Nested table issue while printing document - css

I have a table which I am trying to print. So the basic structure is contains a nested table both containing thead. Once I do a print, the pdf shows overlapping thead.
Please find attached link to reproduce the code.
<th>Heading 2</th>

Try the following css (this only helps if you have a very plain thead an only one aswell):
thead { display: table-header-group }
tfoot { display: table-row-group }
tr { page-break-inside: avoid }
Regarding your question: The reason why your thead is overlapping is your table markup itself. Right now we have multiple table and thead, and also padding which is causing the overlapping. I did some research and found two different solutions you could use.
Fact 1: Only the lastest thead in your markup will be place on a second page when printed. Therefore you can check and adjust your table like this working example here, print button on the top :
<!-- thead on first page -->
<th> ... </th>
<!-- thead on first page an all following -->
<th> ... </th>
<td> ... </td>
Fact 2: In my opinion the only working solution if you want all your thead information on all pages is to move all th in one thead at the top of the table, therefore you will have all informations on every page working example for this solution, print button on the top
Hopefully this helps :)


CSS - Hide td in body if th has class

I need to hide td in the body if the th in the head has the class .isSystem
Is this possible in straight CSS?
More info: the table is built dynamically. The head/columns is an array... and the tbody/rows is another array. I'm using Angular/typescript...
I tried this: th.isSystem ~ td { text-decoration: line-through; color: red; }
If the table is built dynamically, then the obvious way is to use col rather than th to drive this behaviour. <col> elements have special powers which enable them to affect the cells they belong to.
table {border:1px outset;}
th, td {border:1px inset;}
col.isSystem {visibility:collapse;}
<col/><col class="isSystem"/><col/><col/>
<tr><th>One</th> <th>Two</th> <th>Three</th> <th>Four</th></tr>
<tr><td>This</td> <td>This</td> <td>This</td> <td>This</td></tr>
<tr><td>is</td> <td>is</td> <td>is</td> <td>is</td></tr>
<tr><td>the</td> <td>the</td> <td>the</td> <td>the</td></tr>
<tr><td>first</td> <td>second</td><td>third</td> <td>fourth</td></tr>
Disclaimer: this works as advertised in Firefox, IE11 and Edge. Chrome however... sorry.
Bottom Line:
No, because <td> and <th> can not be siblings since they are not proper children of a <table> and even if your source markup has them that way - the browser will adjust the markup and overrule your styles.
Long explanation:
Looking at a more JS related SO question on the subject, the browser automatically will inject <thead> and <tbody> around your <th> and <tr> (subsequently <td>) elements. <thead> and <tbody> are valid child elements of <table> - <th> and <tr> are not.
As a result, finding the siblings of <th> will only return other th tags, since they technically live in a <thead> - the <td> are in a <tr> in <tbody>
Take a look at these examples:
Example 1
Codepen with straight <th> and <tr> elements
.isSystem + .row { background:red }
<th class="isSystem">Table Heading</th>
<tr class="row">
<td>Table Item</td>
<div class="isSystem">Div Heading</div>
<div class="row">Div Item</div>
In this example, you would expect the table row to be red... The div elements in the example do this but the <tr> doesn't
Example 2
Codepen with proper <thead> and <tbody> elements
In example 2, wrapping the table with the correct thead and tbody elements, you can acheive this:
.isSystem + .rows tr { background:red; }
<thead class="isSystem"><th>Heading</th></thead>
<tbody class="rows">
<tr class="row"><td>Item</td></tr>
Unfortunately if your items are dynamically generated and you can not apply your classes in this way, then your only option will be using JS to target your elements as others have already mentioned. However, I would do what's possible to create proper semantic markup first.

Equal width columns in long bootstrap table

In the above table to achieve equal width columns I have used <td class="col-md-1"></td>. But only the first few columns are equal width as shown in the image. As this is a long table I would like to scroll horizontally so that the table can maintain the required column width. but this table wouldn't grow. I even tried table{ width:auto !important }
.table {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 20px;
The above styles get applied for my table from bootstrap
Classes I have used in the table element - <table class="table table-bordered"></table>
Framework: Bootstrap 3
You will want to use this markup:
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table">
Source: Responsive Table Bootstrap
Try to use <th> instead.
Example of table in bootstramp.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<table summary="This table shows how to create responsive tables using Bootstrap's default functionality" class="table table-bordered table-hover">
<caption class="text-center">An example of a responsive table based on Bootstrap:</caption>
<th>Median Age</th>
<th>Area (Km²)</th>
<td>Spanish (official), English, Italian, German, French</td>
<td>English 79%, native and other languages</td>
<td>Greek 99% (official), English, French</td>
<td>Luxermbourgish (national) French, German (both administrative)</td>
<td>Russian, others</td>
<td>Swedish, small Sami- and Finnish-speaking minorities</td>
<td colspan="5" class="text-center">Data retrieved from infoplease and worldometers.</td>

Background for "odd" or "even" rows regardless of display:none

I'm trying to "zebra" color my table rows (odd = dark, even = light). However, because of my application, where the user is able to hide rows using selectors, it won't have the zebra effect because of the pseudo selectors selecting everything, and not based on what's "visible".
This is nothing new, and it's been discussed many times before:
Select odd even child excluding the hidden child
Zebra striping a table with hidden rows using CSS3?
In the same table, I'm using CSS's "count" feature, to visibly display row numbers for each row, and THESE are only applied on visible rows (discards rows with display:none)
table {
width: 100%;
background: white;
counter-reset: rowNumber;
tr > td {counter-increment: rowNumber;}
tr td::before {
content: counter(rowNumber);
color: blue;
tr:nth-child(even) {
background: red;
<tr style="display:none;">
<tr style="display:none;">
My question is (haven't seen this asked anywhere):
Is there a way to combine the two and zebra-color my table this way? Is it possible to extract the even/odd from the count?
EDIT: This was flagged as dupe -- As I've already stated myself, the odd/even selector has been discussed before. My question specifically relates to a possible way of combining odd/even selector WITH the CSS rowNumber count.

Bootstrap 3 tables column width control

I have a bootstrap table as follows:
<table class="table table-bordered">
The two column are equally spaced which is fine but if i drop an <input> element in to one of the columns this column stretches to take up about 3/4 of the overall table.
My question is why does it do this and how can I control it?
Any help much appreciated.
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th class="col-md-10">Col1</th>
<th class="col-md-2">Col2</th>
This is down to the way HTML tables work. By default, table cells will scale according to their contents - any size you give them is used as a guide. So, for instance:
td {
width: 50%;
If this cell is empty, it will take up half of
the table. But if the content needs to, it will
expand to take up more space.
You can work around this by setting table-layout: fixed; in your CSS:, e.g.
table.fixed {
table-layout: fixed;
This makes tables adhere more strictly to the dimensions you set in CSS, rather than what the content dictates. See for more information.
Once this is done, you can apply the normal Bootstrap grid classes to control the width. Apply them to the cells (td or th) in the first row and they'll repeat all the way down.
Why ? I don't know :)
How to control it ?
You can simply but a width parameter to your td, such as :
<td width=50%><input type="text"></td>
You can do it like this, or using your css file by saying all from this class should take half of the table width.
td {
width: 50%;

td with colspan border broken in ie10 quirk mode

ie10 is not showing fine border over colspan.
It is showing well on other browser, but not on IE 10.
I'll post my code below.
<td rowspan="2">1</td>
<td rowspan="2">2</td>
<td colspan="4">3</td>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<td colspan="2">7</td>
<td colspan="3">4</td>
table tr td {
border: 1px solid black;
width: 100px;
table {
border under 7 is gone. How can I show it?
here is example on jsfiddle :
ADD: If some event occurs in ie10, border come back to normal.
You can use table inline style stats. instead of border-collapse:collapse;
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
will count as same effect.
but will return and will chrice ur problem
The markup violates the HTML table model, as you can see by checking it with which says, referring to the first row: “Table column 6 established by element td has no cells beginning in it”.
So all bets are off. Modify the table structure so that it conforms, or try to achieve the desired layout using other tools than a layout table.
