What is the difference between find and firstOrNull? - collections

Given the following code extracted from Kotlin Koans:
fun Shop.findAnyCustomerFrom(city: City): Customer? {
// Return a customer who lives in the given city, or null if there is none
return customers.firstOrNull { it.isFrom(city) }
My own solution used customers.find. Both work in the koan scenario.
The documentation for firstOrNull and find seem to be very similar.
What is the difference between these two functions?

In this thread from 2014, Kotlin community members and JetBrains staff discuss the merits of the different methods find and firstOrNull:
While not an official statement, JetBrains' employee Ilya Ryzhenkov describes it as:
I think we can undeprecate find and make it an alias to firstOrNull. Much like indexOf has well-known semantics, find is also widely recognised as "find first item matching predicate or return null if nothing is found". People who like precise meaning can use firstOrNull, singleOrNull to express the intent.
In other words:
find(predicate) and firstOrNull(predicate) are identical in behaviour and find can be considered alias of firstOrNull
find is kept around as an alias because it's more intuitive and discoverable for programmers not already familiar with these Linq-style - or functional - methods.
In actuality the definition of Array<out T>.find is not defined as an alias, but as a wrapper (though the optimizing compiler will inline it, effectively making it an alias):
public inline fun <T> Array<out T>.find(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {
return firstOrNull(predicate)
Ditto for Sequence<T>.find:
public inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.find(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {
return firstOrNull(predicate)
(I'm not a Kotlin user myself, but I'm surprised that these methods are implemented as compile-time generated code manually defined for each collection type instead of as a single JVM generic method - is there some reason for this?)


Why has Kotlins SortedMap no .forEachIndexed() function?

Kotlins SortedMap is "a map that further provides a total ordering on its keys."
As a result, it should be indexable. However, this extension doesn't exist
Why not? Am i overlooking something? Is it performance reasons? Didn't anyone bother?
(Yes, i know, i could use a List<Pair<Key, Value>>, but that's doesn't feel like the "intuitive" structure for my usecase, a map fits much better)
Most of the things that have a forEachIndexed get it either from Iterable or have it as an extension function. Map does not, but one of its properties, the entries is actually a Set, which does have forEachIndexed because it inherits from Collection (which inherits from Iterable).
That means that you can do something like this:
map.entries.forEachIndexed { index, (key, value) ->
//do stuff
The reason I've added this to the already existing asIterable().forEachIndex answer, is because asIterable() creates a new object.
forEachIndexed is an extension function on all sorts of Arrays and also Iterable. SortedMap is unrelated to those types, so you can't call forEachIndexed on it.
However, SortedMap does have asIterable (inherited from Map), which converts it to an Iterable. After that, you can access forEachIndexed:
someSortedMap.asIterable().forEachIndex { index, entry ->
// ...
However, the newer extension function onEachIndexed are declared on Maps. Unlike forEachIndexed, this also returns the map itself.

Is it possible to declare a tuple struct whose members are private, except for initialization?

Is it possible to declare a tuple struct where the members are hidden for all intents and purposes, except for declaring?
// usize isn't public since I don't want users to manipulate it directly
struct MyStruct(usize);
// But now I can't initialize the struct using an argument to it.
let my_var = MyStruct(0xff)
// ^^^^
// How to make this work?
Is there a way to keep the member private but still allow new structs to be initialized with an argument as shown above?
As an alternative, a method such as MyStruct::new can be implemented, but I'm still interested to know if its possible to avoid having to use a method on the type since it's shorter, and nice for types that wrap a single variable.
Without going into too many details, the only purpose of this type is to wrap a single type (a helper which hides some details, adds some functionality and is optimized away completely when compiled), in this context it's not exactly exposing hidden internals to use the Struct(value) style initializing.
Further, since the wrapper is zero overhead, its a little misleading to use the new method which is often associated with allocation/creation instead of casting.
Just as it's convenient type (int)v or int(v), instead of int::new(v), I'd like to do this for my own type.
It's used often, so the ability to use short expression is very convenient. Currently I'm using a macro which calls a new method, its OK but a little awkward/indirect, hence this question.
Strictly speaking this isn't possible in Rust.
However the desired outcome can be achieved using a normal struct with a like-named function (yes, this works!)
pub struct MyStruct {
value: usize,
pub fn MyStruct(value: usize) -> MyStruct {
MyStruct { value }
Now, you can write MyStruct(5) but not access the internals of MyStruct.
I'm afraid that such a concept is not possible, but for a good reason. Each member of a struct, unless marked with pub, is admitted as an implementation detail that should not raise to the surface of the public API, regardless of when and how the object is currently being used. Under this point of view, the question's goal reaches a conundrum: wishing to keep members private while letting the API user define them arbitrarily is not only uncommon but also not very sensible.
As you mentioned, having a method named new is the recommended approach of doing that. It's not like you're compromising code readability with the extra characters you have to type. Alternatively, for the case where the struct is known to wrap around an item, making the member public can be a possible solution. That, on the other hand, would allow any kind of mutations through a mutable borrow (thus possibly breaking the struct's invariants, as mentioned by #MatthieuM). This decision depends on the intended API.

How does Rust implement reflection?

Rust has the Any trait, but it also has a "do not pay for what you do not use" policy. How does Rust implement reflection?
My guess is that Rust uses lazy tagging. Every type is initially unassigned, but later if an instance of the type is passed to a function expecting an Any trait, the type is assigned a TypeId.
Or maybe Rust puts a TypeId on every type that its instance is possibly passed to that function? I guess the former would be expensive.
First of all, Rust doesn't have reflection; reflection implies you can get details about a type at runtime, like the fields, methods, interfaces it implements, etc. You can not do this with Rust. The closest you can get is explicitly implementing (or deriving) a trait that provides this information.
Each type gets a TypeId assigned to it at compile time. Because having globally ordered IDs is hard, the ID is an integer derived from a combination of the type's definition, and assorted metadata about the crate in which it's contained. To put it another way: they're not assigned in any sort of order, they're just hashes of the various bits of information that go into defining the type. [1]
If you look at the source for the Any trait, you'll see the single implementation for Any:
impl<T: 'static + ?Sized > Any for T {
fn get_type_id(&self) -> TypeId { TypeId::of::<T>() }
(The bounds can be informally reduced to "all types that aren't borrowed from something else".)
You can also find the definition of TypeId:
pub struct TypeId {
t: u64,
impl TypeId {
pub const fn of<T: ?Sized + 'static>() -> TypeId {
TypeId {
t: unsafe { intrinsics::type_id::<T>() },
intrinsics::type_id is an internal function recognised by the compiler that, given a type, returns its internal type ID. This call just gets replaced at compile time with the literal integer type ID; there's no actual call here. [2] That's how TypeId knows what a type's ID is. TypeId, then, is just a wrapper around this u64 to hide the implementation details from users. If you find it conceptually simpler, you can just think of a type's TypeId as being a constant 64-bit integer that the compiler just knows at compile time.
Any forwards to this from get_type_id, meaning that get_type_id is really just binding the trait method to the appropriate TypeId::of method. It's just there to ensure that if you have an Any, you can find out the original type's TypeId.
Now, Any is implemented for most types, but this doesn't mean that all those types actually have an Any implementation floating around in memory. What actually happens is that the compiler only generates the actual code for a type's Any implementation if someone writes code that requires it. [3] In other words, if you never use the Any implementation for a given type, the compiler will never generate it.
This is how Rust fulfills "do not pay for what do you not use": if you never pass a given type as &Any or Box<Any>, then the associated code is never generated and never takes up any space in your compiled binary.
[1]: Frustratingly, this means that a type's TypeId can change value depending on precisely how the library gets compiled, to the point that compiling it as a dependency (as opposed to as a standalone build) causes TypeIds to change.
[2]: Insofar as I am aware. I could be wrong about this, but I'd be really surprised if that's the case.
[3]: This is generally true of generics in Rust.

Languages supporting complete reflection

Only recently, I discovered that both Java and C# do not support reflection of local variables. For example, you cannot retrieve the names of local variables at runtime.
Although clearly this is an optimisation that makes sense, I'm curious as to whether any current languages support full and complete reflection of all declarations and constructs.
EDIT: I will qualify my "names of local variables" example a bit further.
In C#, you can output the names of parameters to methods using reflection:
foreach(ParameterInfo pi in typeof(AClass).GetMethods()[0].GetParameters())
You don't need to know the names of the parameters (or even of the method) - it's all contained in the reflection information. In a fully-reflective language, you would be able to do:
foreach(LocalVariableInfo lvi in typeof(AClass).GetMethods()[0].GetLocals())
The applications may be limited (many applications of reflection are), but nevertheless, I would expect a reflection-complete language to support such a construct.
EDIT: Since two people have now effectively said "there's no point in reflecting local variable names", here's a basic example of why it's useful:
void someMethod()
SomeObject x = SomeMethodCall();
// do lots of stuff with x
// sometime later...
if (!x.StateIsValid)
throw new SomeException(String.Format("{0} is not valid.", nameof(x));
Sure, I could just hardcode "x" in the string, but correct refactoring support makes that a big no-no. nameof(x) or the ability to reflect all names is a nice feature that is currently missing.
Your introductory statement about the names of local variables drew my interest.
This code will actually retrieve the name of the local var inside the lambda expression:
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 5;
Expression<Func<int>> expr = (() => a);
Expression ex = expr;
LambdaExpression lex = ex as LambdaExpression;
MemberExpression mex = lex.Body as MemberExpression;
Also have a look at this answer mentioning LocalVariableInfo.
Yes, there are languages where this is (at least kind of) possible. I would say that reflection in both Smalltalk and Python are pretty "complete" for any reasonable definition.
That said, getting the name of a local variable is pretty pointless - by definition to get the name of that variable, you must know its name. I wouldn't consider the lack of an operation to perform that exact task a lacuna in the reflection facility.
Your second example does not "determine the name of a local variable", it retrieves the name of all local variables, which is a different task. The equivalent code in Python would be:
for x in locals().iterkeys(): print x
eh, in order to access a local var you have to be within the stackframe/context/whatever where the local var is valid. Since it is only valid at that point in time, does it matter if it is called 't1' or 'myLittlePony'?

Must a Language that Implements Monads be Statically Typed?

I am learning functional programming style. In Don't Fear the Monads, Brian Beckman gave a brilliant introduction about Monad. He mentioned that Monad is about composition of functions so as to address complexity.
A Monad includes a unit function that transfers type T to an amplified type M(T); and a Bind function that, given function from T to M(U), transforms type M(T) to another type M(U). (U can be T, but is not necessarily).
In my understanding, the language implementing monad should be type-checked statically. Otherwise, type errors cannot be found during compilation and "Complexity" is not controlled. Is my understanding correct?
There are lots of implementations of monads in dynamically typed languages:
The Maybe Monad in Ruby
OO Monads and Ruby (site is down, but the article is available in the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine)
Monads in Ruby Part 1: Identity, Monads In Ruby Part 1.5: Identity, Monads in Ruby Part 2: Maybe (then again Maybe not)
Monads in Ruby
Monads on the Cheap I: The Maybe Monad in JavaScript, More Monads on the Cheap: Inlined fromMaybe
Monads in Ruby (with nice syntax!), List Monad in Ruby and Python
Haskell-style monad do-notation for Ruby
In general, the Church-Turing-Thesis tells us that everything that can be done in one language can also be done in every other language.
As you can probably tell from the selection of examples above, I am (mostly) a Ruby programmer. So, just as a joke, I took one of the examples above and re-implemented it in a language that I know absolutely nothing about, that is usually thought of as a not very powerful language, and that seems to be the only programming language on the planet for which I was not able to find a Monad tutorial. May I present to you … the Identity Monad in PHP:
class Identity {
protected $val;
public function __construct($val) { $this->val = $val; }
public static function m_return($a) { return new Identity($a); }
public static function m_bind($id_a, $f) { return $f($id_a->val); }
Identity::m_return(1), function ($x) {
return Identity::m_return($x+1);
No static types, no generics, no closures necessary.
Now, if you actually want to statically check monads, then you need a static type system. But that is more or less a tautology: if you want to statically check types, you need a static type checker. Duh.
With regards to your question:
In my understanding, the language implementing monad should be type-checked statically. Otherwise, type errors cannot be found during compilation and "Complexity" is not controlled. Is my understanding correct?
You are right, but this has nothing to do with monads. This is just about static type checking in general, and applies equally well to arrays, lists or even plain boring integers.
There is also a red herring here: if you look for example at monad implementations in C#, Java or C, they are much longer and much more complex than, say, the PHP example above. In particular, there's tons of types everywhere, so it certainly looks impressive. But the ugly truth is: C#'s, Java's and C's type systems aren't actually powerful enough to express the type of Monad. In particular, Monad is a rank-2 polymorphic type, but C# and Java only support rank-1 polymorphism (they call it "generics", but it's the same thing) and C doesn't support even that.
So, monads are in fact not statically type-checked in C#, Java and C. (That's for example the reason why the LINQ monad comprehensions are defined as a pattern and not as a type: because you simply cannot express the type in C#.) All the static type system does, is make the implementation much more complex, without actually helping. It requires a much more sophisticated type system such as Haskell's, to get actual type-safety for monads.
Note: what I wrote above only applies to the generic monad type itself, as #Porges points out. You can certainly express the type of any specific monad, like List or Maybe, but you cannot express the type of Monad itself. And this means that you cannot type-check the fact that "List IS-A Monad", and you cannot type-check generic operations that work on all instances of Monad.
(Note that checking that Monad also obeys the monad laws in addition to conforming to the monad type is probably too much even for Haskell's type system. You'd probably need dependent types and maybe even a full-blown automatic theorem prover for that.)
It's certainly not the case that a language implementing monads must be statically typed, as your question title asks. It may be a good idea, for the reasons you outline, but errors failing to be detected at compile time has never stopped anyone. Just look at how many people write PHP.
You need closures for the State monad. I looked it up, PHP has closures since 5.3. So that wouldn't be a problem anymore.
No, in php it is not possible to implement monads. You need closures for that. Never the less, the concept of Maybe can be still useful, when you simulate pattern matching with classes:
abstract class Maybe {
abstract public function isJust();
public function isNothing(){
return !$this->isJust();
class Just extends Maybe {
protected $val = null;
public function __construct($val){
$this->val = $val;
public function isJust(){
return true;
public function getVal(){
return $this->val;
class Nothing extends Maybe {
protected $val = null;
public function __construct(){
public function isJust(){
return false;
function just(){
print "isJust";
function nothing(){
print "nothing";
function MaybeFunc(Maybe $arg){
if(get_class($arg) == 'Just'){
print "Just";
} else {
print "Nothing";
MaybeFunc(new Just(5));
MaybeFunc(new Nothing());
