Appcelerator - include jar in build at compile-time? - jar

Since Appcelerator(/Hyperloop) doesn't use Gradle or Maven to manage dependencies, I need to include them all manually for my project by placing them in the app/platform/android folder. I have done this, however I also need to include google dagger ( which requires including dagger-compiler-2.x.jar , which I believe is an annotation processor that generates some type of code during compile-time.
Simply placing this in the app/platform/android folder like any other jar results in this error when the dexer is running during the build:
[ERROR] : Failed to run dexer:
[ERROR] : MethodHandle not supported
[ERROR] : ...while preparsing cst 016c at offset 00001ceb
[ERROR] : ...while parsing com/google/googlejavaformat/java/JavaInput.class
[ERROR] : 1 error; aborting
I think it has something to do with the part of the dagger instructions which state "you will need to include dagger-compiler-2.x.jar in your build at compile time." Is there somewhere else that I need to place this jar file to get it to be used properly? Or is the use of compile-time annotation processors not something that Appcelerator/Hyperloop supports at this time? Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated.

A good amount has changed since this question was asked. This being said, I believe that currently Hyperloop for Android doesn't handle annotations. And this is how dependency injection systems work, so I believe it's still not currently possible to use that or similar JARs.


cannot create luminus project with sqlite and clojurescript support

I am trying to create a luminus project with sqlite and cljs support with this command:
lein new dbscript +sqlite +cljs
but I keep getting this error message all the time:
Failed to resolve version for dbscript:lein-template:jar:RELEASE: Could not find metadata dbscript:lein-template/maven-metadata.xml in local (/home/jonas/.m2/repository)
Failed to read artifact descriptor for dbscript:lein-template:jar:RELEASE
This could be due to a typo in :dependencies, file system permissions, or network issues.
If you are behind a proxy, try setting the 'http_proxy' environment variable.
Could not find template dbscript on the classpath.
and I cannot find any solution to this. Any suggestions?

Android Studio 4 Build ERROR : Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'

Hello this is my first time make android program and found this error but the code not have an error point. the error message is below :
Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:_internal_aapt2_binary'.
Failed to transform aapt2-4.1.1-6503028-windows.jar ( to match attributes {artifactType=_internal-android-aapt2-binary, org.gradle.libraryelements=jar, org.gradle.status=release, org.gradle.usage=java-runtime}.
> Execution failed for Aapt2Extractor: C:\Users\lenovo.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\\aapt2\4.1.1-6503028\cc838ebadee3649d47e07d029371bc1054e2200d\aapt2-4.1.1-6503028-windows.jar.
> Unable to delete directory 'C:\Users\lenovo.gradle\caches\transforms-2\files-2.1\aa8b5888abc00f78a9403248465821cc'
Failed to delete some children. This might happen because a process has files open or has its working directory set in the target directory.
- C:\Users\lenovo.gradle\caches\transforms-2\files-2.1\aa8b5888abc00f78a9403248465821cc\aapt2-4.1.1-6503028-windows
can someone tell me how to fix it ?
i had same problem in linux
tried many ways and asked some question.
finally found out there is file missing named aap2 in build-tools
i couldn't find that file to place it in destination so i deleted whole file and re Download it with sdk manager and if it doesn't work too i guess u should try reinstall android studio
yes its not a good answer but it was all experience i had with this error.

sbt lagom template+InvalidRemoteException

I tried to follow the follow tutorial:
For generating the project scaffolding, I want to use the following template:
sbt new lagom/lagom-java.g8
But already receive the following error:
[error] org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.InvalidRemoteException: Invalid remote: origin
A bit frustrating at such early stage in the tutorial...
Any idea how to fix this?
Edit: the error is caused by:
[error] Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.errors.NoRemoteRepositoryException: https// not found.
Seems there is a :missing after https. How to fix?
Verify you have the prerequisites. Prerequisites documented here
I just followed the instructions and was unable to reproduce the error from the CLI using sbt version 1.1.1.
What version of sbt are you using?

OPAL-How to build code in Docker in local machine (faced compile error)?

I access code in Docker($docker pull mreif/fse2016:evaluation), the code could be compiled and run without errors in remote server. While i download it to local machine, i suffered some errors in compiling(using: sbt compile):
[error] (*:update) sbt.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: de.opal-project#abstract-interpretation-framework_2.11;0.9.0-SNAPSHOT: not
[What i have done] I added follow lines into "build.sbt":
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""
[error] evaluation/src/main/scala/org/opalj/evaluation/EntryPointAndCallEdgeCountAnalysis.scala:90: not found:
[What i have done] I added follow lines into "build.sbt":
libraryDependencies += "de.opal-project" % "fixpoint-computations-framework-analyses_2.11" % "0.9.0- SNAPSHOT"
3.[error] /src/main/scala/org/opalj/evaluation/EntryPointAndCallEdgeCountAnalysis.scala:130: not found: value LibraryEntryPointsAnalysis
I have checked the related code, LibraryEntryPointsAnalysis has been actually imported but doesn't work.
Could you please help me to confirm is there any operations i missed for compile the source code?
Thank you very much!
The reason why it is not working is a version mismatch of the OPAL framework. The reason why it doesn't find the "LibraryEntryPointAnalysis" is, that it has been renamed.
You have to options:
Use the version of OPAL that is used in the Docker container
make a check out of OPAL at from version tag "ArtifactEvaluationFSE2016"
copy OPAl from the container like you did with the evaluation project
Adapt the Evaluation Project to the new API
the LibraryEntryPointsAnalysis is now called EntryPointAnalysis
there are probably other breaking changes that you have to fix
If you want to go with option one you have to build OPAL on your own because the eval version is not published on maven.

Error in Groovy installation

I have install Groovy 2.1.1 in my unix box. While executing groovysh getting the below error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: error:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: error:
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Could not find the main class: error:. Program will exit.
What could be the possible root cause for this error...???
Somewhere, you try to use the class error: (and yes, Groovy thinks that the colon is part of the class name), either in the script you execute (i.e. there must be new error: somewhere) or you wrote something like groovysh error: or you import error: (maybe indirectly)
Since you are using IBM J9, according to the Grails FAQ, the J9 need an argument to work well with Groovy, otherwise you may get a NoClassDefFound error:
Add -Xverify:none to JVM arguments
Download Groovy Binary From
Download zip: Binary Release
Extract Local Disk say D;\GROOVY\ groovy-2.3.9
It contains the Folder Structure
Go to Control Panel\User Accounts\User Accounts  Change My Environment Variables
Set/new GROOVY_HOME = D:\GROOVY\groovy-2.3.9 (don’t put : semicolon)
Set PATH = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin;%GROOVY_HOME%\bin;
Add groovy-all.jar to CLASSPATH
D:\ GROOVY\ \groovy-2.3.9\embeddable\groovy-all-2.3.9.jar;.
Close and Open Command and Say –groovy
For console -groovyConsole
