How to control scroll bars in Angular UI Grid - css

I'm using Angular UI Grid in a project. The grid sizes itself so that all the columns fit horizontally in a div.
This works great, until there are more rows than fit on one screen. Then, a vertical scroll bar comes up (good), which covers part of the last column (bad). Horizontal scroll bars can be enabled to reach those last 20 or so px, but when you scroll horizontally, the header cells don't scroll. This throws everything out of alignment.
Since the grid was perfectly sized before the scroll bar, there should not be a need for the horizontal scroll bar. But the way the scroll bar covers the content means that without it, you can't see anything that might be in the right 20 or so px.
I need to fix this. Here are some solutions I have looked into implementing, unsuccessfully:
Find some way to know if there is a vertical scroll bar and add padding or margin somewhere to push in the content of both the header cell and the data cell, to keep things in alignment. I haven't found an easy way to grab the container who may or may not have a scroll bar and then I think the logic to ask it if it has a scroll bar would be brittle. Plus, just playing around with adding padding where I think it should go did not effectively push over the content.
Find a way to let the container with the scroll bar push outside of the grid when it has a scroll bar. This has basically the same issue as #1 in that that guy is pretty slippery.
Find a way to replace the scroll bar with my own. It seems that there is someone who did a branch that lets you do this with a specific library, but we are tied to a specific commit of UI Grid and adding libraries takes an act of congress.

How you can know if there is a vertical scrollbar :
If you haven't customized the rows with a rowTemplate, then you might be having a rowHeight of 30px (if not please inspect).
var dataRowHeight = (numberOfRows * 30) + padding (if you have);
var gridElementHeight = angular.element("#my-ui-grid-div-id")[0].offsetHeight;
if (dataRowHeight > gridElementHeight) {
// you have a verticalscrollbar
Safe side : specify width for all columns by % and leave 1% behind for the scrollbar.
Ugly side : Get the width of the 'viewport', loop through and calculate the actual pixels from your provided percentage for all columns, if you detect a vertical scrollbar using the technique above, leave 15px behind.


Clarity Card Fill to Screen Height

Using Clarity and Angular 6, I have a card in the main content area that I'd like to have fill the length of the current view (no more, no less). The only way I found that comes close is to set the height to "-webkit-fill-available" (only using Chrome right now).
The problem with this is that there seems to be a tiny bit of space at the bottom that's causing the content area to show a scroll bar.
Ideally I'd like to never see a scrollbar in the content area and make all the content fit within the current screen height.
Here is a stackblitz example that demonstrates the problem.
Your solution is not a standard and would not work on IE/Edge, and might not work well with Safari per
You could try giving it a height: calc(100vh - 5.5rem);, which gives the card a height of the view port, but subtracts the heights of the header bar and margins of the card and content areas. Ultimately, to use CSS to calculate heights you need to know what other elements are on the page and calculate against those known heights, or else you'd have to do something with JavaScript to inspect the elements of the page to find the available space.

How to make a simple top navigation bar wrap gracefully at all screen dimensions with only CSS?

I am trying to do something that should be simple but is apparently not so. I just want to make a simple single line navigation bar using a list tag. Thats fine, I can do it. The problem is making it wrap gracefully and still keep the same layout when it needs to appear over multiple rows due to not enough horizontal browser space.
As I say, I'm using a list tag and I have the ride side border of each LI item with a visible vertical line to make the divider appear. The final item I am not shwoing that with a last-child pseudo class. Its important that the far left and right buttons DON'T have vertical borders. This is clear in the top image.
The UL tag itself also has a top/bottom border line visible and in the first demo in the image you can see this clearly.
So now what happens when the menu bar wraps... well there there are 2 key problems...
1) The main issue is that when the menu wraps I can't think of a way to make the new MIDDLE horizontal line appear [shown in red in the 2nd image]
2) Multiple list items now don't need a right side border value. In the example 2 list items don't need a right side border. This could grow to 3 though for some screen displays.
Does anyone have any ideas for resolving this?
Note that I am trying to make the menu wrap naturally, not at fixed pixel break points as its so unreliable for something like this with different pixel density screens and font zooms in certain browsers.

gwt ScrollPanel in TabPanel: no vertical scrollbar

I have fixed the whitespace behaviour by resizing components within the VerticalPanel, that seem to have had an effect on the panel's dimension somehow missed by the console. I don't quite understand how.
However, I am still stuck with none of my panels showing vertical scroll bars.
In a GWT project, I have the following structure:
North (header)
Center (body)
South (footer)
-Several widgets-
My problems are with the ScrollPanel in the TabPanel, which in itself contains a VerticalPanel containing several widgets. This is true for each Tab in the TabPanel.
My problem is that, while the width's for all containers in SplitLayoutPanel$2's center have 100% width, the ScrollPanel contains a horizontal scrollbar with a considerable white area next to it's VerticalPanel, while they are in absolute metrics the same size.
Illustrating the situation
This is the TabPanel, with ScrollPanel, and VerticalPanel. Notice how the horizontal scrollbar exists, while the TabPanel, ScrollPanel and VerticalPanel have the same width. Scrolling to the right yields a white area.
The ScrollPanel and VerticalPanel all sport an absolute width of 598px. The West component of the DockLayoutPanel has a size of 600, so that matches. Also notice how bringing up the developer console has made the scrollbar disappear. In fact, the entire panel has disappeared behind it, and no vertical scrollbar pops up.
When scrolling the bar to the right, the VerticalPanel gets partially placed off screen, and the ScrollPanel shows this whitespace. Obviously, I don't want the whitespace to be there, so there won't be need for a scrollbar at all. All panels in this situation still have the same width: 598px. Resizing the SplitLayoutPanel, using the border to the right, increases these values (obviously), but the panels do still share equal width and the whitespace remains the same size, while I'd expect it to get wider too.
The second tab contains a load of text, which continues off the screen, but no scrollbars appear.
Problem conclusion
No vertical scrollbars
A horizontal scrollbar with some magically summoned whitespace
Compontents claim to have equal width
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Have tried resizing the VerticalPanel to 90 or 80% width. The whitespace seems unaffected and it shows that 100% really covers the visible width and not more.
TabPanel (at least the one from GWT proper) resizes from the inside-out: its size varies depending on the size of the selected tab. So your ScrollPanel will never have a vertical scrollbar unless you explicitly give it a size, and your content is actually overflowing the layer of the SplitLayoutPanel you put the TabPanel in.
Layout panels, such as TabLayoutPanel, on the other hand resize from the outside-in: the SplitLayoutPanel would set the size of the TabLayoutPanel in its center region, and the TabLayoutPanel would in turn set the size of the ScrollPanel, so if the content of the ScrollPanel overflows, a vertical scrollbar appears.
First Point : Don't mix and match layout panels and non - layout panels.
Second Point : If you want proper resizing and scrollbars, always try to mention width and height in percentages.
I see that you have mentioned width to be 100%. But what about the height?
What I suggest for you is,
Change TabPanel to TabLayoutPanel
Set all the panels height throughout the heirarchy as 100%

Avoiding nested scrollbars

I'm hoping someone can suggest a UI that I've actually never seen used.
I've got a lot of data that needs to be displayed in a fixed height scrolling div and to make it more palatable, the client wants sub-data to be displayed in an accordian div that can be expanded and closed.
The problem is that the sub-data is also potentially lengthy and requires a fixed header so that the user understands what's in each column. Please see the fiddle:
You'll have to use your imagination a little, but consider the grey bars as headers on expandable divs and the one labled as "Expanded" is a header that's been clicked, showing its contents. (Note that expanding one header toggles closed any open div.)
The black bar is the data header and the yellow content is the data.
Is there a way to make the black bar "stick" to the top of the scrolling window so it's always visible when the user navigates down the yellow content? Note that it shouldn't appear over the top of any grey headers, so only needs to stick to the top of the scrolling window if the user scrolls down to see more yellow data.
And if not, is there a better way to ensure that the black header is always visible above the yellow data?
Oh, and I don't want to nest scrollbars, obviously!
Hope this makes sense!
Give the yellow data div a fixed height and overflow-y:auto.
ive also remove overflow:scroll on the outer
Well, Don't know if there is a better way, but one way (I would think of) to do it is using jQuery scroll, than attaching the black bar classes according to the position of the screen using window.pageYOffset and window.scrollTo(0, y).
I guess you might have 3 cases:
The black bar is under the top of the screen - show it as usual.
The black bar is above the top of the screen, and it's div is is the screen - use position: fixed;
The black bar is above as well as it's div - same as 1.
sorry, but I don't have the time now to write the code up but if you'll choose to do it this way i'll be happy to help.
Good luck anyhow!

Creating a floating scrollbar in Flex

I'm trying to create a floating horizontal scrollbar that will follow the screen as the user scrolls vertically. I have a datagrid that is not scrollable vertically, but horizontally (there's a lot of columns). The container that the grid is in is scrollable vertically. Right now when the user wants to scroll horizontally, they have to go all the way down to the bottom of the page, scroll left/right, then go back up to where they were.
What I'd like to do is having the horizontal scroll bar on the grid float along the grid as they scroll up and down, so it will be visible at all times. Any ideas how this can be done?
This sort of thing was somewhat common with the constraint system from Halo, so I wouldn't be all that surprised if there were still artifacts of this left over in various spots. Essentially what happens is the control in question doesn't really understand that it's part of a constrained container and that it should fit within those bounds, instead it maximizes the container to make the container fit to itself (which is why you'd have to scroll to the maximum vertical -usually of the container to see the horizontal scroll -of the control).
In cases like this, a common work around was instead of setting the offending metric (ie width, height) to a percent layout, we would typically bind it to it's immediate parent or something similar.
Ex (psuedo-code):
<HGroup id="hgroup" width="100%" height="100%">
<DataGrid height="{hgroup.height}" .... />
I'd try to fix the offending part first though, one thing to try is to turn off scrolling for the container, and allow the control to scroll.
