In JavaFx, how to control focus of a custom control? - javafx

Suppose a JavaFX CustomControl node that contains, say, two TextFields.
If any of these TextFields has the focus, then CustomControl.isFocused() should return true. If none of them has focus, then CustomControl.isFocused() should return false.
How do I do that?

As your CustomControl uses composition, you can delegate to the focus properties of each TextField. Given two instances,
private final TextField tf1 = new TextField("One");
private final TextField tf2 = new TextField("Two");
The implementation of an instance method isFocused() is then straightforward:
private boolean isFocused() {
return tf1.isFocused() | tf2.isFocused();
Add focus listeners as shown here to see the effect.
tf1.focusedProperty().addListener((Observable o) -> {
tf2.focusedProperty().addListener((Observable o) -> {
This can't be done. The whole problem is that isFocused() is final in Node.
It seems you wanted to override isFocused() in CustomControl, but that is not possible for a final method and it would violate the notion of a single component having focus. As CustomControl is a composite, you'll need to manage focus internally. You may want to use a custom FocusModel as seen in ListView.

Try one line solution:
public BooleanBinding aggregatedFocusProperty() {
return Bindings.or(field1.focusedProperty(), field2.focusedProperty());
Now on a client side you may listen this aggregated focus property.


Java FX looping through Anchor pane to get CheckBox name and if selected

I have an Anchorpane which will have up to 20+ check boxes on it. I want to write a loop to get the name of each check box and if it is selected.
I have this working code so far
import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane;
private AnchorPane lootAnchorPane;
ObservableList<Node> children = lootAnchorPane.getChildren();
for (Node child : children) {
This prints the id's well enough but I am not able to use child.getText() or child.isSelected(). As far as i understand the Checkbox classes are returned. I think it has something to do with the #FXML annotation. But im not sure how to implement this inside a for loop?
The asker has indicated that this question has already been answered by the kind commenter Sedrick. To try and make it as clear as possible to anyone viewing this post afterwards, I am posting a formal answer with a code example.
To use CheckBox methods with Node objects you have to first make sure the Node is an instance of a CheckBox. Use if (child instanceOf Node) to do so. If they are, it is safe to cast them to CheckBox type, and you can then use CheckBox methods with them.
ObservableList<Node> children = lootAnchorPane.getChildren();
for (Node child : children) {
// check if Node is an instance of CheckBox.
if (child instanceOf CheckBox) {
// Cast child Node to CheckBox
CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox) child;
// --- do stuff with the CheckBox object.

How to select an item of mx:ComboBox on the basis of substring entered through keyboard

I am using <mx:ComboBox /> and I want to select a matching item on the basis of string entered through keyboard. Currently, <mx:ComboBox /> selects the first matching item based on the first character only. I want this functionality to be customized. I am unable to find that KeyboardEvent listener which does the matching so that I can override it.
To do this yourself, you should look at the following bits and pieces of code below from the ComboBox and ListBase classes. ListBase is what the ComboBox component uses for it's drop down list.
The ComboBox appears to be deferring the keyboard input to the drop down list. It then listens for events from the drop down list to know when the selection has changed (as a result of keyboard or mouse input).
Flex components usually override a method called keyDownHandler() to process the keyboard input when they have focus. Starting there, we come across ComboBox line 2231:
// Redispatch the event to the dropdown
// and let its keyDownHandler() handle it.
So now the keyDownHandler() in the drop down list will get executed. That method has a giant switch statement, where the default case statement on line 9197 of ListBase looks like this:
if (findKey(event.charCode))
This is where the drop down list decides what to select based on keyboard input (when the input is not an arrow key or page up, etc.). The protected findKey() method simply calls the public findString() method to do this work.
So to override this behavior yourself:
extend the ListBase class and override the findKey() or findString() methods with your custom logic
extend ComboBox class and override the createChildren() method so you can instantiate your custom ListBase class instead of the default one.
Here is the class which I've used in order to make it work. searchStr is user inputted string which needs to be matched. If no dataprovider item gets matched to the searchStr, the overridden listener falls back to the default behaviour. I am using Timer to flush the inputted searchStr after 2 seconds. The possible drawback is that it is assuming the dataprovider to be a collection of String values. But you can modify it accordingly as the need may be.
public class CustomComboBox extends ComboBox
private var searchStr:String="";
private var ticker:Timer;
public function CustomComboBox()
ticker = new Timer(2000);
ticker.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, resetSearchString);
override protected function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
// code to search items in the list based on user input.
// Earlier, the default behavior shows the matched items in the dropdown, based on first character only.
// user input is invisible to user.
if((event.charCode>=0x20 && event.charCode<=0x7E) || event.charCode==8) //Range of printable characters is 0x20[space] to 0x7E[~] in ASCII. 8 is ASCII code of [backspace].
searchStr = searchStr.substr(0, searchStr.length-1);
searchStr += String.fromCharCode(event.charCode);
searchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase();
for each(var str:String in dataProvider)
if(str.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchStr, 0)>-1)
this.selectedItem = dropdown.selectedItem = str;
* reset the search string and reset the timer.
private function resetSearchString(evt:TimerEvent):void
searchStr = "";

Extending DropDownList to include an extra option

I want to extend DropDownList control to include an option for creating or editing the options. For example; for a list of projects in the dropdown list, there will be another option that says "Create new project..." or "Edit projects..." and this will be the last option in the list. When user selects this option, the selectedIndex or selectedItem will not change and corresponding action will be taken (for example a popup window shows up). This will be a convenient way for the end user.
Now I want this to work independent of the context and the class must be reusable. User will only specify the optionText and optionFunction to work this out. The basic structure of the class looks like this:
public class OptiveDropDownList extends DropDownList
private var _enableOption:Boolean;
private var _optionText:String;
private var _originalDataProvider:IList;
[Bindable] public var optionFunction:Function;
public function OptiveDropDownList()
public function set optionText(value:String):void
_optionText = value;
dataProvider = _originalDataProvider;
public function set enableOption(value:Boolean):void
_enableOption = value;
dataProvider = _originalDataProvider;
public override function set dataProvider(value:IList):void
_originalDataProvider = value;
var dp:IList = null;
dp=new ArrayCollection(value.toArray());
var opt:Object=new Object();
super.dataProvider = dp;
public override function get dataProvider():IList
return _originalDataProvider;
I hope my code is clear to understand, I am adding an extra object to the dataprovider for the option. Field names are self-explanatory.
Now my question is how to know whether the dataprovider's items have changed? Which functions should I override and how to do it. I have tried using a ChangeWatcher to watch the length property of the dataprovider, but it doesnt work if only an object in the dataprovider has changed. I need to capture these changes and update the view.
I also need to capture the selection and call optionFunction, preventing the default action not to give index out of bounds error.
Thanks in advance.
Just add an event listener to the original dataProvider. All implementations of IList should dispatch CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE when the the list changes (e.g. add, remove or when an existing object in the list has been changed). In your event handler you can update the DropDownList's dataProvider accordingly.
By overriding the mx_internal method setSelectedIndex() you can adjust the selection according to your wishes. Take a look at the blog post "Disable selection on some items in a spark List" for some inspiration.

How do I make sure the text of an ActionScript TextInput is updated when the Object property defining that text is updated?

Not an easy question to decipher, so let me boil it down. I'm trying to convert an MXML component to an ActionScript Class. The component consists of a Form with a TextInput, TextArea, and two buttons - Save and Cancel, and a Validator for the TextInput, and other logic to handle events that occur. This component is currently extended by several other components.
Now, in the MXML component binding the TextInput text property to a property in an Object was very easy:
<mx:TextInput text="{}" />
But in ActionScript, I'm creating the TextInput and setting the text property before the Object is set, and the TextInput is not being updated:
public var itemToEdit:Object = {};
private var nameInput:TextInput = new TextInput();
public function MyClass()
nameInput.text =;
How can I make sure that the TextInput text property is bound to the specified property in the Object?
Binding is all about firing change events. you'll need to modify your 'itemToEdit' class to be an EventDispatcher for this hack to work. here goes
//item to edit class
private var _name:String;
public function set name(value:String):void
_name = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("NAME_CHANGED"));
//whatever the binding class is
private var _itemToEdit:ItemToEdit;
private var _textField:TextField;
public function set itemToEdit(value:ItemToEdit):void
if (_itemToEdit) removeEventListeners();
_itemToEdit = value;
if (_itemToEdit) addEventListeners();
private function addEventListeners():void
_itemToEdit.addEventListener("NAME_CHANGED", itemToEdit_nameChangedHandler);
private function itemToEdit_nameChangedHandler(event:Event):void
_textField.text =;
Obviously this was done just for speed, you'll need custom events and some better names etc, but this is the basic jist.
Apparently it's slightly more complex than a simple assignment to bind purely in AS, here's a couple tutorial/docs to show you how to pull it off.
Compile your MXML component with the -keep option. Examine the ActionScript code that was generated by mxmlc and do something similar.
You may also do it using the Proxy object - I blogged about it over here:
If "itemToEdit" is a pure AS3 Object, then the binding probably doesn't work properly anyway. That is, it will work when the object is initially created, but any changes to "name" in the object won't be detected. (I could be wrong...haven't done extensive tests)
Anyway, your problem is easy to solve with getters/setters:
private var _itemToEdit:Object;
public function get itemToEdit():Object { return _itemToEdit; }
public function set itemToEdit(value:Objecy):void {
_itemToEdit = value;
nameInput.text =;
Binding isn't necessary here.

Why is 'textField' not instantiated when I subclass TextArea in Flex?

I'm experimenting with TextArea and inheritance to implement some additional functionality on the protected textField property.
Unfortunately, when I create a new instance of the subclass, this property is set to null. I'm probably misunderstanding the way super() works, but I thought it would have been instantiated after the constructor finished.
Here's a small snippet of code which extends TextArea:
public final class ExtTextArea extends TextArea {
public function ExtTextArea() {
public function testTextField():void {
if (textField == null)"null!");
The invoking code is simple:
var extTextArea:ExtTextArea = new ExtTextArea();
The Alert in ExtTestArea appears every time I run this code.
Why is this? Is there something more I need to do to access the textField property?
Since textField is "the internal UITextField that renders the text of this TextArea" I believe it will remain null until you add it to the display via .addChild(...). I ran a quick test to verify that once I've added it to the display, it is no longer null. You might want to add an event handler to the "creation complete" event and adjust it at that point (I think).
The Flex SDK comes with source code, so you can take a peek and see when this field is initialized. It is not initialized in the constrcutor, but you will see that a new TextField instantiated by createChildren(), which is called when the component is added to a layout container.
