Possibilities of dividing a class in groups with several criteria - math

I have to divide a class of 50 students writing a dissertation in 10 different discussion groups of 5 members each. In theory, there are 1.35363x10^37 possible ways of doing this, which is just the result of {50!}/{(5!^10)*10!)}, if it is already decided that the groups will consist of 5.
However, each group is to be led by a facilitator. This reduces the number of possible combinations considerably, because each facilitaror has one field of expertise among 5 possible ones, which should be matched to the topics the students are writing about as much as possible. If there are three facilitators with competence A, three with competence B, two with competence C, one with competence D and one with competence E, and 15 students are assigned to A, 15 to B, 10 to C, 5 to D and 5 to E, the number of possible combinations comes down to 252 505.
But both students and facilitators keep advocating for the use of more criteria, instead of just focusing on field of expertise. For example, wanting to be in a group of students that know each other, or being in a group with a facilitator that has particular knowledge of a specific research method.
I am trying to illustrate my intuitive reasoning, which tells me that each new criteria increases the complexity/impossibility of the task, if the objective is a completely efficient solution. But I can't get my head around expressing this analytically in a satisfactory manner.
Is my reasoning correct, that adding criteria would reduce the amount of possibilities that can be discarded following the inclusion-exclusion principle, thus making the task more complex, adding possible combinations? I also think that if the criteria are not compatible (for example if students that know each other are writing about different topics, and there aren't enough competent facilitators), certain constraints become inviable.

You need to distinguish between computational complexity and human complexity. Adding constraints almost automatically increases the human complexity of the problem in the sense that it means that there is more to wrap your mind around. But -- it isn't true that the computational complexity increases. At least sometimes it decreases.
For example, say you have a set of 200 items and you want to determine if there is a subset of them which satisfy some constraint. Depending on the constraint, There might be no feasible way to do it. After all, 2^200 is much too large to brute-force. Now add the constraint that the subset needs to have exactly 3 elements. Now all of a sudden it is possible to brute force (just run through all 1,313,400 3-element subsets until you either find a solution or determine that none exist). This is enough to show that it isn't true that adding a constraint always makes a problem intrinsically more difficult. In the discrete case a new constraint can cut down on the size of the search space in a way that can be exploited. In the continuous cases it can reduce degrees of freedom and thus lower the dimension of the problem. This isn't to say that it always makes it easier. Probably as a rule of thumb, additional constraints tend to make a problem more difficult.
Your actual problem isn't spelled out enough to give concrete advice. One possibility (and one way to handle a proliferation of somewhat extraneous constraints) is to divide the constraints into hard constraints which need to be satisfied and soft constraints which are merely desired but not strictly needed. Turn it into an optimization problem: find the solution which maximizes the number of soft-constraints that are satisfied, subject to the condition that it satisfies the hard constraints. Perhaps you can formulate it as an integer programming problem and hopefully find an exact solution. Or, if it is easy to generate solutions that satisfy the hard constraints and it is easy to mutate one such solution to obtain another (e.g. swap two students who are in different groups), then an evolutionary algorithm would be a reasonable heuristic.


decision tree for significant variables

how can I use decision tree graph to determine the significant variables,I know which one has largest information gain should be in the root of tree which means has small entropy so this is my graph if I want to know which variables are significant how can I interpret
What does significant mean to you? At each node, the variable selected it the most significant given the context and assuming that selecting by information gain will actually work (it's not always the case). For example, at node 11, BB is the most significant discriminator given AA>20.
Clearly, AA and BB are the most useful assuming selecting by information gain gives the best way to partition the data. The rest give further refinement. C and N would be next.
What you should be asking is: Should I keep all the nodes?
The answer depends on many things and there is likely no best answer.
One way would be by using the total case count of each leaf and merge them.
Not sure how I would do this given your image. It's not really clear what is being shown at the leaves and what 'n' is. Also not sure what 'p' is.

Series of numbers with minimized risk of collision

I want to generate some numbers, which should attempt to share as few common bit patterns as possible, such that collisions happen at minimal amount. Until now its "simple" hashing with a given amount of output bits. However, there is another 'constraint'. I want to minimize the risk that, if you take one number and change it by toggling a small amount of bits, you end up with another number you've just generated. Note: I don't want it to be impossible or something, I want to minimize the risk!
How to calculate the probability for a list with n numbers, where each number has m bits? And, of course, what would be a suitable method to generate those numbers? Any good articles about this?
To answer this question precisely, you need to say what exactly you mean by "collision", and what you mean by "generate". If you just want the strings to be far apart from each other in hamming distance, you could hope to make an optimal, deterministic set of such strings. It is true that random strings will have this property with high probability, so you could use random strings instead.
When you say
Note: I don't want it to be impossible or something, I want to minimize the risk!
this sounds like an XY problem. If some outcome is the "bad thing" then why do you want it to be possible, but just low probability? Shouldn't you want it not to happen at all?
In short I think you should look up the term "error correcting code". The codewords of any good error correcting code, with any parameters that you feel like, will have the minimal risk of collision in the presence of random noise, for that number of code words of that length, and they can typically be generated very easily using matrix multiplication.

R Constained Combination generation

Say I have an set of string:
If I have a set of rules that must be met:
if "a1" and "b2" are together in group, then "c3" cannot be in that group.
if "d4" and "a1" are together in a group, then "b2" cannot be in that group.
I was wondering what sort of efficient algorithm are suitable for generating all combinations that meet those rules? What research or papers or anything talk about these type of constrained combination generation problems?
In the above problem, assume its combn(x,3)
I don't know anything about R, so I'll just address the theoretical aspect of this question.
First, the constraints are really boolean predicates of the form "a1 ^ b2 -> ¬c3" and so on. That means that all valid combinations can be represented by one binary decision diagram, which can be created by taking each of the constraints and ANDing them together. In theory you might make an exponentially large BDD that way (that usually doesn't happen, but depends on the structure of the problem), but that would mean that you can't really list all combinations anyway, so it's probably not too bad.
For example the BDD generated for those two constraints would be (I think - not tested - just to give an idea)
But since this is really about a family of sets, a ZDD probably works even better. The difference, roughly, between a BDD and a ZDD is that a BDD compresses nodes that have equal sub-trees (in the total tree of all possibilities), while the ZDD compresses nodes where the solid edge (ie "set this variable to 1") goes to False. Both re-use equal sub-trees and thus form a DAG.
The ZDD of the example would be (again not tested)
I find ZDDs a bit easier to manipulate in code, because any time a variable can be set, it will appear in the ZDD. In contrast, in a BDD, "skipped" nodes have to be detected, including "between the last node and the leaf", so for a BDD you have to keep track of your universe. For a ZDD, most operations are independent of the universe (except complement, which is rarely needed in the family-of-sets scenario). A downside is that you have to be aware of the universe when constructing the constraints, because they have to contain "don't care" paths for all the variables not mentioned in the constraint.
You can find more information about both BDDs and ZDDs in The Art of Computer Programming volume 4A, chapter 7.1.4, there is an old version available for free here.
These methods are in particular nice to represent large numbers of such combinations, and to manipulate them somehow before generating all the possibilities. So this will also work when there are many items and many constraints (such that the final count of combinations is not too large), (usually) without creating intermediate results of exponential size.

How to quantitatively measure how simplified a mathematical expression is

I am looking for a simple method to assign a number to a mathematical expression, say between 0 and 1, that conveys how simplified that expression is (being 1 as fully simplified). For example:
eval('x+1') should return 1.
eval('1+x+1+x+x-5') should returns some value less than 1, because it is far from being simple (i.e., it can be further simplified).
The parameter of eval() could be either a string or an abstract syntax tree (AST).
A simple idea that occurred to me was to count the number of operators (?)
EDIT: Let simplified be equivalent to how close a system is to the solution of a problem. E.g., given an algebra problem (i.e. limit, derivative, integral, etc), it should assign a number to tell how close it is to the solution.
The closest metaphor I can come up with it how a maths professor would look at an incomplete problem and mentally assess it in order to tell how close the student is to the solution. Like in a math exam, were the student didn't finished a problem worth 20 points, but the professor assigns 8 out of 20. Why would he come up with 8/20, and can we program such thing?
I'm going to break a stack-overflow rule and post this as an answer instead of a comment, because not only I'm pretty sure the answer is you can't (at least, not the way you imagine), but also because I believe it can be educational up to a certain degree.
Let's assume that a criteria of simplicity can be established (akin to a normal form). It seems to me that you are very close to trying to solve an analogous to entscheidungsproblem or the halting problem. I doubt that in a complex rule system required for typical algebra, you can find a method that gives a correct and definitive answer to the number of steps of a series of term reductions (ipso facto an arbitrary-length computation) without actually performing it. Such answer would imply knowing in advance if such computation could terminate, and so contradict the fact that automatic theorem proving is, for any sufficiently powerful logic capable of representing arithmetic, an undecidable problem.
In the given example, the teacher is actually either performing that computation mentally (going step by step, applying his own sequence of rules), or gives an estimation based on his experience. But, there's no generic algorithm that guarantees his sequence of steps are the simplest possible, nor that his resulting expression is the simplest one (except for trivial expressions), and hence any quantification of "distance" to a solution is meaningless.
Wouldn't all this be true, your problem would be simple: you know the number of steps, you know how many steps you've taken so far, you divide the latter by the former ;-)
Now, returning to the criteria of simplicity, I also advice you to take a look on Hilbert's 24th problem, that specifically looked for a "Criteria of simplicity, or proof of the greatest simplicity of certain proofs.", and the slightly related proof compression. If you are philosophically inclined to further understand these subjects, I would suggest reading the classic Gödel, Escher, Bach.
Further notes: To understand why, consider a well-known mathematical artefact called the Mandelbrot fractal set. Each pixel color is calculated by determining if the solution to the equation z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + c for any specific c is bounded, that is, "a complex number c is part of the Mandelbrot set if, when starting with z(0) = 0 and applying the iteration repeatedly, the absolute value of z(n) remains bounded however large n gets." Despite the equation being extremely simple (you know, square a number and sum a constant), there's absolutely no way to know if it will remain bounded or not without actually performing an infinite number of iterations or until a cycle is found (disregarding complex heuristics). In this sense, every fractal out there is a rough approximation that typically usages an escape time algorithm as an heuristic to provide an educated guess whether the solution will be bounded or not.

What is the cost of deleting a value from a hashtable?

Now I have this question where I was asked the cost of deleting a value from a hash table when we used linear probing while the insertion process.
What I could figure out from reading various stuff on the internet is that it has to do something with the load factor. Though I am not sure, but I read a relation between the load factor and no of probes required and it is No of probes = 1 / (1-LF).
So I believe the cost has to be dependent on the probe sequence. But then another thought ruins everything.
What if the element was inserted in p probes and now I am trying to delete this element. But before this I had already deleted few elements having the same hash code and were a part of insertion in probes less than p.
In this case I reach to a stage where I see a slot empty in the hash table but I am not sure if the element I am trying to delete is already deleted or is at some other location as a result of probing.
I also found that once I delete an element I must mark this slot with some special indicator to inform that it is available, but this doesn't solve my problem of being uncertain about the element which I am willing to delete.
Could anyone please suggest how to find the cost in such cases?
Is the approach going to vary if it is non-linear probing?
The standard approach is "lookup the element, mark as deleted". Marking obviously has O(1) cost, so the total operation cost is the same as just lookup: O(1) expected. It can be as high as O(n) in degenerate cases (e.g. all elements have the same hash). O(1) expected is all we can say theoretically.
About the load factor. The higher the load factor (ratio of number of occupied buckets to the total number), the larger is the expected factor (but this doesn't change the theoretical O cost). Note that in this case load factor includes number of both present in the table elements plus the number of buckets that got marked as deleted previously.
Other probing kinds (e.g. quadratic) don't change the theoretical cost, but may alter the expected constant factor or its variance. If you look at "fallback" sequences, in linear ordering the sequences of different buckets overlap. This means that if for some bucket the sequence is long, for adjacent buckets it will also be long. E.g.: if buckets 4 to 10 are occupied, sequence for bucket #4 is 7 bucket long (4, 5, 6, ..., 10), for #5 it's 6 and so on. For quadratic probing this is not the case.
However, linear probing has the benefit of better memory-cache behavior, since you check memory cells close to each other. In practice, though, for quadratic probing fallback sequences are rarely long enough for this to matter.
Finally, in linear probing case, it is possible to work without deleted mark, but for this you'd have to complicate deleting procedure considerably (still O(1) expected, though, but with much higher constant factor). Whether it is worth it has to be decided with actual profiling; for example, this simplifies inserting somewhat and lookup a bit. For a C++ implementation this would have the downside that erase() would invalidate iterators, though.
