Trying to pull data from the NewsRiver API into R. Specifically would like to convert the json provided into a dataframe for further analysis. I would also like to be able to input my own search terms and domain I would like to search from as variables.
set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
search_1 <- "Amazon"
search_2 <- "World Domination"
website <- ""
url <- sprintf('', search_1, search_2, website)
api_key <- "mykey"
news <- GET(url, add_headers(Authorization = paste(api_key, sep = "")))
news_txt <- content(news, as = "text")
news_china_df <- fromJSON(news_txt)
My goal is to get EVERY tweet ever for any twitter account. I picked the NYTimes for this example.
The code below works, but it only pulls the last 100 tweets. max_results does not allow you to put a value over 100.
The code below almost fully copy-paste-able, you would have to have your own bearer token.
How can I expand this to give me every tweet from an account?
One idea is that I can loop it for every day since the account was created, but that seems tedious if there is a faster way.
# NYT Example --------------------------------------------------------------------
bearer_token <- "insert your bearer token here"
headers <- c(`Authorization` = sprintf('Bearer %s', bearer_token))
params <- list(`user.fields` = 'description')
handle <- 'nytimes'
url_handle <- sprintf('', handle)
response <- httr::GET(url = url_handle,
httr::add_headers(.headers = headers),
query = params)
json_data <- fromJSON(httr::content(response, as = "text"), flatten = TRUE)
json_data %>%
NYT_ID <- json_data$data$id
url_handle <- paste0("", NYT_ID, "/tweets")
params <- list(`tweet.fields` = 'id,text,author_id,created_at,attachments,public_metrics',
`max_results` = '100')
response <- httr::GET(url = url_handle,
httr::add_headers(.headers = headers),
query = params)
json_data <- fromJSON(httr::content(response, as = "text"), flatten = TRUE)
NYT_tweets <- json_data$data %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(-id, -author_id, -9)
For anyone that finds this later on, I found a solution that works for me.
Using the parameters of start_time and end_time you can clarify dates for the tweets to be between. I was able to pull all tweets from November for example and then rbind those to the ones from December, etc. Sometimes I had to do two tweet pulls (half of March, second half of March) to get all of them, but it worked for this.
params <- list(`tweet.fields` = 'id,text,author_id,created_at,attachments,public_metrics',
`max_results` = '100',
`start_time` = '2021-11-01T00:00:01.000Z',
`end_time` = '2021-11-30T23:58:21.000Z')
This is my code:
bearer_token <- Sys.getenv("BEARER_TOKEN")
headers <- c('Authorization' = sprintf('Bearer %s', bearer_token))
params <- list('expansions' = 'attachments.media_keys')
handle <- readline('BenDuBose')
url_handle <-
sprintf('', handle)
response <-
httr::GET(url = url_handle,
httr::add_headers(.headers = headers),
query = params)
obj <- httr::content(response, as = "text")
This is my error message:
[1] "{"errors":[{"parameters":{"ids":[""]},"message":"The number of values in the ids query parameter list [0] is not between 1 and 100"}],"title":"Invalid Request","detail":"One or more parameters to your request was invalid.","type":""}"
My end goal is to scrape an image from a specific tweet ID/user. I already have a list of users and tweet IDs, along with attachments.media_keys. But, I don't know how to use HTTR and I am trying to copy the Twitter Developer example verbatim to learn, but it isn't working.
I am fairly new with R. I decided for my own learning process to scrape the tracks that my favorite radio station is playing and then add these songs to my spotify playlist. This way I can listen to the music of my favorite radio station without any advertising
What is going well?
I can scrape the songs and add a test song to my spotify playlist.
Where does it go wrong?
Via the spotify API I retrieve all information about the songs based on the artist and title. I only need the spotify:track:xxxxx part of every response I get back. When I try to extract the part spotify: track: (track uri) from every response I get the error: subscript out of bounds:
### Radio2 playlist scraper ###
#Loading packages#
install.packages('knitr', dependencies = TRUE)
#Get playlist url #
url <- ""
#Read HTML code from pagen#
webpage <- read_html(url)
#Get Artist and Title#
artist <- html_nodes(webpage, '.fn-artist')
title <- html_nodes(webpage, '.fn-song')
#Artist and Title to text#
artist_text <- html_text(artist)
title_text <- html_text(title)
#Artist and Title to dataframe#
artiest <-
titel_text <-
#Make one dataframe#
radioplaylist <- cbind(artiest$artist_text, titel_text$title_text)
radioplaylist <-
#Rename columns#
colnames(radioplaylist)[1] <- "Artiest"
colnames(radioplaylist)[2] <- "Titel"
#Remove duplicate songs#
radioplaylistuniek <- radioplaylist %>% distinct(Artiest, Titel, .keep_all = TRUE)
#Write to csv#
date <- Sys.Date()
write.csv(radioplaylistuniek, paste0("C://Users//Kantoor//Radio2playlists//playlist - ", date, ".csv"))
#Set spotify API#
Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx')
access_token <- get_spotify_access_token()
# Client and secret#
clientID <- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
secret <- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# Get access token and write this to authorization header #
response = POST(
authenticate(clientID, secret),
body = list(grant_type = 'client_credentials'),
encode = 'form',
token = content(response)$access_token
authorization.header = paste0("Bearer ", token)
# Generate URLS #
radioplaylistuniektest <- radioplaylistuniek[1:100,]
urls <- list(c("")) %>% paste0(radioplaylistuniektest$Titel) %>% paste0(c("%20artist:")) %>% paste0(radioplaylistuniektest$Artiest) %>% paste(c("&type=track&limit=1"), sep = "")
# Get track information#
lijstwijk <- lapply(urls, GET, simplifyMatrix=TRUE, flatten=TRUE, config = add_headers(authorization = authorization.header))
# Get trackuri from each response#
lijstwijkuri <- lapply(lijstwijk, function(item) content(item, as="parsed")$tracks$items[[1]]$uri)
Error in content(item, as = "parsed")$tracks$items[[1]] :
subscript out of bounds
When I remove the track URI from the response for a few songs, lets say for the first 5, everything goes well:
# Generate URLS #
radioplaylistuniektest <- radioplaylistuniek[1:5,]
urls <- list(c("")) %>% paste0(radioplaylistuniektest$Titel) %>% paste0(c("%20artist:")) %>% paste0(radioplaylistuniektest$Artiest) %>% paste(c("&type=track&limit=1"), sep = "")
# Get track information#
lijstwijk <- lapply(urls, GET, simplifyMatrix=TRUE, flatten=TRUE, config = add_headers(authorization = authorization.header))
# Get trackuri from each response#
lijstwijkuri <- lapply(lijstwijk, function(item) content(item, as="parsed")$tracks$items[[1]]$uri)
[1] "spotify:track:5Xhqe9xu6bKRSqLj1mS1SB"
[1] "spotify:track:21YxK0klhpfLW8budkJaMF"
[1] "spotify:track:468OIV1LzYrm3rluVKl8AU"
[1] "spotify:track:3yDhZq8f17SmumVmEyCaRN"
[1] "spotify:track:0IseLavjQ32B5wxYxWeuw5"
How to fix the subscript out of bounds error?
What is going wrong? How can i fix the subscript out of bounds error for extracting the spotify:track:xxxx part from each response?
Got the solution. So for anyone who is curious. This is how i fixed it:
# Unlist results #
responses <- unlist(lapply(lijstwijk, paste, collapse=" "))
# Results to dataframe #
responsesdf <-
# Get spotify:track string#
uriperurl <- data.frame(uri = str_extract(responsesdf$responses, "(spotify:track:)\\w+"))
I used the following code:
getGoogleURL <- function(search.term, domain = '', quotes=TRUE)
search.term <- gsub(' ', '%20', search.term)
if(quotes) search.term <- paste('%22', search.term, '%22', sep='')
getGoogleURL <- paste('', domain, '/search?q=',
search.term, sep='')
getGoogleLinks <- function(google.url)
doc <- getURL(google.url, httpheader = c("User-Agent" = "R(2.10.0)"))
html <- htmlTreeParse(doc, useInternalNodes = TRUE, error=function(...){})
nodes <- getNodeSet(html, "//a[#href][#class='l']")
return(sapply(nodes, function(x) x <- xmlAttrs(x)[[1]]))
search.term <- "cran"
quotes <- "FALSE"
search.url <- getGoogleURL(search.term=search.term, quotes=quotes)
links <- getGoogleLinks(search.url)
I would like to find all the links that resulted from my search and I get the following result:
> links
How can I get the links?
In addition I would like to get the headlines and summary of google results how can I get it?
And finally is there a way to get the links that resides in results?
If you look at the htmlvariable, you can see that the search result links all are nested in <h3 class="r"> tags.
Try to change your getGoogleLinks function to:
getGoogleLinks <- function(google.url) {
doc <- getURL(google.url, httpheader = c("User-Agent" = "R
html <- htmlTreeParse(doc, useInternalNodes = TRUE, error=function
nodes <- getNodeSet(html, "//h3[#class='r']//a")
return(sapply(nodes, function(x) x <- xmlAttrs(x)[["href"]]))
I created this function to read in a list of company names and then get the top website result for each. It will get you started then you can adjust it as needed.
#load data
d <-read.csv("P:\\needWebsites.csv")
c <- as.character(d$Company.Name)
# Function for getting website.
getWebsite <- function(name)
url = URLencode(paste0("",name))
page <- read_html(url)
results <- page %>%
html_nodes("cite") %>% # Get all notes of type cite. You can change this to grab other node types.
result <- results[1]
return(as.character(result)) # Return results if you want to see them all.
# Apply the function to a list of company names.
websites <- data.frame(Website = sapply(c,getWebsite))]
other solutions here don't work for me, here's my take on #Bryce-Chamberlain's issue which works for me in August 2019, it answers also another closed question : company name to URL in R
# install.packages("rvest")
get_first_google_link <- function(name, root = TRUE) {
url = URLencode(paste0("",name))
page <- xml2::read_html(url)
# extract all links
nodes <- rvest::html_nodes(page, "a")
links <- rvest::html_attr(nodes,"href")
# extract first link of the search results
link <- links[startsWith(links, "/url?q=")][1]
# clean it
link <- sub("^/url\\?q\\=(.*?)\\&sa.*$","\\1", link)
# get root if relevant
if(root) link <- sub("^(https?://.*?/).*$", "\\1", link)
companies <- data.frame(company = c("apple acres llc","abbvie inc","apple inc"))
companies <- transform(companies, url = sapply(company,get_first_google_link))
#> company url
#> 1 apple acres llc
#> 2 abbvie inc
#> 3 apple inc
Created on 2019-08-10 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)
The free solutions don't work anymore. Plus it doesn't allow you to search for regions outside your location. Here's a solution using Google Custom Search API. The API allows 100 free API calls per day. The function below returns only 10 results or page 1. 1 API call returns only 10 results.
Google.Search.API <- function(keyword, google.key,, country = "us")
# keyword = keywords[10]; country = "us"
url <- paste0(""
, "key=", google.key
, "&q=", gsub(" ", "+", keyword)
, "&gl=", country # Country
, "&hl=en" # Language from Browser, english
, "&cx=",
, "&fields=items(link)"
d2 <- url %>%
httr::GET(ssl.verifypeer=TRUE) %>%
httr::content(.) %>% .[["items"]] %>%
data.table::rbindlist(.) %>%
mutate(keyword, SERP = row_number(), search.engine = "Google API") %>%
rename(source = link) %>%
select(search.engine, keyword, SERP, source)
pause <- round(runif(1, min = 1.1, max = 5), 1)
if(nrow(d2) == 0)
{cat("\nPausing", pause, "seconds. Failed for:", keyword)} else
{cat("\nPausing", pause, "seconds. Successful for:", keyword)}
rm(keyword, country, pause, url, google.key,
I'm trying to pull some data from an API throw it all into a single data frame. I'm trying to put a variable into the URL I'm pulling from and then loop it to pull data from 54 keys. Here's what I have so far with notes.
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
url <- ""
### This gets me a list of 58 observations, I want to use this list to
### pull data for each using an API
raw.characters <- GET(url = url, path = "api/characters")
## Convert the results from unicode to a JSON
text.raw.characters <- rawToChar(raw.characters$content)
## Convert the JSON into an R object. Check the class of the object after
## it's retrieved and reformat appropriately
characters <- fromJSON(text.raw.characters)
## This pulls data for an individual character. I want to get one of
## these for all 58 characters by looping this and replacing the 1 in the
## URL path for every number through 58.
raw.bayonetta <- GET(url = url, path = "api/characters/1/detailedmoves")
text.raw.bayonetta <- rawToChar(raw.bayonetta$content)
bayonetta <- fromJSON(text.raw.bayonetta)
## This is the function I tried to create, but I get a lexical error when
## I call it, and I have no idea how to loop it.
move.pull <- function(x) {
char.x <- x
raw.x <- GET(url = url, path = cat("api/characters/",char.x,"/detailedmoves", sep = ""))
text.raw.x <- rawToChar(raw.x$content)
char.moves.x <- fromJSON(text.raw.x)
char.moves.x$id <- x
The first part of this:
base_url <- ""
res <- GET(url = base_url, path = "api/characters")
content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8") %>%
fromJSON(flatten=TRUE) %>%
as_tibble() -> chars
Gets you a data frame of the characters.
pb <- progress_estimated(length(chars$id))
map_df(chars$id, ~{
Sys.sleep(sample(seq(0.5, 2.5, 0.5), 1)) # be kind to the free API
res <- GET(url = base_url, path = sprintf("api/characters/%s/detailedmoves", .x))
content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8") %>%
fromJSON(flatten=TRUE) %>%
}, .id = "id") -> moves
Gets you a data frame of all the "moves" and adds the "id" for the character. You get a progress bar for free, too.
You can then either left_join() as needed or group & nest the moves data into a separate list-nest column. If you want that to begin with you can use map() vs map_df().
Leave in the time pause code. It's a free API and you should likely increase the pause times to avoid DoS'ing their site.