Disabled button is hidden when disabled - css

I'm dealing with an issue that shows up for people using Chrome 60.0.3112.90 where changing the disabled attribute of a button, hides it.
I've created a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example where you can click the + button to toggle the disabled attribute.
The element is still present in the DOM
The element doesn't have display: none set
If you zoom out and zoom in again (Ctrl and scroll) it shows again
If you add a margin or padding attribute to the wrap div, it appears again
Removing the overflow: hidden seems to solve the problem, but I'd rather not do it, because the text on the buttons will overlap (in my real setup). I've tried replacing it with overflow-x: hidden, but to no avail.
Why does this happen?
What can I do instead of removing overflow: hidden?

I'm not entirely sure why this is happening, but I've run across randomly disappearing elements before (usually along with position: fixed) and using translateZ(0) on the element will cause the browser to repaint it, making sure it doesn't disappear.
.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.b = true;
div.wrap {
width: 50px;
button {
overflow: hidden;
transform: translateZ(0);
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/twitter-bootstrap/2.0.4/css/bootstrap-combined.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.6.0/angular.min.js"></script>
<body ng-app="App">
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl" >
<div class="wrap">
<button class="btn btn-mini pull-left">A</button>
<button class="btn btn-mini pull-right" ng-disabled="b">B</button>
<button ng-click="b=!b">+</button>


Scroll only one part of horizontal row keeping the other fixed

<div class="xxx">
<div class="xyz" ng-repeat="item in formList">
<div ng-show="formList.indexOf(app)!= -1" class="added-item">
<img class="col-md-6 added-item-icon" ng-src="app.iconFile"/>
<div class="abc" ng-hide="formList.length>20">
<button class="btn" ng-click="addItem()">
Add<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i>
.xxx {
height: 80px;
.added-item-icon, .abc {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
I'm not good in css, and have only very basic knowledge
I am trying to add some list of items in a horizontal tab of height 80 and width 500 pixels, also an add app button too
As per the code, the add app button disappear when we add the 20th app
what I need to do is, lets say the xxx div(horizontal div) can have 5 items, after which overflow occurs
I want to set the overflow horizontal, not vertical
also at that stage(when 5 items are added), I want to fix the add app button at the very right of the division xxx, and the scroll due to overflow should not affect that button, it should be fixed there
we doesn't need to care more about the size of the item icons or add button,
Please help
For this you'll want to look into using flexbox. To get this working, all you really need to do is add display: flex; flex-direction: column to your container, and then overflow-y: auto to the section you want to scroll.
Heres a Plunker demonstrating it.

Bootstrap Modal sitting behind backdrop

So I'm having nearly the exact same problem as #Jamescoo was but I think that my issue is coming from the fact that I have already positioned a couple of DIVs to create a sliding nav panel.
Here's my exact setup replicated: http://jsfiddle.net/ZBQ8U/2/
BONUS: Feel free to grab the code for the sliding panel if you'd like :)
The z-indexes shouldn't conflict and their values would show that they are stacking correctly, but visually they are not.
Once you click the 'Open Modal' button the <div class="modal-backdrop fade in"></div> covers everything! (you'll have to re-run the code to reset it)
I don't know quite how to remedy this one...Any ideas?
Just move the entire modal outside of the rest of your code, to the very bottom. It doesn't need to be nested in any other element, other than the body.
<!-- All other HTML -->
<!-- Modal -->
<div class="modal fade" id="myModal">
They hint at this solution in the documentation.
Modal Markup Placement
Always try to place a modal's HTML code in a top-level position in your document to avoid other components
affecting the modal's appearance and/or functionality.
In my case, I could fix it by adding css for the .modal-backdrop
.modal-backdrop {
z-index: -1;
Although this works, form controls still seem to appear above the backdrop, clicking anywhere dismisses the modal, but it doesn't look great.
A better workaround for me is to bind to the shown event (once the page is loaded) and to correct the z-index property.
$('.modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function() {
$(this).css("z-index", parseInt($('.modal-backdrop').css('z-index')) + 1);
In this case, if you are OK with changing the DOM on modal shown:
$('.modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function() {
//Make sure the modal and backdrop are siblings (changes the DOM)
//Make sure the z-index is higher than the backdrop
$(this).css("z-index", parseInt($('.modal-backdrop').css('z-index')) + 1);
Although the z-index of the .modal is higher than that of the .modal-backdrop, that .modal is in a parent div #content-wrap which has a lower z-index than .modal-backdrop (z-index: 1002 vs z-index: 1030).
Because the parent has lower z-index than the .modal-backdrop everything in it will be behind the modal, irrespective of any z-index given to the children.
If you remove the z-index you have set on both the body div#fullContainer #content-wrap and also on the #ctrlNavPanel, everything seems to work ok.
body div#fullContainer #content-wrap {
background: #ffffff;
bottom: 0;
box-shadow: -5px 0px 8px #000000;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
#ctrlNavPanel {
background: #333333;
bottom: 0;
box-sizing: content-box;
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 250px;
NOTE: I think that you may have initially used z-indexes on the #content-wrap and #ctrlNavPanel to ensure the nav sits behind, but that's not necessary because the nav element comes before the content-wrap in the HTML, so you only need to position them, not explicitly set a stacking order.
As Schmalzy picked up on, the links are no longer clickable. This is because the full-container is 100% wide and so covers the navigation. The quickest way to fix this is to place the navigation inside that div:
<div id="fullContainer">
<aside id="ctrlNavPanel">
<ul class="nav-link-list">
<li><span class="fa fa-lg fa-home"></span> Home</li>
<li><a><span class="fa fa-lg fa-group"></span>About Us</a></li>
<li><a><span class="fa fa-lg fa-book"></span> Contacts</a></li>
<div id="content-wrap">
None of the answers worked well enough for me.
The problem appeared to lie where the modal windows needs to be outside of the body.and it is not best
So this code done the job just prefectly:
$('.modal ').insertAfter($('body'));
$('#product_' + product_id + ' .modal ').insertAfter($('body'));
I'm wary of moving the modal content outside its original context: other JS or styles might depend on that context.
However, I doubt there are any scripts or styles that require a specific context for the backdrop.
So my solution is to move the backdrop adjacent to the modal content, forcing it into the same stacking context:
$(document).on('shown.bs.modal', '.modal', function () {
It's only a slight deviation from jacoswarts' solution, so thanks for the inspiration!
Try remove the backdrop, if you don't realy need it (data-backdrop= "false"):
<div class="modal fade" data-backdrop="false" role="dialog" id="my-modal" aria-labelledby="modal-title">
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3 class="modal-title" id="modal-title">No Backdrop</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
Look! No backdrop here!
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary">Ok</button> </div>
I know it is late, I encountered the same problem but I had to hack it out as below;
.modal-backdrop {
/* bug fix - no overlay */
display: none;
/* bug fix - custom overlay */
background-color: rgba(10,10,10,0.45);
I was fighting with the same problem some days... I found three posible solutions, but i dont know, which is the most optimal, if somebody tell me, i will be grateful.
the modifications will be in bootstrap.css
Option 1:
.modal-backdrop {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 1040; <- DELETE THIS LINE
background-color: #000000;
Option 2:
.modal-backdrop {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: -1; <- MODIFY THIS VALUE BY -1
background-color: #000000;
Option 3:
.modal-backdrop.fade.in {
z-index: -1;
I used the option 2.
In my case one of parents of my modal was animated and had this
.animated {
-webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
animation-duration: 1s;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;
animation-fill-mode: both;
z-index: 100;
The blocker here is animation-fill-mode: both;. I could not just move modal outside, so the solution was to override 'animation-fill-mode' to animation-fill-mode: none;. Animation still worked fine.
Another resolution for this problem is to add z-index: 0; to .modal-backdrop class in your bootstrap-dialog.css file if you don't want to modify bootstrap.css.
if we cannot delete backdrop and/or we have component framework such angular or vue we cannot move modal to the root. i did this trick: put my custom modal-backdrop container(with aditional class) as sibling for modal-dialog container and added some css
<div bsModal #moneyModal="bs-modal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">
<!-- magic container-->
<div class="modal-holder modal-backdrop" (click)="moneyModal.hide()"></div>
<div class="modal-dialog modal-sm" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-body">
and css
.modal-backdrop{z-index: -1}// or you can disable modal-backdrop
.modal-holder.modal-backdrop{z-index: 100}
.modal-holder + .modal-dialog {z-index: 1000}
You could use this :
class="modal fade stick-up disable-scroll"
style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);" data-backdrop="false"
Adding style="" and data-backdrop false would fix it.
For those using ASP.NET MVC,
Needing to move the modal div just before the </body> tag but can't do it because you are using a Layout page
Define a section in you _Layout.cshtml file just before the body tag, eg:
... some html in layout page ...
#RenderSection("bottomHTML", required: false)
Then in your view
#section bottomHTML
<div class="modal fade" id="myModalID" role="dialog" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="demo-default-modal" aria-hidden="true">
... rest of the modal div HTML ...
This way, the modal HTML will be rendered before the body tag and the modal now should be displayed correctly..
If you use JQuery, you can use the appendTo() to append the modal to a specific element, in this case, the , in most case, a simple one line can move your modal on top of the backdrop regardless where your modal div's position
here's the reference of the JQuery appendTo function:
I updated it to your fiddle
Just remove the backdrop, insert this code in your css file
.modal-backdrop {
/* bug fix - no overlay */
display: none;
The problem persists if any ancestor of the [.modal] element has CSS property z-index set.
The [.modal] element inherits the CSS z-index from that container element.
While the [.modal-backdrop] is inserted into the [body] element dynamically from jQuery code, which has default z-index: 1040 from bootstrap.css.
I came out with two way CSS solution, is better than changing any other behavior of the default event and element.
Set the z-index: 1041 or higher value for the parent element of the [.modal], that ancestor element is causing the [.modal] is underneath the [.modal-backdrop].
Set the z-index: 1039 or lower value for the [.modal-backdrop] in CSS file, if available. Because the HTML [.modal-backdrop] is not available in your code.
[Note: the CSS z-index property may require using !important flag]
[Note: default z-index: 1040 for [.modal-backdrop] is completely depended on bootstrap.css]
just remove z-index: 1040;
from this file bootstrap.css class .modal-backdrop
I was missing the follow html
<div class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel">
added it and worked without problems
Since I don't have the chance to move the modal markup since i added it in a partial template within a conditional what worked for me is add CSS bellow
.modal.fade {
display: none;
Then, when boostrap add class "in" through js apply display: block and everything works fine.
I Found that applying ionic framework (ionic.min.cs) after bootstrap coursing this issue for me.
If you can't put the modal to the root (if your use angular and the modal is in a controller for example), modifying bootstrap or using js is obviously a bad solution.
so saying you have your website structure:
//not working
open your code inspector and move the modal to the root, it should be working (but no where you want):
//should be working
now put it in the first div and check if it's working: if yes check the next child until it's not working and find the div that is the problem;
//should be working
Once you know which div is the problem you can play with the css display and position to make it work.
everyone has a different structure but in my case setting a parent to display: table; was the solution
Put this code wherever you want
$('.modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
var max_index = null;
$('.modal.fade.in').not($(this)).each(function (index , value){
if(max_index< parseInt( $(this).css("z-index")))
max_index = parseInt( $(this).css("z-index"));
if (max_index != null) $(this).css("z-index", max_index + 1);
Many times , you cannot move the modal outside as this affects your design structure.
The reason the backdrop comes above your modal is id the parent has any position set.
A very simple way to solve the problem other then moving your modal outside is move the backdrop inside structure were you have your modal. In your case, it could be
Note that this solution is applicable if you have a definite strucure for your application and you cant just move the modal outside as it will go against the design structure
just move your modal outside of all div contents, place it mostly prior to closing of body.
First make sure the modal is not in any parent div.
Then add
It worked fine for me.
In Addition to all answers here, i found out, that the bootstrap4 "animated fadeIn" is also causing this error (not clickable modal behind background):
check if your modal is in the following parent tag (bootstrap animation)
<div class="animated fadeIn"></div>
I removed this tag - solved the problem for me.
this works for me.
<div class="modal fade" id="modalDecision" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true" data-backdrop="false">
<div class="modal-dialog modal-sm">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-body text-center">
<asp:Label runat="server" Height="30px">Please select recovery delivery option</asp:Label>
<asp:LinkButton ID="btnEmail" CssClass="submit btn btn-primary" Width="100px" runat="server"
<asp:LinkButton ID="btnText" CssClass="submit btn btn-primary" Width="100px" runat="server"
var element = $('#modalDecision');
// also taken from bootstrap 3 docs
$(element).on('shown.bs.modal', function (e) {
// keep in mind this only works as long as Bootstrap only supports 1 modal at a time, which is the case in Bootstrap 3 so far...
var backDrop = $("<div class='modal-backdrop' style='z-index:-1;opacity:.5'></div>");
i encountred this problem, and after investigating my css, the main container (direct child of the body) had:
position: relative
z-index: 1
the backdrop worked well after i removed those two properties. You may also encounter this problem if the main wraper have a position: fixed
I had a similar problem that the fade was not working and the overlay stayed on the page.
I had dynamic content added back to the page (refresh on some content only on modal action).
I also had this $('#rejectModal-'+itemId).modal('hide') (itemId is dynamic id for multiple modals in a single page for rejecting some information) but the problem was still not gone.
The overlay was staying because my layout was not set to null in the partial view
After setting this the problem was gone:
Layout = null;
if you have nested modals this is the clue :
$('body').on('shown.bs.modal', '.modal', function (e) {
$(this).css("z-index", parseInt($('.modal-backdrop').css('z-index')) + 1);

CSS Bootstrap: Auto resize input field and button

I have a a text type input field, and I have a button for "Search". I would like these 2 objects to be horizontally aligned; with the button being as big as it wants to be, and the input field taking up the rest of the space. I have been trying with CSS all day, but with no avail.
I am using RoR, and employing the Bootstrap library. I was wondering if there was anything out of the box that would make this work. I have also tried using flexboxes, but the input field seems to have a mind of its own. Below is the problematic code.
<div class="mini-layout fluid">
<div class="mini-layout-body">
<div class="mini-layout-sidebar">
<div class="search_container">
<input id="search_shows_text" type="text" class="search-query">
<button id="search_shows_button"
type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Search</button>
I've been able to get the search_container class to lay things out horizontally, but getting its children to resize appropriately has managed to escape me all day.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT Thanks to Krishnan and the SO community I got the solution working. Below is the code for anyone else.
margin-top: 5px;
width: 55%; //Change as per your requirement
display: inline-block;
margin: auto;
width: 25%; //Change as per your requirement
margin: auto;
By default bootstrap have width set to 206px for text area and 71px for submit button. So in order to make it accomodate your requirements you have to override those default properties. I would probably do something like this.
create a class text_area with custom property
width: 85%; //Change as per your requirement
create a class but_area with custom property
width: 10%; //Change as per your requirement
And would use it in input text area and button.
<input id="search_shows_text" type="text" class="search-query text_area">
<button id="search_shows_button"
type="submit" class="btn btn-primary but_area">Search</button>
It will make my text area to occupy 85% of the space and button to occupy 10% space in my window and remaining 5% of space is left free.

CSS overflow help needed - For jquery collpase

I'm using twitter bootstrap. It has collapse module.
I'm using it like this.
<a class="dropdown" style="float: right;" href="#collpasediv" data-toggle="collapse"> Collapse </a>
This is the collpasediv
<div id="collpasediv" class="collapse in">
<div class"circlecount">
<div class"content">
Some text goes here
I would like to move half of the circle of circlecount outside the collapsediv.
By default bootstrap applies overflow:hidden attribute for collapsediv.
I tried by applying overflow:visible for both collpasediv and circlecount. But collapse not working properly. Can anyone help me to fix it? Thanks
PS: Circlecount div is just to display numbers with some circled background image. I want the half of the circle outside collpasediv and half of the circle inside collapsediv.
In the stylesheet for the twitter bootstrap there is the following declaration:
.collapse.in { height: auto; }
Add to it like this:
.collapse.in { height: auto; overflow: visible; }
Or overload it by adding a new declaration like this (leave the other declaration untouched in the bootstrap - this makes updating in the future easier):
.collapse.in { overflow: visible; }

Use CSS to make a span not clickable

<a href="http://www.google.com">
<span>some url</span>
I am pretty new to CSS, I have a simple case like the above. I would like to make the "title" and "some url" clickable but want to make description as non-clickable. Is there any way to do that by applying some CSS on the span so that whatever inside that span, it is not clickable.
My constraint is that, I do not want to change the structure of the div, instead just applying css can we make a span which is inside an anchor tag, not clickable ?
Actually, you can achieve this via CSS. There's an almost unknown css rule named pointer-events. The a element will still be clickable but your description span won't.
a span.description {
pointer-events: none;
there are other values like: all, stroke, painted, etc.
ref: http://robertnyman.com/2010/03/22/css-pointer-events-to-allow-clicks-on-underlying-elements/
UPDATE: As of 2016, all browsers now accept it: http://caniuse.com/#search=pointer-events
UPDATE: As of 2022, browsers behavior may have changed, another option can be:
a {
pointer-events: none;
a span:not(.description) {
pointer-events: initial;
Not with CSS. You could do it with JavaScript easily, though, by canceling the default event handling for those elements. In jQuery:
$('a span:nth-child(2)').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); });
CSS is used for applying styling i.e. the visual aspects of an interface.
That clicking an anchor element causes an action to be performed is a behavioural aspect of an interface, not a stylistic aspect.
You cannot achieve what you want using only CSS.
JavaScript is used for applying behaviours to an interface. You can use JavaScript to modify the behaviour of a link.
In response to piemesons rant against jQuery, a Vanilla JavaScript(TM) solution (tested on FF and IE):
Put this in a script tag after your markup is loaded (right before the close of the body tag) and you'll get a similar effect to the jQuery example.
a = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0; i < a.length;i++) {
a[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[1].onclick = function() { return false;};
This will disable the click on every 2nd span inside of an a tag.
You could also check the innerHTML of each span for "description", or set an attribute or class and check that.
This is the simplest way I would have done it. Without bordering about CSS or javascript :
<a href="http://www.google.com">
<a href="http://www.google.com">
<span>some url</span>
You can replace the tag with anything you want.
Yes you can....
you can place something on top of the link element.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Yes you CAN</title>
<style type="text/css">
width: 500px;
border: 5px solid black;
.product-type-simple {
position: relative;
height: 150px;
width: 150px;
position: absolute;
height: 100% ;
width: 100% ;
content: '';
background: green;//for debugging purposes , remove this if you want to see whats behind
z-index: 999999999999;
<li class='product-type-simple'>
<a href="/link1">
<img src="http://placehold.it/150x150">
<li class='product-type-simple'>
<a href="/link2">
<img src="http://placehold.it/150x150">
the magic sauce happens at product-type-simple:before class
Whats happening here is that for each element that has class of product-type-simple you create something that has the width and height equal to that of the product-type-simple , then you increase its z-index to make sure it will place it self on top of the content of product-type-simple. You can toggle the background color if you want to see whats going on.
here is an example of the code
CSS relates to visual styling and not behaviour, so the answer is no really.
You could however either use javascript to modify the behaviour or change the styling of the span in question so that it doesn't have the pointy finger, underline, etc. Styling it like that will still leave it clickable.
Even better, change your markup so that it reflects what you want it to do.
Using CSS you cannot, CSS will only change the appearance of the span. However you can do it without changing the structure of the div by adding an onclick handler to the span:
<a href="http://www.google.com">
<span onclick='return false;'>description<br></span>
<span>some url</span>
You can then style it so that it looks un-clickable too:
<style type='text/css'>
a span.unclickable { text-decoration: none; }
a span.unclickable:hover { cursor: default; }
<a href="http://www.google.com">
<span class='unclickable' onclick='return false;'>description<br></span>
<span>some url</span>
