Cannot Build JemmyFX - javafx

I'm trying to create a Maven project that includes all the Jemmy modules (Jemmy Core, Glass Image, Glass Robot, JemmyFx and JemmyFX browser) because when I tried to build following these instructions here it fails telling me that the JAR files are not available.
I have obtained the sources for Jemmy Core from here and then a zip file of JemmyFx source here (as detailed on this page).
I created a Maven project with 5 modules as described above using the sources but it appears I still have some source files missing.
For example in the class there is the following import:
import org.jemmy.Dimension;
This isn't in any of the sources I have downloaded so far. Looking into the build.xml files it looks as though there could be further dependencies on other Jemmy JARs which I wasn't first aware of. For example the build.xml file contains:
<get src="${dist.url}/JemmyCore.jar" dest="${jemmy.lib.dir}"/>
<get> src="${dist.url}/JemmyAWTInput.jar" dest="${jemmy.lib.dir}"/>
<get src="${dist.url}/JemmyBrowser.jar" dest="${jemmy.lib.dir}"/>
<get> src="${dist.url}/JemmySupport.jar" dest="${jemmy.lib.dir}"/>
Which indicates a dependency on JemmyAWTInput.jar, JemmyBrowser.jar and JemmySupport.jar.
So my question is do I need these JARS or preferably the source code so I can fulfil the dependencies in the other modules and if so where can I get it?

I am in progress of putting the Jemmy v3 code onto code-tools OpenJDK project:
Whoever interested, you can help me by reviewing the code I am pushing out.
I would also suggest to subscribe to the alias.


JavaFX netbeans 12.4. Added Poi to library but cannot use the import in the project

I have downloaded the most recent Apache poi from and installed the jars into NetBeans by right-clicking libraries and selecting all the jars, and those in lib.
I'm then presented with these errors when trying to import and use poi in my project.
I have had a long look around and cannot find where I am going wrong here. Please could anyone point me in the right direction?
The error message indicates that the package org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel is missing. The package is in poi-ooxml-5.2.2.jar, which should be added your library, as shown in How to use .jar files in NetBeans?. You can find other missing packages using the jar command, for example:
jar tf poi-bin-5.2.2/poi-ooxml-5.2.2.jar
Because not all of the JARs are needed for every document file format, see also Apache POI—Component Overview: Component Map and Apache POI: FAQ, item 3.
For reference, here's typical set of dependencies:
$ ls -1 dist/lib/

How to override a JMetre plugin jar in a Blazemeter Run

I am trying to troubleshot an error I'm getting in Blazemeter for random-csv-data-set.
The btz.log from the Blazemeter Test run shows the below line...
2021-02-10 10:14:52,518 INFO o.j.r.JARSourceHTTP: Downloading:
Which could be the point it downloads the jar (latest one?) for the required plugins for my test.
And during the test I am getting an exception from one of the classes in the plugin jar.
I have cloned the plugin project (opensource) and started adding some debug lines and compiled a new jar version.
I was advised If I upload the plugin jar along with my tests files to Blazemeter, the uploaded jar should be taken in for the run. But I still see the exception from the old line numbers which means its still referring to the original jar version 0.7.
How can I override this with my version of the plugin?
I believe you should ask this type of questions via BlazeMeter Support as I doubt that everyone here is fully aware of what's going on there
Looking into Taurus documentation it looks like that Random CSV Data Set Config is being detected and automatically downloaded using JMeter Plugins Manager so in order to prevent Taurus from downloading the "vanilla" version of the plugin which doesn't contain your changes you need to add the following line to your Taurus YAML file:
detect-plugins: false

JemmyFx jar location

I would like to test my JavaFX applications and i heard that JemmyFX is the right tool to do this. However, i couldn't find the Jar to download.
I tried searching online for it but i was only able to find this page which shows that the last commit on this project was over a year ago.
I have two questions:
1- is JemmyFX released and official or not yet?
2- Where can i download the Jar of JemmyFX?
Can anyone help?
JemmyFX is open-sourced, to get latest version you need to download repository and build it:
hg clone
cd tests/tools/Jemmy/JemmyFX
To use JemmyFx you need to add next jars (they all will be in Jemmy subfolders after build):

How to compile SpeechMe

I am trying to compile the SpeechMe project: so that I can use the voice recognition in another project I want to make.
I have followed all the instructions and downloaded the full sources of Sphinxbase and Pocketsphinx and used them to add all the missing files to the Sphinxbase and Pocketsphinx directories included in SpeechMe. I have compiled them all in the order the wiki says and they all returned: "***Build Complete" but it seems that they did not produce any output files?
I then tried compiling SpeechMe in Qt Creator but it gives me these three errors:
Here is the build log for all configurations:
Please help, I really don't understand why this is not working!
I'm guessing Carbide should have created those 3 files when compiling but it didn't, any ideas why and what I can do to fix it?
Files must be created inside pocketsphinx tree but they shouldn't be placed in the required location. Most likely you need to find library files and put them into the required folder manually.
Another reason might be that you are compiled a debug version of pocketsphinx while the latest project is looking for a release version of the libraries.

PLCrashReporter in XCode 4 - won't compile in Simulator

I must be doing something totally stupid here, but I can't get the PLCrashReporter framework included in my project. Here are the steps I took to get the framework:
Downloaded the .dmg file from the official project site on google code
Copied the CrashReporter.framework folder to the root directory of my project
Added the framework by going to my project, selecting the target, going to the Build Phases tab, opening the Link Binary With Libraries section, clicking the plus sign, and adding the CrashReporter.framework folder
I am pulling in the framework in my class file by using
#import <CrashReporter/CrashReporter.h>
When I try to compile under 4.3 simulator, I get the following errors:
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_PLCrashReporter", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+CrashReporting.o
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_PLCrashReport", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+CrashReporting.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
When I compile under the device, everything is fine. Is there some sort of header or library search path I need to include?
The app compiles under XCode 3 without issues under all configurations.
I had the same issue and was able to resolve it. Here are the steps I completed...
Download the PLCrashReporter source release and unzip.
Open the PLCrashReporter xcode project. This project is setup to use an old SDK, update all the required SDKs for each target to get rid of the warnings. This is also required to compile in the next step.
Navigate to the CrashReporter-iPhoneSimulator Target. Under the Build Settings: a) set "Perform Single-Object Prelink" to "No", b) set "Mach-O Type" to "Static Library".
Select CrashReport-iPhoneSimulator : [IOS simulation (ie iPhone 4.3 Simulator)] and click build.
Navigate to your build directory for the PLCrashReporter. For me, it was /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CrashReporter-(random characters)/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
Copy the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a from the build directory in step 5 to the iphone application project directory you want to add the crash reporter to.
Open the your iphone application project in xcode.
Download the PLCrashReporter binary release and extract the framework to a local directory.
Add the CrashReporter framework to your project using this SO post.
Following the same procedure as step 9, add the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a static library to the "Link Binary with Libraries" section of the build phases. No *.framework directory is needed when adding a static library.
Review the "Link Binary with Libraries" in the Target. Make sure the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a is listed above the CrashReporter framework. You can drag and drop to reorder.
I hope this helps.
For anyone else looking for this information:
I followed the same steps given above however I was getting errors. I deleted the static library and only included the framework (which you can get from their dmg).
It worked perfectly for me. I think the process of creating static library by building the project was old (before they created a framework).
Don't forget to include
in "Link Binary With Libraries".
