How to display Jupyter Notebook connection info while everything else sent to a log file? - background-process

I am writing a developer tool, part of which will launch a Jupyter notebook in the background with output sent to a particular file, such as
jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --allow-root \
However, I still want the notebook's start-up information to be printed to the console via stdout. Such as
[I 18:25:33.166 NotebookApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /root/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/notebook_cookie_secret
[I 18:25:33.189 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /faces
[I 18:25:33.189 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 18:25:33.189 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 18:25:33.189 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 18:25:33.189 NotebookApp]
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:
so that users can still see which URL connection string they need.
I have tried to cat this file after the notebook command but this has some downsides.
The time it takes for the notebook to launch and print the message is variable, and using a combination of sleep along with cat the log file is undesirable, because if there's a rare delay in start-up time, cat of the log file might print nothing because the file is empty.
On the other hand, I don't want to set the sleep time to an overly high number, because then users will have to wait too long at startup.
I have also tried tail -f ${NOTEBOOK_LOGFILE} | grep -n 10 (because the start-up lines will be the first 10). This is promising, but the notebook server does not append a newline to each line until the next line is incoming. This means if you wait for 10 lines, the tail process will hang until some other message is logged to the log file (producing the 10th newline).
How can I ensure that the start-up information is displayed to stdout in a timely fashion from when the notebook outputs this information, while still redirecting notebook output into a log file?

I figured a hack to do it with tail and head, but would be interested in something simpler.
(tail -f -n +1 ${NOTEBOOK_LOGFILE} | head -n 5);
This relies on the fact that the connection URL is also printed among the first 5 lines, and so it won't matter about the lack of newline that keeps head waiting if you try to extract it from lines 9 and 10.


Running ssh script with background process

Below is a simple example of what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm trying to force an ssh script to not wait for all child processes to exit before returning. The purpose is to launch a daemon process on a remote host via ssh.
sleep 2
echo "done"
) &
When I run the script on the console it returns immediately, with "done" appearing 2 seconds later.
When I run the script as an ssh script, the ssh command . It appears to wait until all child processes have terminated until ssh exits.
ssh example
$ ssh mike# /home/mike/
(2 seconds)
standard terminal example
$ ./
(2 seconds)
How can I make ssh return when the parent/main process has terminated?
I'm aware of the -f option to ssh to run the process in the background . It leaves the ssh process and connection open on the source host. For my purposes this is unsuitable.
ssh mike# /home/mike/
When you run ssh in this fashion, the remote ssh server will create a set of pipes (or socketpairs) which become the standard input, output, and error for the process which you requested it to run, in this case the script process. The ssh server doesn't end the session based on when the script process exits. Instead, it ends the session when it reads and end-of-file indication on the script process's standard output and standard error.
In your case, the script process creates a child process which inherits the script's standard input, output, and error. A pipe (or socketpair) only returns EOF when all possible writers have exited or closed their end of the pipe. As long as the child process is running and has a copy of the standard output/error file descriptors, the ssh server won't read an EOF indication on those descriptors and it won't close the session.
You can get around this by redirecting standard input and standard output in the command that you pass to the remote server:
ssh mike# '/home/mike/ > /dev/null 2>&1'
(note the quotes are important)
This avoids passing the standard output and standard error created by the ssh server to the script process or the subprocesses that it creates.
Alternately, you could add a redirection to the script:
exec > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 2
echo "done"
) &
This causes the script's child process to close its copies of the original standard output and standard error.

How to RE-connect to a Remote Jupyter instance (Running Code)

I have several long running scripts (in Jupyter Notebook) on a remote Google Cloud Compute Instance.
If I lose the ssh connection, I cannot reconnect to the (running) Notebook without stopping those running scripts--executing within the Notebook.
It seems that closing my macbook, will sever my connection to the remote (running) jupyter notebook. Is there some way to reconnect without stopping the script?
On Google Cloud, Jupyter is still running. I just can't connect to the notebook executing the code––without stopping code execution.
I'm sure other Jupyter users have figured this out :)
Thanks in advance
My GCloud Tunneling Script
gcloud compute ssh --zone us-central1-c my-compute-instance -- -N -p 22 -D localhost:5000
Bash Script that Launches Chrome
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome
--host-resolver-rules="MAP * 0.0.0 , EXCLUDE localhost"
Nohup that launches Jupyter on Gcloud
nohup jupyter notebook --no-browser > log.txt 2>&1 &
On my Sierra-os macbook, no proxy settings (System Preferences) are enabled
On Google Cloud, I'm NOT using a static ip, just an ephemeral ip.
Much appreciation in advance
What do you mean by "cannot reconnect" ? Do you mean you can't see the notebook interface anymore ? (In which case this is likely a google cloud question).Or do you mean you can't run code or see previous results ?
If the second, this is a known issue, the jupyter team is working on it; The way to go around that is to wrap your code in Python Futures, that store intermediate code; thus re-accessing the future will not trigger re-computation, but will show you intermediate results.

paramiko and nohup ''

OK so I have paramiko v2.2.1 and I am trying to login to a machine and restart a service. Inside the service scripts it basically starts a process via nohup. However if I allow paramiko to disconnect as soon as it is done the process started terminates with a PIPE signal when it writes to stdout.
If I start the service by ssh'ing into the box and manually starting it there is no issue and it runs in the background fine. Also if I add long sleep 10 before disconnecting (close) paramiko it also seems to work just fine.
The service is started via a init.d script via a line like this:
env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$bin_path nohup $bin_path/ \
"$bin_path/Service service args" "$#" &
Where simply calls the service forever in a loop like this so it will never die:
logger $ARGS
while [ 1 ]; do
logger "$SERVER terminated with exit code: $STATUS. Server has been restarted"
sleep 1
I have noticed when I start the service by ssh'ing into the box I get a nohup.out file written to the root. However when I run through paramiko I get no nohup.out written anywhere on the system ... ie this after I manually ssh into the box and start the service:
root#ts4700:/mnt/mc.fw/bin# find / -name "nohup*"
And this is after I run through paramiko:
root#ts4700:/mnt/mc.fw/bin# find / -name "nohup*"
As I understand it nohup will only redirect the output to nohup.out if "If standard output is a terminal" (from the manual), otherwise it thinks it is saving the output to a file so it does not redirect. Hence I tried the following:
In [43]: import paramiko
In [44]: paramiko.__version__
Out[44]: '2.2.1'
In [45]: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
In [46]: ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy())
In [47]: ssh.connect(ip, username='root', password=not_for_so_sorry, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False)
In [48]: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("tty")
In [49]:
Out[49]: 'not a tty\n'
So I am thinking that nohup is not redirecting to nohup.out when I run it through paramiko because tty is not returning a terminal. I don't know why adding a sleep(10) would fix this though as the service if run on the command line is quite verbose.
I have also noticed that if the service is started from a manual ssh its tty in the ps ax output is still set to the ssh tty ... however if the process is started by paramiko its tty in the ps ax output is set to "?" .. since both processes are run through nohup I would have expected this to be the same.
If the problem is that nohup is indeed not redirecting the output to nohup.out because of the tty is there a way to force this to happen or a better way to run this sort of command via paramiko?
Thanks all, any help with this would be great :)

How can I return to command line with jupyter notebook running?

I am connected to a Linode terminal via SSH.
I have started a Jupyter Notebook server from the command line.
But I want to do some other tasks in the command line, keeping the NB server running. I can't work out how to do this without stopping the Jupyter Notebook server. It says:
[I 05:55:05.523 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut
down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
Since you mentioned Linode, I'm assuming it is on a linux/unix system.
Possbile options:
Send process to background
send process to background: jupyter notebook &
do some work on terminal
close jupyter with pkill jupyter (this should have the same effect as
a ctrl+c keypress)
WARNING: this will kill all jupyter instances
use a terminal multiplexer like tmux
just use multiple ssh sessions (not really elegant imo)
Overall, I think the option that would be easiest and most flexible is option 2.

Calling ssh with system in R shell eats subsequent commands

My workflow is to send commands from an emacs buffer to an R session in emacs via the ESS package.
system("ssh remotehost ls")
a = a+1;
When I run the three lines above in rapid succession (i.e. submit them to the R buffer), the value of a at the end is 0. When I run them slowly, a is 1.
I've only had this issue running an ssh command via system. In all other cases, the commands queue up and all run sequentially.
My colleagues have the exact same issue with their R/vim setup. But we don't have the same issue in RStudio.
Any suggestions here would be great .
ssh eats up any stdin during the system() command. If you paste it line by line then ssh terminates before you submit a=a+1 and thus it gets passed to R instead of ssh. Use system("ssh .. < /dev/null") or system(..., input="") if you don't want terminal input to be eaten by the subprocess.
