deploying symfony 3 with cPanel - symfony

I have some troubles deploying a Symfony 3 app in cPanel.
I had no problems deploying in Heroku or Fortrabbit.
The problem is :
I can't connect to my backend using or
from my frontend and I have to use
This only works because I commented these lines in my backend's app_dev.php:
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])
|| !(in_array(#$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], ['', 'fe80::1', '::1']) || php_sapi_name() === 'cli-server')
) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
exit('You are not allowed to access this file. Check '.basename(__FILE__).' for more information.');
But I don't think this is the right way to do it.
Is there anyway to set SYMFONY_ENV=prod in cPanel?

As far as I know you can't. That's on the feature request list:
You could try to edit the .bash_profile file on your cPanel account (if you have ssh access you can do it via ssh, if not you can use FileManager from cPanel and try to add something like this:
export SYMFONY_ENV=prod
Then try again.
That file is usually found in /home/cpanelusername/.bash_profile


login failure in prodcution mode

I am using symfony 5.4.4.
I encounter a problem when I try to connect a user without launching the php server (I want to work in production mode).
I used make:user commands to create the User entity. Then I used the make:auth and make:registration-form commands to generate the login and registration forms.
everything works perfectly when I run the symfony server with the symfony serve command. On localhost:8000 I am able to register and login users with no problem.
I then followed the symfony documentation on deployment as I want my application to run in a server accessible from a private network. I then ran the commands:
composer require symfony/requirements-checker to check
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
Then I updated the .env file
before clearing the cache with: php bin/console cache:clear
And finally I added rewrite rules with the command: composer require symfony/apache-pack.
now I access my application from any computer (example: http://localhost/myproject/public/user/4) in the network and I navigate without problems on the links.
However, when I try to login a user, it doesn't work.
And when I try to enter one, it works.
In summary, the login works on localhost:8000 but does not work on localhost/myproject/public while all other forms work.
Can you help me ? thank you in advance.
It's OK !
I added the method below into my App/src/Authenticator.php class
Notice : it does not work without the return type "bool" of the function
public function supports(Request $request): bool
return self::LOGIN_ROUTE === $request->attributes->get('_route')
&& $request->isMethod('POST');
I hope it will be useful to someone!
Thanks to all and especially to Cerad for the link !

Lando has trouble accessing a URL from a non-Lando app on my system

My company has software that runs within Docker on my system, but is not using Lando. This software is serving some data via the URL:
I can hit this URL in an anonymous browser, cURL it from the terminal, and load it via Postman and it returns the expected data.
I'm running Lando with the Wordpress recipe and I'm developing a plugin. This plugin can hit external URLs and retrieve data, I've tried with several different ones just to confirm.
However when Lando attempts to hit the URL listed above I get a WP_Error:
object(WP_Error)#1269 (2) { ["errors"]=> array(1) { ["http_request_failed"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(58) "cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 5514 milliseconds" } } ["error_data"]=> array(0) { } }
Here's the .lando.yaml config block:
name: my app name
recipe: wordpress
webroot: wordpress
Is there some configuration option that I'm missing to allow Lando access to another URL on my machine?
From your question, it sounds like the URL you're trying to access is running on a non-Lando docker container on your machine.
This means routing from your Lando instance to the service will be a bit different that usual. You should be able to accomplish this the same way you would access localhost endpoints. As explained in this Lando issue on GitHub, you must use the $LANDO_HOST_IP environment variable to route to local services.
Since your containers are all running inside of a light hyper-v instance you'll need to know the hostname or IP of the host machine. Generally we set $LANDO_HOST_IP to your computer . . .
So try something like this (assuming you're using PHP's curl):
curl_init('http://' . $_ENV["LANDO_HOST_IP"] . ':8081/clicks-bff/api/ads/');

.bashrc file not created in ldap client machine when using ldap authentication

My objective is to configure a machine as client to use ldap authentication from a ldap server. I added user in ldap server. Also registered ldap service to be used by client.
But the problem is when I am trying to login into the ldap client machine, I am not getting the "user#hostname" prompt, instead I am getting "-bash-4.1$".
I searched and find its something to do with ".bashrc" files such as ".bash_history", ".bash_profile", ".bash_logout".
I can manually create these files but I want them to be automatically generated, and executed while login.
If anyone knows the cause of the problem and the solution please share.
You should create a script in /etc/profile.d for this propose, like that:
cat /etc/profile.d/
a='export PS1="\[$(tput bold)\]\[$(tput setaf 2)\][\u#\h \W]\\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\]"'
b='export other variable'
c='export other variable'
d='alias ...."
if [ ! -f BASHRC ]; then #if not exists
echo -e "$a\n$b\n$c\n$d" >> $BASHRC
source $BASHRC #execute bash script
I had this problem too and I solved deleting the "/home/< ldapuser >" and then I login again and the home directory was created. Also you can check if /etc/pam.d/system-auth has properly
session optional umask=0077
To enable mkhomedir you can run
authconfig --enablemkhomedir --update

White page when deploying Symfony2 Project

After I finished my project of symfony2 on windows I wanted to deploy it on a digitalocean server with Linux-Ubuntu OS. But there are some problems I can't figure them out. Please help me soon.
I uploaded the web folder files to folder html on server and other files (src , app , bin, vendor) to www folder. I also followed the instructions on config.php and solved the problems. But yet:
1- When I trying to type url : ip_address/app.php/ on browser a white page comes. No page and No error!
2- When I want to clear the cache in production env using the putty this error happens. ( Unable to write in the "C:/wamp/www/my-project/app/cache/prod" directory) but there is no such problem when clearing on localhost (I think this problem is because of transferring the project from windows to linux)
Please help me.
You probably have some errors (maybe cache directory).
For testing open the file web/app_dev.php and comment this:
/*if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])
|| !in_array(#$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('', 'fe80::1', '::1'))
) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
exit('You are not allowed to access this file. Check '.basename(__FILE__).' for more information.');
Now you can access your page via ip_address/app_dev.php/ and see errors. When you finish, don't forget to uncomment this.
If you have problems with cache, then I suggest you to upload code without cache directory. Then create this directory in the server and give it right permissions.

Symfony 2.4: An error occurred while loading the web debug toolbar (404: Not Found)

I just downloaded a fresh copy of Symfony 2.4.1 on a Debian 7.3.
The URL /Symfony/web/config.php opens correctly, but when I proceed to Configure, I get:
The requested URL /Symfony/web/app_dev.php/_configurator/ was not found on this server.
If I Bypass configuration and open /Symfony/web/app_dev.php
the page displays, but an error pops up saying:
An error occurred while loading the web debug toolbar (404: Not Found)
Do you want to open the profiler?
If I accept, I get:
The requested URL /Symfony/web/app_dev.php/_profiler/54a8bf was not found on this server.
In other questions (e.g. Symfony 2: 404 Not Found Error when tryes to open /app_dev.php) people suggest to fiddle with the .htaccess file.
I even tried removing it, but it had no effect.
The apache log file shows:
File does not exist: /var/www/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/_wdt/54a8bf, referer:
File does not exist: /var/www/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/_profiler/54a8bf
So it looks like routing to any inner URL fails, despite the fact that the correct routing seems to be in place:
> app/console router:debug
[router] Current routes
Name Method Scheme Host Path
_wdt ANY ANY ANY /_wdt/{token}
_profiler_home ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/
_configurator_home ANY ANY ANY /_configurator/
I have changed memory_limit in /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini to 512Mb and debug toolbar started to work.
Found solution for me here
The solution for me was to update my app_dev.php file to resemble the one in the Symfony2 repo
Notice the Debug class being used. This wasn't used in older versions of symfony. I updated this file and the javascript alert appears to be gone.
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug;
// If you don't want to setup permissions the proper way, just uncomment the following PHP line
// read for more information
// This check prevents access to debug front controllers that are deployed by accident to production servers.
// Feel free to remove this, extend it, or make something more sophisticated.
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])
|| !in_array(#$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('', 'fe80::1', '::1'))
) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
exit('You are not allowed to access this file. Check '.basename(__FILE__).' for more information.');
$loader = require_once __DIR__.'/../app/bootstrap.php.cache';
require_once __DIR__.'/../app/AppKernel.php';
$kernel = new AppKernel('dev', true);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = $kernel->handle($request);
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);
Is the following present in web/app_dev.php? The line below fixed it for me.
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);
Apache directive DirectoryIndex app.php does the tricks for me.
I put it in apache vhost conf with AllowOverride None to prevent override by .htacces.
Hope this help.
