BizTalk 2013 R2 XLANG - Exception occurred when persisting state to the database - biztalk

I am working on BizTalk 2013 R2. I have an orchestration where I am calling the helper class to call to Web service (for lower latency). The class is Serializable class. The Orchestration builds successfully. And when I tested the solution from the POSTMan it works fine.
But for every success response, I am also getting below exception in the event log.
xlang/s engine event log entry: An unrecoverable exception (see the 'inner exception' below) has occurred.
Service Name: Orchestration Name
Service Id: df34c579-a9e6-5696-e322-b80210d1f723
Instance Id: 0512ae45-c89c-4ffc-9bd2-332b854d4965
An exception occurred when persisting state to the database.
Exception type: PersistenceException
Source: Microsoft.XLANGs.BizTalk.Engine
Target Site: Void Commit()
The following is a stack trace that identifies the location where the
exception occurred
at Microsoft.BizTalk.XLANGs.BTXEngine.BTXXlangStore.Commit()
Microsoft.BizTalk.XLANGs.BTXEngine.BTXXlangStore.ScheduleComplete(Boolean terminate)
at Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.Service.Persist(Boolean dehydrate, Context ctx, Boolean idleRequired, Boolean finalPersist, Boolean bypassCommit, Boolean terminate)
at Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.ServiceContext.OnCommit()
at "OrchestrationInstanceName".segment0(StopConditions stopOn)
at Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.SegmentScheduler.RunASegment(Segment s, StopConditions stopCond, Exception& exp)
Additional error information:
A batch item failed persistence Item-ID 9b508582-438f-442d-a320-3ff7d9dd87ed OperationType MAIO_CommitBatch Status -1061151938 ErrorInfo A database failure occurred due to an unexpected failure. .
Exception type: PersistenceItemException
There was the database error accompanied with this persistence error.
The following stored procedure call failed: " { call [dbo]. [bts_UpdateMsgbox_XXXXXX]( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}". SQL Server returned error string: "Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.;Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.;Duplicate key was ignored.".
I have added system.diagnostics.trace in shape calling .net helper class. Then I noticed the orchestration running twice on the first run it throws the Xlang - Persistence error and database - "Duplicate key was ignored" the error and then the orchestration runs for the second time and it completes successfully with the response.
It is evident that my orchestration runs twice. Then I added scope around the shape calling helper class. The transaction type of the scope is "None".
Then the Xlang Persistence error issue was resolved.
Why do I need to put extra scope around the calls to make this work without error?

Errors like that usually indicate that your BizTalkMsgBoxDb suffers from bad performance.
Initially I recommend running BizTalk Health Monitor which will point out the most obvious reasons. Most likely there are plenty of zombie/orphaned messages which this tool also can help to clean out.
Also take a look at the database optimization:
incorrect database settings
large index fragmentation
large amount of suspended instances - these should be terminated regularly
(please refer to for details)
Consider also:
Reducing time for tracking history
Reducing amount of tracked artifacts and events - turn off non-essential (Best practice for production is not have any at all)
If event that won't help, you'll need to evaluate your database server disk performance. You might need to migrate to faster storage


Error executing SQLite command: 'too many SQL variables' Azure PullAsync limitation in xamarin form android

This looks like limitation from Microsoft azure mobile client for offline sync service for android.
In my xamarin form application i have 40 azure tables to sync with remote. Whenever the particular request(_abcTable.PullAsync) has the more number record like 5K, PullAsync returns the exception saying that : Error executing SQLite command: 'too many SQL variables'.
That pull async URL goes like this :$filter=(updatedAt ge datetimeoffset'2017-06-20T13:26:17.8200000%2B00:00')&$orderby=updatedAt&$skip=0&$top=5000&ProjectId=2&__includeDeleted=true.
But in postman i can see the same Url returning the 5K records and Works fine in iPhone device as well but failing only in android.
From the above PullAsync request if i change the "top" parameter value from 5000 to 500 it works fine in android but takes more time. Do i have any other alternatives without limiting the performance.
Package version:
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client version="3.1.0"
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.SQLiteStore" version=“3.1.0”
Microsoft.Bcl version="1.1.10"
Microsoft.Bcl.Build version="1.0.21"

SQLite.Net.Core-PCL version="3.1.1"
SQLite.Net-PCL version="3.1.1"
SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green version="1.1.2"
SQLitePCLRaw.core" version="1.1.2"" version="1.1.2"" version="1.1.2"
Please let me know if i need to provide more information. Thanks
Error executing SQLite command: 'too many SQL variables
Per my understanding, your sqlite may touch the Maximum Number Of Host Parameters In A Single SQL Statement mentions as follows:
A host parameter is a place-holder in an SQL statement that is filled in using one of the sqlite3_bind_XXXX() interfaces. Many SQL programmers are familiar with using a question mark ("?") as a host parameter. SQLite also supports named host parameters prefaced by ":", "$", or "#" and numbered host parameters of the form "?123".
Each host parameter in an SQLite statement is assigned a number. The numbers normally begin with 1 and increase by one with each new parameter. However, when the "?123" form is used, the host parameter number is the number that follows the question mark.
SQLite allocates space to hold all host parameters between 1 and the largest host parameter number used. Hence, an SQL statement that contains a host parameter like ?1000000000 would require gigabytes of storage. This could easily overwhelm the resources of the host machine. To prevent excessive memory allocations, the maximum value of a host parameter number is SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER, which defaults to 999.
The maximum host parameter number can be lowered at run-time using the sqlite3_limit(db,SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER,size) interface.
I refered Debugging the Offline Cache and init my MobileServiceSQLiteStore as follows:
var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStoreWithLogging("localstore.db");
I logged all the SQL commands that are executed against the SQLite store when invoking pullasync. I found that after successfully retrieve response from mobile backend via the following request:
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.SQLiteStore.dll would execute the following sql statement for updating the related local table:
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO [TodoItem] ([id]) VALUES (#p0),(#p1),(#p2),(#p3),(#p4),(#p5),(#p6),(#p7),(#p8),(#p9),(#p10),(#p11),(#p12),(#p13),(#p14),(#p15),(#p16),(#p17),(#p18),(#p19),(#p20),(#p21),(#p22),(#p23),(#p24),(#p25),(#p26),(#p27),(#p28),(#p29),(#p30),(#p31),(#p32),(#p33),(#p34),(#p35),(#p36),(#p37),(#p38),(#p39),(#p40),(#p41),(#p42),(#p43),(#p44),(#p45),(#p46),(#p47),(#p48),(#p49)
UPDATE [TodoItem] SET [Text] = #p0,[UserId] = #p1 WHERE [id] = #p2
UPDATE [TodoItem] SET [Text] = #p0,[UserId] = #p1 WHERE [id] = #p2
Per my understanding, you could try to set MaxPageSize up to 999. Also, this limitation is from sqlite and the update processing is automatically handled by Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.SQLiteStore. For now, I haven't find any approach to override the processing from Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.SQLiteStore.

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Guid' to type 'System.IConvertible'

I'm trying to use the WCF-SQL adaptor in BizTalk 2013 to return records from a stored procedure.
I followed a simple online walkthrough that seemed to get me what I need.
However I keep getting a casting error when the Receive Location runs. I dont have any GUID's in my SP. I have even simplified my SP to a SQL statement returning hard coded strings.
SELECT [Description] , PackageName FROM ( SELECT 'ABC' [Description] ,'123' as PackageName ) as ResponseTable
the Schema expects two fields of type string.
See error below.
The receive location "Receive - Package" with URL "mssql://xxx/xxx?InboundId=PackageErrors" is shutting down. Details:"Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Common.AdapterException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Guid' to type 'System.IConvertible'.. Endpoint Address - mssql://xxx/xxx?InboundId=PackageErrors ---> <b>System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Guid' to type 'System.IConvertible'.</b>
at Microsoft.Adapters.Sql.SqlAdapterInboundHandler.Polling_WaitForMessage(TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper)
at Microsoft.Adapters.Sql.SqlAdapterInboundHandler.WaitForMessage(TimeSpan timeout)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.Adapters.Sql.SqlAdapterInboundHandler.WaitForMessage(TimeSpan timeout)
at Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Common.Channels.AdapterInputChannel.WaitForMessage(TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ErrorHandlingReceiver.WaitForMessage()".
That walk through is wrong in one aspect.
Rather than using the "Add Adapter Metadata" you would be better of using the "Consume Adapter Service", select the sqlBinding, Configure the URI, Connect, select Service (Inbound operations) for the contract type and select your stored procedure from there.
This will have the added benefits creating a binding file for your receive location, which you can then import and will be correctly configured. It doesn't create an Orchestration like the Add Adapter Metadata, but I actually prefer that.

What does error ORA-12571 (TNS:packet writer failure) mean in a Web Service?

Background: I'm calling a Web Service written in ASP.NET that queries an Oracle database. I know the Web Service itself works, because I've used it before other applications. So I have a web application in Visual Studio that I've been switching back and forth to point from a 'DEV' web service to a production configured version of the same web service for testing. Pointing to the 'DEV' configured web service is no problem, but calling the production version I always get an exception calling the service:
SoapException was unhandled by user code
Server was unable to process request. ---> could not execute query
[ SELECT this_.FIELD1 as FIELD1_18_0_, this_.FIELD2 as FIELD12_18_0_ FROM ABC.TABLE_A this_ WHERE this_.FIELD1 like :p0 ORDER BY this_.FIELD1 asc ]
Positional parameters: #0>00073%
[SQL: SELECT this_.FIELD1 as FIELD1_18_0_, this_.FIELD2 as FIELD12_18_0_ FROM ABC.TABLE_A this_ WHERE this_.FIELD1 like :p0 ORDER BY this_.FIELD1] ---> ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure
I ran the SQL queries against the appropriate database (cut and pasted straight out of the exception message) and the query came back with the expected data. I've tried updating and re-adding the Web Service reference both as a "Service Reference" (.NET 3.0+ way) and as a "Web Reference" (Older .NET way), and both give the same error.
Question: So, what does a "ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure" error mean in the context of a Web Service? Looking up the Oracle Error number gives some very vague possible causes such as "loose cable connection" or "IP address conflict". I'm fairly certain it's neither of these, since a different application is currently successfully using that Web Service. Possibly some kind of configuration error, or maybe something more subtle? Anyone else seen this vexing Oracle error number being attributed to something web-service related?
Your call is going from the ws client to the ws server to the oracle database.
Your error is an ORA error, which is generated by the database. So your problem is probably between the ws server and the database.
When you ran "the SQL queries against the appropriate database", did you do it from the web server? If not could you try that. Make sure that you are using the same connection configuration.
As per the comment below, the real problem was a driver mismatch.
I would suggest re-examining your assumptions more carefully, as this is clearly an error in the web-service dialogue with the db and should be completely independent of the w/s caller.
If the w/s call is generating this specific exception, it should be doing so for all other invocations, so your 'other application' that's using the web service successfully is simply not executing the same code or there are outside factors at play.
Either way, it's unrelated to how the service is registered or invoked.

BizTalk BRE InvalidCastException

I have configured a new VM (MS Virtual Server running Windows Server 2003) as a copy of an existing VM hosting BizTalk server 2006. I have run into a problem with BRE processing. The policy is deployed and vocabulary published exactly as on the working VM.
An orchestration calls a helper component which in turn makes use of the BRE components. The last line in the helper component that seems to execute is:
Policy workflowPolicy = new Policy(policyName)
I have pasted the stack trace from the event log below:
Exception type: InvalidCastException
Source: Microsoft.RuleEngine
Target Site: Int32 GetInt32(System.String, Int32)
The following is a stack trace that identifies the location where the exception occured
at Microsoft.RuleEngine.Configuration.GetInt32(String key, Int32 defaultValue)
at Microsoft.RuleEngine.ReteTranslator.RuleSetToReteTranslatorImpl.Translate(RuleSet ruleset, Int32 duration)
at Microsoft.RuleEngine.ReteTranslator.RuleSetToReteTranslator.Translate(RuleSet ruleset, Int32 duration)
at Microsoft.RuleEngine.RuleEngine..ctor(RuleSet ruleSet, Boolean doOptimizations)
at Microsoft.RuleEngine.RuleEngineCache.Allocate(String rulesetName, Int32 majorRevision, Int32 minorRevision, TrackingConfiguration& trackingConfig)
at Microsoft.RuleEngine.RuleEngineCache.Allocate(String rulesetName, TrackingConfiguration& trackingConfig)
at Microsoft.RuleEngine.Policy..ctor(String policyName)
at Tesco.BRE.Services.PolicyServices.Direct.OrderWorkflowServices.Commands.GetNextTaskList.Execute()
at Tesco.DataSources.Integration.Common.CommandBase.CommandDecorators.CommandLoggingDecorator`1.Execute()
at Tesco.DataSources.Integration.Common.CommandBase.CommandUtilities.GetCommandResponse[T](CommandBase`1 command)
at Tesco.BRE.Services.PolicyServices.Direct.OrderWorkflowServices.OrderWorkflowOperations.GetNextTaskList(String currentTaskName, String currentTaskStatus, XmlDocument order)
at Tesco.Direct.OrderManagement.Orchestrations.FollowTaskResult.segment2(StopConditions stopOn)
at Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.SegmentScheduler.RunASegment(Segment s, StopConditions stopCond, Exception&
It looks like Microsoft.RuleEngine.Configuration.GetInt32 is being passed a value that cannot be cast to an Int32?
I have tried un-configuring / re-configuring the BRE. As far as I can tell everything on the new server is configured exactly as per the working server.
Any help, gratefully receive - I've been stuck with this all day!
If one follow the stack trace one could read "cache" and "tracking". I would try to restart the host and uncheck any rule tracking in HAT.
Thanks for your response Martin. I have now fixed the issue. The problem was user error (mine) in making a registry change. I had to create a reg setting as follows
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BusinessRules\3.0\StaticSupport (DWORD), value 2
in order to enable the BRE to make use of static methods. This is described at:
Although I had made the addition when configuring the server, I had inadvertently used a string rather than a dword. Since this cost me over a day to figure out - I won't be making the same mistake any time soon!

Retrieve Error text from SQL Server 2000 error

I need help logging errors from T-SQL in SQL Server 2000. We need to log errors that we trap, but are having trouble getting the same information we would have had sitting in front of SQL Server Management Studio.
I can get a message without any argument substitution like this:
SELECT MSG.description from master.dbo.sysmessages MSG
INNER JOIN sys.syslanguages LANG ON MSG.msglangID=LANG.msglangid
WHERE MSG.error=#err AND LANG.langid=##LANGID
But I have not found any way of finding out the error arguments. I want to see:
Constraint violation MYCONSTRAINT2 on table MYTABLE7
Constraint violation %s on table %s
Googling has only turned up exotic schemes using DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER that require admin access and aren't appropriate for production code. How do I get an error message with argument replacement?
In .Net, retrieving error messages (and anything output from print or raiserror) from sql server is as simple as setting one property on your SqlConnection ( .FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors = True) and handling the connection's InfoMessage event. The data received by .Net matches what you get in the Messages window in the SQL Server Management Studio results grid.
All the code goes in the function that handles the event, and you can abstract that so that all your connections point to the same method, so there's nothing else to change in the rest of the app aside from the two lines of code when you create new connections to set the property and event (and you have that abstracted away so you only need to do it in one place, right?)
Here is a link to what I consider the definitive error guide for SQL Server.
In certain circumstances SQL Server will continue processing even after an error. See the heading labeled What Happens when an Error Occurs? from the previous link.
Look in Books on-line for Raiserror (Described)
You will find the syntax looks like this:
RAISERROR ( { msg_id | msg_str } { , severity , state }
[ , argument [ ,...n ] ] )
[ WITH option [ ,...n ] ]
and the error arguments are as follows:
d or I Signed integer
o Unsigned octal
p Pointer
s String
u Unsigned integer
x or X Unsigned hexadecimal
Any language from VB onwards has the ability to catch these and let you to take the appropriate action.
Dave J
Any chance you'll be upgrading to SQL2005 soon? If so, you could probably leverage their TRY/CATCH model to more easily accomplish what you're trying to do.
The variables exposed in the catch can give you the object throwing the error, the line number, error message, severity, etc. From there, you can log it, send an email, etc.
FORMATMESSAGE (it also exists in SQL Server 2000) allows you to build up messages into their final format from the sysmessages templates like above.
However, the RAISERROR command (which is pretty much what the database engine itself uses internally calls when you have an error) already sends the completed text which can be trapped and logged in the client. SSMS is a client and does not generate it's own messages: all message come from the database engine.
However, I gather you want to log the T-SQL error using T-SQL. Frankly, you can't on SQL Server 2000. Too many errors are batch and scope aborting to reliably log anything.
You have to be on SQL Server 2005 to use TRY/CATCH/ERROR_MESSAGE, or you trap in the client and then using something like log4net to log back to SQL Server.
