How does lexical scoping with recursive iterators work? - recursion

This particular example function is in Lua, but I think the main concepts are true for any language with lexical scoping, first-class functions, and iterators.
Code Description (TL;DR -- see code):
The code below defines an iterator constructor which merely defines a local value and returns an iterator function.
This iterator function, when run, uses the local value from the constructor and increases that value by 1. It then runs itself recursively until the value reaches 5, then adds 1 to the value and returns the number 5. If it's run again, it will run itself recursively until the value reaches 20 or higher, then it returns nil, which is the signal for the loop to stop.
I then run an outer loop using the iterator provided by the constructor, which will run the body of the loop when the iterator returns a value (5). In the body of the outer loop I put an inner loop that also uses an iterator provided by the constructor.
The program should run the body of the loop once (when the value in the outer loop iterator hits 5) and then run the inner loop completely (letting the inner loop value hit 20), then return back to the outer loop and run it until it finishes.
function iterConstr()
local indexes = {0}
function iter()
indexes[1] = indexes[1] + 1
if indexes[1] == 5 then
indexes[1] = indexes[1] + 1
return 5
elseif indexes[1]>=21 then
return nil
print("returning next one")
return iter()
return iter
for val in iterConstr() do
for newVal in iterConstr() do
print("big switch")
The behavior I did not expect is that the value from the inner loop and outer loop seem to be linked together. When focus is returned to the outer loop after running through the inner loop, it runs with the expected next value for the outer loop (6), but then instead of iterating and incrementing up to 20, it instead jumps immediately to 21, which is where the inner loop ended!
Can anyone help explain why this bizarre behavior occurs?

I believe your problem lies on line 3 - you declare iter as a global function instead of a local one, which makes it accessible from any Lua chunk. Changing that line to local function iter() corrects this behaviour. I think therefore that this is more of an issue with the developer applying lexical scoping than with lexical scoping itself :)


I'm getting the following error: "top-level scope at ./REPL[1]:4" when I run my julia program

So here's the code I was trying to execute in Julia:
i = begin
i = 5
It's just basically a simple code to print the value of i from 5 to 10 but it's messing with me
Are you in the REPL? What you are probably running into is that begin does not introduce its own scope, so i = 5 declares i as a global variable. Because while does introduce its own scope, if you do println(i), it only looks for i in its local scope where it is not defined, because i exists only as a global variable. You can add a line global i at the beginning of the body of the while loop to tell all code after that to use the global i, but note that global variables come with their own performance caveats. An arguably better solution would be to use let instead of begin, which does introduce a new scope, but note that then you can of course not access i afterwards, because it is now only local to the let block.
This behavior will actually be changed in the upcoming release of Julia 1.5, so your code should then just work.
Your issue is scope. When you enter into a loop, variables created inside the loop are local to the loop and destroyed after it exits. i is not currently defined inside your while loop, so you get the error. The quick fix is to tell Julia you want the loop to have access to the global i variable you defined at the top by adding global i immediately after the while statement. You also don't need the begin block, and naming the block i is immediately overwritten by the next statement defining i.

Julia #distributed: subsequent code run before all workers finish

I have been headbutting on a wall for a few days around this code:
using Distributed
using SharedArrays
# Dimension size
z_ijw = zeros(Float64,M,N,M)
z_ijw_tmp = SharedArray{Float64}(M*M*N)
i2s = CartesianIndices(z_ijw)
#distributed for iall=1:(M*M*N)
# get index
# Assign function value
z_ijw_tmp[iall]=sqrt(i+j+w) # Any random function would do
# Print the last element of the array
The first printed out number is always 0, the second number is either 0 or 10.95... (sqrt of 120, which is correct). The 3rd is either 0 or 10.95 (if the 2nd is 0)
So it appears that the print code (#mainthread?) is allowed to run before all the workers finish. Is there anyway for the print code to run properly the first time (without a wait command)
Without multiple println, I thought it was a problem with scope and spend a few days reading about it #.#
#distributed with a reducer function, i.e. #distributed (+), will be synced, whereas #distributed without a reducer function will be started asynchronously.
Putting a #sync in front of your #distributed should make the code behave the way you want it to.
This is also noted in the documentation here:
Note that without a reducer function, #distributed executes asynchronously, i.e. it spawns independent tasks on all available workers and returns immediately without waiting for completion. To wait for completion, prefix the call with #sync

Julia: local in module scope

When generating a not explicitly generated version of a function, #ngenerate runs
local _F_
$localfunc # Definition of _F_ for the requested value of N
Since eval runs in the scope of the current module, not the function, I wonder what is the effect of local in this context. As far as I know, the languange documentation only mentions the use of local inside function definitions.
To give some background why this question arose: I frequently need to code loops of the form
function foo(n::Int)
s::Int = 0
for i in 1:1000000000
for j in 1:n
s += 1
return s
where n <= 10 (of course, in my actual code the loops are such that they cannot just be reduced to O(1)). Because this code is very simple for the compiler but demanding at runtime, it turns out to be beneficial to simply recompile the loops with the required value of n each time foo is called.
function clever_foo(n::Int)
function clever_foo_impl()
s::Int = 0
for i in 1:1000000000
s += $(Expr(:call,:+,[1 for j in 1:n]...))
return s
return clever_foo_impl()
However, I am not sure whether I am doing this the right way.
It's to prevent _F_ from being visible in the global method cache.
If you'll call clever_foo with the same n repeatedly, you can do even better by saving the compiled function in a Dict. That way you don't have to recompile it each time.

Tail Recursions in erlang

I'm learning Erlang from the very basic and have a problem with a tail recursive function. I want my function to receive a list and return a new list where element = element + 1. For example, if I send [1,2,3,4,5] as an argument, it must return [2,3,4,5,6]. The problem is that when I send that exact arguments, it returns [[[[[[]|2]|3]|4]|5]|6].
My code is this:
List = [1,2,3,4,5],
sum_list_2([Head|Tail], Result)->
sum_list_2(Tail,[Result|Head +1]);
sum_list_2([], Result)->
However, if I change my function to this:
sum_list_2([Head|Tail], Result)->
sum_list_2(Tail,[Head +1|Result]);
sum_list_2([], Result)->
It outputs [6,5,4,3,2] which is OK. Why the function doesn't work the other way around([Result|Head+1] outputing [2,3,4,5,6])?
PS: I know this particular problem is solved with list comprehensions, but I want to do it with recursion.
For this kind of manipulation you should use list comprehension:
1> L = [1,2,3,4,5,6].
2> [X+1 || X <- L].
it is the fastest and most idiomatic way to do it.
A remark on your fist version: [Result|Head +1] builds an improper list. the construction is always [Head|Tail] where Tail is a list. You could use Result ++ [Head+1] but this would perform a copy of the Result list at each recursive call.
You can also look at the code of lists:map/2 which is not tail recursive, but it seems that actual optimization of the compiler work well in this case:
inc([H|T]) -> [H+1|inc(T)];
inc([]) -> [].
The internal and hidden representation of a list looks like a chained list. Each element contains a term and a reference to the tail. So adding an element on top of the head does not need to modify the existing list, but adding something at the end needs to mutate the last element (the reference to the empty list is replaced by a reference to the new sublist). As variables are not mutable, it needs to make a modified copy of the last element which in turn needs to mutate the previous element of the list and so on. As far as I know, the optimizations of the compiler do not make the decision to mutate variable (deduction from the the documentation).
The function that produces the result in reverse order is a natural consequence of you adding the newly incremented element to the front of the Result list. This isn't uncommon, and the recommended "fix" is to simply list:reverse/1 the output before returning it.
Whilst in this case you could simply use the ++ operator instead of the [H|T] "cons" operator to join your results the other way around, giving you the desired output in the correct order:
sum_list_2([Head|Tail], Result)->
sum_list_2(Tail, Result ++ [Head + 1]);
doing so isn't recommended because the ++ operator always copies it's (increasingly large) left hand operand, causing the algorithm to operate in O(n^2) time instead of the [Head + 1 | Tail] version's O(n) time.

Confusion with ' operator and bracketing where (v')*v becomes Ac_mul_B despite overloading

I am playing around with the idea of CoVectors in Julia and am getting some behaviour I didn't expect from the parser/compiler. I have defined a new CoVector type that is the ctranspose of any vector, and is just a simple decoration:
type CoVector{T<:AbstractVector}
They can be created (and uncreated) with ' using ctranspose:
import Base.ctranspose
function CoVector(T::DataType,d::Integer=0)
return CoVector(Array(T,d))
function Base.ctranspose(cv::CoVector)
return cv.v
function Base.ctranspose(v::AbstractVector)
return CoVector(v)
function Base.ctranspose(v::Vector) # this is already specialized in Base
return CoVector(v)
Next I want to define a simple dot product
function *(x::CoVector,y::AbstractVector)
return dot(x.v,y)
Which can work fine for:
v = [1,2,3]
cv = v'
returns 14, and cv is a CoVector. But if I do
(v') * v
I get something different! In this case it is a single element array containing 14. How come parenthesis doesn't work how I expect?
In the end we see the expression gets expanded to Ac_mul_B which defaults to [dot(A,B)] and it seems that this interpretation is defined at the "operator" level.
Is this expected behaviour? Can Julia completely ignore my bracketing and change the expression as it wants? In Julia I like that I can override things in Base but is it also possible to make self-consistent changes to how operators are applied? I see the expression doesn't have head call but Symbol call... does this change in Julia 0.4? (I read somewhere that call is becoming more universal).
I guess I can fix the problem by redefining Ac_mul_B but I was very surprised that it was called at all, given my above definitions.
