Retrieving last 12 months data per ga:year - google-analytics

I'm trying to generate data for the last 12 months in Google Sheets using the GA add-on but ga:users is not showing same figure as GA web because my dimension is ga:year which makes it break it down to adding 2016 to 2017 data.
ga:month would break it down too much and give the overall figure a greater difference.
Any ideas how to fix this so that I can same data as web for users?
Here's my configuration:
Last year Partner

Adding the users from the two distinct years will not match the users from the web interface. The web interface is giving you the de-duplicated number of users.
i.e. anyone visiting the site in Nov-16 and Feb-17 is counted as one user in the web interface, while you are double counting them from your yearly output.


How to avoid Googe Forms being Flag with thousands of users from the same network?

I managed a monthly events (one day) on our community where we make quizes for around 4 hundres users per day per forms. It was a new account we made last January and we have around 35 forms at that time. Each form was embedded to a googlesite and We had set 10 sessions for the users to access the quiz. Fortunately, Google flagged 5 of 35 forms and 2 of the google sites. There was one group of users from one big school using their 5 labs (probably with the same network) to access the flagged forms. Is this the categorized as violating Google's Policy? How can I avoid my forms being flagged?
In the meantime my strategy is to make copies of the forms and prepare new links for the users.

Google Analytics weird User numbers

When I check the website's Users since a certain date it returns a super low value.
The example:
If I want to see the data from 01/01/2016 until 13/06/2021 I get 6 Users, 32.323 New Users, 37.611 Sessions, etc.
The Users number don't make any sense.
However, if I do 01/09/2016 until 13/06/2021 I get 16.849 Users, 16.973 New Users and 22.142 Sessions.
These numbers do make more sense.
So basically, if I consider ANY START DATE before the 01/09/2016 I will always get a super reduced value in the Users part, however, if I consider any start date after, and including, 01/09/2016 I will get reasoable values.
Has anyone ever had this issue?
From 1 September 2016 Google Analytics has brought a new feature, the ability to set the Users metric as the main metric, instead of Sessions. This event has taken the name of Users Everywhere and involves some relationships including Audience Reports and Acquisition Reports.
If the date range includes a period of time, even one day only, prior to 1 September 2016 or around that date, the result is like this:
This is valid, however, if the option to enable the Users metric in the reports , present at the Property level, is active:
Note: Google Analytics Standard properties have aggregated user metrics data since September 1, 2016 while Google Analytics 360 properties started aggregating data from May 1, 2016).

Google API Returning Sampled Data

I'm using the Google-Analytics API to query my analytics for data using the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on We then use the spreadsheet data in Google Data studio for a dashboard to display the data.
Everything has been going well for the last few months, however over the last 48 hours we have begun to receive sampled data when we query the API using the spreadsheet add on. This is undesirable for how we are using the data.
The total results that we were getting before being returned was about 1100 results. We have altered the date range of the query to be only 3 days whereas before we were querying since the start of the year.
Initially that worked and the results were no longer sampled. Then 24 hours later the data appears to be sampled again.
The documentation says the following regarding sampling for the free account:
Analytics Standard: 500k sessions at the view level for the date range you are using
We are not using our analytics that heavily so I cannot understand why we would have hit the 500K limit?
It is also not clear to me what a "View Level" is? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Unsampled reports automation for historical data

We have a client who receives 2-4 million visits a day, so off the bat we can only get unsampled reports because it exceeds google's limit :
500,000 maximum sessions for special queries where the data is not already stored.
We are attempting to collect Unique Visitors and Visits for a 1 day period. Using the Google API has proved frivolous as the data is sampled.
We have set up Unsampled reports on a daily basis that get dumped into Google Drive and our application picks up the new files and downloads them just fine. The problem we are running into is that we need 2 years worth of daily data for 20 reports. The maximum range we can run an unsampled report using google analytics web interface is 1 week before we exceed a query limit. So 52 weeks of reports x 2 years x 20 different reports to set up is 2080 scheduled unsampled reports and this is for 1 client only.
EDIT: Can we automate unsampled reports using GA API or any programming method to pull historical data with the constraints previously mentioned? Also we do have Google Analytics Premium
Cris G, the only way to avoid data-sampling in Google Analytics without having an access to Premium is day-parting technique = you split a data-request for selected time period into shorter period queries (typically days) and then add all the numbers up. If your profiles/views are not sampled if you look at daily numbers, this could solve you issue.
However, this doesn't work on Unique Visitors, since they will be unique every single time (you are running data requests on daily basis), so there will be most likely duplicates and inflated totals if your site is attracting lots of returning visitors.
To automate some of the work, I suggest using tools like Analytics Canvas. It can make your life much easier and I think it could be the perfect tool for what you need to. Bear in mind the limitations about unique visitors (and some other metrics).
Having said that, I still think the best choice would be to use the benefits of Premium and the ability to get unsampled data for your reports.

Possible Google Analytics Bug - Traffic Sources Total Visits not matching Total Visits in other reports

Has anyone else seen this issue?
As of roughly 2 weeks ago, I get conflicting figures for the Total Visits metric between the Traffic Sources report and the other reports (e.g. Visitors, Dashboard). For example, for the week of 5/9/2010 through 5/15/2010, the Dashboard and Visitors reports both say 386 Visits. The Traffic Sources report says 157 Visits, and the 4 main source types (Search, Direct, Referral, Other) sum to 157 Visits, not 386.
Any ideas? Is this a known bug, or could there be a configuration issue?
Well it seems that quite a few GA users have observed unaccounted-for behavior, particularly during the past couple of months.
For instance,
18 - 19 May 2010:
more than 40 different GA users posted to the GA
User Forum all regarding the same
issue: no data whatever was
recorded in their GA Accounts
during the 18th and 19th of May. No
response from Google and nothing in
the GA Blog. Several users who had
other GA accounts that were functioning normally during this period, suggested that the problem might be caused by recent changes by Google to the GATC (which was in fact recently revised)--many of those who posted on the Forum said that indeed they had recently added the latest version of the GATC to their Sites/Pages.
6 - 9 May 2010:
Over 50 GA users reported, by
posts to the GA Forum, a complete
GA outage during the period 6 - 9 May
(no data appearing in their reports
for at least one of those days). This
time a GA Team member did respond with
a one-line response "there was a
delay in reporting, no data was lost."
This post also referenced a Twitter
message 4 from GA stating the same
In addition, i've seen a half dozen, perhaps more, recent posts (past 60 days) on the GA Forum in which users reported significant discrepancies between an aggregate figure and the sum of the constituents--both sets of figures from the same Report, e.g.,
Numbers Don't add up on the Absolute Unique Visitor's Report
Search Engine drill-down visitors don't match total
Neither Post was answered (either by the GA Team or anyone else).
Finally, since it's just a matter of clicking a menu and selecting a different option, i suggest comparing the figures you recited in your question with the analogous figures for Page Views, which is probably the simplest measurement in client-side analytics ("Visits" by contrast is strongly influenced by user cookie manipulation).
Through some trial-and-error looking at every specific source, I've traced the error to one item: within the Traffic Sources reports for the affected days (the issue seems to have partially righted itself as of yesterday's data, at least for my account), the delta/error/black hole was always equal to the Google CPC Search traffic for that day.
I have no idea what's causing the issue, but at least I know how to manually attribute the numbers. Hopefully Google has fixed this...
Thank you to all who commented/answered. I appreciate it.
