives flexibility for other applications, which may be added later.
The problem here is, that the users should be able to authenticate using common social sites - Especially Facebook. It's state of the art and would increase the conversation rate, cause it's easier for the users.
Is it possible to integrate social login provider like Facebook to LDAP servers like ApacheDS?
As I see the topic, Facebook generates some kind of authentication token, which can be used from the application to verify the identity of the user. In my custom web apps, this is no problem. But for e.g. a XAMPP server, this seems not to work: LDAP requires username/password. But I don't have this, since there is only a Facebook token available. The LDAP server could store this in an attribute. However, this would require to check this token instead of a password on an LDAP bind.
On the other side, when I drop the LDAP server and use some framework like ASP.NET Core identity instead, it's not a big deal. The problem here: I'm not able to use this login for third-party applications. This would require the users to have an additional account for e.g. XAMPP, WordPress, and so on, which results in big chaos and is thereby not suitable for me.
By dropping social support, it works. This seems also not to be a good idea since those logins are state of the art and I'm targeting younger users, which expect an SSO solution with Facebook or similar providers.
Facebook (and other social login sites) use a protocol named OAuth to authenticate. Probably the easiest solution would be to implement an OAuth server yourself that uses your LDAP as backend and then add that beneath the Facebook login as the second way of login.
That will not add users logging in via Facebook to your LDAP but as you usually only get an OAuth token back for login (not necessarily a username) which needs to be verified against Facebook (or whoever provided that token) it doesn't work to use it as "password replacement".

Fetching logged user information in Alfresco

We have a requirement to enable drag and drop of content from Alfresco to a PLM application. Now we have created a new custom view with the PLM product and have incorporated an SWT browser in that view. The idea is that the user would enter the alfresco url and he would be able to drag and drop contents from Alfresco to PLM product using this new view.
The trouble here is that we are being asked to develop it as a single sign on application. The moment the URL is entered by the user, alfresco would ask the user his login credentials.
The user authenticates himself and would be able to view different documents.
But in order to actually download them, we need to set the user info. specifically the user name and password in the request to Alfresco. This is where we got stuck.
Is it possible to get a session or an equivalent identifier codefully [ Note that user visited alfresco url and has authenticated himself. So, we dont have any hold of his information there. ].
Requesting you to share any ideas...
Note: A new UI that would prompt the user to enter user name and password might be possible. But we do not want to resort to that approach.
First, some background.
Most web SSO systems work by authenticating the user themselves, and then setting a custom HTTP header containing the user identify (normally a plain username) which is sent to your web applications by a proxy. I'm not sure if that would work for you, but you may wish to investigate integrating CAS with Alfresco, assuming that both your applications are webapps.
Other options for SSO with Alfresco which might work for non-webapps are NTLM (old and insecure) and Kerberos (much more secure; recommended). These normally integrate with your operating system login session but must be configured in the user's web browser as well as in all the applications that you wish to SSO enable.
In summary, there are a few options that may be available but it depends on the nature of the second application that you want to integrate Alfresco with. I would suggest that you do some further technical investigation based on these areas and any others which others might suggest, and then come back with any specific questions that you have.

Secure a single page in an ASP.NET app

I often have a need to secure a single page (i.e. Reports) on a public facing app so that only authorized users may access the page. In the past, this mean setting up a custom login form or using the ASP.NET membership provider or something else far too complex to serve the purpose. Is there an easier (safe) way to secure a single page in this fashion?
Some things I've considered:
Client certificates (initial setup is a pain)
A single master password (works in a pinch, but feels dirty)
Restrict access by host address (cumbersome when the need arises to allow external users access to the page). Also, need to support access via proxy (X-Forwarded-For) which can be faked by technical users)
Are there other options? Recommendations?
You can do it in your web.config file something like what is suggested here. As far as authentication is concerned the easiest way is to use windows authentication.
A login system is your best option. If you don't want to go through the trouble of setting up and managing a login system yourself, consider using OpenAuth.
You can achieve functionality pretty easily using DotNetOpenAuth. Users can then log in with their Google, Yahoo, StackOverflow, etc. accounts, and you get a token that you can store to limit access with.

Integrating Drupal + Moodle + MediaWiki with OpenID

I'd like to be able to use these "best of breed" opensource solutions, with the only requirement of some sort of single-sign-on between the different sites. I don't want my users having to log-in in 3 different places, so I though it could be possible with OpenId.
Has anyone tried something similar?
OpenID will not avoid the problem of having to sign in 3 separate times. It was allow the user to share the same login credentials between the sites, but they will have to actually log in to each of the three systems. If that is not a problem, go with OpenID. If it is, you have two options:
Use an LDAP server to authenticate on all three sites. I think all three software packages have modules/plugins for LDAP (Drupal, Moodle, MediaWiki). Once you have the LDAP server running, the rest should be easy.
Write custom modules/plugins for each platform that authenticate against a single database. Maybe you could use the Drupal database as the primary one, and have MediaWiki and Moodle authenticate with that. So, effectively, the user will only have an account on the Drupal site, but will get access to all three. This is basically the same idea as an LDAP server, but might save you some overhead and complication.
There is also the Moodle Integration module for Drupal that attempts to accomplish the same thing, only without MediaWiki in the mix. I would check that out.
Good luck!
here are three possible solutions: (1) sigle sign-in site, (2) inject login/register forms into all sites using server site includes - SSI and (3) - ajax.
Single sign-in site.
suppose you have and and you want to login/register at both simultaneously. Probably the easiest way to do it will be to create another domain e.g. that will do the job. Your login/register application will need access to databases for site1 and site2 and/or their api's. Since login status usually resides in the cookies, your login application will need to set those login cookies to both sites simultaneously (on successful login/registration) and delete on logout.
To set cookies for all sites from - all of the must sit on and cookie domain parameter must be
If your solution needs both api access (to the other applications) and access to the same database by several applications - you may need to deal with database transactions. This is because new registrations won't be visible on other sites until transaction is committed - so for example - you can not call api from within login code to retrieve cookies before committing the transaction with the new registration.
One important detail. If you already have users separately registered at site1 and/or site2 but not on both your signon site will either have to handle those cases or you'll need to sync registrations manually yourself upon deployment of your new registration system. Manual fix won't be possible when extra user input is required to complete the cross-site registration. This point also becomes important when you add new sites requiring some new user input for the registration.
Finally, carefully choose domain name handling OpenID. To the best of my knowledge it is impossible to transfer openid endorsements across subdomains without users consent - please correct me if I am wrong. You don't want to ask users to re-register just because you decide to rename the sub-domain.
server side include (ssi) method
Another solution is to inject those forms via sever-side includes into all sites. This may be considerably harder and will depend on the type of webserver in use and will work slower.
A pre-requisite here is that all your applications run on the same subdomain - so that openid works for all of them.
I've once built common user registration for MW (php) and cnprog (python/django).
My solution was to display the same exact registration form on the wiki and the forum site, while generating and processing this form with django. I did it this way because wiki and forum "skins" are so different that I did not want to surprise visitors with the dramatic change of site appearance when they go to the registration page. This is complicated and I will not do it again :) and instead would go with single sign-in method.
in order to display django output through mediawiki I've created a wiki extension printing apache "include virtual" call to glue django-generated content with the wiki output. This comes with problems.
Apache include virtual on my installation cannot POST to subrequests and cannot pass cookies from subrequests and cannot pass redirect responses (all http headers will be thrown out) to the upstream user requests.
So I've added "was_posted=true" to mark the posts for django and a secret code to prevent cross-site forgery. To get the cookies out - had them printed with cookie_morsel.output_js() in python. So javascript must run on the client for this to work. Any redirects will have to be done with javascript too. Extra work will still be needed to upload files (like avatar picture).
So single sign-on may be the best solution.
ajax may be a neat way around - just build forms in all of your sites with javascript and submit them via ajax. Will work fast and will not break appearance of your various sites,
but this won't please the folks allergic to javascript.
Actually, the only method that does not require any javascript is single sign-in site.
Posted this because I've spent enough time building this thing for MW and django - an hour of typing did not make a difference :).

How to check user login state for a different site

Here is the situation. I have a site that only allows one user to be logged in at one time. However, I need a server to scrape this site and put data into the database. However the admin need to be be able to log into this site from time to time.
So what I would like is for the server to proxy the admins login so that the server won't attempt to login while the admin is logged in.
How would I go about doing this?
EDIT: Sorry, it totally slipped my mind, the reason I need to come up with such a complicated setup is because I do not have the source for this site, nor does the site allow any sort of extensibility. Basically I plan to add features by proxying the site through a more featured filled version of the page that will allow the user to access features not availilbe for the sites normal interface.
If this is a web application you've built yourself, you should be able to track this pretty easily. You just need code that stores the login state of your users in a global way. Possible ways of doing this would be to utilize the database (if this is database driven) or store it in an Application variable (if this is done in ASP.NET).
Then whatever process you've put in place where the server is "scraping" the site can check to see if anyone is logged in before logging in itself.
However, I must ask -- is this something you've built yourself or are you trying to add functionality to an existing product? The reason I ask is that I can't figure out why you tagged this with "proxy" and not the language it was written in. If you don't have access to the source code, for example, that would change things.
