Google font Rubik not working or am I missing something? - css

I'm using Google's font Rubik on a website (still work in progress) and it stopped showing any text suddenly!
It seems that even on Google Font website the font isn't working:,900&query=rubik
("All their equipment and instruments are alive." isn't showing below Rubik, but if you inspect it, it is in there)
Is anyone else having the same problem?
I'm having this issue using Windows and Chrome, Firefox or Edge.
UPDATE: without changing anything, the font started working again today. I guess whatever problem existed, Google fixed it.

Upon further investigation, it seems their font for "Rubik" is corrupt or otherwise problematic. Conversion to ttf gives the same results. The font can be previewed under Windows, but the behavior in-browser (FF56.0b2) is the same.
Browsers that appear to render it might be doing what mine was, using a system fallback that looks similar.
This is an issue on their end as the problem is with the font file and not their stylesheet as I had originally stated in this answer.
I converted the woff to ttf using Google's woff2 tool, then tried the ttf version locally, without unicode-range and the results are the same. Here is a preview of the truetype version of the font, converted from the woff2 version, in FontForge, if anyone wants to see if the glyph's are in the correct location (note that this version of the font also doesn't work in-browser):

Google Fonts pushed an update with hinting that had a bug for some rendering systems, and rolled back the update within 24 hours.

If you remove the "/" after ".com" and add a space it worked for me. This font was working for me yesterday, so now the only problem is if they fix the path it wont work again. Hope this helps


Google Font APIs 'Montserrat' font color becomes light in firefox 88.0

I have my custom.css and inside this file I am using this Google Font #import url(,500,600,700); and until yesterday I was working fine in my Ubuntu 16.04 and Firefox version 88.0.
But today when I opened the website, the font color getting light like below.
The strange thing I have noticed is, its not happening with new Firefox versions (like versions above 100) in Ubuntu. Its also working fine in Google Chrome and in other browsers.
Its only happening versions below 100 or at-least in version 88.0 which I have in Ubuntu.
I have also researched and found out this thread which suggests me to replace the CSS with something like below which I did.
#import url(,wght#0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,200;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,700;1,800;1,900&display=optimal);
But here I have noticed that this font name is not the same. I have Montserrat and here in the code it has Nunito. Additionally, when I refreshed the page, my web page menu also became bold. So I believe this is not working fine.
Can someone guide me how can I apply the same font which wont break my bold italic and other options like I already have.
Any help or guidance or support will be highly appreciated.

My web fonts look pixelated, especially the vertical parts of 'l's 'i's and 't's

All WordPress sites render strangely and Google searches look weird as well.
For WordPress sites, it loads fine, but then looks like the picture moments later.
Additional information:
Mozilla Firefox had the same issue on the same page.
Enabling Microsoft TrueFont did nothing.
Restarting chrome did nothing (except the last time).
If you use an extension (font changer) to force all fonts into 'Times New Roman,' the problem vanishes.
Chrome LCD Text Antialiasing does not fix the problem.
Forcing other sites to use 'Noto Sans' (pre-relaunch) replicated the problem.
Whatever font Google used was also messed up. After relaunching and installing 'Noto Sans,' google was fixed. Google's font does not appear to be 'Noto Sans,' however, which leads me to believe it fixed itself somehow.
The problem appears in incognito mode.
Clearing the cache does not fix the problem.
I installed the font in question, which I discovered to be 'Noto Sans,' to my computer. Following a relaunch of chrome, it seemed to fix itself.
EDIT: This did not fix the problem, I had to manually install an extension to replace the text on pages with a custom font before the problem vanished.

no fonts available for #font-face rule microsoft edge

I am getting a
CSS3120: No fonts available for #font-face rule
for the new Microsoft Edge browser on windows 10.
The fonts I am using are from and have the normal declarations that I would expect (e.g. woff, ttf, svg etc).
src:url("/dv2/2/asdf.eot?asdf#iefix") format("eot"),url("/dv2/14/asdf.woff2?asdf") format("woff2"),url("/dv2/3/asdf.woff?asdf") format("woff"),url("/dv2/1/asdf.ttf?asdf") format("truetype"),url("/dv2/11/asdf.svg?asdf") format("svg");
The sites still work normally on chrome, firefox, and IE for windows 10. my fonts that I used from Icomoon that are on my domain and fonts from google fonts seem to work fine on the edge browser. Anybody else having this problem with
I was using a local version of Google Fonts like one of the commenters, #benoror. My issue ended up being that I used references to woff2 fonts. Edge doesn't support the woff2 format yet.
My solution was to switch back to loading the fonts from Google Fonts since they have logic based on the user-agent that determines which font files get referenced in the #font-face declarations.
Another option would have been to use regular woff instead of woff2:
I contacted and the solution they gave - which did seem to work for me - was to republish the project. If you go into manage webfonts and to the project, there is a republish button. It will probably take a couple minutes and then it should work.
I had the same issue,
After reading MSDN documentation and adding local parameter error disappeared.
src:url(sURL) format(fontFormat) local(fontName)

Garbled text when printing website

I'm working on a website where the users will be printing pages from the site fairly frequently, in order to give them to people without internet access. Some of the text comes out garbled when printed on our users' office printers:
That's supposed to say Reduced Fare and Free Ride Programs, Chicago Transit Authority.
My first thought was that this has something to do with the font we're using, so I changed that text to have font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif. Some google research made me think those font settings were widely supported and shouldn't cause problems, but our users are still having the issue.
Even if you don't know exactly how to fix this problem, I would appreciate suggestions about
What other than the font selection could be causing it?
If you do think it has something to do with the font, what is a good font to use? Or how could I figure that out, is it printer-specific?
The page is being printed from the browser, which for this particular group of users is IE8. I'm not sure what version of Windows they're on. I've tested this on a Windows machine with IE8 in our office, and was not able to reproduce the issue. So while the browser might be a factor, I don't believe it's the only factor.
Second Update
The font we're using is Libre Baskerville, which we're loading through the Google Fonts API. It renders fine on screen, and actually prints with no issue from some of the printers at our client's office. The text only comes out garbled when printed on a Lexmark MS410dn.
I saw these same types of printing errors. I created a PDF in Indesign on Windows 10 using the Libre Baskerville font. When I tried to print the PDF on OSX using Preview I got the same garbled glyphs seen above. I fixed it by uninstalling the Libre Baskerville fonts which were Truetype format and installing Libre Baskerville fonts in Opentype format and resetting the fonts in the document. It seemed to work.
In the end the simplest solution was to use a different font for printing. The issue only happened with the Libre Baskerville font on a few specific printers, so in our print.css stylesheet we just use a basic serif font instead. Not ideal, but at least the printouts are legible.
In the original post I said that I had tried switching the font in the printouts and users were still having problems. This turned out to be due to caching of the print.css stylesheet, so that fix actually did solve the problem.
In the long term we'll probably find a font that works consistently on all their printers and switch the website over to that as well.
For the record (and anyone reading this with a similar issue), I had exactly the same issue trying to print a document written in Libre Baskerville on my laptop, in LibreOffice. The font is embedded in both RTF and PDF formats and the text is garbled in the same way. I also worked around the issue by changing to a different font. It's a pity as LibreBaskerville is a nice font.
Try replacing the True Type version of the font with the Open Type version - I am now able to print Libre Baskerville with no issues. The Open Type version is not easy to find as most downloads (including Google Fonts) only give you the option of a .ttf file. Search for a .otf file version - I found one here:
It might be that the imported font files have some errors in them. Sometimes, if you use a online font to webfont converter it makes some mistakes with the conversion. You could try Google Fonts. Find a serif font that you like and use their files and import scripts.
For example, if you want to use the font Bitter:
Just put #import url(; at the top of your CSS file
Use font-family: 'Bitter', serif; in your style declarations.
NB: The serif part is a fallback in case something goes wrong, then the clients browser chooses the default serif font instead.

css font family : Why some font doesn't render on mobile

Does any one know why some of my font families won't render on some mobile devices? Here's a page that demonstrates the fonts:
The fonts render properly on desktop chrome browser, ipad and iphone.
But when i view that page on my galaxy note, the Have A Nice Day font renders as something that looks like arial. On my friends nexus 4, Have a nice day works fine, but the universe condense renders as something that looks like arial.
Does anyone know why?
I've attached screenshot of what the fonts should look like
Additional notes
some people claim Have a nice day is not working in Firefox or IE10. For me, the font works on Firefox. I don't have IE10, so unable to verify.
How do I make this font work on my android?
Additional Notes
I had a typing mistake in my link path to my css files. I've corrected it now. But the problem still appears in my droid browser.
Just tried out the link on my phone - HTC 8s, everything seemed to work fine. Below is the screenshot for the same.
ON IE 10
It's possible it's a downloading issue. The fonts listed in your declaration should work across most browsers (just make sure you're not in Opera Mini, it doesn't really support much of anything).
Additionally, Have a Nice Day is loaded through #font-face declarations in the CSS file, but the others appear to be loaded from the JavaScript, which might be part of the issue. Droid Sans is on Android phones by default, so they're likely just pulling them locally, which is why they work across the board on Android. From there, it might be a difference of JavaScript support (if Universe doesn't work, JS isn't turned on, for example).
Another thing that might help is opening up developer tools in a desktop browser that isn't working (in the case of Firefox, you'll want to pick up the Firebug extension). Check the "Net" or "Network" tab and see if your font files are getting downloaded.
If that still doesn't work, try playing around with the order of the font files in the declaration. I've seen browsers take issue with the order.
Also, the Droid Serif fonts are available from Google Web Fonts, which works cross browser with little headache. It might be worth seeing if your other fonts (or something close) are there, too, and just use Google's Web Font Loader to load your fonts.
The problem has been fixed. Apparently there was a bug on that corrupted my font files. I contacted and they corrected the issue right away. Then re-sent me the font files. Now everything works perfectly.
The guys at are amazing. Very good customer + tech support services.
Below is a link to how I do my #fontfaces for cross browser compatibility.
Cross Browser Fontface
